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General Gym Observations General Gym Observations

01-25-2010 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by willie24
old men accidentally showing their balls does not bother me at all. i actually enjoy it.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 12:33 AM
whether or not they make money from their juice bars etc does not affect (equilibrium)membership price. making more money does not push price down.

what affects price is whether or not people are lured in by the juice bar - if people are, then the price will go up, all else equal.

well, i guess there's one exception - if they make a high margin on juice etc, they might decide to use membership fee as a loss leader, and make their money selling juice. but this would be an instance of setting price below equilibrium for metagame.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 12:36 AM
My old LA Fitness had a juice bar in it, but it wasn't owned by the gym. I assume that the bar just leased the space from the gym or something. The only cost the gym likely incurred was construction. They also had childcare, but I have no idea if it was free or not.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by Dids
My old LA Fitness had a juice bar in it, but it wasn't owned by the gym. I assume that the bar just leased the space from the gym or something. The only cost the gym likely incurred was construction. They also had childcare, but I have no idea if it was free or not.

I was going to point out that a Gold's Gym I went to in Commerce had a leased juice bar in it, which pretty much proves that it was a profit center for them.

The whole point of this tedious subthread is that Planet Fitness implied that amenities like juice bars drive membership costs up, when in fact in any well-run mass-market gym they would be profit centers.

I'm sure there are really swanky gyms out there somewhere things like this are loss-leaders though.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
I dunno how much they cost.. 20ish? If it's like a married couple, that's 40 extra bucks a month. That's a big deal to some families.
i was paying i think 15, for black card it's 20 a month and you can bring a guest whenever you want.

a friend of mine had it set up so is whole family was going on that 20 a month (or had the option to, 18y.o. son and 35y.o. wife)

they're definitely very practical for people on a budget but i just outgrew what they had to offer.

it was there that i lost 40lbs though and got myself back up to respectable strength levels.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
You know, that planet fitness alarm thing gives me an idea. How about we have the same thing for old men, or actually really anyone, who exposes too much flesh (typically aging male genitalia) at the gym? Honestly, I don't like feminine distractions while training either, but obviously old men seem to be the ones who can't resist showing everyone their balls while dumbbell pressing the 20s and grunting aggressively.

I wanna see Ronnie Coleman or Branch Warren or something go to a planet fitness and just terrorize everyone and get extremely irate just for a joke.
i found a solution for this btw, in the locker room i usually get plenty of space cause i put slipknot/soad/lamb of god/cannibal corpse etc on full blast on my ipod in a semi closed locker so as to pollute the area with angry noise.

it puts old men in full retreat. no ****.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 11:00 AM
Saw this thing today and just want to know if it is a common excersise or wtf.

Person A is standing woman push-up style (hands, toes and knees on the floor) and Person B with "small guy big muscles"-syndrome sits on Person A's lower back/ass, locks his legs around Person A's chest and starting doing sit-ups?

All kinds of different ab-machinery was available 10 feet away at the time so can't really so no reason for it. Coincidentally they were the kind that also went around naked in the locker room afterwards.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 11:35 AM
What is it with the bros and their need to constantly wrap their arms and/or legs around other bros while exercising? Are they trying to share testosterone by absorbing it through each other's nutsacks?
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 11:42 AM
saw something new today, a guy was dumbbell pressing with 40kg weights, the heaviest available at my gym, and he had his friend balance 10kg weights on top of the 40kg weights so the handles made a + perpendicular to the ground. he got through 2 reps before losing all control.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 11:44 AM
What's so silly about Planet Fitness is that it seems like it's trying to capture a market that is specifically people so intimidated/uncomfortable by what they perceive a gym to be that they've never even actually gone to a globogym to discover that it's mostly filled with people just like them anyway.

I guess if you can make money that way, do your thing, but it's sure frustrating that something founded on so many levels of dumb can turn a profit.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 11:46 AM
reminder to self, post story about naked man walking around lockerroom going

HOO YEAH.......HOOO YEAHHH, lookout hollywood! i'm coming for ya!"
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by SideshowBobb
Saw this thing today and just want to know if it is a common excersise or wtf.

Person A is standing woman push-up style (hands, toes and knees on the floor) and Person B with "small guy big muscles"-syndrome sits on Person A's lower back/ass, locks his legs around Person A's chest and starting doing sit-ups?

All kinds of different ab-machinery was available 10 feet away at the time so can't really so no reason for it. Coincidentally they were the kind that also went around naked in the locker room afterwards.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 01:01 PM
Never seen this one before: woman comes to the Smith machine, brings it down to just below crotch height, straddles it, puts one hand behind and one hand in front, and then does the usual 1/2 squats. WTF is that?

Last edited by Levarkin; 01-25-2010 at 01:02 PM. Reason: and yeah she was pretty cute, so yeah it was kind of erotic
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 01:07 PM
pornstar obv
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by Levarkin
Never seen this one before: woman comes to the Smith machine, brings it down to just below crotch height, straddles it, puts one hand behind and one hand in front, and then does the usual 1/2 squats. WTF is that?
Smith machine beaver flossers. It's a legit exercise. But was she doing them the correct way, with the right hand in front and the left hand in back?
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
I guess if you can make money that way, do your thing, but it's sure frustrating that something founded on so many levels of dumb can turn a profit.

I don't agree at all that what they're doing is dumb. They've followed the general path of successful commercial gym chains, which have gone from exclusively populated by athletes and muscle heads to primarily serving sedentary people, only they take it even farther.

The big chains thrive on soccer mom types who pay for personal training sessions and a year long membership, show up for a few weeks in January, then barely pop in again for the rest of the year.

Serious lifters not only throw off a scary vibe to these people, they also use more overhead and put more wear on the weights (because they come maybe three times a week and they lift heavy).

Those latter points may be trivial considerations (I have nfi) but when a gym only charges $9/a month they obviously have slim margins.

I actually think the lunk alarm is a pretty clever idea from the gym's pov. It just drives away all the people they don't want.

You can think something is awful without thinking it's stupid.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 01:34 PM
Is PF smart for making money off of ******s..sure. The people they make money off of are dumb as **** (in general).
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 01:42 PM
Isn't that the American dream? Make money off ******s?
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 01:46 PM
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 01:50 PM
What's dumb is that their marketing (at least in part) hinges on creating an image of the globogyms that doesn't really exist, and that's really transparent to anybody who might shop around a bit. So like I said, they're catering to the exceptionally dense. I guess in some idealistic world, I wish people were less stupid so you couldn't make so much money off of them. Mostly because if people were less stupid, they'd piss me off less when they get surprised by the fact you have to pay to use the bus.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by theBruiser500
how long have you been in lima for? i've been in bolivia for two years, and bolivia and peru are twins and i am positive you are extremely wrong on these points. in fact i think one simple statisic is lima is more dangerous than santa cruz.
are you for real

On September 12, 1992, Peruvian police captured Guzmán and several Shining Path leaders in an apartment above a dance studio in the Surquillo district of Lima. The police had been monitoring the apartment, as a number of suspected Shining Path militants had visited it. An inspection of the garbage of the apartment produced empty tubes of a skin cream used to treat psoriasis, a condition that Guzmán was known to have. Shortly after the raid that captured Guzmán, most of the remaining Shining Path leadership fell as well.[51]
At the same time, the Shining Path suffered embarrassing military defeats to self-defense organizations of rural campesinos — supposedly its social base. When Guzmán called for peace talks, the organization fractured into splinter groups, with some Shining Path members in favor of such talks and others opposed.[52] Guzmán's role as the leader of the Shining Path was taken over by Óscar Ramírez, who himself was captured by Peruvian authorities in 1999. After Ramírez's capture, the group splintered, guerrilla activity diminished sharply, and previous conditions returned to the areas where the Shining Path had been active.[53]
taken from the exact same wiki page. shining path is for practical purposes over.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 01:53 PM
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by MortalWombat
Smith machine beaver flossers. It's a legit exercise. But was she doing them the correct way, with the right hand in front and the left hand in back?
That's a great name. I was ogling her in the mirror (to be polite, LDO) so I'm rather confused about her hand orientation.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 05:07 PM
I work out at a 24hr fitness in Vegas, and the one I work at has about 15 pt's on the crew that work seemingly nonstop. I've noticed a half dozen of them all working at one time before, anyway...

I love the ridiculous exercises they make people do. Sometimes I wonder if they conjure up the most ridiculous thing they can think of just to make the people they train look like fools for their own amusement.

Like hanging underneath the treadmill doing pullups, all sorts of weird jumping and rotating on different objects. I used to blindly assume that pt's knew what they were doing, now I'm not so sure.
General Gym Observations Quote
01-25-2010 , 05:08 PM
obvious troll by bruiser. Stop being a **** (**** = see you next tuesday) bruiser.
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