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Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log

09-20-2024 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
Plus he's not in abject poverty or anything. He'd be in better hands hiring Shane Hunt or Pete Rubish, who are both around 150-200 usd/mo. Pete doesn't give a diet, Shane does. Even if he just did one 6 month block with him and then bailed and re-ran that block he'd probably make great gains for the rest of his training career.
$200 USD a month for someone who knows their **** to tell ABP what to do seems like a great deal. Especially for him, because he would actually probably do it exactly as prescribed.

We'll know he is truly on his purpose when that happens.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
Yesterday , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
$200 USD a month for someone who knows their **** to tell ABP what to do seems like a great deal. Especially for him, because he would actually probably do it exactly as prescribed.

We'll know he is truly on his purpose when that happens.
bbing coaching is a lot more complex. But yeah for PL I feel like you could spend 6-12 months with a coach and be basically ready to do your own thing indefinitely afterword. If I were doing this these are the two I'd wanna hire. Shane or Pete.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
Today , 06:04 AM
Flying on Friday again, so doing Sunday to Thursday workouts.

Pronated chins: bwx18, 13, 10
machine ng press: 64kgx23, 15, 16
Chest supported t bar: 1.5px18, 11, 9
plate loaded incline thing: .5ppsx13, 13, 14
ng pulldowns: 115x15, 8 8
incline selectorized machine: 140x15, 10, 9
ham curls: 3 sets
hyperextenions: 3x11
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
Today , 03:55 PM
damn bro 18 chins at your BW which is guess in the 3 digits (in kg) is really ****ing good.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
Today , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
Check the well thread, ChanY is very legit.

My offseason pics are pretty bad. TRy as I might not, I consistently look fat and bad in the offseason.
Pics of you? You have the SALTS afaict. Everything always jacked and huge, though.

I mean of your womenz. Pics or ban.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
Today , 11:34 PM

Oh, no problem. Blurred for privacy.

Thai woman broke up because she very correctly identified that with our respective locations and schedules, every time we met it would take away from time with her son. He was briefly considering quitting BBall and going to a "normal" school and then transferring to China and attending wherever I work, but later decided to stick with Bball. That would mean she and he wouldn't relocate here until he's 18. Neither of us were willing to do 4 years of long distance. No h8. I think her son and her both made the right choices. I'd feel ****ing awful if the kid went to a normal school then regretted not pursuing his dream of an athletic career. The probability of him succeeding is probably very low, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't try and strike when the iron is hot to find out. Won't post her pics, sorry.

If these ***** Thai schools didn't discriminate against Americans who teach British curriculum so much and I had been successful in finding a job there, things may have turned out very differently. I've also been hearing from my colleagues here that BRitish schools might pay much less than I thought in Thailand, as many of them worked there. 120k baht/mo is really just not enough if I were a 37 year old man. Chinese retirement is actually very good and I've been contributing to it for 9 years already. If I found something over 150k baht/mo I'd consider it, but I think these jobs are rare/don't exist/inaccessible for people who don't have direct uk experience.

So anyway, talked with another foreigner in CHina BB friend and decided I will continue being self coached in offseason but I need to hire a coach for precontest. $1200 for 16 weeks of Chris Tuttle coaching is very much worth it. It's not like I can't write my own diet, training, steps, and cardio, but more just that the last few weeks bodybuilders get so brain fogged and scatterbrained and make some irrational and strange decisions. Like my 2500g carb days toward the end of last diet phase. THat was dumb, I should have been doing 2x/wk of 1000 instead. Or doing over 20k steps, that's just silly. There's huge diminishing returns on steps past 15k or so. Max maybe 17k. It's probably best to not even try to have a non-lifting girlfriend when you are training for a pro card. Figuring out when to refeed, refeeding by how much, when to drop down calories, when to increase or decrease steps/cardio, when to decrease training intensity, and manipulating water/sodium/carbohydrates in the days immediately before the show are difficult decisions that you can make easily when you are well fed and thinking rationally or doing it for someone else, but when you're starving and doing it for yourself and it's something really important to you, it's easy to mess up and go too far toward one extreme. Like that keto disaster I did 2 years ago where I was consuming way too few calories and lost muscle and looked worse as the scale went down.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
Today , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by ChanY
damn bro 18 chins at your BW which is guess in the 3 digits (in kg) is really ****ing good.
Yep, around 101kg rn. I did 20 ng chins last time. I think my all time record at this bodyweight is around 23 neutral grip 21 pronated with straps. Hoping 20 supinated without straps is in the works very soon.

I need to finally break up with barbell rows. I didn't do them last workout and it felt a lot better. If I'm already hitting ham curls+hyperextensions on Monday/Friday, either squatting or SLDLing every week, do I really need more compound work for stabilization/hams/glutes/lower back? No. Just do chest supported and get better lat/upper back contraction.

I'll probably relapse and do them occasionally to feel like more of a man.
Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Quote
