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Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log

Today , 11:03 AM
Hmm, I only listened to a few minutes here and there. He says something like mindfulness may be helpful since there shouldn't be any downstream effects. Then she goes on a rant about how it nocebos* kids into thinking they are doing something wrong/disregulated/etc.

Ummm, dude just said to have kids sit for a minute or two practicing mindfulness. There's no nocebo there.

Not gonna watch more lol.

*opposite of placebo - Most doctors I've used the term around don't seem to be familiar. Which is...alarming, considering they need to be the most careful concerning noceboing people. Going to Dr. visits with my wife recently has really made me wonder how poor doctor's word choices are when discussing interventions and diagnosis. Anyway, /endrant.
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