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BtM's Adventures in Olytown BtM's Adventures in Olytown

06-19-2015 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
Look man, I know crossfit reinforces stretch mobilize stretch mobilize herp derp at the beginning, middle and end of every article BUT..

What do you think is happening to his psoas when he is in that high degree of hip flexion?

1. It has increased so much in actual length from stretching that it's not causing any movement of lumbar spine. I call this the Synbr0 theorem.


2. He actually has a strong core that holds his spine rigid using all the core muscles so that it does not move when the psoas is pulling on it with full force.


His great torso angle is all facilitated by the core musculature being strong. His shoulder mobility can't be looked at in isolation. It's what happens to the rest of his torso when he gets in that overhead position and nearly all of that is controlled by the core. Every segment of bad form that he must mitigate will resolve due to the core.

Heck, everyone knows that hyper-mobility of shoulder joint is the nut worst for overhead stuff. You want some external rotation but you don't want your bones to be bearing the load. You want to engage the lats (oh look another core muscle just got involved) and this means lessening of the degree of external rotation of both the shoulder, elbow and wrist hyperextension.

Yes, he also probably has very good shoulder and hip joint anatomy like the acetabulum etc. and is probably helped a fair bit from stretching. I am not denying that, but, if that was the major reason for being able to do OS, it would become one of the easier exercises to do rather than one of the very tough ones.
obvvvvv ilya has an extremely strong core lol. And I'm not saying that he is strong because he has good flexibility/mobility. I'm saying that he allows himself to be stronger because he is able to get into the proper positions (due to good flexibility/mobility). That's all brah.

Originally Posted by Quick_Ben

Syn and BTM, is your form similar to mine?
hahaha mine is prob like yours but I'll make a vid tonight and test it out. Syns is def better than mine I think.

Originally Posted by Evoken

girl from those pics where he booty got photoshopped. Icelandic. Very hot. The vid where she's wearing the glasses doing shoulder raises hng like I literally fapped.
She's very solid but those bad/uneven fake boobs tilt me a bit. And interestingly enough that vid did nothing for me. I think I was annoyed by her struggle w/ the weight. bad form etc.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-19-2015 , 09:50 AM
I don't see how my shoulder flexibilty is anything other than WOAT in that vidya. I can barely Nazi salute.

Kinda okay with torso/hips. Those improved a lot since CF.

Make us one btm!
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-19-2015 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
I don't see how my shoulder flexibilty is anything other than WOAT in that vidya. I can barely Nazi salute.

Kinda okay with torso/hips. Those improved a lot since CF.

Make us one btm!
Yours is really not bad at all. Look at how stable you are compared to qb. I think yours is gonna be way better than mine as well. I have trouble keeping my right arm straight/locked out overhead. It'll be interesting.

Will make one tonight when I get home from work! Maybe i'll make one in my office at work actually...
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-19-2015 , 10:24 AM
Hahah mine was outside of the office as well. "Gotta pee!"
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-19-2015 , 06:09 PM
Pretty noticeable difference!

No warmup:

~5mins of shoulder warmups:

BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-19-2015 , 10:21 PM
Wow we have a winner! That's impressive. Can you post your whole shoulder warmup routine? I'mma try that
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-20-2015 , 01:45 AM
I was pretty impressed with the progress I made. It's one of those things where I didn't really feel like I made much progress but the video told a different story.

I just did a bunch of shoulder pass-throughs w/ a pvc and then standing in a doorway with my arms overhead so that I could stretch them out. Pretty simply
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-20-2015 , 07:30 AM
Please give us a full video tour of your abode. TYIA.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-20-2015 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Please give us a full video tour of your abode. TYIA.
So you can stalk me? no ty
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-20-2015 , 11:48 AM
Dat 5 min shoulder warmup gonna be the difference when BTM trying to push for many extra lbs on OHS. Yea right.

BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-20-2015 , 05:53 PM

Worked on snatches for the first time in 7 months! I'm still terrible at getting under the bar! Who knew?

I did a lot of reps at low weights trying to get myself to drop below but I suck and need help. I did power 145 pretty easily a few times though. So there's that. Zero progress in 7 months of doing nothing, but didn't get worse!

After that I did a bunch of snatch balances at 95. 3-4 sets of 5-6 reps idk.

Somehow that took like an hour or more. I guess I did a lot of mobility stuff at the beginning.

I finished w/ my 45 thruster wod in 3:43. Bad time. I had my best first set of 21 at least. Thrusters/front rack position is getting better.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-21-2015 , 01:43 AM
I've decided that I'm going to join some kind of weightlifting gym or cf barbell club. I just love weightlifting too much and want to get a lot better at it while I'm still relatively young. No more screwing around with hybrid PL/WL crap with no program. I want to improve a LOT and the only way is going to be with a good coach. Heavily considering that place I went to that's 40mins away because that coach seems amazing. There is a place really close to my office that supposedly has a good bbc that I will check out early next week as well, since if that place is awesome I'll just go there, but I need to check it out first.

Really though, the place 40mins away in DC is far, but it's not soooo bad. 20mins of that is walking. Plus, if I were to drive it would only be about 20 mins away, but then parking and stuff will be a hassle.

Anyway, pretty pumped about it
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-21-2015 , 01:52 AM
BBC = big black coach?

Congratulations on your revelation. I think it's a great idea. Still not convinced on the far away place though, considering you would be going there 3-4-5 times a week. If it's just because of the coach, maybe it's not worth it. If the club near your work has other people that are even half-decent at oly, it'll already be insanely more motivating to work on that kinda stuff, compared to what you are doing right now. Being amongst people with similar goals is awesome.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-21-2015 , 04:27 AM
Every oly coach I've ever seen has utterly ******ed and dogmatic and usually contradictory ideas about programming and listening to them invariably set me back.

You might get good technique advice though.

I think coaching is really overrated dead srs.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-21-2015 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
BBC = big black coach?

Congratulations on your revelation. I think it's a great idea. Still not convinced on the far away place though, considering you would be going there 3-4-5 times a week. If it's just because of the coach, maybe it's not worth it. If the club near your work has other people that are even half-decent at oly, it'll already be insanely more motivating to work on that kinda stuff, compared to what you are doing right now. Being amongst people with similar goals is awesome.
Close...BarBellClub is what I was going for but maybe I should have just said BC, lol. The coach is actually a 77kg lifter and has some nice ig vids cleaning 140 and 150 easily, squatting 182x1 and 175x5. Looks like a less beefy Lu, but Lu-like nonetheless. if you're interested I'll pm you his ig

So at most I'd be going 3 times a week. I shouldn't call it a "class" because the club is always the same group every time, but it's offered at 830pm T/Th and on Saturday ~11am I think. I'd probably lift 1-2 other days per week on my own at my golds gym -- prob just squat and press on those days or something.

But yeah, I need to check out this place that's closer to me first but if it's not great then I'm just going to do the DC barbell club. Worst case scenario is that it's annoyingly far away and I do it for 1-2 months. No biggie.

Originally Posted by Evoken
Every oly coach I've ever seen has utterly ******ed and dogmatic and usually contradictory ideas about programming and listening to them invariably set me back.

You might get good technique advice though.

I think coaching is really overrated dead srs.
You always talk about oly lifters being the smartest, but yet oly coaches are ******ed? You have a stat background -- maybe small sample?

Regardless, my form is PURE AIDS and I need help, lol. It's seriously so bad.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-21-2015 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Looks like a less beefy Lu, but Lu-like nonetheless. if you're interested I'll pm you his ig
Sounds hot. Is he married? Hit me up!

Originally Posted by BookToMarket
You always talk about oly lifters being the smartest, but yet oly coaches are ******ed?
Lol nice catch
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-21-2015 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Sounds hot. Is he married?
He is, and his wife is cute af. She runs the gym and he coaches it.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-21-2015 , 06:57 PM

Worked on sets of 4 rep HBBS today.
275, 295, 315, 325 all were easy. 335 only got 3 reps. My belt was digging into my ribs which was aggravating. I bet it's because my upperbody was collapsing. Tried again a few mins later and got 3 reps again. Called it quits on HBBS.

On to front squats! did some reps at 185, 205 and 225 and then did:

225x3x10 EMOM. Pretty drenched after these. jfc.

Afterwards I worked on handstand pushups and even did a few handstands from a headstand. Getting better!
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-22-2015 , 08:58 AM
on joining a BBC. I think it'll be the best way for you to improve.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-22-2015 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by PayoffWiz
on joining a BBC. I think it'll be the best way for you to improve.
Thanks man! The bbc meets T/Th/Sat, and I'll definitely try and go twice per week, hopefully thrice. First time is tomorrow!
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-23-2015 , 12:04 AM
cool. destroyed my thumb tonight. def losing the nail. Hopefully not worse. can barely type. not going to bbc anytime soon
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-23-2015 , 12:23 AM
I thought I'd take home my squat shoes after a workout and redo the OHP thing being all warm and loose, thinking I'd come in here and raise you all-in on top of your video. Sadly it turns out I have all the reason to keep complaining about my shoulder flexibility, and you have none of it. Seriously, your arms are as straight as they get and you look like it's not even a big deal. Mine look terrible while my face is cringing because of the effort I'm doing trying to get them further back.

Sorry to hear about your thumb though. That sucks. I guess now you get to practice double unders for a couple of weeks.

BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-23-2015 , 09:28 PM
I don't think your flexibility looks so bad! Not far off from mine but we both need to get a lot better, that's for sure.

Thumb is feeling better after a coworker told me about this one weird trick

Here was me an hour ago. about 1 day after injury:

The trick was to take a flame to a needle, make holes in the black part of the nail and when it opens, blood will flow out and relieve pressure. Well...I had never heard of it so I looked it up on youtube and sure enough it seems to be real thing so I went with it.

cha-ching. Instant pain relief. No more throbbing and feels about 100x better. Still sore and hurts of course but not agony like before.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-23-2015 , 11:05 PM
Lol that's awesome. Never heard of that before either. I'm fine with sticking needles in my body but making a hole through your nail sounds scary and painful cause don't u have to use a lot of pressure?
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-24-2015 , 12:13 PM
ban BTM
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