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FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+

04-13-2021 , 02:56 PM
Monday April 12 – 144.8 lbs

Walk – 37:56, 2.0 miles, +21.5 lbs

2223 cal/160 carb/103 fat/191 protein/34 fibre

Disappointment rolled into a nice surprise when my expected dinner of Thai food turned out to be Vietnamese instead. Was looking forward to Thai but it had been well over a year since I had Vietnamese and it was pretty damned good. Probably significantly healthier too. Immunocompromised wife has very recently lifted the ban on delivered food. Let the good times roll!
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
04-14-2021 , 06:46 AM
Tuesday April 13 – 144.4 lbs
5/3/1 God is a Beast C4W1D1 – Squat TM 215

Squat – 10xbw, 10x45lbs, 5x95, 3x125, 3x150, 3x170, 5x195, 3x165, 3x185, 5x205
Ab rollouts – 3x20

Calf raises – 15x125lbs, 3x20x165
DB Lat Raises – 3x14x15lbs

Bench – 10x45lbs, 8x65, 5x5x90
Pullups – 3x8

2105 cal/103 carb/89 fat/242 protein/31 fibre

My body is rejecting squats and full body workouts. That workout took much longer than it should have. Was a little light on the protons.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
04-14-2021 , 06:53 AM
189g of protein average the previous week - slacker!
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
04-14-2021 , 12:05 PM
The upperbody stuff is so easy, it's just a warmup. So start with that and finish with lowerbody.

Obviously I seen a study that shows the first exercise trained is the one that reaps the most benefit. But I think the study is flawed, probably picked three big exercises. Pullups and bench are warmup exercises. And at the end of the day, aesthetics more important than strength, so just fine to always upperbody first.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
04-15-2021 , 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by arjun13
189g of protein average the previous week - slacker!
Below my weekly average for the year by a single proton!

Originally Posted by loco
The upperbody stuff is so easy, it's just a warmup. So start with that and finish with lowerbody.

Obviously I seen a study that shows the first exercise trained is the one that reaps the most benefit. But I think the study is flawed, probably picked three big exercises. Pullups and bench are warmup exercises. And at the end of the day, aesthetics more important than strength, so just fine to always upperbody first.
The upperbody stuff was easy which actually made for a nice finish. Only a couple more weeks of fully body during this anchor cycle and then I will scamper back to strict upper/lower which seems to keep my old body from falling apart a bit better. I can't imagine finishing with my "heavier" lifts now as I am so used to getting them out of the way first but perhaps worth a try one of these days when I am feeling like crap in the first place.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
04-15-2021 , 06:36 AM
Wednesday April 14 – 144.6 lbs
5/3/1 God is a Beast C4W1D2 – OHP TM 95

OHP – 8x45lbs, 3x65, 3x75, 4x85, 3x70, 3x80, 3x90
NG Chins – 11, 11, 11
Facepulls – 3x15x45lbs

RDL – 10x45lbs, 8x95
DL – 5x95lbs, 5x125, 5x5x145
Hanging Knee Raises – 3x15

1784 cal/124 carb/63 fat/203 protein/37 fibre

Felt quite a bit better for this workout. Got an extra rep on OHP compared to the last week of the previous cycle. This can go into loco's upperbody first study as a positive result.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
04-17-2021 , 07:57 AM
Thursday April 15 – 144.9 lbs

5k run – 30:02, plus 5min warmup walk and 5min cool down walk

1861 cal/158 carb/77 fat/164 protein/33 fibre

Friday April 16 – 143.8 lbs
5/3/1 God is a Beast C4W1D3 – Bench TM 135

Bench – 10x45lbs, 8x65, 3x95, 3x110, 5x120, 3x100, 3x115, 5x130
DB Rows – 13x60lbs, 2x9x70
DB HC – 3x10x30lbs

Squat – 10xbw, 10x45lbs, 5x95, 3x125, 5x5x140

1895 cal/125 carb/78 fat/198 protein/33 fibre

Fairly easy 5k but my heart rate is still bumping up over 180 at times despite feeling like I am running pretty slow and easy. Heart rate was in the 190’s for a solid 10 mins on one of my runs last week which is the kind of heart rate I used to see on the C2 rower when I dared use it. Either fitbit sucks or my max heart rate doesn’t jive with regular calculators which put my max at 170-179 depending on which is used.

Friday was okay. I thought briefly about going for a 6th rep at 130 on bench. I think it would have been close either way but my left elbow (tricep I think) has been increasingly sore lately and was flaring up so I passed.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
04-17-2021 , 10:13 AM
I don't understand how all of you are abnormal max heart rate. I mean it doesnt really mean anything, but still kinda of weird. You must be the most abnormal of all if you keep seeing 190s.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
04-17-2021 , 10:25 AM
I am a special snowflake!
I think there is a very good chance that the fitbit readings are off by a decent margin as well.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
04-18-2021 , 07:16 AM
Saturday April 17 – 143.8 lbs

5k run – 29:12, plus 5min warmup walk and 5min cool down walk
Swim – 10 min

2142 cal/160 carb/90 fat/206 protein/44 fibre

The 5k felt okay and my heart rate only tipped over 170 very briefly. Average of 162 compared to 174 from a slower run earlier in the week.

By far the earliest in the year I have ever been in for a swim. We just opened the pool Tuesday afternoon and I got all the water chemistry levels ironed out quick enough for the kids to be in for the first swim on Thursday. It usually takes me closer to a week to get everything in order so opening early may be a good thing. The water looks nice and clear from outside the pool but there is plenty of particulate to be cleaned up still that can be seen when looking underwater.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
04-19-2021 , 06:06 AM
Sunday April 18 – 144.5 lbs
5/3/1 God is a Beast C4W1D4 – DL TM 225

RDL – 10x45lbs, 8x95
DL – 5x95lbs, 5x125, 3x160, 3x180, 5x205, 3x170, 3x190, 5x215
Hanging Knee Raises – 3x15

Calf raises – 15x125lbs, 3x20x165
Incline DB Press – 2x13x30lbs

OHP – 8x45lbs, 5x5x62.5
DB HC – 2x12x30lbs

1918 cal/134 carb/83 fat/184 protein/28 fibre

March 12 – April 18 Daily Averages: 144.5 lbs/17.1% bf/1990 cal/138 carb/83 fat/198 protein/6:54 sleep

Left elbow/tricep is getting worse so I may rearrange these full body workouts into upper/lower for the remaining two weeks of this cycle. Have been rolling a bit but there are some additional stretches I have been given in the past that I could add to the mix which may help as well. Low back is a bit sore this morning so I am guessing my form was not as good as it should have been on DL.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
04-19-2021 , 03:32 PM
Haha, my DL form is never as good as it should have been. Same can be said of all my lifts. Posting to laugh at myself and belatedly acknowledge surpassing 500 days in a row of some sort of physical activity. Sunday was day #510 in a row.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
04-20-2021 , 02:26 PM
Monday April 19 – 145.4 lbs

Walk – 40:04, 1.98 miles, +21.5 lbs
Swim – 10 mins

1815 cal/130 carb/74 fat/181 protein/30 fibre
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
04-21-2021 , 06:39 AM
Tuesday April 20 – 144.2 lbs
5/3/1 God is a Beast C4W2D1 – Squat TM 215

Squat – 10xbw, 10x45lbs, 5x95, 3x125, 3x140, 3x160, 3x185, 3x150, 3x170, 5x195
Ab rollouts – 5x20

RDL – 10x45lbs, 8x95
DL – 5x95lbs, 5x125, 5x5x160

2106 cal/120 carb/96 fat/220 protein/35 fibre
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
04-22-2021 , 06:56 AM
Wednesday April 21 – 143.9 lbs
5/3/1 God is a Beast C4W2D2 – OHP TM 95

OHP – 8x45lbs, 3x60, 3x70, 3x80, 3x65, 3x75, 5x85
NG Chins – 11, 11, 10
Facepulls – 3x15x45lbs

Bench – 10x45lbs, 8x65, 5x5x95
Pullups – 10, 10, 9
DB HC – 2x12x30lbs

1830 cal/150 carb/71 fat/165 protein/24 fibre

Felt quite a bit like rubbish but then managed 5x85 which I haven't done in many years.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
04-23-2021 , 08:51 AM
Thursday April 22 – 144.1 lbs

5k run – 30:51, plus 5min warmup walk and 5min cool down walk

2174 cal/203 carb/81 fat/197 protein/39 fibre

Windy and -6C for one hopefully last little blast of cold. Very slow and easy run.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
04-24-2021 , 07:59 AM
Friday April 23 – 144.3 lbs
5/3/1 God is a Beast C4W2D4 – DL TM 225

RDL – 10x45lbs, 8x95
DL – 5x95lbs, 3x125, 3x145, 3x170, 3x195, 3x160, 3x180, 7x205
Hanging Knee Raises – 5x15

Calf raises – 15x125lbs, 3x20x165
Squat – 10xbw, 10x45lbs, 5x95, 3x125, 5x5x150

2045 cal/199 carb/75 fat/172 protein/41 fibre
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
04-25-2021 , 07:26 AM
Saturday April 24 – 145.2 lbs

5k run – 29:12, plus 5min warmup walk and 5min cool down walk

2865 cal/291 carb/107 fat/189 protein/36 fibre
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
04-26-2021 , 05:53 AM
Sunday April 25 – 144.5 lbs
5/3/1 God is a Beast C4W2D4 – DL TM 225

Bench – 10x45lbs, 8x65, 3x90, 3x100, 3x115, 3x95 3x110, 7x120
DB Rows – 3x9x70lbs
Front Plate Raises – 3x12x35lbs

OHP – 8x45lbs, 5x5x67.5
Incline DB Press – 2x13x30lbs
DB HC – 2x12x30lbs

2079 cal/180 carb/88 fat/172 protein/38 fibre

April 19 – April 25 Daily Averages: 144.8 lbs/17.2% bf/2131 cal/182 carb/85 fat/185 protein/6:57 sleep

Left elbow still sore but is getting aggravated later in the workout than it had previously, so hopeful that switching back to strict upper/lower is starting to help already.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
04-27-2021 , 06:39 AM
Monday April 26 – 145.9 lbs

Walk – 37:09, 2.2 miles, +21.5 lbs

1956 cal/134 carb/83 fat/190 protein/26 fibre
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
04-28-2021 , 07:21 AM
Tuesday April 27 – 145.7 lbs
5/3/1 God is a Beast C4W3D1 – Squat TM 215

Squat – 10xbw, 10x45lbs, 5x95, 3x125, 3x150, 3x170, 5x195, 3x170, 3x195, 5x215
Ab rollouts – 5x20

RDL – 10x45lbs, 8x95
DL – 5x95lbs, 5x125, 5x5x165

Calf raises

1639 cal/119 carb/63 fat/178 protein/36 fibre

Depth felt suspect on a couple reps. Bit of a tweak in my neck/shoulder was aggravated early in the session. Otherwise, this is the heaviest I have squatted in a few years.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
04-29-2021 , 07:53 AM
Wednesday April 28 – 144.6 lbs
5/3/1 God is a Beast C4W3D2 – OHP TM 95

OHP – 8x45lbs, 3x65, 3x75, 3x85, 3x75, 3x85, 2x95
NG Chins – 11, 11, 10
Facepulls – 3x15x45lbs

Bench – 10x45lbs, 8x65, 5x5x100
Pullups – 10, 10, 9
DB HC – 2x12x30lbs

1875 cal/124 carb/70 fat/207 protein/39 fibre

Lots of things hurt. Doing a deload week after this cycle wraps up.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
05-01-2021 , 05:47 AM
Thursday April 29 – 143.9 lbs

5k run – 29:32, plus 5min warmup walk and 5min cool down walk

2088 cal/164 carb/93 fat/158 protein/22 fibre

Friday April 30 – 144.6 lbs
5/3/1 God is a Beast C4W3D3 – DL TM 225

RDL – 10x45lbs, 8x95
DL – 5x95lbs, 3x125, 3x160, 3x180, 5x205, 3x180, 3x205, 5x225
Hanging Knee Raises – 5x15

Squat – 10xbw, 10x45lbs, 5x95, 3x125, 5x5x160
Calf raises

2430 cal/228 carb/92 fat/177 protein/25 fibre

I believe that I entered the realm of unsafe form on the last couple reps on DL. I am hitting weights that I should probably be lifting from blocks.

Last edited by FloppyJ; 05-01-2021 at 06:02 AM.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
05-02-2021 , 07:00 AM
Saturday May 1 – 147.0 lbs

Walk – 48:40, 2.47 miles, +21.5 lbs

2865 cal/291 carb/107 fat/189 protein/36 fibre
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
05-03-2021 , 08:03 AM
Sunday May 2 – 146.8 lbs
5/3/1 God is a Beast C4W3D4 – Bench TM 135

Bench – 10x45lbs, 8x65, 3x95, 3x110, 5x120, 3x110 3x120, 4x135
DB Rows – 3x9x70lbs
DB Lat Raises – 2x14x15lbs

1953 cal/139 carb/74 fat/213 protein/36 fibre

April 26 – May 2 Daily Averages: 145.5 lbs/17.5% bf/2118 cal/165 carb/86 fat/190 protein/6:48 sleep

Failed a 5th rep on last set for bench and called it a day - very nearly had it and then I didn't. Doing a deload this week and then rolling TM back a little for the next cycle. Left elbow/arm/shoulder/whatever seems to be in the lead for most beat up body part. Just doing tricep and pec stretches as well as rolling with a ball to try to help things.
FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+ Quote
