Barbell Squat:
45 lb x 5 reps (+36 pts)
135 lb x 5 reps (+66 pts)
185 lb x 5 reps (+92 pts)
225 lb x 3 reps (+97 pts)
250 lb x 5 reps (+143 pts)
285 lb x 3 reps (+145 pts)
320 lb x 8 reps (+260 pts)
Barbell Bench Press:
45 lb x 5 reps (+36 pts)
135 lb x 5 reps (+66 pts)
155 lb x 3 reps (+60 pts)
185 lb x 1 reps (+50 pts)
****ing left elbow started hurting on the 135 sets... not sure if it was a form issue or just my elbow being dumb. Either way, I'm gonna get a bike innertube and try this flossing stuff. I was supposed to do dips and chins, but just left due to elbow