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BtM's Adventures in Olytown BtM's Adventures in Olytown

06-30-2013 , 01:49 PM

lolco is right about this one. I am rocking some lowish bf in most places, very visible abs, but I wouldn't score as overall lowish because of my stupid lower core. Mrs. Rhymes probably sneaking estrogen into my food when I'm not looking. BTM is in the same spot. Not a hudge problem. Cut/recomp longer, get to 8% in most areas, 12% in lower core.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-30-2013 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes

lolco is right about this one. I am rocking some lowish bf in most places, very visible abs, but I wouldn't score as overall lowish because of my stupid lower core. Mrs. Rhymes probably sneaking estrogen into my food when I'm not looking. BTM is in the same spot. Not a hudge problem. Cut/recomp longer, get to 8% in most areas, 12% in lower core.
Yeah it's turrible. Ive been diagnosed w SALTS
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
06-30-2013 , 09:54 PM
Big legs bro, nice
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06-30-2013 , 10:45 PM
He has a ****ton more visible LBM than yugo. 14.5% at the very maximum
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
07-01-2013 , 08:32 AM
I was going to say 15, but changed my mind to 16.
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07-01-2013 , 08:45 AM
crappy pecs, crappy shoulders. Gotta focus on upper body more. So hard when I love deadlifts so much
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07-01-2013 , 08:58 AM
14-15% bodpod-y style seems about right. Jelly-ish.
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07-01-2013 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
crappy pecs, crappy shoulders. Gotta focus on upper body more. So hard when I love deadlifts so much
Yeah dude, you've got to volume out and locotard on the upper body a fair bit more. More DB bench/DB shoulder/DB raises etc (or just PM DFII and do what he tells you to do, that'd probably work out better honestly).
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
07-01-2013 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Yeah dude, you've got to volume out and locotard on the upper body a fair bit more. More DB bench/DB shoulder/DB raises etc (or just PM DFII and do what he tells you to do, that'd probably work out better honestly).
Yeah I do need to spend more time there. Basically this is my routine:

A day:
Squat 531, Squat BBB

B day:
DL 531, DL BBB
db bis, face pulls, dips, ezcurl bis

C day:
Bench 531, bench BBB
lat raises, seated db ohp, face pulls

But, I definitely need to be spending more time on stuff like db benches, incline db pressing, and that kind of stuff. Maybe get some flyes in? I really don't even know if I'm benefiting from 531 OHP. I am horrendous and I have considered switching to all dbs for shoulders. Is that so bad? Too early to give up?
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
07-01-2013 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Yeah I do need to spend more time there. Basically this is my routine:

A day:
Squat 531, Squat BBB

B day:
DL 531, DL BBB
db bis, face pulls, dips, ezcurl bis

C day:
Bench 531, bench BBB
lat raises, seated db ohp, face pulls

But, I definitely need to be spending more time on stuff like db benches, incline db pressing, and that kind of stuff. Maybe get some flyes in? I really don't even know if I'm benefiting from 531 OHP. I am horrendous and I have considered switching to all dbs for shoulders. Is that so bad? Too early to give up?
I'm kind of in the same boat, and I've ditched the BBB press for DB presses too (more to try out something different). I've found my press has really suffered on the cut, and I don't think continuing to beat my head against the wall is going to be all that productive.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
07-02-2013 , 10:35 AM
July 1:

Cycle 2

DL 5-day



245x5x10 w/ 2 min rests

5 week was hard. I increased the weight a little bit compared to my first 5-week but overall did worse I think. Last time I did 285x5, 315x5, 365x7. This time I could only get 4 of my heavy set. But, I'm doing 245 in my BBB instead of 225 which I still love. I'm near death towards the end of those 50 reps but I love how they wear me out.

After this I was drenched and did some other bro stuff. ez curls, face pulls, db curls and then went home.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
07-02-2013 , 11:55 AM
Is the 2 5/3/1 lifts in one day a alternative program you found somewhere? And you are skipping the deloads?

Very impressive volume. I hope you're eating at a surplus or at least not cutting right now.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
07-02-2013 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by NU Star
Is the 2 5/3/1 lifts in one day a alternative program you found somewhere? And you are skipping the deloads?

Very impressive volume. I hope you're eating at a surplus or at least not cutting right now.
I didn't want 4 distinct lifting days so I combined squats and OHP since I stay in the rack the whole time. Seems efficient. However, I'm not liking the OHP BBBs. Seems stupid. 75x5x10? Am I really benefiting from that? Would I be better off from doing seated db presses, lat raises, shrugs (?), etc.? I feel like yes, but for now I'm doing the program.

Squat BBBs are awesome tho. did 50x195 last time and it was fairly easy, so I'm pumped to go to 205 next time.

I'm at maintenance or thereabouts right now. Prob eating ~2500/day on avg. I think calcs say I should be doing 3000 or so but that never feels right to me. I dunno.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
07-02-2013 , 12:13 PM
Yeah, I'm a couple of weeks into 5/3/1 (going to actually start updating again soon). I've been messing around with what I do after the main lifts, but mostly I've been liking a lot of high volume low weight stuff. Lots of 5x15x30 type of stuff. I'll try to make the first exercise right after more intense, like heavy front squats, or heavy DB bench or something. It's more of an aesthetic than strength focus right now.

I'm also eating at maintenance. Personally, I like BBB, but wouldn't do it unless I felt like I could eat on a nice surplus. You're working so hard, but missing so many gainz .
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
07-03-2013 , 10:01 AM
July 2:

531-Bench day

Warmup: 95x5, 125x5, 145x3

185x5 paused
215x3 slow decline
235x2 not really slow decline. just tried to get amrap. I suck.

BBB: 135x{10,10,10,9,8} all slow decline.

Bench flyes: 3 sets at 20,25,30x2

DB press increasing incline 1 notch after each set: 70x5x6

V Pulldowns: 3x10

Machine flyes: 3x12

Chest is now sore. Win.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
07-03-2013 , 11:13 PM
July 3:

Squat - 5 week




OH Press - 5 week



I'm gonna stop the OHP BBB. I just don't think I get enough out of it.

Seated OH db press: 65x6, 70x4, 65x6
lat raises: 20x12x4
face pulls x 4
front raises: 20x10x3

Hopefully shoulders are sore tmw.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
07-04-2013 , 09:31 AM

I like my setup for the upper body lifts on 5/3/1 a lot. Have yet to really lose much strength dieting using it.

It follows Wendler's "simplest strength" template in the 2nd, i.e. it's the big lift followed by an accessory lift done at 10/10/10 8/8/6 5/5/5 (no AMRAP tho), then whatever accessory you feel like.

My current setup is:
Press 5/3/1
Close-Grip BP 10s/8s/5s
Weighted chins 3x6
Kroc rows 1xAMRAP or DB Rows 3x10
Curlz 3x8-10

Bench 5/3/1
Weighted Push-Ups 3x10-12
DB Incline Press 10s/8s/5s
DB Flyes 3x10
DB Curlz 3x6-8
Triceps Pushdowns 3x12 (superset with curlz)
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
07-06-2013 , 02:43 PM
July 6:

Cycle 2

DL 3-day
Previous cycle: 385x5
Today: 395x4

245x5x10 meant to do 250 but didn't remember until the 3rd set so I left it at 245. This is still incredibly hard. By the 48th rep I want to die and the last 2 are so difficult but I guess that's a great sign.

bro stuff for 15 mins and then left.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
07-07-2013 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Soulman

I like my setup for the upper body lifts on 5/3/1 a lot. Have yet to really lose much strength dieting using it.

It follows Wendler's "simplest strength" template in the 2nd, i.e. it's the big lift followed by an accessory lift done at 10/10/10 8/8/6 5/5/5 (no AMRAP tho), then whatever accessory you feel like.

My current setup is:
Press 5/3/1
Close-Grip BP 10s/8s/5s
Weighted chins 3x6
Kroc rows 1xAMRAP or DB Rows 3x10
Curlz 3x8-10

Bench 5/3/1
Weighted Push-Ups 3x10-12
DB Incline Press 10s/8s/5s
DB Flyes 3x10
DB Curlz 3x6-8
Triceps Pushdowns 3x12 (superset with curlz)
I'm doing something similar too.

Main lifts
Chins/row/back work
Decently heavy assistance for mainlift of the day 8-12 rep range for 50ish reps
other **** + arms all day.

Seeing a little IEL gains in the pecticle and bicepticon regions.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
07-07-2013 , 12:34 PM
Yeah I'm now doing similar stuff. Today is my bench day and I'll bench and then do a bunch of accessory stuff. Doing a few heavy sets of bench was doing nothing for my gains so I'm hoping that increasing the volume and variety will do the trick.
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
07-07-2013 , 03:42 PM
July 7:

5-Bench day

220x5 I was close to getting a 6th but my spotter "helped" me with it :/ 50% I would have gotten it but would have liked the opportunity.

BBB: 135x{10,10,10,10,10} I'll do 140 next time

Afterwards I did bench flyes, db bench presses with 80s and 70s, machine flyes. Hopefully did enough random chest stuff
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
07-09-2013 , 08:43 AM
July 6:

Squat - 3 week



Took a video of the 310x6. Angle is great. 6th rep isn't great. Could have done a 7th mediocre rep probably. May post later.

OH Press - 3 week


On my previous 3-day I did 135x5 and now I can only do 140x3. Ugh. Probably doesn't help that I benched the day before. :[

Afterwards I did other shoulder stuff like face pulls, lat raises, and seated db presses
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
07-10-2013 , 08:48 AM
I just realized the previous post was actually for July 8th, not July 6th

July 9:

Cycle 2

DL 1-day
Previous cycle: 405x3
Today: 415x3

Form wasn't great on the last rep but I got there.


bro stuff
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
07-10-2013 , 06:04 PM
July 10:

3-Bench day

225x4 Okay I gotta take a break. I benched on Sunday and did OHP on Monday so I'm going to chalk this terrible performance up to overtraining. I guess. Or I'm just weak as fk and regressing. When I was on SS I was doing 225x5x3 and I think I recall even doing 230x5x3 as well. Now I can barely get 4 friggin reps of 225. Pathetic.

BBB: 135x{10,10,10,10,10}

Afterwards I did db bench presses with 75s, machine flyes and some more db presses w/ 45s until hypertrophy set in
BtM's Adventures in Olytown Quote
07-10-2013 , 07:42 PM
Upper body 3 days in a row prob not the best idea.
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