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Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile

01-16-2015 , 03:06 PM
So where are you going to get more cialis from to replace what was stolen? Asking for a friend of course.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
01-16-2015 , 03:52 PM
Does Cialis come with insomnia? I still can't sleep with my raging "yohimbine" boners
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
01-16-2015 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
So where are you going to get more cialis from to replace what was stolen? Asking for a friend of course.
It doesn't make sense to pick it up in Mexico even though it's over the counter. It's also overpriced down there. In 2009 I bought a few boxes in Bolivia. Amazingly they were like 70cents each pill.

My guess the best way is to get them online. But I don't know how long that google search is going to take. I would guess less than an hour. And as far as I know, less than 30-60 day supply of medicine is never even looked at by customs. Might as well get a few shots of testorona Dbolona.

I don't think insomnia is a side effect. I get zero side effects. The two times I tried Viagra it was awful. But my doctor buddy swears by the 100mg mega pill. Says he cripples girls.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
01-24-2015 , 07:52 PM
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
01-24-2015 , 11:43 PM
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
02-11-2015 , 06:03 AM
Originally Posted by loco
Blood work came back with excellent results. I am healthier at 35 than I was at 19!!! If you guys remember from my old log, I was in pretty bad shape healthwise about a year ago. Cholesterol off the roof, sleeping like a lion, no energy, and huffing and puffing my way through life.

Fast forward almost a year ago, and here are the results

Total cholesterol 123 mg/dL (60%+ decrease!!!)
Triglycerides 133 mg/dL (67%+ decrease!!!)
Total testosterone 650 ng/dL
free tesosterone 15 pg/dL
If I'm not mistaken total testosterone ng/dL converts to nmol/L by multiplying ng/dL figure by 0.0347.
So your total testosterone would be 22.6 nmol/L, which is basically identical with my result (23 nmol/L).

But htf does one convert free testosterone pg/dL to pmol/L or vice versa?
Just spent 10 minutes googling that **** up but to no avail.

Halp? Nuclear?
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
02-11-2015 , 08:54 AM
Damn 'Muricans and their assbackwards love for non-SI units.

But K.
Molecular mass for testosterone is apparently 288.42 g/mol so fairly sure 15 pg/dL of free testosterone = 432.6 pmol/L.

Mine was 329 pmol/L.

How come I have so much less free test than loco if our total test is almost identical?
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
02-11-2015 , 02:40 PM
Because you're from Europe.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
02-11-2015 , 02:45 PM
not enough
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
02-11-2015 , 06:00 PM
I hope loco isn't dead or in some SA prison
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
02-11-2015 , 06:43 PM

He quit lifting. I don't think he'll ever step inside a weight room again. Too depressed about what's possible naturolo.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
02-11-2015 , 07:15 PM
Loco is lifetime off season.. koldgame
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
02-11-2015 , 07:23 PM
smart man, I'll be right behind him
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
02-11-2015 , 08:40 PM
That Genova remix is the story of my life. Only like training upperbody.

On Monday with loca I did

Goblet squats +25 3x15
1-legged legpress +140 3x12
DB SLDL 70s 3x12
Ab wheel 4x15
Machine abs 3x10


Today I did
Bench press 185 4x10
Chins 4x10
DB rows 85s 3x8
DB military 55s 3x8

Both workouts took 35min each. Bodyweight is always between 160-165.

Not logging anymore. Lowback feels 99%. I squatted and deadlifted the other day and felt great but I hate lowerbody. By the end of the workout my back stiffened up a bit.

So planning on slowly adding back paused squats and paused deadlifts. But I have reached a point were muscle gains and strength gains were to difficult to make with my lifestyle. Last two years have been all on the road. I made sacrifices. Sometimes I left good games to go workout. Sometimes I woke up at 4:30am and drove an hour to the gym. Sometimes i would go to a new gym and there was no squat rack, so I would drive to another gym and pay a $20 day pass. I dropped off loca at the mall way too many times and picked her up three hours later.

But all that wasn't the backbreaker. The backbreaker was the lowback (shocker). I couldn't make the sacrifices I was making and on top of that, feel pain. No sir. Too much.

I will keep training. Optimal bodyfat is 14-16% DEXA. I will stay in that range. I am still making push upperbody gains. Today's bench was 4x10 @185 in 10min. I never hit that before.

But two things are bothering me. My lowerbody intensity is awful, I just dick around. And my dream was to hit 1000lbs at 165. I made it to estimated 950. Furious. So that's why I don't close the log. I am hoping to buy a house, settle down, get insurance and get my back checked out. That may take years. But that's the tiny little light that creeps into the cave.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
02-11-2015 , 11:41 PM
How about pretend you are from India and email McGill?
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
02-12-2015 , 12:20 AM
Surely a guy who drops multidimes on guaranteed losing sports bets can afford McGills fee
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
02-12-2015 , 01:59 PM
Or just follow LBD and UB.

Loco, I watched a video of a cressey seminar on the core with another trainer but i forget his name. Anyways, they both mentioned McGill a lot obv, however, some of their advice regarding progressions and even some theories they proposed contradicted McGill's research.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
02-12-2015 , 02:08 PM
Loco, I have a free 24 Hour day pass for when you come to LA, so that is $20 saved towards your retirement.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
02-12-2015 , 02:37 PM
Also, guys, you are forgetting Loco isn't actually allowed into Canada.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
02-13-2015 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by KPowers
Because you're from Europe.
This might actually be it.
Too little freeness unlike in the FREEDOM#1

Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
not enough
Butnaah ->

I think it's becuase I'm fat. And a dad.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
02-13-2015 , 03:42 AM

Why don't you shell out a dime or two to hire legit stability/rehab/mobility experts to look into your issues and fix them for good?
For real.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
02-20-2015 , 08:28 PM

"Doses are ED
200mg tren a
75mg primo a
10mg superdrol
50mcg t3
25mg e/200mg c 4x/day
20mg yohimbine hcl ed before fasted cardio "

The delusion... the denial.... He thinks he's 12%. It's Jason Genova levels, but with more drugs and less ******ation. He's done up to 3g/wk for prolonged periods of time too.

Puts the "steroids work so well you don't even need to lift" myth to rest.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
02-20-2015 , 08:52 PM
He has pretty big legs. But damn, lots of loose skin. I wonder if he was big time overweight when he started lifting.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
02-20-2015 , 08:57 PM
I was working out with loca the other day and we got around to training upperbody. I started getting a huge pump and getting EVlike vascularity. Loca was like, is that due to your preworkout? And I responded yeah probably a little. She had never seen me like this before, doesn't even know the pump exists. Anyways, she yells at top of her lungs "OMG I knew it you are on esteroides." Pretty embarrassing when half the gym turns around to check out the 160lb DYEL being accused of roids.

I had to later explain to her they don't sell steroids at GNC.

Really frustrating to workout with her. She was trying to take naps between sets also.
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
02-20-2015 , 09:03 PM
Guy must have been a former fatty. Looks like sheeit
Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile Quote
