Originally Posted by NotThremp
I think there was one dude at the men's decathlon who might've weighed over 200lbs. He is also 6'7. Keep in mind all these dudes are on drugs and multi-sport athletes who generally trend on the tall/thin/insanely strong side. Lotta people think 6'5 195 is looking like slenderman. But pretty sure this dude isn't struggling to keep his bed warm: https://www.instagram.com/yungharri/?hl=en
Sure, there are some outliers like Wemby or any of the women shot putters, but everyone thinks they're a special snowflake.
WLing bar v Normie... Do they not just see center knurling? Do DL specific bars have center knurling? Don't think I've ever seen one in person, so can't comment on that.
power bar vs wling bar is also rings placement+oscillation+spin, but only people who have actually done sn/cj will ever notice that and that's like <1% of the gym going population overall. I miss it sometimes... I'm in the perfect setup right now because i could train at work with bumpers+very high quality oly bars in the school gym and then bumpers+slightly worse but still very good bars at this gym. Like I said before, SN 30 minutes of singles autoregulated, C+2j 30 minutes of singles autoregulated, then triples to a max in FS+1 down set or max triple in push press and one down set. Maybe 2 sets of pullups to failure. 3x/wk training. That's how I should have been doing it after my technique was solid.
There's another fellow who's woken up to the "you shouldn't train so much" idea. Ibanez Weightlifting on instagram. He does oly lifts 3 days a week only, but he does train 5x/wk and does various accessory lifts the other 2 days. Something like squats+overhead work 2 days/wk and oly lifting 3x/wk with very short sessions around 70 minutes on the oly days and 40 minutes on the other days would probably also work well. I could have gone so much further in oly If I'd had a more sensible approach to programming. The info wasn't there and the internet wasn't what it is today so I won't be too hard on myself.
Maybe after I hit that pro card+debut goal I'll take a break from bodybuilding for 20~ weeks or so and try wling for a while for some diversity in my fitness endeavours. but in the event I start actually doing well at pro shows, I'd absolutely try to qualify for the Mr. O and just continue focusing in on bb.
Had a great upper training today, but it took 65 minutes even when I was really hauling ass and hurrying up.
Plate loaded flat machine press: 2ppsx14, 10
Plate loaded unilateral pulldowns: 3ppsx15, 9
low incline db press: 40kgx12, 10 (!!!!)
underhand barbell row: 70kgx12, 10
HS high row: 40kgx14, 9
Machine flies: 33kgx21, 40kgx11
Cable pullovers//hip height cable side delt raises: 3 sets each
15 minutes of posing and socializing and ****ing around after the training session clocked in at 65 minutes.
A few thoughts.
1. I've made some really insane progress... it isn't necessarily huge session to session, but when I look back to when I started at 24/7 fitness at their other location back around October, it's pretty wild how rapid the progress has been on many things. My BW has stayed the same, I've gotten much leaner, and all my lifts went up (except barbell rows but they keep getting stricter and more paused)
2. I used a reverse grip on machine flies. Holy moly this lit up my pecs and took all stress of my bicep/pec tendon. This is going to be a new staple. If I don't find a way of machine pressing that i like, my push half of workouts may literally be 3 sets of this, 2 sets of an incline dumbbell with 2 different angles, and that's it.
3. I cut back volume from what I initially planned. I gotta be careful with session volume/session length going up to 4x/wk. Expect similar cutbacks from other sessions.
4. Since this session was a bit longer than I wanted it to be, I think maybe I might have one upper session without free weight pressing where I do machine flies, machine incline, machine flat press. That would be a good session to barbell row. Incline db press and barbell row are too fatiguing to superset at all and I also like to take off my shoes for rows which jsut feels weird walking around the gym barefoot.
5. I'm going to be playing around and experimenting with different exercises, exercise orders, and ways of executing. I'm not sure which machine presses I like and dislike as far as feel and as far as safety on my existing pain. I am writing this to remind myself that reverse grip might be a good option for me. I did identify the source of my problem as bad internal rotation on shoulders, but now after many months of mobility while it has improved, it's not fully alleviated and maybe mobility work won't ever fully fix it so I should try some new stuff. 2 sets of free weight pressing per week only and then a lot of reverse grip pressing and flying on machines might be an option. We'll see. 3 sets of flies and then 2 sets of an incline db might also be an option, as aluded to above. 10 sets/wk of chest is definitely enough.
Re Decathlon guy: Total chad. I'm sure he out squats me too. Skinnier looks better, is healthier, and is more athletic in general. Rip's people were/are pretty delusional about how big a human being should be. That said, if you have more lean tissue you can definitely get away with being heavier and not being unhealthy or unaesthetically appealing. But even then, as you push extremes of LBM you start to lose some of both. Am I there yet? close for sure. But the whole point of men's physique/classic physique is allow people to compete in bodybuilding competitions without having to lose that general mainstream aesthetic appeal that comes with getting absolutely massive.