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cha59's log cha59's log

12-04-2012 , 11:17 AM
Paging Dr Cha for a form check in busto's thread, dr cha to busto's thread.

ETA: for latest squat vid and a few up for DL/more squats. Lumbar extension is in question.
cha59's log Quote
12-04-2012 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
Sorry - that's something I have no experience with. Maybe you could get the mom to take her to an orthopedic doctor to see what they say - I'd trust that person over the rookie trainer.
She did take her to a doctor, I'm not sure if it was an orthopedic doctor, that doctor said it was a lateral sprain and she'll be out 1-2 weeks.

I am curious how a trainer can diagnose a torn ligament?
No idea.
cha59's log Quote
12-04-2012 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Paging Dr Cha for a form check in busto's thread, dr cha to busto's thread.

ETA: for latest squat vid and a few up for DL/more squats. Lumbar extension is in question.
I know you know this, but maybe not everyone reading this does: I am not a doctor. I do appreciate the comment and take that as a compliment though.

I'm kinda busy and sick right now. Bug me again in a day or two if I havent replied to that stuff.
cha59's log Quote
12-04-2012 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Halstad
She did take her to a doctor, I'm not sure if it was an orthopedic doctor, that doctor said it was a lateral sprain and she'll be out 1-2 weeks.

No idea.
Sorry but I have no advice about this then. I would be interested to hear what happens though.
cha59's log Quote
12-04-2012 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
I know you know this, but maybe not everyone reading this does: I am not a doctor. I do appreciate the comment and take that as a compliment though.

I'm kinda busy and sick right now. Bug me again in a day or two if I havent replied to that stuff.
Yeah, it was meant as a compliment. I know you're good at checking form and that you're especially strict about the lumbar (a good thing). Get better
cha59's log Quote
12-06-2012 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by cha59
Sorry but I have no advice about this then. I would be interested to hear what happens though.
Hopefully this is the end of the story, Tuesday the player and myself convinced the trainer that she isn't in any pain and he moved her test up to Wednesday. She passed and participated fully in practice that day. Thank goodness too, we need her.

Now if only the girl with knee cap problem was back in practice. Oh, that would be an early x-max present.
cha59's log Quote
12-06-2012 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Yeah, it was meant as a compliment. I know you're good at checking form and that you're especially strict about the lumbar (a good thing). Get better

Originally Posted by Halstad
Hopefully this is the end of the story, Tuesday the player and myself convinced the trainer that she isn't in any pain and he moved her test up to Wednesday. She passed and participated fully in practice that day. Thank goodness too, we need her.

Now if only the girl with knee cap problem was back in practice. Oh, that would be an early x-max present.
cha59's log Quote
12-06-2012 , 08:44 PM
I'm sick - coughing up stuff that looks like small farm animals and nose has been running constantly. Sleeping has been tough because of breathing/coughing. I'm now on antibiotics, so hopefully this will be gone soon.

I missed lifting yesterday and I'm skipping bowling tonight. I dont plan to lift tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get back at it on Sunday. At worst, I expect to be able to bowl by Monday.
cha59's log Quote
12-06-2012 , 08:45 PM
12-07-2012 , 12:11 AM
I hope it's bacterial - My fiancee and I just went through viral bronchitis (she still has a cough) and it just sucks of course b/c antibiotics don't do anything.
cha59's log Quote
12-07-2012 , 01:10 AM
Sorry to hear it, Cha. Get well soon.
cha59's log Quote
12-07-2012 , 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
I hope it's bacterial - My fiancee and I just went through viral bronchitis (she still has a cough) and it just sucks of course b/c antibiotics don't do anything.
Based on my expertise coming from living through 36 Browegian winters, viral stuff is way more common than bacterial. Maybe you have more bacterias in USA#1 though?
cha59's log Quote
12-09-2012 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
I hope it's bacterial - My fiancee and I just went through viral bronchitis (she still has a cough) and it just sucks of course b/c antibiotics don't do anything.
Originally Posted by Soulman
Based on my expertise coming from living through 36 Browegian winters, viral stuff is way more common than bacterial. Maybe you have more bacterias in USA#1 though?
I'm sure its both viral and bacterial. The antibiotics seems to have changed the color of everything, so iit had a bacterial component, and it started out as a cold basically. Its not gone, but its a lot better.

Originally Posted by TheEngineer
Sorry to hear it, Cha. Get well soon.
cha59's log Quote
12-09-2012 , 10:58 PM
Both viral and bacterial? JFC dude. It's great it's a lot better and sounds like it's on its way out. Keep sleeping and crushing liquids and I'm sure you'll PekSMASH it soon.
cha59's log Quote
12-09-2012 , 10:59 PM
I this:

Eleven Gifts for the Dad Trying to Keep Boys Away from his Daughter

My favorite:

Car Lift. Imagine the look on his pimply face when he comes to pick up your little girl for a date… and you’re literally lifting cars in the driveway. This also means that you can now roll his car into a ditch somewhere if you don’t want him coming over again.
cha59's log Quote
12-09-2012 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Both viral and bacterial? JFC dude. It's great it's a lot better and sounds like it's on its way out. Keep sleeping and crushing liquids and I'm sure you'll PekSMASH it soon.
yeah, dont most sinus infections start out as a cold?

It wasnt too bad. Hopefully I dont get a relapse from overdoing it getting all this damn snow off the driveway & sidewalks. ~16" so far imo.
cha59's log Quote
12-10-2012 , 03:59 AM
16"? Damn, that's a fair bit even by our standards in one day. GL with your continued recovery.
cha59's log Quote
12-10-2012 , 11:20 AM
Yeah - it snowed a ****-ton yesterday. Cha is a lucky bastard who doesn't have to commute....although maybe he had something scheduled for today. Commuting after it snowed or while it's snowing is never fun.
cha59's log Quote
12-10-2012 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
16"? Damn, that's a fair bit even by our standards in one day. GL with your continued recovery.

Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Yeah - it snowed a ****-ton yesterday. Cha is a lucky bastard who doesn't have to commute....although maybe he had something scheduled for today. Commuting after it snowed or while it's snowing is never fun.
I'm staying home all day for work today
cha59's log Quote
12-10-2012 , 11:28 PM

bowling at Blainebrook

181 191 209 = 581

avg now 204.67

I did crack the top 12 averages (what is listed on the league sheet - they list 12 guys) prior to this week. Hopefully I didnt piss that away.

The team has pissed away any chance at winning this third - we took 9 points out of 40 tonight following up last week's disaster of 5/40.

The one bright spot: my workout partner shot 243 for his best game ever (he just started bowling last year) and shot 616 or something like that. The rest of the team sucked worse than I did.

The other bright spot is I had two Surly Furious'es on tap - mmmmmm. I have a mild buzz right now, as my tolerance is low from not drinking due to being sick. I plan to do a light workout tomorrow.
cha59's log Quote
12-12-2012 , 12:13 AM

trap bar DL
181x5, 273x5x2, 364x5, 455x3, 505x1, 546x1, 556x2 (held last rep for ~5 seconds)

That was enough for now imo. I had plenty of strength to do that, and that was the heaviest set I planned on doing. I would have done a lot more volume if I wasnt still recovering. This was fine for today.
cha59's log Quote
12-14-2012 , 12:22 AM

bowling at Classic

196 191 149 = 536 ugh

I think i had 7 big splits and a washout & missed them all, then I missed a single pin in the 10th of the last game.

The team did alright - we took 17.5/35 (even split) vs a very good team. They had two 700s and one guy threw a 299. We're friends with several guys on that team including the 299 guy.

avg now 196.23
cha59's log Quote
12-15-2012 , 01:53 AM

bench press w/1.5" boards under feet
55x10x2, 105x8, 147x5, 197x3, 239x2, 269x1, 289x1, 309x1
That's the heaviest I've benched in about a month because of vacation, then being sick. 309 wasnt super easy, but it was paused and would have got 3 white lights in a meet for sure. I could have done more for sure, but this was not the time to test a 1RM.

standing cable row

band assisted bench press
This was challenging. I started to feel the congestion in my head putting pressure on my ears, so I cut it off one set short.

wide, forward grip cable pulldowns

blast strap pushups

face pulls
cha59's log Quote
12-16-2012 , 07:41 PM

55x8, 105x5, 147x5, 197x3, 239x3, 266x3
added 4 chains x 3
+ 8 chains x 3 (~310 @ bottom, ~410 @ top)
I was gassed after that. The good news was my form was solid and the weight moved fast. The bad news is my conditioning (what little I had) is gone. At least I'm done with the antibiotics as of yesterday.


reverse hypers
90 lbs + foot attachment x 10 x 2
Stick a fork in me, I'm done for today.
cha59's log Quote
12-17-2012 , 11:08 PM

bowling @ Blainebrook

244 184 235 = 663
One of these days I'll throw 3 good games the same series

avg now 205.76

The team bowled against a dummy team. We won 35/40, which is solid.
cha59's log Quote
