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H&F Advice Applepied H&F Advice Applepied

11-02-2020 , 12:45 AM
I did make it too 200 and posted a pic that Aiden deleted before closing my log.
Something happened and I spiraled down pretty quickly about that time and the fast food binging and weight gain started again.
This has got to be the year of real change. I've got the time to really build some habbits and learn to cook great food.
Im really curious about your meditation journey Gregorio and finding who you really are....I want that.

This weekend I had some amazing tofu and beets tacos at this vegan place. Since I can't have beef for a really long time I'm going to learn how to cook tofu starting with tacos and chili.
I was also able to eat half of a soft scrambled egg this morning! Im starting to feel normal and I'm getting excited too start cooking and eating again.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-02-2020 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
I did make it too 200 and posted a pic that Aiden deleted before closing my log.
I know he closed your log but why would he delete a pic?
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-02-2020 , 10:56 AM
The trolling was pretty bad in my log at that point and the picture wasn't that flattering; I think he was stopping the ridicule before it could start.
I had got down to 200 and we made an impromptu trip to Galveston, I wanted a pic on the beach showing my stomach and all I had that fit me was an unfaltering sports bra and bathing suit bottoms.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-02-2020 , 12:47 PM
I was 244.9 Saturday and 247.5 today.....not really any weight lost this week with keeping my calorie intake below 700, it will start coming off when my body adjust to the deficit.

Got a call for a job at a local company and it seems promising. I would be working directly with the plant manager so I would really need to mesh with him in the interview. This would be great, I still have a pretty good nest egg in the bank, wouldn't have to immediately sale my house, only a 15k pay cut, and I could have an income before my extended unemployment runs out. It certainly isn't my dream job but something that would be stable with the least bit of future disruptions to my life.
I really don't want to get my hopes up on this one though and be let down again, I can always go work at the Amazon warehouse in a few months and things will still be okay.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-02-2020 , 02:38 PM
I have an interview next week with the previous owner and Plant manager.
The company was bought out by a large company and the job is to replace the old owner who is doing Engineering, management, and all kinds of stuff.
These guys are old(got their degrees the year I was born) and and have been doing the same thing their entire careers.
Im not really sure how I can impress them enough to hire me and give them confidence I can take on all those roles with a quarter of their experience and looking 10yrs younger than my age. I might have to go get some grey hair dye.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-02-2020 , 03:21 PM
Good luck at the interview.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-02-2020 , 05:31 PM
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-02-2020 , 05:33 PM
Why cant you just be yourself? You’re overthinking this. Trying to be something you’re not is gonna throw weird vibes and probably do more harm than it would help.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-02-2020 , 05:51 PM
Either that or go full Costanza and do the opposite of every instinct you've ever had.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-02-2020 , 07:08 PM
It's not about being myself or not. While I have some good experience, it's going to be hard to translate that to these guys who will probably see me as a kid. The ex-owner started the company and spent his life there and is interviewing someone to replace himself. My knowledge base is obviously not anywhere near his and I don't know if they are going to look past that or have the expectation of someone immediately filling his shoes. Maybe I am overthinking it and feeling a bit intimidated, they are interviewing me so they are interested in something with my experience.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-02-2020 , 11:23 PM
If I were interviewing you for this, I'd expect you to know enough to get started and to demonstrate the desire and ability to learn what you don't yet know. I don't think anyone would reasonably expect more than that.

Also, with this type of situation, you'll want to know all the stuff the old owner handled. For example, I once interviewed someone and didn't think the candidate would be sufficiently assertive in dealing with our suppliers. If you know in advance that type of need, you'll be well equipped to address it. It sounds obvious, but I've seen plenty of candidates tell me what they want to tell me and not really address the needs of the position.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-03-2020 , 11:12 AM
To Rich's point, do you have a job description from the hiring company? If not, ask for one. Once you have it, go through point by point and write down how you would accomplish each thing and describe experiences in your career that demonstrate that you can do it. Where you haven't done something specific, try and describe things that are related that you have done. On things you have no experience with, be open about it, but describe why you have the talent to accomplish that task once you are taught the relevant skills.

This process will prepare you for most of the questions you'll get and will ensure they understand that you have thought through the position and how you can be successful at it. If this is a phone interview, keep those notes in front of you during the interview. Preparation in a situation like this is critical. Don't try and wing it.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-03-2020 , 09:21 PM
I prepare pretty well for interviews, just need to work on my confidence. They will be wanting me to take on several roles.
I was told to not dress up and to wear my steel toes, might be getting dirty lol
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-04-2020 , 10:19 PM
I was able to eat a full egg and tofu tacos today and yesterday. Feeling like I will be back to normal eating soon. My daughter and I have been binge watching "Pick Up Limes" and some other YouTube vegan channels to get ideas of what to cook together. She really loved the tofu tacos.

Told the doc hell nah to starting Lithium today, but Im going to try Quetiapine(after I take my PE exam).
3 weeks away from the exam and I still haven't been studying or working problems....Im not pushing this test out again and I've got to get on it tomorrow. I've caught a cold and have been really really tired this weekly :/
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-04-2020 , 10:57 PM
I've caught a cold and have been really really tired this weekly :/
A spicy cliffhanger for this week’s episode!
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-07-2020 , 12:26 PM
243.6lbs this morning, about 17lbs lost in the last 4 weeks.
Avg calories this week were 903. Had chili last night and it went down really smooth. Now that I am able to eat semi normally I need to start showing my logs daily for accountability, going to stay under 1200cals/day now.

I was able to mow the yard yesterday and after next week I will start lifting weights if my cold is over.

Food Plan:
1 egg/day
1 green protein smoothie/day
1 protein shake/day
1 vitamins water/day
1 v8 energy/day
Tofu meals/chili/soups/cottage cheese/sushi/veggies/cheese/fish

The vitamin water and v8 may seem like wasted calories, but they have a lot of B vitamins and give me energy. When my natural energy comes back I will phase them out for food.

I also have not been studying and my test is 3 weeks out. The routine of yoga, walking, applying for jobs, studying went out the window when I decided to have surgery.... bringing it back this coming week.
I've got to be studying at least 6hrs a day for the next three weeks to have any chance at passing.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-07-2020 , 05:54 PM
You might want to consider actually sticking to the calorie goal in addition to just typing what you eat and pretending that simply typing defines accountability.

This will involve some uncomfortable feelings, such as hunger and sadness and weakness.

Just an idea.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-08-2020 , 12:41 AM
Sat 11/6 log:
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-08-2020 , 12:46 AM
Those premier protein shakes are the best.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-08-2020 , 08:31 PM
They are equivalent to the GNC ones for me and are a bit more pricy. I really like the coffee ones though.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-08-2020 , 08:36 PM
I made a tofu curry tonight.
Sauteed garlic, onion, cherry tomatoes, and ginger with tumeric, coriander, cumin, curry powder, paprika, cinnamon, salt, and pepper to make a curry paste.

Added 1cup of almond milk, a bell pepper, more cherry tomatoes, peas, and fresh cilantro to the paste.

I cooked the tofu in the air fryer first and it got a rubbery exterior texture, would have been better pan fried.

Didn't feel like making naan so I cooked mini flour tortillas in butter with fresh garlic in the unwashed saute pan....mmmm.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-08-2020 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
They are equivalent to the GNC ones for me and are a bit more pricy. I really like the coffee ones though.
I get them at Costco and they're about $1.40 each. Cheaper than that when on sale. How much do the GNC ones cost?
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-08-2020 , 11:04 PM
What kind of tofu are you buying, MLY? Anything less than extra-firm has terrible texture. You can press the softer ones in the fridge overnight to firm them up. I would also have cut smaller chunks, but that's personal preference. Looks pretty tasty, otherwise!
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-08-2020 , 11:20 PM
Spending even a single dollar at a GNC is donk.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
11-08-2020 , 11:39 PM


The premier proteins are costing $2.50 ea from Walgreens, I don't have a Costco near me.
I've been ordering boxes of the GNC girl scout cookie flavors for buy one get one half off and those end up being $1.87 ea without other coupons.
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