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Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd

08-25-2014 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
I'm glad that doubles on jerks wear you out as well because they kill me. That second one is just a nightmare. I saw an ig video of Rita jerking 195x3. wtf? she on dat tine?
Ya, and keep in mind this is only ~70% for my all time maxes.

Originally Posted by downtown
I'm supposed to rack jerk 131/290x2x2 tomorrow. gg life.
That's your fault for being so strong.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
08-25-2014 , 03:09 PM
Multi-rep rack jerks without blocks just seem like a bad idea. That's my armchair analysis at least.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
08-25-2014 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Multi-rep rack jerks without blocks just seem like a bad idea. That's my armchair analysis at least.
Solid chance it's 1/1/1/1 imo. Ty for your concern.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
08-25-2014 , 03:28 PM
That reminds me, some dude was building jerk blocks at the gym the other day. Wonder how close he is to being done.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
08-25-2014 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
That reminds me, some dude was building jerk blocks at the gym the other day. Wonder how close he is to being done.
Probably about 350. Also please die, I want jerk blocks.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
08-25-2014 , 03:35 PM
my gym keeps teasing me and saying theyre this close to buying blocks but then they always buy more barbells for the crossfitters to ruin
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
08-25-2014 , 08:09 PM
srs how hard are they to build? It's wood. Can't you just pay some ethnic dude at 7-11 like $20 to build them?
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
08-26-2014 , 10:14 PM
Hadn't watched your vids or hadn't noticed previously, but just perusing youtubs now... on your cleans, try re-positioning your feet at conclusion of 2nd pull. "Jump" if you will, whatever cue works. "Move the feet" is the cue I have been using. I like it and it prevents overpulling. I think that's your problem.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
08-27-2014 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by downtown
Hadn't watched your vids or hadn't noticed previously, but just perusing youtubs now... on your cleans, try re-positioning your feet at conclusion of 2nd pull. "Jump" if you will, whatever cue works. "Move the feet" is the cue I have been using. I like it and it prevents overpulling. I think that's your problem.

I don't notice any of that and his feet very clearly reposition on nearly every one of his cleans. Fredd's catching on toes problem is a 1.) mobility related and 2.) jumping back.

check the two cleans at 275. If anything, I think a "no feet" clean would be hugely beneficial to Fredd in staying on his heels. What I see is that he literally jumps up and lands on his toes rather than just heels raising, toes sliding, and landing on midfoot.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
08-27-2014 , 10:53 AM
1st rep is more as you describe. I am not saying that he's overpulling in isolation, just that he's overpulling.

e.g. 2nd rep:
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
08-27-2014 , 11:30 AM


5 PM


Well, that was pretty cool. 255 felt heavy, but I think I can hit it if I make good attempts on the way up.

Clean & Jerk

265 that I failed was a weird one because I accidentally powered the 255 attempt before, so I tried to power 265 and it didn't happen.

Most of my heavy attempts here:
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
08-27-2014 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by downtown
Hadn't watched your vids or hadn't noticed previously, but just perusing youtubs now... on your cleans, try re-positioning your feet at conclusion of 2nd pull. "Jump" if you will, whatever cue works. "Move the feet" is the cue I have been using. I like it and it prevents overpulling. I think that's your problem.
Everyday I'm shuffling (my feet).

Originally Posted by Evoken
I don't notice any of that and his feet very clearly reposition on nearly every one of his cleans. Fredd's catching on toes problem is a 1.) mobility related and 2.) jumping back.

check the two cleans at 275. If anything, I think a "no feet" clean would be hugely beneficial to Fredd in staying on his heels. What I see is that he literally jumps up and lands on his toes rather than just heels raising, toes sliding, and landing on midfoot.
I've been focusing on the "no feet" clean when warming up, but those reps haven't carried over to my working sets yet really. My jumpback is typically minimal and I think that specific rep was an outlier of sorts. I also notice on the 2nd attempt that my bar speed slows down before it gets to the launch point and I think I was just lazy/tired. Oh well, will have more videos soon.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
08-28-2014 , 09:50 AM


6 PM


First two were grindy, 2nd two went better. That's all that was scheduled. We got one of those cheap adjustable height basketball hoops in the gym, so after squats obviously I had to mess around and shoot a few and test my hops. Dunking was easy up to 9' and while I still dunked 9', it wasn't that pretty. Didn't even try to dunk 9.5' or 10', but I was able to touch the rim on both. So, that was cool. Obv that is not officially 10' so I'll need to test this on a real goal sometime.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
08-29-2014 , 10:34 AM


5 PM

Power Snatch

Power Clean + Jerk
3+1 x145,3+1 x185,2+1x205,2+1 x225
4x 2+1 x235

Nice and easy day. Working on making my training sessions shorter but lifting every day and I'm liking it so far.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
08-30-2014 , 11:17 AM


6 PM

Front Squat

385 & 405 on video. Closer. Actually got to and out of the hole but back caved on the way up and I wasn't strong enough to naturally finish the lift.


Took video and I think they look decent. Seems like I have very good hamstring ROM since I can get so deep while keeping my back straight. Thoughts?
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
08-30-2014 , 01:51 PM
FS is awesome.

RDL's look OK. You definitely have good ROM. But, I would say your knees could be bent a little less, your butt needs to go back more, your toes should actually be curling up off the floor with all your weight on your heels, and you do round your back a little which shouldn't happen at all.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
08-30-2014 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by BPA234
FS is awesome.

RDL's look OK. You definitely have good ROM. But, I would say your knees could be bent a little less, your butt needs to go back more, your toes should actually be curling up off the floor with all your weight on your heels, and you do round your back a little which shouldn't happen at all.
Thanks, I remember watching some videos when I first started trying the RDLs and def remember the butt back and toes off the floor. I'll try to push the butt back more and keep the back straighter next time. This may mean less ROM, but that's OK with me.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
08-30-2014 , 03:27 PM
Fs was great- thought 405 was going to go. Girl in pink mirin your RDLs.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
08-30-2014 , 10:31 PM

FYI iirc the first image of Vlad himself actually isn't a great example of how to do the RDL, way too much knee flexion (just like you)
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
09-07-2014 , 11:38 AM


6 PM


Clean & Jerk



6 PM

Front Squat

I think I got a little closer than when I tried 405 last week, but it still didn't happen. Not the best way to end training leading up to a meet, but I decided to take two days rest for some reason.


KG and Competition Day!

2 PM

Day was pretty standard leading up to the meet except I had to drive two hours to compete, nbd though. Woke up about normal time, had coffee and green to keep anxiety low, shower, finished gathering my lifting stuff, and headed out. Arrived about 30min prior to weigh-in but they let me go ahead and do it, I was 90.2kg (198.4 lbs)


111 is a +5kg Competition PR. 121 was a bad decision by myself because I was chasing someone in the same weight class. He went 121 and made it, I obv missed it. Though it was damn close and I have some confidence to hit some new PRs again.

Clean & Jerk

143 = +18kg Comp PR, and 254 = +23kg Total PR. I hit the 130 knowing I could easily make it and get a total. This would give me two opportunities to best my opponent's C&J, which I know is his weakness. He hit 125 (lol after a 121 snatch) and moved to 131, so when I hit 130 I declared 141. He changed his lift to 132 and missed. He followed himself and therefore had two minutes. He hit it, so the pressure is on. I wait 10 seconds into my clock and change to 143, so I can finish with a +1 total if I complete the lift. First attempt at 143 felt like a good pull and I didn't extend too much on my toes so I could land into my heels quickly. That worked, but it also had me slightly off balance and my hips shifted back so I lost the vertical back angle and lost the weight forward. FACK! Being the final lifter and therefore following myself, I had a two minute clock for my final attempt. Since I didn't even complete the clean I wasn't that exhausted from the previous lift and I took just over one minute before I approached the platform. I think I waited another 20 seconds then went for it. Nailed the clean. I got very shaky at the top and the barbell rested on my throat for a split second. Had to recover, catch my breath and put the weight overhead. And I did. It wasn't crisp, but I got three white lights.

Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
09-07-2014 , 11:59 AM
Nice recovery to hit 143! Good tr great job.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
09-07-2014 , 12:02 PM
Legit cool story bro
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
09-07-2014 , 12:06 PM
Oh man, nice! Did the other guy go to the nearest corner and sob quietly? Seems like the standard play there.

Man, what a beast!
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
09-07-2014 , 12:07 PM
Isn't the second lift 112? Good lifting. The atmosphere seemed electric
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
09-07-2014 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
Nice recovery to hit 143! Good tr great job.
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Legit cool story bro
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Oh man, nice! Did the other guy go to the nearest corner and sob quietly? Seems like the standard play there.

Man, what a beast!
Thanks dudes!

Haha nah, he's a friend and the guy I went to the USAW certification class with so we were having fun with it.
Originally Posted by The Brickie
Isn't the second lift 112? Good lifting. The atmosphere seemed electric
Indeed, it does seem to be 112. ****ing misloads! 255 @90.2 = 296.25 Sinclair Coefficient. So, 4 more kg on my total and I'm >300 Sinclair, which is a yearly goal.

The atmosphere was very small and humid.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
