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Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd

07-14-2014 , 04:23 PM
So much crossfit in that video. Does it bother you when people walk in front of you? I always look down before a lift, and sometimes when I look up before starting like 4 people will be standing directly in front of me just chillin.

Lady in yellow has great technique
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-14-2014 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
No ragrets, nomsayin?
I do.

Originally Posted by elrey
So much crossfit in that video. Does it bother you when people walk in front of you? I always look down before a lift, and sometimes when I look up before starting like 4 people will be standing directly in front of me just chillin.

Lady in yellow has great technique
Too many comments on the background, not enough focusing on the lifts.

It used to bug me more when I first started lifting in the bigger room, but I'm slowly getting used to it.


2 mile walk




Pretty tough. After first set I didn't think I wasn't going to get it.


Clean & Jerk

A lot of ****ing reps today. I guess that's why they call it the "Accumulation" phase.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-14-2014 , 10:03 PM
what are you doing to fix the heels off the ground thing?
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-14-2014 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by Evoken
what are you doing to fix the heels off the ground thing?
Post workout I've been doing some narrow grip OHS, 2 or 3 rounds of sitting in the bottom of the snatch for 30s, and BTN Sotts presses. I think there's some improvement, but still need to continue doing those things and maybe even doing some more.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-14-2014 , 11:12 PM
Sounds like a solid protocol, but why post instead of pre?
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-15-2014 , 09:31 AM
When I would to them pre I would usually end up feeling pretty tight oddly enough. It's also easy for me to just go home and finish these up in the comfort of my air conditioning, instead of having to listen to trap music and sweating even more at the gym.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-15-2014 , 09:47 PM

Skipped morning walk due to terrible sleep and very sore when waking up. I'm a bitch.



Power Snatch + Hang Snatch + High Hang Snatch

Power Snatch + Hang Snatch

High Hang Clean + Jerk

I think these were just supposed to be hang cleans, but high hang actually made it a challenge...

Front Squat

BTN Push Press

BTN is way easier to recover from on a set of 5, so I'm going that way. Next time I'm going to work up to a 1RM before I do my work sets.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-16-2014 , 10:08 AM
225+ BTN Push Presses from yesterday



3 mile walk, didn't pay attention to time.

Today is rest from lifting the weights, but I may do some bar work and mobility later.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-16-2014 , 11:02 AM
What do you do on these morning dadwalks? listen to podcasts? music?

When's the gf coming back? Will dadwalks continue?
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-16-2014 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
What do you do on these morning dadwalks? listen to podcasts? music?

When's the gf coming back? Will dadwalks continue?
Podcasts every time. Unfortunately I'm completely caught up on the Rogan podcast. I'll usually listen to The Weightlifting Scoop ( but I'm almost caught up on them as well, so I'll need to find some new **** soon.

August 22nd, which is 2 weeks before the meet. Dad walks will continue because I'll almost certainly be consuming more calories once she gets back, but they will probably drop off after the meet. She has mentioned wanting to go swimming in the morning and I'd be up for that as well but I'm not motivated enough to go do it alone.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-16-2014 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
Podcasts every time. Unfortunately I'm completely caught up on the Rogan podcast. I'll usually listen to The Weightlifting Scoop ( but I'm almost caught up on them as well, so I'll need to find some new **** soon.

August 22nd, which is 2 weeks before the meet. Dad walks will continue because I'll almost certainly be consuming more calories once she gets back, but they will probably drop off after the meet. She has mentioned wanting to go swimming in the morning and I'd be up for that as well but I'm not motivated enough to go do it alone.
Are you still looking for fulltime employment? It would be nice to get morning dadwalks/swims in and lift all day. But money is also nice.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-16-2014 , 11:34 AM
I have a full time job now, but I am still looking for a better full time job (i.e. better pay and location that != Florida). Wish I could get away with no job, but I have almost no liquid savings and no other streams of income.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-18-2014 , 10:43 AM




Each set got better.


Missed the 2nd rep for some reason, but made sure not to fail any others. I think I just wasn't focusing because it seemed so light.


Was supposed to be Clean + Jerk, but I was having some real issues with getting a solid rack position. I did jerk some of the warmups, but didn't for any of the top singles. No misses.


Pretty easy but I had to do on short rest as gym was closing and I needed to get to a beer tasting. Probably try 255 next time.


Resting, but will probably do some mobility work later. Going to watch a CrossFits competition tomorrow so I can yell at people exercising. I'm probably going to lift while I'm at the competition.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-18-2014 , 11:03 AM
How's the wrist? (wait, you hurt your wrist at one point right? Just asking if that was the problem with the clean, or something else.)

My favorite thing to yell at CFers is, "Do a pullup!" "Do a double under!" is also a good one.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-18-2014 , 11:17 AM
Ya, left wrist still hurts some and I have issues with the front rack. I think it's actually a shoulder mobility issue which is causing extra stress on my wrist since it's the weakest joint in the area. Been doing the 5 way shoulder mob as part of my warmup, no clue if it's really working.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-18-2014 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
Ya, left wrist still hurts some and I have issues with the front rack. I think it's actually a shoulder mobility issue which is causing extra stress on my wrist since it's the weakest joint in the area. Been doing the 5 way shoulder mob as part of my warmup, no clue if it's really working.
Interesting. My right wrist has been hurting recently and always exacerbated when I do front rack stuff as well. I hadn't thought it would be shoulder related but maybe it is!
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-18-2014 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Interesting. My right wrist has been hurting recently and always exacerbated when I do front rack stuff as well. I hadn't thought it would be shoulder related but maybe it is!
Ya, this is kinda with Starrett's general talk about upstream mobility issues causing downstream pain. It makes a lot of sense and had Monte not viewed my video I probably wouldn't even be doing anything more for my shoulders.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-18-2014 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by downtown

My favorite thing to yell at CFers is, "Do a pullup!" "Do a double under!" is also a good one.
"Come on man, inspire me!" Or "some 48k Chinese woman is warming up with this somewhere"
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-19-2014 , 08:26 PM

Watched CrossFitters doing CrossFit most of the day.


3 PM


235 was a nice post wrist injury PR and I absolutely smoked it. Got 245 up over my head twice, but just a little out front.


Gotta get more consistent with these. Oh well.

Front SOTTS Press

We started messing around and someone said they could do a front SOTTS press of 165, so we got to work. Smoked 170 and 185 was a grind to get above my head, but as soon as it was there it was easy to lockout. Bodyweight front SOTTS press coming soon?
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-19-2014 , 08:52 PM
hahahaha jfc short limbs on sotts press must be god mode. I can't do this exercise with even 50% of my regular strict press and I have near perfection squat mobility.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-19-2014 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by Evoken
hahahaha jfc short limbs on sotts press must be god mode. I can't do this exercise with even 50% of my regular strict press and I have near perfection squat mobility.
It is true. It's funny because I've never tried the SOTTS as a "strength" movement and have literally never tried it from the front. I'll probably mess around with this again this week and get some video.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-19-2014 , 10:02 PM
how onto your toes were you?
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-19-2014 , 10:11 PM
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-19-2014 , 10:14 PM
Are you mad that I can press more in the bottom of the squat than you can while standing up?
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
07-19-2014 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
Are you mad that I can press more in the bottom of the squat than you can while standing up?
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
