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Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd

04-16-2014 , 09:07 PM
4/16 PM

7 hours sleep



Friend took vid of 415 on his phone and it looked fairly smooth. I'm comfortable with not pushing this heavier right now.

Snatch High Pull


GHD Back Extension
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-18-2014 , 09:56 AM
4/17 PM

8 hours sleep



405 felt heavy as **** and I was going to call it my daily minimum then I was going to do some pyramids down and back up to get heavy singles volume. Then I really focused on staying tight for 395 and it flew up. So I went ahead and hit that 415 squat rather easily.


Did my standard C&J warmup including some overhead work, so I tried a jerk after the 3rd rep of 135 in that first set and it hurt a little bit still. Then at 245 I power cleaned it football style and I didn't get my elbows around that quick which caused a little more pain. Shut that **** down.

Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-18-2014 , 08:21 PM
4/18 PM

8 hours sleep



2nd line on video. 415 was a little grindy but pace on video looks pretty salad. 13x315 is +2 reps from last week at attempting a 20RM. I just ran out of gas and bitched out. Probably could've got to 15, but I knew 20 wasn't happening so I quit.

Didn't feel like doing anything else after those squats, so called it a day.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-18-2014 , 08:36 PM
rly impressive stuff. 415 looked easy
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-18-2014 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by Eurotrash
rly impressive stuff. 415 looked easy

less impressive when you realize that loco could do it if he weighed 240, but still solid imo
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-18-2014 , 08:48 PM
Shiet I could do that if you took three inches away from my femurs and added it to my torso. Pause Freddybirds squats at the bottom. His torso is huge relative to his femurs.

But good work nonetheless Fbird. I really liked that 315x13 set.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-20-2014 , 11:42 AM
4/19 PM

6 hours sleep



Felt like absolute dog shiet. Went out for a few beers and ended up staying out until 2am, then woke up a little after 9am to make it to the gym by 9:30. Everything was tight which caused my descent to be super slow. Looks like the tightness was more in my inner thighs also caused the heels to come up a bit more than the video from the previous day's squats. Failed the 415 and decided to work back up and 385 felt heavy as ****, so I just called it a day.

Originally Posted by Eurotrash
rly impressive stuff. 415 looked easy
Thanks yo!
Originally Posted by Montecore

less impressive when you realize that loco could do it if he weighed 240, but still solid imo
lol true true
Originally Posted by loco
Shiet I could do that if you took three inches away from my femurs and added it to my torso. Pause Freddybirds squats at the bottom. His torso is huge relative to his femurs.

But good work nonetheless Fbird. I really liked that 315x13 set.
I definitely have good proportion for even lifting, especially squats and jerks. Elite weightlifting genetics imo.

Thanks, hopefully I'll get that up to 15 next week if I'm feeling well.


8 hours sleep

Not even lifting. Just going to enjoy the day off.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-22-2014 , 09:35 AM
4/21 PM

8 hours sleep



Power Clean
15x1x225 EMOM

Snatch Mobility Work

Basically did these with a 5 second hold at the bottom before rising up to get a ton of time in the hole. Wrist still hurts when overhead, so I can't really load anything and I'm just working on mobility/stability in the hole.

Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-22-2014 , 10:39 AM
Way to bitch out that 14th rep fredd-bird
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-22-2014 , 11:04 AM
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-22-2014 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
Snatch Mobility Work
Nice, that looks useful. I've been doing a similar drill in the split jerk position, have you tried this?
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-22-2014 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by COCKBOAT
Nice, that looks useful. I've been doing a similar drill in the split jerk position, have you tried this?
I never really did the jerk from the split, but I always do a press from the split position as part of my warmup for C&J. I just remember Pendlay teaching the press from split, but not the jerk, so that's what I did. This is a pretty GOAT article about split jerking and the video w/ Pendlay and Shankle talks about the press and jerk from split position.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-22-2014 , 12:21 PM
It annoys me that your avatar stops so early. There. I said it.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-22-2014 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
It annoys me that your avatar stops so early. There. I said it.

Last edited by fredd-bird; 04-22-2014 at 04:54 PM. Reason: I blame suburb for that.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-22-2014 , 05:13 PM
Hey, sorry for analyzing the lift instead of making cool gifs. Here you go Syn, here's the end of the lift.

Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-22-2014 , 05:21 PM
A+ gif
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-22-2014 , 05:51 PM
For future reference.

Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-22-2014 , 05:56 PM
hahaha awesome
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-22-2014 , 06:26 PM
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-22-2014 , 08:16 PM
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-22-2014 , 09:06 PM
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-22-2014 , 09:17 PM
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-22-2014 , 10:38 PM
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-23-2014 , 02:53 AM
I spent 3 hours reading through some of the Squat Every Day book last night. Loved it, but I was hoping to find some kind of template in there. I completely understand why there is none, and I'm okay with it, but I'm still kind of confused as to how you practically do this over time. Like, do you literally decide to up the weight day by day by using something like RPE?

How do you decide how much you will be squatting? And when or how often do you increase the weights? I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle such a freestyle feedback-driven "program" with enough efficiency.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
04-23-2014 , 10:48 AM
4/22 PM

7 hours sleep



Felt tightish.

Offset Farmer Walks

So that's 8 sets with a 55# kettlebell walking 75 feet.

Ab Wheel (Kneeling)

Workin dat core.

Originally Posted by downtown
Hey, sorry for analyzing the lift instead of making cool gifs. Here you go Syn, here's the end of the lift.

A- gif, did smile
Originally Posted by COCKBOAT
For future reference.

A+ gif and a ****ing lol

Originally Posted by Syndr0m
I spent 3 hours reading through some of the Squat Every Day book last night. Loved it, but I was hoping to find some kind of template in there. I completely understand why there is none, and I'm okay with it, but I'm still kind of confused as to how you practically do this over time. Like, do you literally decide to up the weight day by day by using something like RPE?

How do you decide how much you will be squatting? And when or how often do you increase the weights? I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle such a freestyle feedback-driven "program" with enough efficiency.

Chapter 8 is what you're looking for IMO. It goes through warmups and a variety of ways to acquire volume through wave loading and back off sets. It also discusses how you select anchor days, basically a "Max Out Friday" type intensity workout, and also goes over light days. Quote taken from beginning of that chapter:

Since daily lifting is not something you can write out as a program, you might still find yourself confused. To see it in action, I'd like to walk through the strategy I used and my observations about what happened and what might be worth exploring.

Before we dive in, I want to remind you that these are only examples. This style of training depends heavily on the tacit knowledge arrived at by doing the thing, and tacit knowledge doesn't summarize into neat lists and tidy sets of rules. There are going to be a lot of vague suggestions and loose ends that won't fit into a fixed workout template, and that's okay.

Lists of exercises and sets and reps should only be a skeleton in the first place. What actually happens in your workout depends on what actually happens in your workout, so what you're reading here is best understood as a recounting of a story, not a workout strategy as such.

I understand that some of you aren't comfortable with that, and that's okay too. There are plenty of programs that will fill your need for certainty and control, and you can learn while you're done one of those.
You're trying to figure out the questions and the program before doing it. This isn't a style of training where days are set and you can easily understand it. You need to train this style for a bit in order to understand the daily ins and outs I suppose, which is what the author is getting at with the tacit knowledge paragraph.

When I go in, I determine intensity based on how each rep feels. I want every rep to feel somewhat light and snappy working up to a daily minimum goal. When I was on this programming before I was videoing every rep and tried to not think about how the rep felt and simply evaluate the speed of the lift. If I'm feeling tight and lifts are slow, it's likely to be a somewhat lighter intensity day with more volume at lighter weights (see April 8, 14, and 16). I loosely follow Prilepin's Chart for determining sets/reps, but am still working up to the recommendations for total reps in. I try to up the daily minimum on a monthly basis so that adds in some sort of "linear" progression.

I could see a lot of people flailing on this sort of program, so it's not that surprising. I didn't do so great my first time at increasing my back squat, but I used this to sort of maintain my squat while increasing the quick lifts. Right now I'm using it as filler programming since I can't snatch/c&j effectively due to wrist issues. Hopefully this will be a sort of an on-ramp to up my ability to better recover daily and I can get back to the quick lifts soon. Once I get those going I'll be doing more light days and mixing in front squats.
Fredd's (temporarily named) Olytard Thredd Quote
