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03-26-2010 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by toothy
Came across an example of willful ignorance the other day.

I finish doing my press when I get a guy come along and compliment me on the weight, which was nice of him. He asks me how long it took me and what kind of training I am doing. He makes a kind of surprised face when I say how long it took and says nice. When I tell him about SS he's like, "Mark Rippetoe right?" and at that point I am completely baffled.

- He knows about SS.
- He thinks I have gotten strong in a short amount of time by following the SS program.
- He still just curls everytime he comes to the gym and is lolweak.

Is that odd or is it just me?
He just wants to tone and stuff ldo.
General Gym Observations Quote
03-26-2010 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by JackInDaCrak

LOL at everyone I see every day doing military press and lat pull-downs behind their heads
Military presses aren't bad done behind the head if they are controlled, they work the rear delts nicely
General Gym Observations Quote
03-26-2010 , 05:19 PM
General Gym Observations Quote
03-26-2010 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
ya the miles response wins at the internet.
What did I miss?
General Gym Observations Quote
03-26-2010 , 07:39 PM

That reminds me of the time I was out of condoms and had to use a balloon instead.

It's dark, we're a little tipsy, and we make our way into my bed (MY bed because I am a Man). I check for the condom in my wallet. It is smashed because I'm fat. Oh well, I keep a balloon in the drawer by my bed.

I grab the balloon, flatten out my pubic hair a bit (untrimmed because I am a Man), and stretch it out over my penis. The girl turns on the lamp and gives me some sort of snide comment (about the balloon).

I then say, "If you knew anything you would understand that a balloon has an impermeable rubber membrane and a cylindrical shape, which is the halmarks of a good contraceptive device for sexual intercourse. The rubber ring at the bottom also acts to restrict blood from escaping an otherwise extremely hard erection. Now take your uninformed arrogant ass somewhere else, I'm working here and frankly don't have time for your ****."
General Gym Observations Quote
03-26-2010 , 11:06 PM
lol a+
General Gym Observations Quote
03-27-2010 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by Soulman
I was hyperboling it up obviously, my point being a grown man that weighs 115 lbs must be very short and very skinny on top of that. Can't be many % of the population.
ya I'm 5'5'' and pretty skinny. I lost 10 pounds 2 years ago and haven't been able to gain it back, but then again am just now starting to work out. And for the guy saying it's unbelievable, gimme a break I have no reason to lie, lol.

Sidenote -- I'm still sore as ****, and that was Weds.
General Gym Observations Quote
03-27-2010 , 02:43 AM
I often get people who I think copy the exercises I am doing cause they think it looks good. The problem is that they usually try to copy the weight I am doing too. I guess I don't look very strong cause everyone that tries to copy puts on as much or more weight than I do and fails miserably.

1st example: Today, I do a 3x5x132lbs press. Someone that I've seen that usually does good exercises and seems pretty strong set up for the overhead press. He did a warmup set w/ about 60lbs. Then he put 135lbs on. Unracked it. Stood there for about 6 seconds and without trying a rep put the bar back on. He then took 20lbs off and unracked it. He got a single and then racked the bar, embarrassed he took off the weights and moved to something else.

2nd example: A few broskis see me doing squats. They then go, "Squats are a good exercises, let's do those". They put 225 lbs on the bar. Unrack it and do one 1/4 squat and rerack it, take the weights off and leave.
General Gym Observations Quote
03-27-2010 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by Suave
ya I'm 5'5'' and pretty skinny. I lost 10 pounds 2 years ago and haven't been able to gain it back, but then again am just now starting to work out. And for the guy saying it's unbelievable, gimme a break I have no reason to lie, lol.

Sidenote -- I'm still sore as ****, and that was Weds.
I hope you're eating like a madman, you should be able to add massive amounts of weight. Look at brent musberger's (or sth) log for an example.
General Gym Observations Quote
03-27-2010 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by kitaristi0

That reminds me of the time I was out of condoms and had to use a balloon instead.

It's dark, we're a little tipsy, and we make our way into my bed (MY bed because I am a Man). I check for the condom in my wallet. It is smashed because I'm fat. Oh well, I keep a balloon in the drawer by my bed.

I grab the balloon, flatten out my pubic hair a bit (untrimmed because I am a Man), and stretch it out over my penis. The girl turns on the lamp and gives me some sort of snide comment (about the balloon).

I then say, "If you knew anything you would understand that a balloon has an impermeable rubber membrane and a cylindrical shape, which is the halmarks of a good contraceptive device for sexual intercourse. The rubber ring at the bottom also acts to restrict blood from escaping an otherwise extremely hard erection. Now take your uninformed arrogant ass somewhere else, I'm working here and frankly don't have time for your ****."

too funny.
General Gym Observations Quote
03-27-2010 , 07:50 PM
Well either my "where's Claunchy" search is over or there are at minimum 2 non-******ed people (besides me, jury still out imo) that go to my gym. Chucks+2platesquat+depth, don't see that every day in your commerical 24hr fitness.
General Gym Observations Quote
03-27-2010 , 08:26 PM
Still have yet to see anyone in my 24hr. Did get to see some guy rapid-firing 1/8 squats with empty bar today, and another guy doing an exercise on the flat bench that looked like he was trying to suck his own dick. Have video, too.
General Gym Observations Quote
03-27-2010 , 08:34 PM
niiiiiiiiiice vid is what legends are made of

dude today loaded up 8 plates a side on the leg press, although I don't recall seeing him do a single rep, it was during some speed singles though so I could have missed it. That'd be a great exercise though, just troll the gym looking for 45s and loading them on the leg press, get some good grip work in.
General Gym Observations Quote
03-27-2010 , 09:09 PM
there is a middle aged guy at the gym where i work that takes the bar on the smith machine and puts it as high as it will go, then loads a 45 on it, goes to the other side and loads another one, then goes back and unloads the first side, etc etc, its his conditioning workout, he just does that for like 10 minutes straight but not at a super fast pace.
General Gym Observations Quote
03-27-2010 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by kickpushcoast
there is a middle aged guy at the gym where i work that takes the bar on the smith machine and puts it as high as it will go, then loads a 45 on it, goes to the other side and loads another one, then goes back and unloads the first side, etc etc, its his conditioning workout, he just does that for like 10 minutes straight but not at a super fast pace.
lol, but I guess there are worse things he could be doing on a smith machine.
General Gym Observations Quote
03-28-2010 , 02:27 AM
Some dude loads up all the plates on the cable thing to do triceps pressdowns, leans over the top of the bar and starts doing something resembling a 1/2 ROM decline bench press. A few of us who saw this got a good chuckle out of it.
General Gym Observations Quote
03-28-2010 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Spenda
Well either my "where's Claunchy" search is over or there are at minimum 2 non-******ed people (besides me, jury still out imo) that go to my gym. Chucks+2platesquat+depth, don't see that every day in your commerical 24hr fitness.
I've been the gym exactly once in last two weeks (fail, back on the wagon tomorrow imo), but I think I know the guy you're talking about. Kinda tall, wore black Chucks, squatted outside the rack (which was a bit odd). I think he was doing HBBSs, and he didn't do much of a warmup, but squat form was very good.
General Gym Observations Quote
03-28-2010 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
lol, but I guess there are worse things he could be doing on a smith machine.
lol how right you are!! god i hate those smith machines and how they force the body into predetermined and unnatural paths of motion!
General Gym Observations Quote
03-28-2010 , 02:01 PM
Was almost shocked. I actually saw a chubby girl PT teaching a guy to do squats with pretty solid form almost to parallel. I have seen like one guy ever in my gym actually do a squat properly. They were doing low bar squats with a high bar rack position and decided to use the safety bars to rack the bar, but it was otherwise almost a situation where a PT in my gym looked like they may not be completely incompetent, which is a first by a large margin.
General Gym Observations Quote
03-28-2010 , 09:52 PM
im doing 3 sets of DLs and the last rep is very heavy, i try not to drop the weight as gently as possible but it still brings a decent thud.

this old ass lady comes to me after my first set and says "can you read" (there are signs in the gym that say do not drop weights)

I say "what are you talking about"

she replies "stop dropping the weights ur disrupting my workout"

I reply "yeah ok" in a smartass tone

she gives me a dirty look

2nd set begins. I drop the weights again, trying to not to drop them that hard but they just fall out of my hands a few inches from the ground.

Old lady comes over again and says "do i need to get a an attendant over here to stop you, ur interrupting my workout"

I reply "are u freaking kidding me? no one else has a problem and you have the nerve to say im interrupting ur workout. ur not even doing a meaningfull workout, ur using a freaking rubberband"

I do my third set and out of spite i drop it about 2 ft from the ground.

She comes over says "thats it im reporting you"

I say "alright have fun"

I was done with my workout at this point and proceed to leave the gym.

i did watch her from a far to see her frustration.

if i see this dumb bitch again i look very forward needling her some more because she truly is a B.I.T.C.H.
General Gym Observations Quote
03-28-2010 , 10:02 PM
You should have ISFed IMO.
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03-29-2010 , 12:10 AM
lol spite is ridiculous. you go from doing nothing wrong to making a problem that you know you're going to get called on.

much better to yell at a crazy person than to substantiate her claims.

and definitely needs more ISF action.
General Gym Observations Quote
03-29-2010 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by ISF
I have seen like one guy ever in my gym actually do a squat properly.
General Gym Observations Quote
03-29-2010 , 03:17 PM
Had an interesting experience spotting today. Guy asks me to spot him on the bench, and says he is going for "3." Ok, so far so good. So he unracks the weight, drops it down on his chest for the first rep and waits patiently for me to help him get it up. He didn't even attempt to start the rep w/o my assistance. So we do 3 "reps" with me giving an increasing amount of help each time, to the point by the 3rd rep I am struggling as much as he is to get the weight up.
General Gym Observations Quote
03-29-2010 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by jdock99
Had an interesting experience spotting today. Guy asks me to spot him on the bench, and says he is going for "3." Ok, so far so good. So he unracks the weight, drops it down on his chest for the first rep and waits patiently for me to help him get it up. He didn't even attempt to start the rep w/o my assistance. So we do 3 "reps" with me giving an increasing amount of help each time, to the point by the 3rd rep I am struggling as much as he is to get the weight up.
He probably likes you more.
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