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Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log

06-04-2024 , 11:03 AM
Hmm, I only listened to a few minutes here and there. He says something like mindfulness may be helpful since there shouldn't be any downstream effects. Then she goes on a rant about how it nocebos* kids into thinking they are doing something wrong/disregulated/etc.

Ummm, dude just said to have kids sit for a minute or two practicing mindfulness. There's no nocebo there.

Not gonna watch more lol.

*opposite of placebo - Most doctors I've used the term around don't seem to be familiar. Which is...alarming, considering they need to be the most careful concerning noceboing people. Going to Dr. visits with my wife recently has really made me wonder how poor doctor's word choices are when discussing interventions and diagnosis. Anyway, /endrant.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
06-04-2024 , 08:00 PM
Pullups: bwx17, 14, 11 (second 2 sets neutral grip was feeling better on my elbow)
Unilateral pulldowns: 2ppsx15, 10, 8
Underhand rows strapped: 60kgx15, 10, 11
EZ curls: 20kgx30, 2 more sets myorep match

Prob gonna reduce to 3 sets myorep match on pull days since I'm already curling on push days too. My biceps have continuously gotten stronger despite cutting so that's good.

I can't lift today because I have a work dinner. Just going to go on Sunday and do legs tomorrow b/c I wanna train push monday at the new gym.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
06-04-2024 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by NotThremp
I went to therapy once. I was told that anger issues stem from my ethnic background.

Sadly I'm not making this up.
That's racist and ignorant as ****. And I'm not at all surprised to hear that from a therapist because most of them are unintelligent people.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
06-04-2024 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian

Although taking the advice of some random guy on the internet named Evoken may be asking a lot too.

Actually, you are hyooge and jacked AF. Maybe he would just listen to you. You could try to DM him or something, see if he somehow goes for your coaching.

He has a pretty huge fanbase of like 50k subscribers on youtube. He's kind of become vulnerable to "audience capture". The worse his life is, the more the audience agrees and amplifies b/c most of them are also low status young males in similar situations. It's sort of a crabs in a bucket thing where they gang up on anyone who has productive advice and all echo "it's over bro" memes.

Steps were 20k yesterday and 22k the day before. It's wild how my tolerance to stepcount has increased so much. That used to be exhausting before... even when I first stopped bicycling to work/gym and started only walking and was averaging 12k it was "exhausting" at the time. Now I really need to do something like 25k steps+high stims+a leg workout all on the same day to really fk myself up. I feel like I could get 20k on basically any normal day where time permits it indefinitely. Foot care/calluses is the only limiting factor. I finally started using moisturizer on my heels and that's helped a ton, but I think monthly medical pedicures are probably inevitable when steps are this high.

Amish average around 18k/day and the average bodyfat of males is around 8.9% despite eating enormous amounts of saturated fats and high calories in their diets.

I think there's something magical about very high activity levels throughout the year for body composition. This is another thing that is the opposite of what we were told in the rippetoe era where cardio/activity/being on your feet too much is 'bad for your recovery'. I think one of the reason I got a lot less fat from SS+GOMAD in 2009-2010 was because I was bicycling several miles a day at that time because I lived in an off campus apartment that was pretty far away from my school at the time and even just going to the grocery store was like a 30 minute walk. For peaking strength athletes a few weeks out from a meet, yeah high activity probably isn't so desirable. Shane hunt does 2 hours of steady state cardio with a weight vest walking in the mountains outside 3x/wk on his off days (he trains 4x/wk). I'm not even really convinced its bad for offseason strength athletes. I'll probably stay around 13-15k with 45 minute fasted morning walks throughout my entire bulking phase (again, time permitting)
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
06-04-2024 , 08:28 PM
Less soy-addled gaslighting therapy and psych meds, Less DBDR incel hopelessness and self pity, more chad bodybuilder copefulness.

Dave Palumbo has been awful the past 3 years, but once in a while he does some actual journalism. This interview was just great. The guy's name is Ali Bilal and he's a legit contender to the Men's Physique Olympia title. His life story is really amazing. He escaped war-torn Afghanistan as a 13 year old boy on his own without and friends or family, floated around europe working various peasant jobs for survival, and eventually rose to becoming an IFBB men's physique pro despite very humble beginning. The story of him destroying everyone at his first show was hilarious. Basically he was working construction in his early 20s in Belgium eating Nutella sandwiches earning slave wages and training with a typical bro split 5x/wk. Him and his friends wanted to go watch a musclemania bbing show (musclemania is far less competitive than other feds) and he pretty much entered from the audience since he was always ripped from working a high activity level job and ended up not only winning his class but the overall despite the lack of a structured diet. His story of how he learned English in just the past 3 years was also 100% YesChad.

Men's physique is way less gay than it was at its inception. Around 2019 the division started to really improve a lot and now legs are actually being judged. If they can just make the board shorts about half the length they are now I'd consider switching to it over classic given my cursed hamstrings and glutes. I'd be exactly right for the pro weight cap without having to gain much size. The posing for it is so radically different than the other divisions and right now I have no ****ing clue to to do Men's Physique poses. I appreciate the increased focus on glam/pageantry/metrosexuality in Men's Physique relative to classic and open, frankly.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
06-05-2024 , 01:31 AM

I think a lot of that is your own projection rather than the reality of my life. But tbf it is much funnier to post about bad things and outwardly portray a dismal, dark existence rather than talk about all the interesting stuff I do. (I got offered a cofounder gig with El D working on developing an AI chatbot recommender system, might take that, might not. Dunno!)

I posted some pretty obvious lies that were outted nearly instantly (for a message board) probably a decade ago by people I personally know. (One guy had literally posted a photo of the two of us.) Yet some people still quote that story as a universal truth rather than "mentally unwell person posts lies on internet for self-amusement".

Tho in this specific moment things are pretty bad since my electric kettle is having a hissy fit and refusing to boil water. So this is probably the worst thing that has happened to me so far today. Yesterday I had to switch seats on the tram because a homeless man who had obviously pissed himself >1 day before decided to keep wearing the same clothes. 15 minute cities, free public transit, Yurop, yay!


If you like gay stuff, Eurovision is always there.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
06-05-2024 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by NotThremp

I think a lot of that is your own projection rather than the reality of my life. But tbf it is much funnier to post about bad things and outwardly portray a dismal, dark existence rather than talk about all the interesting stuff I do. (I got offered a cofounder gig with El D working on developing an AI chatbot recommender system, might take that, might not. Dunno!)

I posted some pretty obvious lies that were outted nearly instantly (for a message board) probably a decade ago by people I personally know. (One guy had literally posted a photo of the two of us.) Yet some people still quote that story as a universal truth rather than "mentally unwell person posts lies on internet for self-amusement".

Tho in this specific moment things are pretty bad since my electric kettle is having a hissy fit and refusing to boil water. So this is probably the worst thing that has happened to me so far today. Yesterday I had to switch seats on the tram because a homeless man who had obviously pissed himself >1 day before decided to keep wearing the same clothes. 15 minute cities, free public transit, Yurop, yay!

I don't know enough forum lore to understand any of this. But plz hope no e-fighting.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
06-05-2024 , 06:21 AM
The second part is part of my extensive history of trolling the sports betting forum and depicts events that happened nearly a decade ago. But there are definitely more than a few genuinely miserable people in that space.

But I think how you view other people on the internet says a lot more about you than about the poster. Like loco says insane stuff p frequently. But he's a p good looking guy who isn't poor and has someone who will s his d. That has to be top 1% or so? There are definitely folks who are unhappy and have actual problems, but they are p far and few between. Even YTF seemed rather happy in his own blissfully ignorant way. I'm more remarking on human nature and seeing what we wanna see in things rather than the way it may be.

FWIW I think Yugo prob has some weird exogenous dread since his life seems p much fine. Maybe something is DEEPLY NOT FINE that I am unaware of, but who knows.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
06-05-2024 , 07:25 AM
Actually those events were nearly 12y ago. Been posting on this aidsy site for too long.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
06-05-2024 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by NotThremp

I think a lot of that is your own projection rather than the reality of my life.
Glad to hear it.

But tbf it is much funnier to post about bad things and outwardly portray a dismal, dark existence rather than talk about all the interesting stuff I do.
Honestly not sure about that.

(I got offered a cofounder gig with El D working on developing an AI chatbot recommender system, might take that, might not. Dunno!)
This is interesting and an opportunity to make some kind of El D joke.

Tho in this specific moment things are pretty bad since my electric kettle is having a hissy fit and refusing to boil water.
Yeah, I agree, that is pretty bad.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
06-05-2024 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by NotThremp
The second part is part of my extensive history of trolling the sports betting forum and depicts events that happened nearly a decade ago. But there are definitely more than a few genuinely miserable people in that space.

But I think how you view other people on the internet says a lot more about you than about the poster. Like loco says insane stuff p frequently. But he's a p good looking guy who isn't poor and has someone who will s his d. That has to be top 1% or so? There are definitely folks who are unhappy and have actual problems, but they are p far and few between. Even YTF seemed rather happy in his own blissfully ignorant way. I'm more remarking on human nature and seeing what we wanna see in things rather than the way it may be.

FWIW I think Yugo prob has some weird exogenous dread since his life seems p much fine. Maybe something is DEEPLY NOT FINE that I am unaware of, but who knows.
I would bet a lot that Loco is not nearly as loco in real life. Yeah, I have some weird dread going on. My life on paper is great and continues to be great. Unless you hate kids. Which is a reasonable stance imo.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
06-05-2024 , 05:13 PM

So as I was engaging in adult foot health in the shower, I wanted to ask... do you do this? This is like a washing your foreskin type statement at our age. But do you have a rasper/sandy bar thing/pumice stone for your feet? While I'm sure professional level help is very affordable in China, I've found that I occasionally get weird bits on my big toe that have the wont to rip off and expose the precious underbelly of my big toe to the unforeseen horror of... the streets.

A nail clipper handles all these issues with def aplomb. But I do regret not using any of the aforementioned tools previously when it happens.


Loco is def not as loco in real life. But my hunch is you have a low grade version of the post-Trump "wailing in the corridors" big tech issues.

One minor anecdote... A friend of mine who is a dick sucker and engaged had his dick suckee almost jailed for >5 years in an African nation for frotting with another man. He is from that nation and was cheating on him (WHORE). But he is rich and paid the bribe. This is the big fight man.... Not Drumpf not some weird bullshit. Its literally half the planet wanting to throw you in jail for want to rub a couple ***** in a joint jackoff session. We got bigger fish to fry if we wanna worry about "people".

Abortion rights in Yurop have been highly more restricted than America for decades. Let this **** go. Either sweat about all people or acknowledge you are a nationalistic bigot.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
Yesterday , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by NotThremp

So as I was engaging in adult foot health in the shower, I wanted to ask... do you do this? This is like a washing your foreskin type statement at our age. But do you have a rasper/sandy bar thing/pumice stone for your feet? While I'm sure professional level help is very affordable in China, I've found that I occasionally get weird bits on my big toe that have the wont to rip off and expose the precious underbelly of my big toe to the unforeseen horror of... the streets.

A nail clipper handles all these issues with def aplomb. But I do regret not using any of the aforementioned tools previously when it happens.


Loco is def not as loco in real life. But my hunch is you have a low grade version of the post-Trump "wailing in the corridors" big tech issues.

One minor anecdote... A friend of mine who is a dick sucker and engaged had his dick suckee almost jailed for >5 years in an African nation for frotting with another man. He is from that nation and was cheating on him (WHORE). But he is rich and paid the bribe. This is the big fight man.... Not Drumpf not some weird bullshit. Its literally half the planet wanting to throw you in jail for want to rub a couple ***** in a joint jackoff session. We got bigger fish to fry if we wanna worry about "people".

Abortion rights in Yurop have been highly more restricted than America for decades. Let this **** go. Either sweat about all people or acknowledge you are a nationalistic bigot.
Didn't until recently, but when step count gets this high that's not going to do the trick.

I'm way less emo irl fwiw. And I've been told more discernably black as well.

Hip thrust: 2px16, 13, 11
Leg press: 4ppsx25, 17, 13
Leg extensions and hamstsring curls 3 sets each to failure

63 minutes but I took a 10 minute break after leg press.

Felt good to get some PRs in the last week of heavy training in a cut lol. Obviously my quad strength has only "increased" as I learn leg press movement pattern and convert a lot of old leftover squatting strength as its still a surprisingly new movement for me i've been doing regularly for less than 2 years.

I just realized Monday will be my last hard training and after that just deloading until photoshoot a week from Sunday. Tonight I'm going to test out a drying out protocol that doesn't involve medical diuretics: vodka+cranberry juice. I just want to see how it works to see if I can avoid using hydrochlorothyazide. It's only 50 cents for 100 tablets but still diuretics are a bit more dangerous than steroids or insulin or gh.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
Yesterday , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by NotThremp

Loco is def not as loco in real life. But my hunch is you have a low grade version of the post-Trump "wailing in the corridors" big tech issues.
I have absolutely no idea what '"wailing in the corridors" big tech issues' means, lol. Probably a good thing I don't know.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
Yesterday , 03:20 PM

Yeah, I start having joint pain at >15k a day so always keep it below that. I'm sure I could work up since I have done well over 30k at points in my life repeatedly (lol hiking), but I'm just a guy walking around looking at swans and **** now.

But foot health is def a real thing if you wanna put in decent mileage and that lil pumice stone does serious work.

Also, a small splash of lime does wonders to liven up your suggested protocol. Strongly recommend.


It is a reference to people literally wailing in the hallways at work at big tech companies post Trump election. Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, it is objectively insane.

The amount of people who shed any tears over Kenyatta leaving office and the subsequent enforcement of long extant anti-**** laws pretty much exemplifies why I feel this movement in the US is morally bankrupt and full of ****ing idiots. In a funny anecdote, one of the guys I know got shook down for ~15 months salary in Kenya cause he copped to being a gay video (grainy flip phone video, he is very stupid). Luckily his bf is rich and so he avoided several years in the clink. And Kenya is relatively progressive for Africa! Bemoaning an incredibly meager loss of rights to the point of needing counseling and being unable to function because of orange cheeto man is like quibbling about the murder of SS prison guards by Jews. Yeah sure... they should not have killed them... but that is completely losing the plot.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
Yesterday , 04:07 PM
DK Metcalf is definitely natty. Freaks gonna Freak. But i am not all about just the BBC. Look at CMAC, his parents and grand parents are cream of the crop athletes, Hitler would have suucked cock to have those athletes having babies in Germany.

Cmac grandpa the fastest man alive in the 60s. Freaks. I would pay 100k for frozen sperm from Cmac. I wouldn't really care that kid is not my genes, I just know he would be dunking all over my buddies kids and then buy me a big house when I get old.

The story of my life is quite simple. Wanted to be Rob Riches and instead got old with a potbelly and now wish Cmac would impregnate my fiancee. Or DK Metcalf (no racist here).
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
Yesterday , 05:00 PM
For an athletic kid the key is to breed with an athletic woman. Ideally a big strong one not a small one

From what I’ve read/understand it’s the female genes that help more with your kid’s height and prowess

In other words…don’t be me and marry a 5ft 1 former dancer with big boobs and no sporting background
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
Yesterday , 05:25 PM
Why does anyone give a **** about having athletic children? I know some dude who keeps telling me about his kid's pro football career. Kid sucks ****ing massive dick. He earns basically nothing (would be below poverty in the US), and has no realistic chance to move into upper tier football.

So when you say "I want athletic children" and you intend to indulge your fantasy... you want them to have amazingly diminished QoL from skipping out on not being stupid to chase your dream of playing a child sport for money.

Great parents it seems.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
Yesterday , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by NotThremp
Why does anyone give a **** about having athletic children? I know some dude who keeps telling me about his kid's pro football career. Kid sucks ****ing massive dick. He earns basically nothing (would be below poverty in the US), and has no realistic chance to move into upper tier football.

So when you say "I want athletic children" and you intend to indulge your fantasy... you want them to have amazingly diminished QoL from skipping out on not being stupid to chase your dream of playing a child sport for money.

Great parents it seems.
idk...why are some people such judgemental, opinionated dicks? your argument is so microscopic and dumb. not dissimilar from saying 'why do people want smart kids when they've got no chance of becoming astronauts?'

as a boy growing up in particular, being good at sport helps with friendships, peer groups, status in the group and a load of other stuff, all of which goes to confidence and self image and carries over into other aspects of life and into adulthood. prolly for girls too. and then being in teams and squads as you get older has huge benefits in terms of the structure, discipline of training for something, being outside, being active.

yes you can do that if you're not so good at sport but almost all less capable kids wean off this at some point in their tween/early teen years because they realise they're not as good and they stop doing it.

a huge amount of the joy and success I've had in life came from playing sport through school, college and into organised senior ranks. and not nearly as much would have happened if I wasn't as good at it because I would have stopped at some point/stopped getting selected. the experiences I had, the friendships I built, the satisfaction I got from it, the discipline I took out from it and even the connections I made. And I want that for my kids.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
Yesterday , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
idk...why are some people such judgemental, opinionated dicks? your argument is so microscopic and dumb. not dissimilar from saying 'why do people want smart kids when they've got no chance of becoming astronauts?'

as a boy growing up in particular, being good at sport helps with friendships, peer groups, status in the group and a load of other stuff, all of which goes to confidence and self image and carries over into other aspects of life and into adulthood. prolly for girls too. and then being in teams and squads as you get older has huge benefits in terms of the structure, discipline of training for something, being outside, being active.

yes you can do that if you're not so good at sport but almost all less capable kids wean off this at some point in their tween/early teen years because they realise they're not as good and they stop doing it.

a huge amount of the joy and success I've had in life came from playing sport through school, college and into organised senior ranks. and not nearly as much would have happened if I wasn't as good at it because I would have stopped at some point/stopped getting selected. the experiences I had, the friendships I built, the satisfaction I got from it, the discipline I took out from it and even the connections I made. And I want that for my kids.
But you weren't even remotely good at sports. That is my point.

I played sports. I enjoyed them. I was no where near a professional in anything I ever attempted as a child sport.

But you're discussing breeding strategies based on your child having "more friends" because they're slightly better at running good? Who is the legit ****ing ****** here? Anyone can play sports, anyone can be on a team. They're at every level. What in the literal **** gives you this ****ing dipshit view?
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
Yesterday , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by NotThremp
But you weren't even remotely good at sports. That is my point.

I played sports. I enjoyed them. I was no where near a professional in anything I ever attempted as a child sport.

But you're discussing breeding strategies based on your child having "more friends" because they're slightly better at running good? Who is the legit ****ing ****** here? Anyone can play sports, anyone can be on a team. They're at every level. What in the literal **** gives you this ****ing dipshit view?

Well actually I was good at sports and I got paid to play them but that’s only partially relevant

You’re the dick because you 100x overreacted to a light hearted top line conversation about genetics and athleticism and decided to extrapolate exaggeratedly and become unnecessarily judgemental
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
Yesterday , 08:06 PM
But you sucked ass and didn't make any real money. Lets be frank and not quibble. You're not actually good at anything.

But hey, whatever helps you sleep at night. Cope is a real thing and you feel the need to flaunt it here. Go for it man. Feel free to conjure up weird breeding heuristics to make yourself feel better.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
Yesterday , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by NotThremp
So when you say "I want athletic children" and you intend to indulge your fantasy... you want them to have amazingly diminished QoL from skipping out on not being stupid to chase your dream of playing a child sport for money.
I think even if you don't go down the pro sports route, being athletic is better than being not athletic. Also being athletic (at least for males) is highly correlated with physical attractiveness, which has plenty of general life benefits.

When my kids were in the womb, I honestly didn't think or have any specific hopes about their future athleticism (I did hope very much that they would be wicked smaht). But if you had asked me if I preferred that my kid be athletic or not athletic, all else being equal, that would have been a no-brainer.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
Yesterday , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by NotThremp
But you sucked ass and didn't make any real money. Lets be frank and not quibble. You're not actually good at anything.

But hey, whatever helps you sleep at night. Cope is a real thing and you feel the need to flaunt it here. Go for it man. Feel free to conjure up weird breeding heuristics to make yourself feel better.
I've got no idea who you are and most of your posts in here are tldr and too dense and depressing to navigate but what I think you're apologising for being wrong and then saying is that I'm a better athlete, better at sports and probably more successful than you are. Thanks for that and I tend to agree with you / derail

Last edited by feel wrath; Yesterday at 11:53 PM.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
Yesterday , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
I think even if you don't go down the pro sports route, being athletic is better than being not athletic. Also being athletic (at least for males) is highly correlated with physical attractiveness, which has plenty of general life benefits.

When my kids were in the womb, I honestly didn't think or have any specific hopes about their future athleticism (I did hope very much that they would be wicked smaht). But if you had asked me if I preferred that my kid be athletic or not athletic, all else being equal, that would have been a no-brainer.
yes. exactly the same way you'd rather they'd be smarter than not and better looking than not.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
