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General Gym Observations General Gym Observations

04-25-2011 , 10:47 PM
From personal experience, I was squatting around 300 to what I thought was parallel. I then video taped myself, and realized I was bro squatting. I immediately dropped to 225 (strange that my numbers pretty much align with those of the argument) - and found it pretty challenging. While I was able to do both, I certainly found ATG more difficult, though that may be due to my lankiness (which is why I've switched to HBBS).

Just a data point.
General Gym Observations Quote
04-25-2011 , 11:05 PM
there's a real pack of bros who work the machines real well at my gym. leg press -> leg extension -> leg curl -> calf raises.

I wonder if they're posting in their GGO thread, "some fat kid squatting way too deep."
General Gym Observations Quote
04-25-2011 , 11:08 PM
I feel like I'm in a good position to do an experiment on this. I've been out of the gym for about a month and a half but plan on starting back up on Sunday. I should be back to 5x225 within a couple weeks, and when I get there I will attempt 315 half squats and report back.
General Gym Observations Quote
04-25-2011 , 11:14 PM
Yeah I always wondered that myself. Somewhere there is GGO thread talking about guys who hog the squat rack, deliberately hurt their knees by squatting below parallel, and are gonna destroy their backs by leaning forward too much.
General Gym Observations Quote
04-25-2011 , 11:21 PM
bros are too busy partying to spend time on the internet doing that. i'm sure you could find oly lifters loling at wanna-be power lifters low bar squatting in the 200s for 45 minutes straight though.
General Gym Observations Quote
04-25-2011 , 11:23 PM
Yeah, quarter squat is not a literal term, but even then I think many guys who struggle with 225 to parallel would do something like this trying to literally quarter squat 315.

(This is the infamous "AKA The Spotter" video)
General Gym Observations Quote
04-25-2011 , 11:24 PM
also, 2nd time in 3 weeks I've had the lights shut off on me as I was wrapping up ****. last time it was actually mid squat, this time i had just finished putting the plates away. place closes at 9:30 and it was like 9:27. power racks are way in the back obv. When I emerge from the darkness girl is like "oh **** I never see you! sorry."
General Gym Observations Quote
04-25-2011 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
also, 2nd time in 3 weeks I've had the lights shut off on me as I was wrapping up ****. last time it was actually mid squat, this time i had just finished putting the plates away. place closes at 9:30 and it was like 9:27. power racks are way in the back obv. When I emerge from the darkness girl is like "oh **** I never see you! sorry."
please don't tell me that you're annoying gym guy who tries to work out right up until the actual minute the gym closes
General Gym Observations Quote
04-25-2011 , 11:41 PM
There is video proof that he is exactly that guy.
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04-25-2011 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by milesdyson
i originally was going to say that people will have different mental images of each squat, or at least that they'd fail to very carefully choose the proper word to describe a partial squat, but wow at terming parallel squats with fractions. just further proof it's all just terminology fail.
ya that was dumb, math geek in me wants to quantify everything. i guess full, parallel, partial is about as precise as it can get
General Gym Observations Quote
04-25-2011 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by kickpushcoast
please don't tell me that you're annoying gym guy who tries to work out right up until the actual minute the gym closes
not sure why it would matter, since those are the frickin' hours, but i don't plan it that way. i try to get to the gym at 7-7:30, but work has been nuts so i get there ~8. I started training at 8:15. I finished my final squat set at 9:25 or so just after they gave the 5 min warning. I took a min to regain the will to live. Now I coulda been a dick and just left, but I always unrack my weight. Finished that up in 2 mins, lights go out as I'm putting my belt and notebook away. I check my phone and it's 9:28.
General Gym Observations Quote
04-25-2011 , 11:58 PM
Theres a bro in my gym who always makes some sort of smart ass comment about me always doing legs. Of course I've never seen his narrow ass do one leg exercise in the 5 months I've been going to this gym. His upper body is massive and he has the ass and legs of a 10 year old girl. He also uses a spotter for chin ups and even overhead press (which I am stronger than him at).
General Gym Observations Quote
04-26-2011 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
not sure why it would matter, since those are the frickin' hours, but i don't plan it that way. i try to get to the gym at 7-7:30, but work has been nuts so i get there ~8. I started training at 8:15. I finished my final squat set at 9:25 or so just after they gave the 5 min warning. I took a min to regain the will to live. Now I coulda been a dick and just left, but I always unrack my weight. Finished that up in 2 mins, lights go out as I'm putting my belt and notebook away. I check my phone and it's 9:28.
as someone who closes a gym 3 nights a week, its just annoying because that guy(and every gym has one if not more) is never actually finished at closing time. he might finish his last set, but then has to go to the locker room, etc, and ends up keeping the person on staff there when said person would otherwise be on their way home. you might not be that guy though if you are actually out of the door when the gym closes.
General Gym Observations Quote
04-26-2011 , 12:28 AM
I dunno, my gym closes 15 mins before the locker rooms/showers for exactly this reason. I'm often out at last call along with 20-25 other people.

I guess if you work at a small gym I can see how this would be annoying, but really you should be getting paid at least 15 mins past closing time of the gym floor.
General Gym Observations Quote
04-26-2011 , 12:31 AM
ATG = ass to ground?
GGO = ????

Googled that isht

also, no love for me around here. I need a avatars
General Gym Observations Quote
04-26-2011 , 12:34 AM
yes, ass to grass/ground.
ggo = this thread.
General Gym Observations Quote
04-26-2011 , 12:34 AM
GGO = name of the thread. General Gym Observations. ATG is ass to ground or grass yea.
General Gym Observations Quote
04-26-2011 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by GooseHinson
I dunno, my gym closes 15 mins before the locker rooms/showers for exactly this reason. I'm often out at last call along with 20-25 other people.

I guess if you work at a small gym I can see how this would be annoying, but really you should be getting paid at least 15 mins past closing time of the gym floor.
i dun curr about the getting paid part, i want to go home.
General Gym Observations Quote
04-26-2011 , 12:49 AM
I finally got to do the 'big leg session?', 'nah shoulders' in reply to polite convo after telling a guy he could work in.
General Gym Observations Quote
04-26-2011 , 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by kickpushcoast
as someone who closes a gym 3 nights a week, its just annoying because that guy(and every gym has one if not more) is never actually finished at closing time. he might finish his last set, but then has to go to the locker room, etc, and ends up keeping the person on staff there when said person would otherwise be on their way home. you might not be that guy though if you are actually out of the door when the gym closes.
This is epically tilting. When I worked in a gym there was always about 5 people who would train right up until the minute we closed, of which at least 3 would then want to use the locker room to get changed or shower. I had some very blunt conversations with these people which more or less solved the problem, but it still amazed me that people would think like that. "They're closing up the gym right now, they won't mind if I have a quick shower." Wankers.
General Gym Observations Quote
04-26-2011 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by milesdyson
i originally was going to say that people will have different mental images of each squat, or at least that they'd fail to very carefully choose the proper word to describe a partial squat, but wow at terming parallel squats with fractions. just further proof it's all just terminology fail.
I guess I started it, so I'll share what I was thinking:

Quarter squat: Basically a standing leg-press -- no hip movement and all quads.

Half squat: Knees too far forward, hips back a little but not far, and the lifter stops well short of parallel.

Full squat: Anything below parallel.

ATG: All the way down, as the name implies.
General Gym Observations Quote
04-26-2011 , 04:38 AM
Originally Posted by igetjokes
This is epically tilting. When I worked in a gym there was always about 5 people who would train right up until the minute we closed, of which at least 3 would then want to use the locker room to get changed or shower. I had some very blunt conversations with these people which more or less solved the problem, but it still amazed me that people would think like that. "They're closing up the gym right now, they won't mind if I have a quick shower." Wankers.
Policy fail. Just have all activity cease 15-20 mins prior to closing to avoid this.
General Gym Observations Quote
04-26-2011 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
I guess I started it, so I'll share what I was thinking:

Quarter squat: Basically a standing leg-press -- no hip movement and all quads.

Half squat: Knees too far forward, hips back a little but not far, and the lifter stops well short of parallel.

Full squat: Anything below parallel.

ATG: All the way down, as the name implies.
was only referring to jdock's use of the term, but so far no one has defined these terms the way i would. maybe i am wrong? why can't a quarter squat be roughly 25% of the way to parallel (in terms of vertical displacement of anus obv), and so on?
General Gym Observations Quote
04-26-2011 , 05:20 AM

General Gym Observations Quote
04-26-2011 , 05:33 AM
Bill Starr quote inside. I feel depressed b/c he actually points out the benefits of the quarter squat. He also has the jdock constant far smaller if I understand the quote right.
General Gym Observations Quote
