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FakeBusto's quest for real strength FakeBusto's quest for real strength

05-24-2015 , 01:34 PM
Still tired and aching, but I reminded myself today doesn't have to be a great day. Just show up and progress will be made.

Week One
Day 2

TNG Bench -* normal grip width

Beltless squats
230x4, 265x4

295x1x12 - 45 seconds between sets

Chins, c2
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-24-2015 , 01:37 PM
Great attitude. Keep it up man
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-24-2015 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
The hero you need, not the hero you deserve

Hadn't really thought about goals, plans were to actually finish another full Weasel Cycle and test maxes before I vacation again in Vegas this August. I've been approaching this less as "Must hit these numbers" and instead have just been putting in hard work and seeing where I end up.

But I guess new goals are 1200+ total at sub 180bw.

Would love to get my lifts to

Squat: 405x1
Bench: 315 comp/330 TnG
Deadlift: 500x1 slam n' bang

by EOY. Definitely think I am a favorite to hit everything but DL, which astonishingly seems to get worse every time I test a new max. I keep thinking about adding a BB split at some point to focus on aesthetics, but tbh I like how I look simply by staying leanish and building muscle at an ungodly slow pace. Of course now Evo will descend from Loco Mountain and point out all the glaring physical defects I must correct asap.
Odds for fakeB hitting his EOY goals without PEDs.

Bench 315 comp/330 TNG: -225
Squat 405 (to parallel): +400
Deadlift 500: +1000
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-24-2015 , 04:18 PM
Should we put money on it? I can't tell if those are good odds.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-24-2015 , 04:54 PM
Decent fave for bench, dog for squat, massive dog for the deadlift number by jdock's reckoning.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-24-2015 , 05:07 PM
Nice, so if I hit squat I make okay money, if I hit DL jdock pays for me to retire?
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-24-2015 , 05:40 PM
Pretty much
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-24-2015 , 05:42 PM
I don't really have any idea of what FBs 1RM DL is now but if it's in the 450 range then he'd probably be good to hit 500 by year end. If it's less than that then I highly doubt it.

Will be ing nonetheless!
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-24-2015 , 05:53 PM
Did I break parallel on that 370 skwat? I feel good that I can continue to hit max 1RMs with the same depth.

Maybe I am crazy, but I find it hard to believe I won't add 35+lbs to my squat in over 6+ months.

Last DL maxes were 440, then 420. Kept getting worse LOL.

I guess we'll have a much better idea in July when I test maxes again, but that last full ten week cycle brought all kinds of gainz.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-24-2015 , 05:58 PM
He makes that dead lift goal no problem
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-24-2015 , 06:02 PM
I believe in the power of his bust
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-24-2015 , 06:04 PM
So errybody putting down a dime on fakeB. QB betting against, Weasel+BtM go 50/50 and share the profits
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-24-2015 , 06:05 PM
I can see me being that lifter who gets to where he hits infinite DL 405 reps but always fails any attempt over 440
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-24-2015 , 06:26 PM
Yeah. +1000 might be high. Definitely no lower than +500 though.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-26-2015 , 12:17 PM
Week One
Day 3

Comp Bench
235x4, 250x4, 255x4

275x4, 300x4

Curls, face pulls, c2
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-26-2015 , 01:36 PM
I would take a max bet on not squatting 405. Risking 4 dimes to win 1 dime.

Kid is slowing down. Has HawaiinAIDS. And the stipulation says to parallel.

I didn't see 370 though, it has to be high, no?
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-26-2015 , 01:57 PM
No bw stipulation??? Booked. You burning money, son.

Jk. Obv bw would have to be stipulated.

Idk. I thought I was making excellent progress before I took two weeks off.

Here's 370. You tell me.

FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-26-2015 , 02:05 PM
Damn on my phone it looks like green light. Gain 10 pounds and odds would reverse to -200.

No action.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-26-2015 , 02:17 PM
Def a good squat. A real grinder though. Those next ~350 1/10th lbs are gonna be a lot harder than your first ~350
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-26-2015 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by loco
Damn on my phone it looks like green light. Gain 10 pounds and odds would reverse to -200.

No action.
I donno. That squat was a major grind. At this point fakeB isn't putting on much more muscle naturally in such a short time span without adding fat too, and I don't see it. He is too vain. I am not saying that like it's a bad thing, just a fact. I think as much S he wants to eventually squat 405 body comp is a more important priority for him.

And yes I agree putting on 10 pounds of fat to improve leverages would dramatically increase the odds. I mean that is vasically what I did to make my 405 and I probably didn't have as much LBM as fakes does now. But I don't see it happening.

So, it seems unlikely IMO he puts 30 more pounds on his squat in the next 7 months. Also, you have to factor in there is always a chance of injury and who knows how the move to Syracuse and having to deal with upstate New Yoirk winter will factor in.

Of course, as my bookie can attest, I have been wrong many times before in placing real bets, so perhaps I am wrong here. I think +400 is a fair line, unless he really is offered a chance to risk $1k to win $4k, in which case his motivations could change.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-26-2015 , 03:31 PM
Better adjust your line. We are not moving to Syracuse anymore. Staying right where we are for the next 3+ years.

Someone put some real money on the line. We want to see money lost and maximum rustles come 2016!!!111!!!
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-27-2015 , 01:01 PM
Week One
Day 4*

CG Towel Press
250x4, 270x4, 285x4

Got pretty hard...

295x1x12 - 45 Seconds between sets

Supposed to be 290 but that was way too light. 295 way too light, too, but no worries taking it easy this week. Back to big boy weights next time.

RDL -Beltless

Pull ups, hlrs

Feeling mostly recovered from time off.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-27-2015 , 05:57 PM
Willing to bet ONE UNIT of avatar + location time against someone's FOUR UNITS that FakeB hits four plates PL legal this calender year. Loco first option.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-27-2015 , 06:01 PM
If loco declines i am in! I'm shipping wraps to him right now.
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
05-27-2015 , 06:07 PM
To be clear, I want to back busto to hit 405
FakeBusto's quest for real strength Quote
