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04-18-2019 , 09:43 PM
Average 80.4kg. A bit of intermitting fasting during Easter should be good. Like to dabble with tenths of kilos, you can see results quite fast. No unsurmountable mountains, please.

When it comes to exercise I walk outside a bit more (spring weather...), and a bit less in the gym. But there's more variation in the gym vs lower and middle body, both cardio and strength. As mentioned earlier upper body is history for the moment, does me good.

Last edited by plaaynde; 04-18-2019 at 09:49 PM.
Complete Turnover Quote
04-21-2019 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by plaaynde
Average 80.4kg.

Average: 81.0kg

The fight ain't over least I'm understanding more and more the challenges of keeping the weight. But I have only so much to do on this planet, so why not?
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04-30-2019 , 11:08 PM
Average 80.45kg. Still working on that getting to 80.0, think I will succeed with the help of you guys

Brian, any plan to join? This thread has become kind of sleepy.
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05-01-2019 , 12:46 AM
Once I start up again, I will post. I did eat broccoli today.
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05-01-2019 , 02:35 AM
Broccoli sounds good to me.

Btw, will be interesting to see if I ever "stop". My guess is I will not. Wonder how fast I would be ballooning if I did?
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05-02-2019 , 02:24 PM
Did some light upper body today after a long break. Just feeling the arms need something to do. It may be biceps only, that's what you have to have functioning if doing some physical work in the summer, need to prepare.
Complete Turnover Quote
05-07-2019 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by plaaynde
Average 80.45kg
Average 80.6kg. Trying to lose some weight after the weekend...
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05-10-2019 , 10:57 PM

Average: 80.5kg

Have really tried to cut back, doesn't show up in the numbers very well. On the other hand just trying and training to cut back on food/drink can make you (re)learn, and then it can pay off in a few days even. If getting in the flow and the time is right it just feels good to eat substantially less some days.
Complete Turnover Quote
05-13-2019 , 11:34 PM
So, I reached 81.0kg when it should be 80.0. Time to do something more. Now it's obvious to me: the chocolate/candy bars have to go. Have had them at work, getting some now and then, yesterday it became two! Ok, why not, helped me over a bit of challenging subjects and the weight didn't suffer...

Initially had I think half a bar before going to the gym. Lately have started to average 1.5 bars or something per working day. If they are available, I eat them. So the experiment is this: just don't buy. Then I have my three morning VLCD smoothies: 350 cal, lunch salad etc another say 400. Getting home at five or something having had around 800 cal, will simply not eat more than an additional 1000 cal with the few hours left of the day, should work out fine, even if there are some (smaller) backlashes here and there.

Let's see if the kilogram shreds confidently within the next two weeks?

Last edited by plaaynde; 05-13-2019 at 11:45 PM.
Complete Turnover Quote
05-17-2019 , 11:29 PM
Think I will test a new method. Right now there isn't any food for me in the fridge. The only food is the VLCD smoothie powders. The method could be not to eat anything at all today, then just get those five VLCD smoothies in the evening, which should ensure this isn't foolish, that is 600 cal and all the essentials.

Say I need to lose half a kilogram, that is about 3500 cal in total. Could almost lose that during the weekend.

If this gets too tough I will go only halfway, as so many times before, but still may win some.
Complete Turnover Quote
05-18-2019 , 08:46 PM
You could say the above was the crude idea. I realized shortly after that I will only take a VLCD smoothie each time the hunger starts to become a bit overwhelming. So 18 May I had six smoothies spread out during the day. How do I know that easily? When having a smoothie bag I tear off an inch by an inch piece and put it on a small plate. No need to remember, just having the pieces there at a glance.

Yesterday also had some home made scones and a little something, don't know how much but no way above 1000 cal. The smoothies average 120 cal apiece, so there is 700 cal. Max 1700 cal in total.

Don't have a clear idea about how low I will go this time, but the average should be at least below 80.0kg.
Complete Turnover Quote
05-18-2019 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by plaaynde

Average: 80.5kg
Time for the number crushing part:


Average: 80.7kg
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05-18-2019 , 11:00 PM
Debauchery in Vegas this weekend. Then a trip for supplies for my truck/home so I can cook more easily while on the road.

Updates to follow some day in the future.
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05-18-2019 , 11:15 PM
Looking forward to it. You have a feeling things have been under kind of control or is it a more extensive project ahead?
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05-19-2019 , 04:15 AM
I don't understand the question.
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05-19-2019 , 12:55 PM
What is your weight?
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05-19-2019 , 03:18 PM
Had 10 smoothies today, 1200 cal. Max 500 of other calories, that is 1700 in total. Looks I'm inevitably on the right track. This may be my "patent solution" in the future if needing to lose 1/2-1 kilograms.
Complete Turnover Quote
05-19-2019 , 10:48 PM
79.6kg. Looks good, but it's that usual good sign when starting to lose weight. Not intending to start this diet again in a very short time, so think I will continue for now.

Anyhow the motivation took (rightly) a blow when in principle reaching the goal...

Edit: as I don't intend to yo-yo "because I can" will start eating some more when getting the first 78kg something. Then I should reliably enough be below 80 on average.

Last edited by plaaynde; 05-19-2019 at 11:06 PM.
Complete Turnover Quote
05-20-2019 , 03:54 AM
Originally Posted by plaaynde
What is your weight?
197.8 this afternoon.
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05-20-2019 , 12:47 PM
Good job! You didn't let it slip even when on the break.
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05-20-2019 , 03:12 PM
Have had eight smoothies today, a salad as lunch and small chunk of meat(!). We are talking about around 1000+500 cals. Will have max one smoothie more, so below 1700 in total. Not expecting this to show up on the scale tomorrow morning, but by the end of the week: yes...
Complete Turnover Quote
05-20-2019 , 10:31 PM
80.1kg. As you would expect, I've become a bit bored with the smoothies. Time to take the general idea to the next level. The chocolate/candy bars are still gone, should ensure I haven't eaten more than say 800 cal when coming home from work-gym. Will get in a prepared salad today, cutting down the smoothies a bit.
Complete Turnover Quote
05-21-2019 , 05:09 PM
Two prepared salads, a biscuit, say 700 cal. Six smoothies, that's better, another 700. Rounded upwards 1500 cal for the day. These things may reflect quite fast on the scale when talking about some hundreds of grams. What could tomorrow's weigh-in be?
Complete Turnover Quote
05-21-2019 , 10:58 PM
Had two bread roll halves with cheese after I posted, they really stilled the hunger, especially when having them say half an hour apart.

The weight is now 79.9kg, so may declare the weight losing part of the mini-project done. The average for three days is 79.9kg (79.6, 80.1, 79.9). May leave the high calorie density chocolate bars for now, but otherwise: some more food (but not too much )

Last edited by plaaynde; 05-21-2019 at 11:05 PM.
Complete Turnover Quote
05-22-2019 , 04:56 PM
Wow, I'm back into the mode when we got a bit worried last time, Brian. Have eaten very little today. Will follow the weight, hoping to get it under control without the caramel bag...

How things can switch. Anyway I'd say 90% of the time the problem is keeping the weight down, 10% keeping it up.
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