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BtM's Adventures in Olytown BtM's Adventures in Olytown

03-29-2015 , 10:43 AM
3 days in a row of lifting + eating very well. Already seeing results and feeling good about it! Gotta keep this up and I'll be ripped by summer
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
03-30-2015 , 06:03 PM


HBBS: 3x5 at challenging weight, 5x10 at lighter weight

285x5x3 -- easier and less asymmetrical than last time
190x10x5 EOMOM -- easier than last time as well. 195 next time.

Seated db press: 5x10 with 35s then 40s
Curls: 5x10 with 35s then 30s

Before I did this I rolled my traps with a barbell and lax balled my upper back/shoulderblades a lot and I think it really helped.

wod1: 8x{10 heavy kb swings, 10 pushups} in 8:56

pushups are getting better which is great. I've always been bad at them. I did my first 5 sets unbroken but had to break up the pushups after that.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
03-30-2015 , 08:56 PM
Are you working out at a cf gym these days or a globo? You doing all these wods in a globo makes me think of this video lol.

Just mind blowing that this is on the official crossfit channel and that they thought it promoted cf in a positive light.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
03-30-2015 , 09:48 PM
I haven't been in a cf gym in ~6mo. I do these at my golds gym, but I don't want to be the kinda guy in that video, lol. I just do wods that are manageable in small places like the two that I'm doing now. I mean, one is just rowing. The other is kb swings and pushups which takes up like one mat, so nbd.

But yeah, it is weird that cf thinks that's a good video for them to have up. The guy kinda comes off as a douche. how many times does he mention he lifted 560 this morning? lol
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
03-30-2015 , 10:03 PM
Im not saying you are, I just thought of it and its an amazing video if you havent seen it before. The combination of the genova level deadlift claim and a 70 year old dude trolling him is too good.

Crossfit gets a lot of hate but I am a fan of the atmosphere. I have lifted in 2 different boxes but maybe have been spoiled compared to most others. They both have a competition team program for more advanced lifters, seems like something that might be up your alley if you could find it.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
03-30-2015 , 10:09 PM
5x10 EOMOM killed me when I was doing only that locotarding, much less with a decent 3x5 before it. But then again, I'm terrible at squatting, news at 11
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
03-30-2015 , 10:45 PM
That video is awesome. Those ring dips are A+
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
03-30-2015 , 10:55 PM
Ben & Jerry's Update

New additions! I only sampled the first two, bought the 3rd.

Peanut Butta Cookie Core
Chocolate Therapy
Red Velvet Cake

37/37 Milk & Cookies
36/37 Cinnamon Buns
36/37 Phish Food
35/37 Peanut Butter Cup
34/37 Peanut Butta Cookie Core
34/37 Half Baked
34/37 Red Velvet Cake
33/37 Chocolate Therapy
33/37 Chunky Monkey
32/37 Mint Chocolate Cookies
25/37 Coffee Toffee Bar Crunch
21/37 Cherry Garcia
15/37 Chubby Hubby
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
03-30-2015 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by abrahamovic
Crossfit gets a lot of hate but I am a fan of the atmosphere. I have lifted in 2 different boxes but maybe have been spoiled compared to most others. They both have a competition team program for more advanced lifters, seems like something that might be up your alley if you could find it.
Yeah I've had nothing but great experiences with it but maybe I'm spoiled as well. I'm sure there are terrible boxes out there, just like there are terrible globos like planet fitness.

And funny you should mention the comps bc mine does that as well and they asked me to participate in their scaled version over the winter. My shoulder was wonky so I didn't do it but I may in the spring league that starts soon!

Originally Posted by Montecore
5x10 EOMOM killed me when I was doing only that locotarding, much less with a decent 3x5 before it. But then again, I'm terrible at squatting, news at 11
yeah it's brutal but I really like it. I go to proper depth every rep. I keep my chest high. I do all the little things that you're supposed to do on every rep that I slack off on when the weight gets heavy. I get a great burn afterwards and sweat a lot. Big fan!

Originally Posted by Weasel45
That video is awesome. Those ring dips are A+
Yeah lol. And I love his comment "I'm the one that makes the great atmosphere around here" after talking about how he brings his own rower. jesus. I hate this guy.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
03-31-2015 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by abrahamovic
Are you working out at a cf gym these days or a globo? You doing all these wods in a globo makes me think of this video lol.

Just mind blowing that this is on the official crossfit channel and that they thought it promoted cf in a positive light.
Strong e-statting. Doubt this ****face totals more than 900.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
03-31-2015 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by abrahamovic
Are you working out at a cf gym these days or a globo? You doing all these wods in a globo makes me think of this video lol.

Just mind blowing that this is on the official crossfit channel and that they thought it promoted cf in a positive light.
This is everything wrong with Crossfit packed into a 12 minute vid. You've got it all: horrid form (his cleans make btm's jerks look pretty); narcissism; and a cringe-worthy lack of self awareness.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
03-31-2015 , 08:42 AM
8,573 dislikes
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
03-31-2015 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Ben & Jerry's Update

New additions! I only sampled the first two, bought the 3rd.

Peanut Butta Cookie Core
Chocolate Therapy
Red Velvet Cake

37/37 Milk & Cookies
36/37 Cinnamon Buns
36/37 Phish Food
35/37 Peanut Butter Cup
34/37 Peanut Butta Cookie Core
34/37 Half Baked
34/37 Red Velvet Cake
33/37 Chocolate Therapy
33/37 Chunky Monkey
32/37 Mint Chocolate Cookies
25/37 Coffee Toffee Bar Crunch
21/37 Cherry Garcia
15/37 Chubby Hubby
Samples are ranked? Unsubscribe.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
03-31-2015 , 10:51 AM
Samples = my friend bought the pint and I ate about one serving of it. If that's not fair then I don't know what is.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:30 AM
One serving = one pint
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
03-31-2015 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Doug Funnie II
One serving = one pint
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
04-02-2015 , 07:59 PM

dumbbell benchpress: 5x10

Used 70s again. Was easier but still hard at the end. Got all 50 reps

pullups: max reps first set, and then get to 50 in subsequent sets

same as always

T-bar rows: 3-5 good sets

Even when I do one plate I notice I can't pull my right shoulderblade back as far as my left. I need to get more flexible!

wod2: 10x{row 30s on, 30s off} Resistance level 5


Then some handstand work and other stuff like rows.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
04-03-2015 , 07:59 PM


Cleans: EMOM for 20 mins

Gym was extremely humid and muggy and the platform was actually a little slick. Never experienced anything like it before but it terrible. I could feel myself slipping a little as I'd clean the weight up and missed a couple because of it I think. Anyway, I did..

225oo, 235oooo, 240o, 245oo, 250xxxx, 225oo, 235oooo, 240xxxx

I even powered both 245s. Great pulls and caught them high. Nice.

Seated db press: 5x10
Curls: 5x10

40s on press. Easy enough today. Shoulders feeling good. Maybe the stretching/rolling is helping! Curls I used the ez curl 70.


Did not do it. Gym was PACKED and there was just no room. Plus I was drenched from the humidity
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
04-06-2015 , 08:26 PM

I did a track workout on Saturday with a friend, then played tennis yesterday so I got some exercise in. Feet very sore today, prob from the track. Hips sore, prob from the lateral movements in tennis. We move on.


Deadlift: 1x5+ work up to heavy weight. Then do 10x5 at lighter weight

395x6 Belted w/ straps. Oops, was supposed to do 385 but moved up. These were good. Will do 405 next time!

280x5x10 EOMOM. Easy

pullups: max reps first set, and then get to 50 in subsequent sets

I'm bad

skullcrushers: 5x10

Did other stuff. Gym way too crowded


Did not do it.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
04-09-2015 , 10:46 PM


HBBS: 3x5 at challenging weight, 5x10 at lighter weight EOMOM


This was quite hard today. I belted up for the heavy stuff and it was a legit struggle. I won't be moving up in weight until this feels better.

195 was tough too but still got through it in 10 mins

Seated db press: 5x10
Curls: 5x10

db presses easier! I think this stretching and lax balling of the shoulders first has been helping a lot. I'm not feeling a pinch in my left shoulder anymore when doing these.

Used 40s for db presses and a 70# ez curl

wod1: 8x{10 heavy kb swings, 10 pushups}

9:42 Hard. Shoulders were smoked
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
04-09-2015 , 11:05 PM
In other news, I saw a girl today at the gym that's always there around the time I go. She's quite fit and looks South American of some kind maybe, tho light skin tone. She does these walking lunges near where I squat all the time and today was no different. It was pretty warm and I was sweating up a storm so I was using my shirt to wipe off often. Well, when I finished squatting she was waiting to do lunges so I decided to talk to her.

*waves since she has her headphones in*

me: hey, they should probably give you your own lane in here or something

she takes her headphones out promptly
her: oh sorry! I don't want to be in your way [not from South America btw]
me: oh, you're not at all don't worry
her: yeah I just don't want to be in the way

okay so...I dunno what to say...

me: yeah you never are. I mean this guy *points to guy doing lunges* is taking up all kinds of space though
her: *laughs* oh that's good.

at this point I'm sensing either she's nervous or uninterested. Can't tell. I haven't really said much of interest but she hasn't helped...then..

her: so do you play soccer or baseball?
me: no...why's that?
her: oh, you have really good abs
me: oh wow, thanks
her: yeah they're cardio abs. when you'd lift your shirt up I'd see them
me: must be these squats and deadlifts then, I dunno!

then we talk more and she tells me how she used to do figure comps and how so many guys in this gym are strong but bulky. She doesn't find it attractive. It went well. She introduced herself to me. We chat some more and I don't ask for #. Maybe bad play. Maybe not. I see her often so next time I'll chat with her and we'll see how it goes
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
04-10-2015 , 12:32 AM
She supposedly did figure comp but thinks you have "cardio abs" and comments on how the guys are "strong but bulky"? She might be FOS. Possibly psycho. Perfect.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
04-10-2015 , 02:31 AM
"cardio abs". "do you play soccer". Major beat amirite
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
04-10-2015 , 09:36 AM
her commenting on ANY abs that I may have right now is a major
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
04-10-2015 , 10:14 AM
"Quite fit"? Is this a french porn site? ?/37?
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
