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Eagle314's SS Log Eagle314's SS Log

10-04-2010 , 09:53 PM
5/3/1: Week 3, Workout #1



DB Press: 5x10x30s (1 min breaks)
Chinups: 30 reps (sets of 5)

Horrible sleep and too much drinking since thursday. WIM today was as low as I can remember it being, really pathetic not grinding out a 4th rep, could have had it. Gonna keep my maxes the same for my second 5/3/1 cycle. Going in for an x-ray this week to see if the pneumonia is gone and the way ive been living, I probably still have it.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
10-05-2010 , 08:19 PM
5/3/1: Week 3, Workout #2



Power Cleans: 5x3x161 (tie PR)

HBBS- Felt good, left one in the tank because im a bitch and scared of failing a squat with the pins set low. guess its not the worst thing to actually listen to wendler and leave one in the tank tho.

Power Cleans- Something clicked on a rep in the 3rd set, and the weight started feeling easy. think i just learned how to get more power from the hip extension or something.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
10-08-2010 , 05:45 PM
5/3/1: Week 3, Workout #3+4





DB Bench: 3x10x45s (1 min breaks)
Chinups: 30 reps (sets of 5)

Bench- Very close fail on 5th rep. This felt a lot better than last week, more controlled bar path and upper back stayed tighter.

Deadlift- Best deadlifts ive ever done. Started my hips higher and my lower back felt better than ever, very excited about this and will hopefully see good progress on the next cycle here. Left 1, maybe 2 in the tank.

Took it easy on assistance because of doing two big lifts. Also decided to bump bench 5 pounds next cycle, 10 pounds for squat and deadlift, and keep press the same. Im hoping for a 135x5 press and 195x5 bench next cycle. For squat id like to learn how to properly dump failed reps so i dont bitch out and always leave 1-2 in the tank, and hopefully get 270x5 with deep HBBS. For deadlift, hope to get 281x6 (minimum) with little lower back rounding.

Overall, I really enjoyed my first cycle of 5/3/1 even tho i didnt make progress on my lifts. Ive been drinking way too often and way too much, this should die down a bit after having the two biggest football games of the year already and having two of my roommates birthdays in the last couple weeks. Ive also dropped about 5 pounds in the last month (weigh around 176) from having pneumonia and just simply not eating a lot recently.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
10-11-2010 , 09:09 PM
5/3/1: Week 1, Workout #1



DB Press: 5x10x30s
Chinups: 30 reps (sets of 6)
DB Row: 2x10x50s

Press- was hoping for 9. press has felt really sloppy lately, the fact that ive dropped to like 174 isn't helping either.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
10-11-2010 , 11:35 PM
i see you're puttin up bitch weight.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
10-11-2010 , 11:36 PM
what else is new
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
10-12-2010 , 09:49 PM
5/3/1: Week 1, Workout #2



Power Cleans: 5x3x166 (PR)

HBBS- tougher than i would have liked, possibly could have grinded out a 10th.

Power Cleans- last rep was ugly, overall happy tho.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
10-14-2010 , 08:51 PM
5/3/1: Week 1, Workout #3



DB Bench: 5x10x45s (1 min breaks)
Chinups: 5x6xBW

Bench- This was the number I was hoping to hit, definitely was my last rep tho, none in the tank.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
10-15-2010 , 07:36 PM
5/3/1: Week 1, Workout #4



HBBS: 5x10x135

Deadlift- Felt pretty good, got a bit lazy and sloppy at the end. 9th rep was kinda tough, probably only had 1 in the tank.

HBBS- dont like these high rep squat sets that much, might switch this to 8x3 dynamic sets next week or something.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
10-15-2010 , 07:40 PM
I have seen good results with squatting heavy once or twice per week with linear progression and subbing in 8x3 box squats when too fatigued. I don't have a specific workout plan like 5/3/1 or whatever, but the DE stuff absolutely helps me (both box squats and speed DLs with bands).

I feel like the DE effort gives me a decent training stimulus without the major hit to recovery.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
10-15-2010 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by kyleb
I have seen good results with squatting heavy once or twice per week with linear progression and subbing in 8x3 box squats when too fatigued. I don't have a specific workout plan like 5/3/1 or whatever, but the DE stuff absolutely helps me (both box squats and speed DLs with bands).

I feel like the DE effort gives me a decent training stimulus without the major hit to recovery.
alright i will watch some box squat vids and probably do them next friday instead of the 5x10, thanks. i was thinking about doing some type of 3x5 squatting on friday after deadlifts but figured that might be too much to recover from in just a few days.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
10-15-2010 , 07:56 PM
It probably will be. I don't follow your log that closely, but here's a general idea of what I will try to do on Sun/Tue/Wed/Fri for offseason training (as far as the prime lifts go).

Sun: DE squat, ME bench, DE deadlift, strength-speed metcon
Tue: Light/recovery squat (triples @ 70% 1RM), ME/DE Bench (depending on feeling), speed metcon
Wed: ME squat, jumping, strength-speed metcon
Fri: ME deadlift, DE bench, speed metcon

I don't mind doing DE deadlift one day after ME deadlift. I actually find it pretty reasonable, and I don't want to DL usually the day before or after a workout (Tue/Wed). Plus I'm prioritizing bench and metcon since they both suck. On days off, I do assistance work like rows/chins/etc since I work at a gym. YMMV.

The overarching idea is to simple modulate intensity properly. That's the whole idea of 5/3/1 and other intermediate-type programs.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
10-18-2010 , 11:14 PM
5/3/1: Week 2, Workout #1



DB Press: 5x10x30s (1 min breaks)
Chinups: 7x6xBW, 8

Thanks for the info kyleb, gonna just do the box squats for now but might add in DE deadlifts at some point.

Didn't drink all that much this weekend so was hoping for a good workout, but obviously it didn't happen. Press form has been sloppy the last few workouts, not keeping tight enough and hitting on my chest too low.

Some good news tho, the lingering nausea I have had for awhile seems to be going away so maybe I will progress now that I'm gonna be eating more.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
10-20-2010 , 11:39 PM
5/3/1: Week 2, Workout #2



Power Cleans: 5x3x171 (PR)

Had to push this workout back a day because ive had a ton of schoolwork recently. Bad news is my weight is the lowest its been in awhile (between 173 and 174), good news is my appetite is also the highest its been in months, still feel slightly nauseous but am getting more calories and protein in than i have been recently. Hopefully gaining back some weight will help my lifts. Also have started taking creatine again with the nausea going away.

HBBS- Could have grinded out 1 more, was hoping for 6 with 1 in the tank tho.

Power Cleans- Very close to fail here on a couple reps, gonna do 2.5lb jumps from now on.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
10-21-2010 , 09:29 PM
5/3/1: Week 2, Workout #3



DB Bench: 5x10x45s (1 min breaks)
Chinups: 7, quit

Really bad sleep the last two nights, ended up bitching out on chinups.

Bench- This was the minimum number I was hoping for, pretty tough last rep. Think I will get 190x5 next week.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
10-24-2010 , 08:27 PM
5/3/1: Week 2, Workout #4



LBBS: worked up to 205x5
HBBS: 205x5

Eagle314's SS Log Quote
10-26-2010 , 12:00 AM
5/3/1: Week 3, Workout #1



DB Press: 5x10x35s (1 min breaks)
Chinups: 5x7xBW

Press- So close on 5th rep, if my WIM was a little higher today would have had it.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
10-27-2010 , 12:17 AM
HBBS: 5x5x225

Not too tough. Watched the Celts game, so didnt have enough time before closing for any power cleans. Going back to Texas Method with JAW next week. Plan for the rest of this week is to attempt a 5RM at 192.5 for bench tomorrow or thursday and do some type of deadlifting friday.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
10-27-2010 , 04:12 AM
Any particular reason you're going to TM? What did/didn't you like about 5/3/1?
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
10-27-2010 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Any particular reason you're going to TM? What did/didn't you like about 5/3/1?
I felt like leaving the gym after the main lift was done everyday, guess i just dont care for assistance work really. Also, I had some type of digestive issue or something that seems to be going away which is making it easier to get a reasonable amount of calories/protein which makes me think i could progress decently on TM now. I had dropped around 8 pounds over a month span after getting sick and then not eating much because of constantly feeling nauseous, felt like doing TM while losing weight like that (along with excessive amounts of drinking) would have led to stalling.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
10-29-2010 , 07:11 PM
Bench: 1x5x192.5 (PR), 2x4x185
Chinups: 10,10,10

Used JAW's VS Dynamos on the PR set, felt more leg drive than ever. Gotta order some for myself soon. Starting TM next week.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
10-29-2010 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Eagle314
I felt like leaving the gym after the main lift was done everyday, guess i just dont care for assistance work really. Also, I had some type of digestive issue or something that seems to be going away which is making it easier to get a reasonable amount of calories/protein which makes me think i could progress decently on TM now. I had dropped around 8 pounds over a month span after getting sick and then not eating much because of constantly feeling nauseous, felt like doing TM while losing weight like that (along with excessive amounts of drinking) would have led to stalling.
Fair enough, good reasons.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
11-02-2010 , 12:00 AM
Volume Day

Press: 5x5x120
HBBS: 4x5x225
Chinups: 8,8,8,8,8

Press- kinda tough, probably only had 1 left in the tank by the 5th set. 135 on friday.

HBBS- used JAW's VS Dynamos, these felt easy but felt some pain in my knee after 4th set so just stopped. 250 or 255 on friday.

Gonna do PC's (5x3) on recovery day wednesday along with light squats and light bench.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
11-04-2010 , 07:03 PM
Recovery Day

Power Cleans: 5x3x166
HBBS: 2x5x195

Power Cleans- Pretty good, some sloppy reps tho. 5 pound jump next week, then probably 2.5 from there.

Didnt bench past warmups, felt some weird pain in my thumb and figured who cares its only recovery day so just left. This was yesterday by the way.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
11-09-2010 , 01:30 AM
Volume Day

Bench: 5x5x170
HBBS: 5x5x230

Both were pretty tough.
Eagle314's SS Log Quote
