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Evoken's Max-OT log Evoken's Max-OT log

09-10-2019 , 09:46 AM

DL: 150kgx5, 160kgx3, 170kgx1, 190kgx7 BOOM!
Pulldowns: 6 sets trash no pump
CSR: 14kgx10x5
Cable rows: 10x4
BBB: 90kgx10x4 cut one set short, was having problems described below

I got distracted today and under ate. I definitely didn't take in a lot of sodium and I sweat a lot throughout the work day. The gym was much hotter than it has been the past few days. I was getting badly dehydrated to the point where I was guzzling water until I was bloated but sweating so badly that I still felt dehydrated. While I was able to get the DL work done before this started affecting me, the rest of the workout was basically trash. I had to cut the last dl bbb set short because I felt very sick. I felt quite light headed while driving home, almost passed out when I arrived. Took in some salt and guzzled another 1.5 liters of water and laid down for a bit before I finally felt normal again.

But hey on the bright side added 10kg to last weeks deadlift working set and only lost a rep!!This is about consistent or maybe slightly lower than when I did the 190kgx5x3, but when I did that I was very well rested and not carrying any residual fatigue. I'll go back and check, but the week before that I hadn't DLed and the week before that I'd dled fairly submaximally. This time I did 190kgx7 while very fatigued from 2 hard weeks of DLing and even some taxing squats last week and the week before, so if I'd been as fresh as the day I did 190kgx5x3 I reckon I coulda squeezed out 8.

So yeah in other words I'm ****ing deloading. LOL @ doing 2 cycles. My elbows and the part of my forerarm on the back/bottom side hurts like hell. I'm thinking 5/3/1 for incline press will have to wait and i REALLY need to deload and then just do dumbbells only for chest for a while; it taxes my elbows a lot less and still builds very transferable strength to the movement anyway so just take a ****ing break for a while you stubborn ********. If I was super smart I'd do very submaximal four sets of 10 incline, 4 sets of 10 flat, 4 sets of 10 machine press with short 90 second rests on db work and 45-60 seconds on machine presses. Even better if I put the machine press first so I could use lighter dumbbells and put even less stress on my elbows, but I'm probably going to be too donk for that ****.
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
09-14-2019 , 12:12 AM
Health update:

H. Pylori overgrowth. I realize my logging has been sporadic, but the past 3.5 years my digestion has generally been unstable and bad. It was kind of okay sometimes and not okay other times. Recently it was really bad hence the doctor's visit last weekend. I'd attributed it to starting accutane, but on the little baby dose I take my dr. disagreed. I guess H. Pylori can be very sporadic like this though and it turns out he was right.

I'm weirdly relieved... If you look on my youtube channel, you'll notice my peak strength was summer 2015. The closest I came to reaching that was around summer 2016, but then I remember getting hurt fall 2016, being unable to DL/squat, and simply never recovering my strength to what it was. Like right now my DL is as close as it's been to my strength levels in Fall 2016. A lot of this has been because of other factors, but frequent digestive problems changing the way I eat has definitely been a major part of this. This infection can hang around your stomach for a lifetime if not treated, so now that I can finally resolve this I feel like i can get back there.

Granted, despite being weaker in a lot of barbell metrics, I definitely have more LBM than fall 2016 simply because there were a lot of movements I hadn't trained for very long at that point that I have improved a lot at now. I also still trained a bit too much like a powerlifter at that point and only really started going full BBing mode in maybe fall 2017.

Despite the fact that I will need to do 2 weeks of antibiotic treatment and probably feel really crappy, I am excited and happy to have this resolved after over 3 years. I remember when I was oly lifting I could literally eat or drink whole milk intra workout without issues, and indeed during some of the longer sessions I felt like I needed to. Now that'd be just unthinkable and I've had progressively lower and lower appetite where I have to be super cautious with what I eat all the damn time.

So what now? Well, I have a deload week planned anyway so the timing isn't bad. My elbows have been kinda shitty lately so I think I will just basically extend the deload as much as needed. If I feel okay, just get back to it. After that, I am going to continue with my scheduled cutting.
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
09-14-2019 , 03:33 AM
Hey man, hope your digestive problems will be better soon! It sucks to have stomach issues. I would warn you not to assume the appetite stuff will be fixed within the same two weeks. My personal experience (not H. Pylori specifically) has been that it can take quite a bit longer to also psychologically 'recover'.
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
09-14-2019 , 03:52 AM
You know I'm always playing the long game!

Usually even after regular antibiotics I'm not recovered for what feels like 2-3 weeks after ceasing treatment. I expect after strong antibiotics that can kill h.pylori, I'm predicting I won't be feeling great for quite a bit longer. I can barely remember what "normal" appetite feels like, but I do distinctly recall eating ridiculous quantities of food in the past I couldn't even come close to despite a heavier bw and more muscle today. That's part of the reason i think it's an opportune time to cut; I reckon about 8-10 weeks of hard cutting coupled with h. pylori and antibiotics recovery will drive my appetite way up toward the end and I'll get a good rebound and start getting some solid weight on.

I gotta make some lifestyle changes as well... I've normally been eating lunch at one very obviously not clean restaurant near my work because they serve decent portions of chicken breast and rice based dishes, but I'm thinking it's time to tryhard mealprep even when gaining weight. I actually already started this a few days ago because I was starting a cut and bought a pressure cooker/instant pot. Chicken breast+thigh mix with olive oil, tomato paste, and mexican seasonings have been A+ stuff I could eat for every meal whether bulking or cutting. Got some avocado pulp I'm putting on that with rice.

I'm going to pay more attention when going out to eat and choose more western and Chinese muslim places and avoid the 3-5 USD/meal Chinese places forever because why the **** do I even eat there when I am not that poor and the price is still actually higher than if I just prep the meal myself?

Also, depending on how my bloodwork looks from 10mg/day accutane, I'm not opposed to some ****ing dianabol after I finish a cut. I haven't taken any orals since my show over a year ago and orals historically always just had much better results for me than injectables. The reason I stopped them is because the exacerbated heartburn to the point where I needed something more than just TUMs to deal with it.... well now I know why. Like no matter how much test I injected, if we took 6 weeks where blood levels were already peaked, I don't think it'd ever match the same strength gains I'd get from 50mg/day of dbol over 6 weeks. ****... I used to be able to chomp down orals even harsher than dbol and consume large pizzas in one sitting and feel fine...Granted i don't think that's a good thing to do, but I'd still like to be ABLE to do it lol. Maybe instead 25mg/day and eat like 14oz of shredded chicken, vegetables, fruit and rice in one sitting post workout.
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
09-14-2019 , 11:20 PM
Another doctor update:

Bloodwork results for testosterone and live/kidney are already in. My liver is 100% healthy. The 10mg/day of accutane has had no impact on liver enzymes. AST/ALT both in low/middle of the normal range. Kinda shocked tbh. But this means after the dust has settled on the next treating the h pylori, I can reincorporate some oral steroids.

No dbol though because my estro was actually a bit high and I don't want to have to play around with AI dosage too much by adding another aromatizing compound. Superdrol has always treated me well and doesn't aromatize. Something like 500mg/wk test, 300mg/wk tren ace, and 20mg/day of superdrol with the superdrol being done 4 weeks on 4 off would be a pretty good protocol.
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
09-15-2019 , 09:02 AM
Despite the recent posting spree and olympia weekend plus local show here last week, my training motivation has not been lower in a long time. I'm hypermotivated to find some healthy and delicious recipes I can make for an upcoming lifetime of meal prep though! Or at least until Americans get kicked out of China in the precusor to the next Great War. Shredded meats>>>pan fried or baked meats when it comes to stuff that keeps well, it seems.

pozzed hbbs: 60kgx10, 70kgx10, 80kgx10, 100kgx6
leg extensions: 10x6
hamstring curls: 10x5

I was just too unmotivated to grind through like 70kgx10x6 on a clock or whatever, so I just went a bit heavier/low volume. Knees feel great still, but I'm not planning on coming back to hitting legs hard until I've finished and recovered from the antibiotic treatment. That's pretty good timing as mid october was about my initial forecast.
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
09-21-2019 , 11:57 PM
DL up to 140kgx6
Incline db: 10s up to 34kg
flat db: 34kg
Pulldowns: 3 sets
Cable rows: 3 sets

Superset 1
Hammer curls: 12kgx15,15,10,10
Rope pushdowns: 15-20x4

Close pushups: bwx20,12,10,10
Ez curls: `15x4

Superset 2:
V pushdowns: 30kgx15x4
Cable curls: 21kgx15x4

Paused HBBS: 60kgx10x5 in 11 minutes a little discomfort randomly on sets 2 and 3, none on 1,4,5
Hamstring curls: 10x5
Leg extensions: 10x5

I guess I'll just do 70kgx10x5 for my paused skots for the month of october, then 75-80kgx10x5 for november. Basically nudge things up super gradually rather than "okay I'm done with rehab now, time to hit heavy weights!!1". I'm still seeing week to week progress and getting a good pump.

Unfortunately since there are 0 other bodybuilders on here except ExpectedV who I would bet my life is never going to step on stage over 170 or at all, I don't think this is a great forum for me to log on. I don't even check anyone else's log except Montes from time to time. If people did olytard/bbing, I'd be interested.

There's a private forum called where I'll be logging eventually. I can get you an invite code if you're interested in some legit info on AAS and logs of bodybuilders. I'll feel comfortable doing full PED talk, still don't want to on here because frankly a lot of you are huge deluded f4ggots about the topic. Lots of super knowledgeable guys on there who used to be on gh15 before the site got weird as ****. When Nasser was still alive and posting as gh15, he dispensed some very solid advice and there were a lot of actual high level bbers on there. Then, sometime way before nasser's death (maybe 2013), it basically became a huge advertisement for various ugls and for PHARMA GH!!11 and attracted all sorts of loser weirdos who just take 700mg/wk of tren ace at 5'11 170 without any plans of competing.

On a more positive note. I've had almost no side effects at all from the heavy antibiotics+nexium treatment. Lots more gas, but actually I feel like I'm digesting and absorbing stuff way better than before. I realized that they don't even treat the H. Pylori most of the time unless you're also having ulcerative symptoms which scares the **** out of me and tells me I should be in no rush to re-include the tren or orals any time this year. Maybe 2020. Acne has been totally gone for about 3 weeks now, 0 new cysts and super clear skin with some of the scars improving as well. My will to train and excitement to bodybuild also strongly re-ignited after this light week. I guess I'm going to be a 3 on 1 off guy if I want to include heavy sq/dl with adequate volume and that's that.

And then lastly, I took a 10iu of hygetropin generic gh injection before taking bloodwork for gh and it turns out that stuff is real. Serum gh came back at 13.7 from an intramuscular injection. I have never taken it regularly but now that I know I can get legit stuff for a mere $90/month for 5ius a day, I'm going to start up after my stomach is back to normal.
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
09-22-2019 , 09:30 AM
Sorry to hear you're going to be leaving us; hopefully you'll still stop by for some hot takes and general updates from time to time.

Glad to hear things (tum tum, acne) are finally improving.
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
09-22-2019 , 10:49 AM
Glad to hear the life stuff. Bummer on the not posting. Perhaps I will return to Olytarding since my shoulders work now although I'm not in any rush to destroy them again. Who knows!
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
09-23-2019 , 02:42 AM
Another nail in the H&F coffin (for me at least), I echo Monte's wish for hot takes/updates. Take care man.
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
09-23-2019 , 08:18 AM
Oh of course I'm going to keep posting on here fellas, just going to have my "main log" on that website with all the joocy blogging about bodybuilding and health. I will even xpost my training part of the log here, but not necessarily other parts.

I have to support my fellow right wing extremist anti-feminist misogynist conspiracy theorist vaxx denier anti semite comrade in arms QuickBen against the legions of our SJW furry blue haired lesbian crypto-fascist communist cultural marxist oppressors in the LC thread. This is internet political talk, sacred vows and duties and all that. Extremely serious business.

Cable fly: 3 sets of 12 Feels okay if I don't do the bottom part of the ROM too fully, otherwise no go
DB incline press: 30kgx12, 26kgx12x4 laughably hard. Great pump though
flat db press: 26kgx12,7?,12
Machine press: 3 sets of 12 (weights on stack unmarked so ???)
Cable side raises: 5 sets each side

no rear delt raises b/c bench was busy and didn't wanna wait. Great pump though. I'm going to do "12s" phase because I've literally never worked in rep ranges that high. I'm also going to stick to dbs for a while because they seem to give my elbows considerably less strain, although the movement doesn't "feel" as productive.
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
09-23-2019 , 09:53 AM

Literal lol!
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
09-23-2019 , 09:54 AM
No one can produce reams of theme relevant memefied terms like you!
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
10-01-2019 , 09:32 AM
Still around. Working out. Antibiotics made me feel great at first; appetite higher but lost weight and 0 acid. Then we had to pull a 7 day workweek with a bunch of extra stuff and I started getting some severe dehydration and vomitting (from the antibiotics, not the workweek lol). Dropped antibiotics 3 days early to make it through sat+sunday work, heartburn came back about 3 days later. Now back on and will need to do a follow up appointment to see if h. pylori has been eradicated or not. I did a chest, arms, and legs days but too distracted to log.

Deadlift: 170x13

Pulldowns: 65-95lbx12x5
DB CSR: 12kgx12x5
Row machine: weightx12x5
Deadlift bbb: 80kgx10x5 too light on the bbb, but I remember being unable to finish 5 sets last 5+ week

Doing 12-15s for most things now. Will keep doing it for another 4-5 weeks. I can tell it's much easier on my joints for chest especially, funny what a difference a slightly different rep range can make.
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
10-02-2019 , 11:25 AM

JFC I wanna quit deadlifts. I remember my HR was still 109 about 15 minutes after I pulled the set of 13. The next morning, despite eating 400g of rump steak and a bunch of other stuff post workout, I was utterly wrecked and felt like I was near-death. I'm sure the antibiotics weren't helping the situation, but I mostly blame the AMRAP DL. Progress is fast, which is great, but I don't think this is sustainable. The RPE8 5x3 dls bimonthly were veerrryyy slow progress; but maybe if I did a moderate 5x3 bimonthly, but do a BB with a legit 45% of max after the rest of back training both on the weeks where I DL heavy and the weeks I don't do the 5x3 that'd be a good middle ground. 5/3/1 is just too much DL volume and even if nothing hurts now, this is a recipe for injury/digging into recovery in ways the affect training other body parts adversely, or generally feeling like crap at work the next day and ****ing up my whole week.
5/3/1+BBB is too much, but 3 sets of 5 is not enough, so maybe just adding the BBB will do the trick? I don't really want to do the 3 sets of 5 every week, but perhaps that'd be a decent option as well. Don't limit the rest so much and just take a slow steady 5lb weekly increase.

Or stop being such a stupid ass donk and do the paused RDLs which are ****ing clearly a superior exercise for what I'm trying to accomplish. If I squat, barbell row as first exercise, and finish each workout with 5 sets of 6-10 paused SLDL, my DL will still definitely increase and I'll probably get much better lat and low back development with less CNS frying...

I don't know if outside of China can view it, but youku has a bunch of previous Mr. Olympia full recordings.

Went through a handful of these and came to a conclusion: The reason i probably didn't get into bodybuilding when starting lifting is not because evil 2p2 rippetards corrupted my naive impressionable soul, but because bodybuilding absolutely sucked ass in the late 2000s. Out of shape but ridiculously vascular and full bubble gut bonanza. It was really the "anti-aesthetics" era. I watched 2009 mr o and was disgusted; I'm guessing very few new lifters could watch that video and actually want to pursue bodybuilding if that's what the highest level of the sport looked like, and that was exactly when I was coming up. Everyone looked so bad, but judges were rewarding that ridiculous wide waist horrible structure 5'6-5'8 way over carbed up and massive but not ripped with tons of poorly done site enhancement oil/synthol look. Literal ewwwww.

Post 2011-12 or so it started getting better but still sucked; I think around 2016 the physiques started to finally resemble something pleasing to the normal person.

but holy ****... 1990s olympias... absolutely amazing. `1992-93 Kevin Levrone... nobody is saying "ewww" when you show them that besides fat girls and low t buzzfeed males.
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
10-03-2019 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
nobody is saying "ewww" when you show them that besides fat girls and low t buzzfeed males.
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
10-03-2019 , 05:28 AM
Don't deadlift. You don't need it for your goals.
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
10-06-2019 , 04:28 AM
Well ironically has been down for 2-3 days because of some kind of security breach or something? So in other words, maybe not a great idea to move a log that I want to be able to look back on in a few years over there... Guess a few more months/years/forever of sticking around training to look good in a manthong with a bunch of tanning on to an audience who just ain't really into that sorta thing. In the wrong demographic, but at least we know that in 10 years, barring WW3 or American civil war, I'll be able to look back at the training I was doing in 2019 and remember what life was like. I do that with the early posts in this thread from 2009 too which is kinda cool... life certainly took some crazy and unexpected turns compared to what I thought was going to happen 10 years ago!

hbbs: 60kgx12, 65x12x5
Hamstring curls: 35x12x5
Leg extensions: 30x12x5
Hyperextensions bwx10x3

Felt absolutely great! Wonderful pumps. I've never really trained in this kind of super high rep range with low rest; I think something like 75-80kg paused hbbs for 12 is equivalent difficulty to 100kg for 10, so that's re-assuring and makes me freak out less about quitting the deadlift now that I'm safely able to train the same muscle groups with a better movement for bbing.

Stomach is good, had all you can eat japanese food Friday night and then 400g rump steak, potatoes, 4 eggs, pancakes, and a bit of vindaloo style curry on Saturday night. 0 heartburn from any of it. DBOL ABOUT TO MAKE A COMEBACK, BOIS. (not yet...)
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
10-07-2019 , 07:57 AM

Flat db: 30kgx12x5
Incline db: 22kgx12x5
Machine press: weightx15x4, x20
cable Side raises: first set 45, 4 more sets each side
rear delt flies: 4kgx12x4

Training with 12s and not using a barbell feels amazing. It's like I finally feel tension only on the muscle and not on the joint. My elbows just loled through this like it was nothing. I imagine I'll run into some kind of adaptive resistence doing it forever, so I'll probably do some kind of tapering down to 10s and 8s or low volume sets to failure occasionally, however I definitely want to be spending the majority of my time with 12s-15s on free weight exercises and even higher than that on cables and machines.
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
10-13-2019 , 04:46 AM
Cable curls SS with straight pushdowns: 5 sets of 20 each
Cable hammer rope curl SS with rope pushdowns: 5 sets of 20 each
Seated DB curls SS with skullcrushers: 5 sets of 20 each 6kg dbs

SSing the twenties worked great, but I can't do skullcrushers even with such light weights. I'll do close pushups as first lift on arm day then two cable pushdown variations.

Paused HBBS: 65kgx12x5
Paused Hamstring curl: 35x12x5
Paused Leg extensions: 30x12x5
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
10-14-2019 , 08:09 AM
Incline db: 28kgx12x6
flat db: 28kgx12x5
Machine press: weightx15x4
Cable side raises: 5 sets each side, first set 50 reps. Might up weights finally. I use the lowest on the stack
Rear delt reverse flies: 6kgx10x3 4kg dbs taken

Feels great. I really can't believe that upping the volume and reps while lowering the intensity has been 'the secret' for me so far. It's not even a huge difference on paper, but wow in practice it's like a different world. I've never felt so fresh and not achey since I was in the novice phase.

I guess it's not at all surprising though, small skeletal structure with vulnerable tendons and joints with naturallly good muscular endurance = can't handle high %s and high RPEs as well as 8 inch wrist thiccbois. My wrists are not much bigger than 5'3 125lb chinese girl. I am sure there are several thin Chinese girls with larger wrists than me.
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
10-18-2019 , 10:09 AM
Back 10-15
BB rows: 60-70kgx12x5
pullups: tried two sets of five, still not ready for this. Minor right elbow irritation. Try again next month
Plate loaded pulldowns: "70kg"x12-20x5
Db CSR: 12kgx12x5
Rack pulls with 5 sec eccentric above knee: 100kgx10x3

Kind bleh workout.

10/18 arms
long warmup with light weight
EZ cable curl ss with EZ cable tricep pushdowns: 20x5 SS 30x5

CGBP SS with fixed bar curl: 60kgx20,16,12,12 SS 15kgx20x4. Only the top 3/4ths of the movement for cgbp. Felt great though, this will be a new staple

V pushdowns SS hammer curls: 20x5, 8kg dbsx20x3

Hoping I can work up to 60kgx20x5 with super low rests on cgbp within a few months, then I'll bump up the weight incrementally.
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
10-18-2019 , 11:11 AM
Glad you are slowly converting to the anti-volume DL community. That is probably the "major" point of disagreement we have.

Also, glad to see that we're CGBPing the same weight. (I don't do actual bench anymore since lol at getting a liftoff or dragging anything around for a prehab exercise.) Granted I take more rest, do less reps and sets. But those are piddly minor details compared to just suggesting LOL WEAKLING. (Like one guy CJs 15kg more than me and FSs a few kg less? So obv I'm stronger cause...?!?)
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
10-18-2019 , 08:54 PM
Although I won't generalze and say volume dling is bad, doing high rep sets to failure/near failure for DL is pretty AIDs and is going to just detract from the rest of a person's training. It wasn't a big deal for me before since I was unable to squat anything beyond rehab weights, but I'm finding 65kgx12x5 with low rest, slow eccentrics, and pauses to be proper working weights that are no longer in rehab territory so I justified dropping the DLs. It was kind of worth it during the months I spent off squatting to spend so much energy dling to preserve general lower body, core, and low back strength while unable to train squats. I don't regret it.

I can see why high rep high RPE dls are necessary for strongman though, but the rest of us, whether powerlifting, bodybuilding, or just in that intermediate and need to improve general strength phase, should almost certainly do something else.

My favorite after giving the rack pulls a go last week is definitely the paused SLDL with constant tension. You pause just above the floor and keep your lats squeezed there and whooaaa they get pumped. It doesn't need to be loaded very heavy at all to feel hard either. I feel that a crazy amount in my low back and lats, whereas the rack pull I feel more in my traps and glutes but not as much in low back or lats.
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
10-18-2019 , 09:09 PM
Added back in THE GOOD STUFF. I've basically been on test solo for more than a year now with some brief runs of equipoise, which I've concluded is absolutely worthless and provides maybe slightly better endurance at the cost of a surprising elevation of long run health risks even though it's acutely "mild".

Dbol still undisputed king since it's inception in the 50s. powerlifter, strongman, oly lifter, bber, guy who wants to look jacked to (fail to) pick up fitness chicks in thongs and yoga pants... doesn't matter your goals. Dbol is the one that builds the tissue and the strength, the rest are inferior imitators. There is a good reason it is by far the most common compound oly lifters were getting busted for last time I checked and it's not just that it's the most available and cheapest; it's also the best with probably the best ratio of side effects to gains other than testosterone itself.
Evoken's Max-OT log Quote
