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11-13-2017 , 05:23 PM

bench press
I was having right piriformis issues, so I started setting up flat footed after 185.

size 54 Rage X
2 board press
430x1 - someone mis-loaded and forgot to put a 25 on the right side. My right teres minor has been acting up lately, so I wasnt 100% sure if the problem was a misload or if it was my shoulder until I had it pressed up.

455x1 - slow.

Since I was having two issues affecting me, I figured it was time to shut down. I did a set of face pulls, and that felt like ****, so I did a set of a teres minor iso PT band exercise and that felt like ****. I had my gf do some IASTM on it last night and that hurt like hell, but I think it helped loosen it up quite a bit. We'll see.
cha59's log Quote
11-15-2017 , 10:15 AM

squat w briefs

knee wraps



No knee problems at all. The GHR had previously bothered my left knee the last time I tried it.
cha59's log Quote
11-18-2017 , 12:24 PM
A lil help?

cha59's log Quote
11-18-2017 , 12:27 PM
Hey Cha, I sent her this way. Apologies, but you are the best at this lift.
cha59's log Quote
11-19-2017 , 11:16 AM
Strong Mlyt
cha59's log Quote
11-19-2017 , 10:00 PM
cha59's logThanks
cha59's log Quote
11-21-2017 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
A lil help?

These are mostly pretty good. Here are a few things that should help make it better:

Right as the weight comes off the floor, it shoots forward a little bit. This makes light weight feel heavier than it should and it shifts the stress of the lift from your hamstrings and glutes to your low back. You're probably feeling it in your calves because you have to push with your toes as well when the weight goes forward. The good news is you correct that halfway up.

To correct that off the floor, you want to tighten up your setup. Before the bar leaves the floor, think about getting your hips back, chest up and long arms - look up a little before starting the pull. When you get this right, your hamstrings will feel very tight before the weight leaves the floor.

On the way up, use your lats to pull the bar into your body - drag the bar up your legs. Dont let it get away from your body.

If you get all that right, heavier weight will feel lighter, you will feel little or nothing in your low back, and you should not feel like you're pushing with your calves/toes.

That weight looks way to light for you. Put some weight on the bar!

Originally Posted by loco
Hey Cha, I sent her this way. Apologies, but you are the best at this lift.
No problem. I like doing this. Thanks for the compliment.

Originally Posted by BPA234
Strong Mlyt
cha59's log Quote
11-21-2017 , 11:01 AM

some pushups and PT and light band pulling

I hurt my left knee pushing my office chair away from my desk with bad form. It felt like before the procedure. I saw my chiro the next day. He said he thinks I just irritated the cartilage and I need to let it rest a bit and it should be fine again. It has felt better every day since then, but its not as good as before I messed it up.

11/17 - 11/20
I went to Dubuque to help my team at a big meet. My gf set 3 American records for her age /weight class. A female teammate set a 40-44 148 geared DL record with a solid 402 lb pull. A SHW teammate set a 50-54 geared squat record with 755 (he squatted 920 around 20-30 years ago) - he will probably squat something in the mid 800s at his next meet in two weeks. I got a little exercise in from wrapping knees and spotting and loading.

I also watched Crystal Tate pull a WR 612 geared on her 2nd attempt, then she nearly got 650 on her 3rd - she could not quite lock it out.

It was a fun weekend.
cha59's log Quote
11-21-2017 , 11:05 AM
So why you always hiding personal info. So you got divorced/seperated from the vegas girl I met and are now dating a powerlifter?
cha59's log Quote
11-21-2017 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by loco
So why you always hiding personal info. So you got divorced/seperated from the vegas girl I met and are now dating a powerlifter?
I'm not hiding anything. I got divorced a few years ago - my decision. I had a gf for a couple years after that (I think that's the one you met, but I'm not sure, maybe you met my ex-wife?) and I ended that earlier this year. I met new gf at a meet a while ago, and we found out we were both available through a mutual friend later after my breakup. New gf is awesome in many ways. Life is good. I will elaborate on text if you are interested.
cha59's log Quote
11-21-2017 , 12:04 PM
I am going to Minnesota soon, going to get some Jefferson deadlift instruction and go see my doctor (yes my doctor is in Minnesota but I haven't seen him in 8 years).
cha59's log Quote
11-21-2017 , 12:06 PM
Well my main reason for going is to receive biofeedback training from an expert. I really think it's working and want to become an expert, he is the same guy who uses the Jefferson deadlift.
cha59's log Quote
11-21-2017 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by loco
I am going to Minnesota soon, going to get some Jefferson deadlift instruction and go see my doctor (yes my doctor is in Minnesota but I haven't seen him in 8 years).
Cool. You know how to get in touch with me. Hopefully we can spend some time hanging out and/or lifting.

Originally Posted by loco
Well my main reason for going is to receive biofeedback training from an expert. I really think it's working and want to become an expert, he is the same guy who uses the Jefferson deadlift.

I'd be happy to work with you a little on your other lifts if you want. I have no experience or opinion on Jefferson DLs.
cha59's log Quote
11-21-2017 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
These are mostly pretty good. Here are a few things that should help make it better:

Right as the weight comes off the floor, it shoots forward a little bit. This makes light weight feel heavier than it should and it shifts the stress of the lift from your hamstrings and glutes to your low back. You're probably feeling it in your calves because you have to push with your toes as well when the weight goes forward. The good news is you correct that halfway up.

To correct that off the floor, you want to tighten up your setup. Before the bar leaves the floor, think about getting your hips back, chest up and long arms - look up a little before starting the pull. When you get this right, your hamstrings will feel very tight before the weight leaves the floor.

On the way up, use your lats to pull the bar into your body - drag the bar up your legs. Dont let it get away from your body.

If you get all that right, heavier weight will feel lighter, you will feel little or nothing in your low back, and you should not feel like you're pushing with your calves/toes.

That weight looks way to light for you. Put some weight on the bar!

No problem. I like doing this. Thanks for the compliment.

Thanks, I really appreciate it.
cha59's log Quote
11-21-2017 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
Thanks, I really appreciate it.
No problem. Work on all that for a while and let me know how it goes.
cha59's log Quote
11-25-2017 , 10:53 AM



I mixed grip back and forth starting at 3 plates. Left hand under sucks.


stair walks with 20 lb ankle weights on each leg
This made my hips feel good.

Knee was not a problem.
cha59's log Quote
12-06-2017 , 11:36 AM
I was in Mazatlan for a week. Our resort had a gym with a couple barbells, so I was able to do a little stuff.

bench press
225x3. My right shoulder didnt feel right. I think the teres minor is still goofy.

All raw, no belt. The last set was mixed grip. The bar was fat and the sleeves were welded to the bar. They only had six 45 lb plates, so I had to use 35s and 25s.
cha59's log Quote
12-06-2017 , 11:55 AM

squat in briefs


suit, sides loose

side laces snug

No knee pain. That's the most I've squatted since July, and the most I've squatted without knee issues since March. I feel like I have a lot more in me fairly soon. I am very happy about this, especially since this is the first time I squatted since tweaking my knee pushing my office chair away from my desk almost 3 weeks ago.

cha59's log Quote
12-07-2017 , 01:32 PM

Bench press
My right hip was giving me problems - probably the piriformis again. For most of the sets, I did them flat footed, which made me less tight and I had less leg drive than is optimal. I hope I can figure out how to fix this. The good news is that the weights all moved fast.

TRX rows

face pulls
cha59's log Quote
12-08-2017 , 12:54 PM
Nice to see the pain-free squats!
cha59's log Quote
12-08-2017 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
Nice to see the pain-free squats!

If I get start making progress on my bench soon, I want to do a local meet in March, then do APF nationals in June.

I qualified for APF nationals as an open lifter in that meet I did last July, but I will probably lift in the masters division so I have a chance of winning and qualifying for the WPC worlds. I would love to squat 804 & total 2000+ at nationals.

This is all assuming the knee holds up. I think it will.
cha59's log Quote
12-09-2017 , 04:10 PM

double overhand^^

I did left hand under on 495 and right hand under on the 585s. **** hook grip. **** wraps. I had a long discussion with my physical therapist about this and she asked around to other therapists she knows who deal with lots of people who lift. I'm planning to loosen the left teres minor up by DLing left hand under part of the time. This will do more to loosen it up than any PT mobility crap. Right now, I have to grab the bar wider on the left when I go left hand under, so I'm not going to do any heavy work that way until the teres minor is loose enough to grab it normally. Eventually I will do half of my heavy stuff left hand under, and that should help even out imbalances.

briefs only
495x2 - the second rep was the best rep of the night until I fell backwards and had to dump it. It went up super fast and felt very good and light.
515x1 - my briefs pinched me in a delicate place so I stopped here.

11 - right calf cramped badly. I stretched it and was able to continue.
20, 20
cha59's log Quote
12-10-2017 , 12:30 PM
Nice squat.

You looking younger too dude... beard and haircut look good on you.

Re: DL I have been somewhat suspicious of the issues you have being a result of mixed grip...seems odd to me. Seems like switching primary back and forth might help. But, still kind of find it odd that mixed grip would be the culprit.
cha59's log Quote
12-10-2017 , 12:32 PM
Yeah, I really like the new look.

I also agree that putting up 2000+ at Nationals sounds like a good plan!
cha59's log Quote
12-10-2017 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by BPA234
Nice squat.

You looking younger too dude... beard and haircut look good on you.

Re: DL I have been somewhat suspicious of the issues you have being a result of mixed grip...seems odd to me. Seems like switching primary back and forth might help. But, still kind of find it odd that mixed grip would be the culprit.
Thanks, thanks.

My neck issues have not been helped by having muscle imbalances in my traps, but that's not even what my doc was most concerned about. I was talking more to him about this and he said the biggest problem with mixed grip is the torque it puts on the hips. I think my core and hip strength make this so its really not a problem for me. I'm going to go back to the form I got good at and work on doing better with left hand under.

Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Yeah, I really like the new look.

I also agree that putting up 2000+ at Nationals sounds like a good plan!
cha59's log Quote
