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General Gym Observations General Gym Observations

02-20-2012 , 06:09 PM
Asian kid doing the karate shout (racist ban?) while DLing 135.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-20-2012 , 08:07 PM
Saw a variation (?) of deadlifting that was new to me at least. The barbell was resting on a bench and then the dude got up on the bench and standing on it with feet really close together he did deadliftlike lifts with a super-arched back. The weight was light but damn that looked awkward.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-20-2012 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by DWarrior
Asian kid doing the karate shout (racist ban?) while DLing 135.
fus ro dah?
General Gym Observations Quote
02-20-2012 , 10:42 PM
Two short Persian guys, probably 5'7 ish, both Jersey Shore wanna-be's, hair moussed to high heaven, gold chains, ed hardy'ish t shirts, doing bench presses with the most filmsy looking suicide grip I've ever seen. Most gym idiocy is amusing because it's harmless, but this just kinda made me angry, this is broscience that actually kills multiple people ever year.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-20-2012 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by HalfSlant
fus ro dah?
Lol, I had no idea what that was.

Oh and another one:

Hooge dude (like bajillion lbs swole). Puts 4 plates on the pins where I left them, then brings over a couple of those pink stepper platforms and does DL+shrugs from what's probably a standard floor position. Y U NO lower the pins?
General Gym Observations Quote
02-20-2012 , 10:55 PM
Realllly hot late 20s early 30s girl with those spandex ass showing off pants was standing next to the squat rack as I entered the room staring at a piece of paper (looked to be a routine of some sorts). In my mind I was like "no way in hell...". I started warming up for C+J with the bar and she asks "can I share the mirror with you?" and starts doing some shadow boxing/dance workout a few feet in front of the mirror by the squat rack that must have been lifted from a bad 80s infomercial. Dreams crushed.

Young HS aged skinny white kid doing RDLs with bumpers adding up to 135. Best part was the folder full of novelty oversized printable log books from various workouts they poast on their website. Misguided, but ahead of the curve and I wish I was doing bad RDLs when I was 15.

Fat guy with rehband knee sleeves+new adidas shoes doing legit lifts but with pretty light weights/unrefined form. HBBSed like 245 weighing probably 260+. Still encouraging definitely. I'm weird and antisocial and didn't talk to him because I wanted to get through my workout.

Another HS aged kid, but older maybe 16-17 and with a decent amount of muscle pulled out the 140lb dumbbells as if to row them, but just did some partial rom shrugs.

People who mostly do group exercise are the absolute bottom of the fitness totem pole in terms of useful human being-ness.

All on a Monday night at peak hours. Normally I don't get many funny/interesting characters. Also Monday night at a commercial gym in Phoenix, AZ must have the most breast implants per capita encolsed in any given space except a strip club or smth.

Last edited by Evoken; 02-20-2012 at 11:22 PM.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-20-2012 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Yeah, I like setting an example for the n00bz. Although unfortunately I think sometimes ppl think "oh hey, he is doing squats every time I see him, I will go back to doing them" and they do them wrong. So I guess I don't want to inspire that.

There are a couple of guys who are on record saying squats will break your neck. Which is pretty funny considering squats shouldn't involve your neck in any way. Must be why there is 1 squat rack and 5 of those stupid pads lying next to it. JFC, I have no idea how the decision was made to keep buying more, wonder how that conversation went: 'we need more barbell pads for our barbell pads to go on our barbell pads'.
I almost broke my neck squatting today Failed a rep, fell backwards, the power rack caught the bar but then the back of my neck slammed into it as I fell.

This is more me being a failure at life than squats being dangerous tho.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-21-2012 , 12:29 AM
saltine - yikes!

Glad it seems like you're okay. Also, I'm not sure it's super easy to break your neck that way since the weight isn't loaded on your spine, you're just bouncing into it from hopefully only inches away. But yeah, anything like that can cause an injury or tweak pretty easily. If only you had 5 pads on the bar...
General Gym Observations Quote
02-21-2012 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by saltine
I almost broke my neck squatting today Failed a rep, fell backwards, the power rack caught the bar but then the back of my neck slammed into it as I fell.

This is more me being a failure at life than squats being dangerous tho.
Making squatters look even more insane to the masses :P
General Gym Observations Quote
02-21-2012 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by GMan42
Older dude who I posted about a while back (that gave me the unsolicited advice that deadlifts were the "worst possible exercise" one could do) was in the gym again the other day talking about football with some other dude, and the subject of Tim Tebow came up. He offered up his opinion that one of the reasons he's doing so well is that "God actually wants him to win".

Same guy, Knicks game was on in the gym yesterday and he commented that Jeremy Lin was playing like a "crazy Chinaman" (this was a compliment).

Last edited by GMan42; 02-21-2012 at 11:49 AM.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-21-2012 , 12:03 PM
One PT had his two over weight clients do nothing but standing and lying down breathing exercises for 30minutes while he placed his hand on their stomachs for resistance.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-21-2012 , 01:03 PM
General Gym Observations Quote
02-21-2012 , 01:39 PM
the standing while breathing exercises must have been hella awkward
General Gym Observations Quote
02-21-2012 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Aidan
One PT had his two over weight clients do nothing but standing and lying down breathing exercises for 30minutes while he placed his hand on their stomachs for resistance.
Was the PT also furiously masturbating under his loose shorts?
General Gym Observations Quote
02-21-2012 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by GMan42
Same guy, Knicks game was on in the gym yesterday and he commented that Jeremy Lin was playing like a "crazy Chinaman" (this was a compliment).
God's racist against Asian christians... does not want him to win obv.

Sucks that the guy even feels like this is remotely acceptable in public. Part of the problem is that he's heard stuff like this (or worse) all the time and saw that there were no repercussions from the statements. I'm including 2+2, too.

I've said for years that it's okay to be a racist in America*... as long as it's against Asians.

*Might be true in other countries, but I live in the U.S.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-21-2012 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Aidan
One PT had his two over weight clients do nothing but standing and lying down breathing exercises for 30minutes while he placed his hand on their stomachs for resistance.
If they had low back injuries, that could be somewhat legit, but 30 minutes of that seems excessive.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-21-2012 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
If they had low back injuries, that could be somewhat legit, but 30 minutes of that seems excessive.
But after 30 minutes, you've "earned" dessert!

(Non-gym story: my g/f and I were playing Wii with a couple we're friends with and doing some Just Dance 2 after some Dominos pizza - after ~30 minutes they exclaimed that it was really great and we had all earned dessert, ugh, lol. Of course, I had twice as much dessert as everyone else, but not b/c of the Just Dance, but b/c I'm an elite dessert eater, ).
General Gym Observations Quote
02-21-2012 , 02:26 PM
"Earning" a 400 calorie dessert after doing 100 calories of exercise is super standard.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-21-2012 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by GMan42
Same guy, Knicks game was on in the gym yesterday and he commented that Jeremy Lin was playing like a "crazy Chinaman" (this was a compliment).
Some people are just ass clowns
General Gym Observations Quote
02-21-2012 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by aura
Sucks that the guy even feels like this is remotely acceptable in public. Part of the problem is that he's heard stuff like this (or worse) all the time and saw that there were no repercussions from the statements. I'm including 2+2, too.
Please report offensive posts so the mods of that forum can take a look. I've infracted for anti-Asian posts and avatars on 2+2 forums I moderate and I'm sure others have as well.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-21-2012 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by *COINFLIPS*
the standing while breathing exercises must have been hella awkward
yeah, he'd put his hand on the small of their back and the other on their belly, and get them to breathe in and out, hold it, now breathe. was pretty weird, plus he looked really intense while they were doing it. Perhaps storing the mental image for fapping later.

Originally Posted by cha59
If they had low back injuries, that could be somewhat legit, but 30 minutes of that seems excessive.
I semi-considered this, but they were off doing other exercises (ab machines mostly) after their 30 minute PT session was up. I will keep an eye out to see if they are back again and try to listen in more attentively.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-21-2012 , 09:41 PM
there's just no way I could make this up. OP is a friend's gf, don't know anyone else.

General Gym Observations Quote
02-21-2012 , 10:18 PM
lol. yeah. don't get muscley guys, it'll just turn to fat when you're old.
General Gym Observations Quote
02-21-2012 , 10:45 PM
I have to admit I've never actually l o l'd at anything in this thread. Theres been chuckles, but no actual laugh.

Until that.

muscle turns into fat. brilliant

General Gym Observations Quote
02-22-2012 , 06:24 AM
femscience... the only thing exceeding broscience in stupidity.

misogyny itt etc.
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