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05-24-2016 , 02:52 PM
I've heard the answer to "how many sets do you have left" is always one.
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05-24-2016 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by bdiddy131313
I think after that I just got soured with the question and now im frustrated with people asking me it lol before this I had never really thought about it much I guess
Yeah those are both annoying. My partners are both a little beta and will let people take plates that one of us will be using on the next set when the weaker guy is up.

I'll admit I do get over apologetic (no rush! Take your time!!!) about asking how many sets because I know some people feel disturbed by the question like you do, but I have yet to figure out how to get the info I need otherwise and in a crowded ass gym reducing wait times is key. I always offer to let people work in and try to be conscious of others so I feel like I have a right to ask a question without feeling like an ******* for existing.
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05-24-2016 , 03:00 PM
I've always assumed the correct answer is "all of them."
General Gym Observations Quote
05-24-2016 , 03:03 PM
No one actually cares how many sets anyone else has, they only care about how much time they have left. But yeah, I then stopped asking that b/c asking how much time is left seems to piss ppl off more, even though it's a much better question. I work at home so this is all moot but I would just ask if I could work in. And then it's up to the other person. If they say no then I would ask how much time they plan to spend on it.

Also, I was always surprised how many ppl asked me how many sets and I would almost always say "are you doing the same lift? feel free to work in." And they would go to pretty extreme lengths to avoid working in. Like, they'd just skip the lift altogether. That always confused me.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-24-2016 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Truant
Yeah those are both annoying. My partners are both a little beta and will let people take plates that one of us will be using on the next set when the weaker guy is up.

I'll admit I do get over apologetic (no rush! Take your time!!!) about asking how many sets because I know some people feel disturbed by the question like you do, but I have yet to figure out how to get the info I need otherwise and in a crowded ass gym reducing wait times is key. I always offer to let people work in and try to be conscious of others so I feel like I have a right to ask a question without feeling like an ******* for existing.

Ya with multiple people it wouldn't be cool to ask to work in so I understand the set question for that situation but if you're alone I think asking to work in is more gto
General Gym Observations Quote
05-24-2016 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
No one actually cares how many sets anyone else has, they only care about how much time they have left. But yeah, I then stopped asking that b/c asking how much time is left seems to piss ppl off more, even though it's a much better question. I work at home so this is all moot but I would just ask if I could work in. And then it's up to the other person. If they say no then I would ask how much time they plan to spend on it.

Also, I was always surprised how many ppl asked me how many sets and I would almost always say "are you doing the same lift? feel free to work in." And they would go to pretty extreme lengths to avoid working in. Like, they'd just skip the lift altogether. That always confused me.

Ya exactly no one has ever accepted my offer to work in
General Gym Observations Quote
05-24-2016 , 03:09 PM
I definitely had a couple people who would. I'd instantly respect them and help move weights off/on, ask if I could help/spot/whatever, etc. One guy I remember ended up asking quite a few questions and I'd like to think I gave him some very good advice since his squat form was....well, it was not the greatest.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-24-2016 , 03:16 PM
working in always seems inefficient to me even though i know it really isn't

"oh by time i take these weights off and put mine on the gym will be closing anyway"
General Gym Observations Quote
05-24-2016 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by bdiddy131313
Ya with multiple people it wouldn't be cool to ask to work in so I understand the set question for that situation but if you're alone I think asking to work in is more gto
I'm with you on it. I always offer if I'm solo and always accept the offer if I'm solo unless I'm doing something that will require a different set up or rest periods. If the guy is taking well over 3 minutes between sets on his phone and I'm doing 45 seconds then I may just wait and come back.

Also, some people feel more awkward having a stranger work in than they do having someone wait so I still think there is a case for asking and allowing the invite to work in rather than just ask to work in, the exception is when they are particularly clueless and hoarding equiptment or taking looooong phone breaks while posting on equiptment. One time there were two guys who set up two of the three benches with their respective weight then proceeded to spot each other back and forth. in that case "how many sets?" did mean hurry the **** up.

Last edited by Johnny Truant; 05-24-2016 at 03:25 PM.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-24-2016 , 03:51 PM
You can sometimes do 2 sets in between if the person is taking extra time for his sets I always do this when working in with my power lifter friend
General Gym Observations Quote
05-24-2016 , 06:03 PM
My play is stand awkwardly close to the squat rack without saying a word. Guy usually finishes his set of bicep curls and bounces.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-24-2016 , 09:59 PM
Not really a GGO in this context but it was in a gym and I was observing. tl;dr and don't open unless you want to hear me ramble about some weird stuff.

So, I'm doing my deadlifts and I see this person (in the mirror - I'm facing the other direction) walk in with a baseball cap and a pony tail. I wasn't really paying attention much but my brain registered the person as a woman. She sets a gym bag and a water bottle down next to a lat pulldown machine that faces me. It's a machine, not the standard lat pulldown bar on a pulley and it faces me.

Some guy is standing near the machine and I hear her ask if he's using it. Only the voice sounds somewhat masculine and I thought I heard the guy reply "sure dude" but I wasn't sure. I'm still not really paying a lot of attention to this. Anyway, "she" starts to do a set of lat pulldowns and it is now apparent this is definitely not a she. He has a tank top on and is pretty jacked.

The guy that had been standing there next to the machine now starts talking to him. I've done my last set and I break down my weights and walk past the to the water fountain and out of the corner of my eye it appears that this guy has makeup on or something but I can't really tell without staring. I can barely overhear them talking and the voice is sort of deep but could conceivably be a woman's voice.

By now I'm pretty curious so I decide to use the machine next to them. I sit down and peek over and the guy has boobs. Definitely woman boobs.

I listen to them talk and he (or she) mentions his girlfriend several times. He says that - "my girlfriend". They talk some more and he/she says "some days I just want to be a woman".

I finished up my set and moved on since I'm not sure what else I could hear that I haven't already.

I know, I know. The times they are a'changin'
General Gym Observations Quote
05-24-2016 , 10:09 PM
I don't know if I'm extra aspie because I have all my weights and stuff at home, or less aspie because that actually occurred to me and I made it happen.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-24-2016 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Not really a GGO in this context but it was in a gym and I was observing. tl;dr and don't open unless you want to hear me ramble about some weird stuff.

So, I'm doing my deadlifts and I see this person (in the mirror - I'm facing the other direction) walk in with a baseball cap and a pony tail. I wasn't really paying attention much but my brain registered the person as a woman. She sets a gym bag and a water bottle down next to a lat pulldown machine that faces me. It's a machine, not the standard lat pulldown bar on a pulley and it faces me.

Some guy is standing near the machine and I hear her ask if he's using it. Only the voice sounds somewhat masculine and I thought I heard the guy reply "sure dude" but I wasn't sure. I'm still not really paying a lot of attention to this. Anyway, "she" starts to do a set of lat pulldowns and it is now apparent this is definitely not a she. He has a tank top on and is pretty jacked.

The guy that had been standing there next to the machine now starts talking to him. I've done my last set and I break down my weights and walk past the to the water fountain and out of the corner of my eye it appears that this guy has makeup on or something but I can't really tell without staring. I can barely overhear them talking and the voice is sort of deep but could conceivably be a woman's voice.

By now I'm pretty curious so I decide to use the machine next to them. I sit down and peek over and the guy has boobs. Definitely woman boobs.

I listen to them talk and he (or she) mentions his girlfriend several times. He says that - "my girlfriend". They talk some more and he/she says "some days I just want to be a woman".

I finished up my set and moved on since I'm not sure what else I could hear that I haven't already.

I know, I know. The times they are a'changin'

Was it janae Kroc?
General Gym Observations Quote
05-25-2016 , 09:50 AM
Well mine was more blunt. Perfectly shaved, lower neck length hair, wearing tights that looked the same as yoga pants. I'm like 'excuse me miss.' and get "I'm a guy."

I told him "real sorry about that, sorry."

But added he had really nice hair.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-25-2016 , 12:53 PM
This woman used to come to my gym regularly. First time I saw her I had no idea. She was wearing the right stuff I couldn't tell. Kjersten Bakke
Eventually got to the point of talking to her a few times between sets and it became obvious. She's really cool.

I will add that the first times I saw her was really close to contest, so she had no feminine 'softness' that she had off season.

Last edited by nuclear500; 05-25-2016 at 01:05 PM.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-27-2016 , 09:44 PM
Was using the flat bench and eyeing the incline bench for after(no one was using it) so after I'm done I walk over and change the incline on the bench and sit down with my Dumbbells , a man walks over and says "I'm using this" I say "no you aren't but you can work in if you want" he says ok and then goes over grabs a 2.5 lb plate goes to a different bench and does underhand leaning seated front raises lol
General Gym Observations Quote
05-27-2016 , 11:40 PM
no you aren't
Are you a wizard jedi?
General Gym Observations Quote
05-28-2016 , 12:02 AM
He just said I'm using this and tried to get me off the bench that obv wasn't going to happen I shouldn't have strayed away from my usual gym
General Gym Observations Quote
05-28-2016 , 02:43 AM
These aren't the benches you are looking for.....
General Gym Observations Quote
05-28-2016 , 11:12 AM
Lol he had more of the Jedi attempt with his " I'm using this" when I was the one sitting on it
General Gym Observations Quote
05-28-2016 , 07:25 PM
one of four PTs at somewhat lacking gym close to mine. Very friendly, Italian, seems like has actually lifted at most points in his adult life unlike others who seem to have been allergic to lifting at any point ever. Asks me if his client can share the one(!) squat rack with me. Of course, no problem. Three sets in, I have squatted twice, PT cranes is neck into my view "eha do you mind I move this down?" referring to the rests as his client is a tad shorter. I'm gobsmacked at the lack of etiquette. Grunt yes.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-28-2016 , 07:28 PM
That story confused me but I assumed you are mid set, very strange. It's odd how paranoid I get that someone is going to do something when I'm mid set.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-30-2016 , 10:53 AM
Met a nutjob of a weakish personal-trainer, who was not working in our gym, but working out in in his off-time (never seen that guy before)...

Been looking for 1.25kg plates to add 2.5kg more to my shoulderpress, but can't find any of them where they should be. Then I see all of them lying next to the flat-bench, where said PT was doing benchpress sets with 50kg.

I Approach him, and ask kindly "Hi, do you need all of these small ones?"
PT: "yeah... I need 'em to count."
Me: "What.... please?"
PT: " I count my sets with them. I do 10 sets of benchpress and pull-ups"
...silence for a few seconds...
Me: "Okay, then you can get two other plates, because I actually need two of these", and simply pick up two of his pile of 1.25's next to his bench, and turn my back on this hobbo.
PT (still in a happy-****** voice): "Yeah okay, I thought noone would need those small ones"
I don't answer, and simply go to do my shoulderpress.

But PT ain't done yet, oh noooo...

PT (shouting to me through half the gym): "I'd take 2.5kg for each side there", right after I started my first work-set. I ignore him.

PT: "I am a personal-Trainer, I studied it 2 years"
(I did not laugh (or answer) at all, but it wasn't easy to avoid it.)

Then I did some light sets of rows on the Tower later on, leaning a bit forward in the negative movement, and guess what, PT has some great advice, again right in the middle of my set...

PT: " You should stay upright all the time. I do this with 84kg" (bit more than I used)

I simply closed my eyes for the rest of the set, and put on a provoking smile, until I finished my last rep, before answering.

Me: "It's nice that give unsolicited advice, but most people are too stubborn to listen", and proceed to do the rows with even more bending than before, just to **** with this troll.

He still didn't shut his face after that, and actually managed to add "Chin-ups and DL are the best back-exercises", to which I answered "Your 2 years of studing seem to be well-invested"

Thankfully, an actual Trainer of our gym was overhearing this, and then started chatting with that guy, so that I didnt need to re-troll him any harder.

Last edited by Contemplater; 05-30-2016 at 11:13 AM.
General Gym Observations Quote
05-30-2016 , 10:22 PM
saw a guy using the cables and a rope attachment while im a squat position then he had his elbows on his knees holding the rope and did half rep curls into his forehead
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