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Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans

03-20-2017 , 06:30 AM

You are 100% right about the cat pictures. That really is the essence of my cat though. His name is Brody, he is a rescue, and loves to hide in random places.

Can I get into situations without alcohol? Yes I can, but have not been recently. I do not get the shakes when I do not drink. I went most of Jan and feb this year not drinking.

What aspects of it do I really enjoy? The transitioning from sober to the first buzz feeling from alcohol. Lowering my guard and annoyance level. The vortex of situations that become possible from drinking.

I do not have any problem with waiting to have a drink. If I delay myself from having one, I don't notice anything negative. I have not been blackout drunk, sick, or to extent I can't remember things from night before in years.
The taste of a cold beer after a long day is quenching. I enjoy the taste of craft beer and such.

Does it drop my socialization threshold? Yes, nailed it. I am not shy person by any means. However, when sober I do not care about random trivial/social/media/political jaZz. When I drink I don't mind pretending to care and engage in these convos.

You called me out for not giving real enough answers, and I needed that. You are correct. I appreciate you and what you are doing here so I will try to be honest with you, despite how prickish I might look. When I gained the weight I drank by myself and to try to hide problems of my life. During that time I wasn't really going out and socializing. Now I am out of that said rut, I drink for a different reason. I love to laugh, I love women, I love my city, and I love to hustle.

The most I have felt alive in a while was on Saturday night. Was I wasted? No. Was it because of a woman? No. Was it because I accomplished something? No. Well buddyweiser, what made you feel so alive?

Dude gets kicked out of our favorite bar for getting caught w a pint in his coat. Bouncer kicked him out but he was talking **** near back exit. Being the type that likes action, my buddies and I follow. Bouncer acts super professional and waits and baits the guy into fighting which resulted in 1-2 combo and dude getting bloodied up. Sht talks to bouncer for a while longer and gets taken to the ground again. When on the ground, dude tried talking **** and spitting at my friend for laughing at friend takes three steps and punts his head on the fourth, ends w smashing bottle on his face. My friend was done, but I coral him anyway and he turns around goes to the bar and tries to order a drink before the police get there.

We head out and I'm in passenger seat with said friend. He stated he didn't wanna do that, but he was having a really bad day. He said he was trying to be patient, but drunk was disrespecting his bar and threatening his friend the bouncer. Then he called bull **** On himself. He admitted that it was because he was hurting emotionally. His best friend committed suicide recently, I was good friends with him as well. We started to talk about depression and losing a loved one. The loved ones they left behind, and the battles they fought mentally throughout the way. I finally was mentally and physically able to talk about some things I've never had the strength to in my life. So I guess this last line will answer some unanswered questions for you lapka....

I was finally able to expose myself, and that's why I feel alive.

Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-20-2017 , 06:32 AM
Lapka / M / others

You should message me your Snapchat names Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-20-2017 , 12:54 PM

Brody is supercool. I am totally a cat girl.

I am glad that you do have the introspection needed to change anything. Glad that you can talk about stuff and not only when you are drunk. I understand now what you mean by "I enjoy it and the situations I get in." You didn't enjoy your friend punting this kids face, but what come out of it: the adrenaline, this connection you felt with your friend afterwards and this talking about what is really difficult: death, depression and suicide.

The question is, if you can't have that all without beer. So you have on one side: health, calories and on the other side: feeling of connection, being able to talk about difficult stuff, adrenaline rush, lower annoyance and being more able to trust ( this is connected with being able to talk about difficult stuff) and finally refreshing taste. It is really really good that you don't have shakes, that means that all is in your head. The alc didn't yet become an essential part of your metabolism.

So you have to think, if you really want to curb your drinking, if the health and calories are so important. And if yes, how you are gonna get everything from the positive side of alc somehow different.

I could give some bad stories about drinking to motivate you, but I think you know yourself, what you want.

P.S. I appreciate the snapchat invitation, but somehow I am not snapchat girl .
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-20-2017 , 01:17 PM

In reference to me "needing to quit drinking"

I also "need to quit...."

Hooking up w girls I have no intentions of dating

Smoke less blunts

Buy cheaper beer

Eat more fish

Be nicer to my little cousins

Let debts slide

Drive the speed limit

Get a med marijuana card

Tip less

But none of these along with quitting drinking are going to happen.

Brody is a lover and smartest cat I've ever had. I don't blame you about snapping, I just started
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-22-2017 , 08:17 AM
3/20 AM chest

Bench/incline/tri press/rope pd

3/20 PM - pull-ups and oblique / ab

3/21 - random. Taught friend deadlift and ohp in his garage.

Pull ups / light squats / light ohp / deadlift

Friends are jumping into the river today, I'm contemplating joining. Jumping in doesn't scare me, how my body reacts to when I get out of the water is what worries me.

And yeah animals still itt

Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-22-2017 , 12:28 PM
Is that beef or pork? What have you made with it?
jump in!
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-22-2017 , 12:58 PM

That is a 16 oz delmonaco? steak. Just pan fried it with side of onions mushroom and seasonings. Few local made purple chips w garden fresh salsa ( that wasn't close to spicy enough ). Forgot to take picture before the destruction.

It's snowing today and in the mid 20s. I am mentally ready to jump in, and am rallying to get a larger group of us to do it after floor hockey tonight.

P.s. Awesome song
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-23-2017 , 10:10 AM
Bench /incline/ tri press / db ext/ shrugs.

Played two hours of floor hockey in the night. Super tired after playing, but better endurance stamina and stick control today. I got 4 goals and a boatload of assists. Would of been a perfect night of floor hockey, until last ten mins I'm hovering around goalie for rebound and step on a stick in the perfect position to roll my ankle....real bad. Sore and swollen today, but I know how to deal with these from tennis.
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-24-2017 , 07:37 AM
3/23 AM

OHP - 1x5 97.5 107.5
1x2 117.5 I mentally fs up hitting weight on rack
4x5 97.5

Phone call stole me from gym.

PM garage workout. Of bench and tri press - friends workout I just jumped un.

I am going to actually buckle down and attempt to not be in food mood like I have been all month. Ankle is slowly healing.
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-24-2017 , 01:01 PM
Lat pull down - 1x10 100 130 150

Deadlift - 1x5 210 1x5 260 1x2 300
Seated cable row 2x12 170 200
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-24-2017 , 01:02 PM
Pull-up bicep and delt fly as well.
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-24-2017 , 01:34 PM
Sorry you sprang your ankle.....That is the worst pain ever.
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-24-2017 , 01:37 PM
Appreciate the thought MLYLT, but it wasn't even worse pain this week. That goes to burning my hand
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-25-2017 , 06:39 PM
Squats x10s
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-25-2017 , 06:42 PM
Getting dressed up for first time in too long. Going to a charity event where my beard will be auctioned off and winner decides if I shave it or save it. All funds collected will be given to a first responders?

I'm getting **** faced and in a 3k suit I won off a 2p2er a lifetime ago.
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-25-2017 , 08:05 PM

Buddy, I learn so many new expressions from you:****%20faced

I am sure you are looking sharp in a suit.
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-25-2017 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by buddyWEISER
Getting dressed up for first time in too long. Going to a charity event where my beard will be auctioned off and winner decides if I shave it or save it. All funds collected will be given to a first responders?

I'm getting **** faced and in a 3k suit I won off a 2p2er a lifetime ago.
That sounds like a blast....Have fun. I hope they have you!

Please post pics in 3k suit
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-26-2017 , 12:48 AM
Well I went to my favorite bar for a last stop and ended up into my ex. Moments later my ex proceeded to back over my foot w her car. Gg
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-26-2017 , 01:40 PM

Closest I'm gonna get to having pic posted is if someone mspaints me. Or if I could see a picture of lapka Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-26-2017 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by lapka

Buddy, I learn so many new expressions from you:****%20faced

I am sure you are looking sharp in a suit.

I'll start spreading some fun terms for you lapka.

Was told I looked good. My beard was voted top 10 and auctioned off. Lady win winning bid had me "save" it instead of shave it. Had a great time and felt good generating some charity money, I'm down w pimping myself out for that.

After auction I made cardinal mistake of liquor after beer. This is where the night takes a turn. I run into my ex fiancé at a bar. I was sauced up and she was feeling some type of way. Her friend was into me back in the day and would of been all over me if my ex wasn't there. Between what I said sauced up, and ex being mad at her friend but taking it out on me.

I was talking to my ex when she and said friend were in car about to leave. Honestly cannot recall the conversation but remember look of anger in her face, putting in reverse, me saying don't run my foot over....skeettttt. Thank god it was just toes and I was wasted.

First hangover of the year and i pushed through it and did leg day. Maxed out the leg press machine squat and lat pulldowns.
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-26-2017 , 02:13 PM
Why do you drink beer if you want to get drunk?
Stay with vodka if you want just to be drunk and minimize the hangover.

Against the hangover:
- small glass of bier
- pickle water
- aspirin
- coffee
- broth

The charity event was apparently fun.

With ex...... I don't know.... To me seems that you said dumb stuff, had no fun, and at the same time are kind of bragging about having no control of the situation. You can do that next time to increase the dumb factor

But what is totally cool, that you still did exercise
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-26-2017 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by lapka
Why do you drink beer if you want to get drunk?

Stay with vodka if you want just to be drunk and minimize the hangover.

Against the hangover:

- small glass of bier

- pickle water

- aspirin

- coffee

- broth

The charity event was apparently fun.

With ex...... I don't know.... To me seems that you said dumb stuff, had no fun, and at the same time are kind of bragging about having no control of the situation. You can do that next time to increase the dumb factor

But what is totally cool, that you still did exercise

I usually don't drink to get drunk. I was gonna stay w beer but charity event only had bud light and I wanted none of that. Thanks for the hangover cure, but I'm super Gucci with how to bounce back.

The incident w my ex is coming back now that I really try to think about it. I remember her old man boyfriend was there and he walked away because I've known him before they even met. I was probably talking **** about her boning old man Medicare meat. Hmmm Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans

Lmk if you need any help translating. We gonna pm each other pics ?
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-27-2017 , 12:28 AM
My sleep schedule is officially terrible. I just woke up at midnight and not sure what to do about this.

3/26 - squat / leg press / back stuff
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-27-2017 , 09:40 AM
Bench - 1x10 137.5
2x10 157.5
1x4 187.5

Tri press 2x12 137.5

Incline smith - 1x12 70 90 120

Rope pd / tri ext
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
03-27-2017 , 10:25 AM
I learned a lot of new expressions from you. I do use this urban dictionary:
**** faced
sauced up
what up doe
Eat all the animals, get stonger, this, that, and such shenanigans Quote
