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02-07-2019 , 04:14 PM
Dreaming of doing like that, Brian?

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02-08-2019 , 01:01 AM
80.2kg. Slowly getting there.
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02-08-2019 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by plaaynde

Average: 80.4kg
Interesting. Ate bread, cheese and sausage for one day and the weight went up almost a kilogram. So it has to be water to the greatest part. What is my "real" weight?


Average: 80.5kg

Anyhow, broke that 81kg limit, so will turn off eating. A bit tired of fooling around.

Will probably check my weight daily at least for the coming half year.
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02-09-2019 , 11:52 AM
Worked out last night. 191.0 this morning.

I think you have confirmed that sausage, cheese and bread isn't conducive to weight loss
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02-09-2019 , 11:21 PM
80.3kg. So that's nearer the "real" weight with the current diet. If I ate more bread etc. my "real" weight would be 81. Anyhow I now have something of the weight dropping flow inside me that I had when dropping several kilos. Then I even had to figure out how to stop.

To wake that weight re-dropping mode up took a month. No wonder the world is full of fails.

We need a medicine against obesity!

Last edited by plaaynde; 02-09-2019 at 11:31 PM.
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02-10-2019 , 01:34 AM
Cocaine and cigarettes?
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02-10-2019 , 02:33 AM
Something better, please.
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02-10-2019 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by plaaynde
Then I even had to figure out how to stop.
You really did not.
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02-10-2019 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by COCKBOAT
You really did not.
Yes I did. Maybe I even have an anorectic trait there somewhere? Even Brian was a bit concerned.

Now I'm thinking about taking this to 78.9kg or the like, just to have some margin. Let's see.

It's a bit scary realizing I might have the potential to starve myself to death...not intending to use it . But intending to succeed in keeping this at around 80kg, one way or the other.

Last edited by plaaynde; 02-10-2019 at 02:24 PM.
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02-10-2019 , 03:42 PM
3.48 mile hike with some running during it. Dogs make such things much easier and more fun. I'm planning on using this as an excuse to take it easy on legs today, purely because I like excuses to avoid doing much leg work.
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02-11-2019 , 12:43 AM
Have a small break with the gym myself, a "minimal flu"

Originally Posted by plaaynde

Average: 80.5kg

Average 80.2kg
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02-11-2019 , 01:56 AM
I didn't go to the gym today at all. Had pizza and beer instead. Planning a long hike tomorrow and want to feel good during it. Then the gym if I feel up to it.
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02-12-2019 , 12:48 AM
81.1kg. Wonder what's happening in my body. Had some slices of bread and a little cheese and so on (sausage) and a bottle of non-alcoholic beer. And a bun. But anyway. And a couple of chocolate bars. But otherwise think I ate little ()

Feel I will do this with a bit low control though. 80kg is the goal, will not engage in the "sport" or "disease" of losing weight, and then let it go up again, from crisis to crisis. More like this protracted low level pain for the greater good. In the end I'm not far from what the initial goal was.

Last edited by plaaynde; 02-12-2019 at 01:16 AM.
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02-12-2019 , 01:20 AM
And hunger just goes away. Was a bit hungry after my last double VLCD smoothie, now don't feel any craving several hours later. So will not eat at the moment either, even if I usually do. It's the IF voice talking.
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02-12-2019 , 09:46 AM
Did my hike and my gym workout as planned yesterday.
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02-12-2019 , 08:39 PM
One hour walk with the dogs today.
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02-13-2019 , 01:40 AM
80.7kg. So far no 81kgs two days in a row.

Going to the gym today, after a four day break.
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02-13-2019 , 11:00 PM
You should add pie to your diet.

Did a half-hour hike with the dogs and hit the gym.
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02-14-2019 , 12:18 PM
Good idea. Had some bread with cheese though.

Weighed 80.9 this morning at first, decided to rest another hour and have another look and another visit to the bathroom. Then it was 80.5. Must be the hormones.
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02-15-2019 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by plaaynde

Average 80.2kg

Average: 80.7kg

Wonder what it is tomorrow?
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02-16-2019 , 12:10 AM
79.9kg !!

Last edited by Aidan; 03-11-2019 at 01:51 AM.
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02-16-2019 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by plaaynde

Average: 80.7kg

So it looks to be the desired level. It's still night but the right date, woke up, so what the heck, went on the scale. Could easily weigh a couple of hundred grams less in the morning. But when awake, the eating and drinking starts

Have eaten some bread and cheese and so on. It feels it has been simply about eating less to a greater extent than before, not "fooling" myself with tons of vegetables in the same way, even if that also is effective, but getting a bit bored with that method at the moment.

Getting those few average calories down I need for sustain may be more about IF from now on, for some time. You delay and cut down eating, and then the day ends, and the bottom line can be lower than it had been, if you don't overcompensate the days to come.

The main idea may be this: you can't use only one method for cutting down and sustain weight. You get bored, and need variations in how to keep the total calorie intake down. Yet another obstacle for losing weight sustainably. But possible, I'd say (at least so far...)

Last edited by plaaynde; 02-16-2019 at 10:27 PM.
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02-17-2019 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by plaaynde

So principally this is it. Let's see where it goes. Rather a bit down than up, but trying to find the balance.
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02-18-2019 , 08:18 PM
80.3kg, in the middle of the night. Had half a liter of NA beer five hours ago etc. Will maybe have to get used to swings of 1kg. When I ate almost only salads and VLCD smoothies it was more even.
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02-19-2019 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by plaaynde

Average: 80.05kg

As it looks I got this under control after about two months think I will drop off the front page for now. Nice to control at least one aspect of life. If lucky, this will be easier from now on. Thanks to you all for the interest!

Will continue to log now and then. Brian, the thread is much yours now!
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