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Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Beeschnuts Strength Training Log

03-15-2022 , 04:08 PM
Mar 15: DE upper

Speed bench: 9 tripes with 50% and bands
165 + red bands x3x9

Pendlay rows
Push jerk
Banded pressdowns
Hammer curls
Banded crunches
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-16-2022 , 05:16 PM
Mar 16:
Farmers carry
Sled push/pull
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-17-2022 , 03:53 PM
Mar 17: DE lower

Plyo: trap bar jumps

SSB speed box squat w/ purple bands:
220 + bands x2x10

Speed DL conventional w/ red bands:

Power clean
Banded kb swings
Ab rollouts
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-19-2022 , 04:14 PM
Mar 19: ME upper

Had a lifting accident today when my barbell broke but luckily did not get injured. Was doing Viking landmine press and the fat part of the barbell that the plates rest against came off and slid down to the other end of the barbell and all the plates followed. I had no idea what was happening for a second and just let the whole thing go. Pretty sure the bar is unfixable and I would normally order a new one but we are moving in about a week so I will prob just wait and use my specialty bars for the next week or so.

Floor press w/ chains:
225 + 60 chains x1
245+ chains x1
265 + chains x1 PR
225 + chains x5

Facepulls/band pullaparts
Single arm DB press (did this after the landmine press disaster)
Weighted push-ups
Cable row
Preacher curl
BW tri ext
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-20-2022 , 10:54 AM
ME lower:

Was supposed to do regular DL today but did trap bar instead since BB is broken.

Trap bar DL w/ 60 lb chains:
405 + chains x3
435 + chains x3
475 + chains x3

SSB reverse lunge
Spanish squat
Banded back ext
Leg curls
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-22-2022 , 03:49 PM
Mar 21: 20 min run

Mar 22: DE upper

Speed bench with football bar and red bands:
155x3x10 (5 sets wide grip, 5 medium)

Inverted rows
Db push press
Lat pulldown
Hammer curls
Banded pressdowns
Banded abs
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-24-2022 , 04:11 PM
Mar 23:
Farmers carry
Single arm overhead carry
Plate pinches
Sled push/pull

Mar 24: DE lower

Plyo: trap bar jumps

SSB speed box squat:
240 + purple bands x2x10

Speed trap bar DL:
315 + purple band x1x6

SSB lunge
Band assisted Nordic leg curls
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-27-2022 , 07:46 PM
Mar 27: ME upper

Face pulls/band pullaparts

Football bar wide grip bench:

Did 315 a little while ago so went for a small PR but wasn’t quite there. Not really surprising, been under the weather the past few days

High incline db press
Head supported bent over db row
Pec fly
Cable curls
Cable pressdowns

Movers come tomorrow to start packing up our stuff. Hoping to get in one more heavy leg session before that. After that it will be bodyweight or hotel workouts while we are on the road. Moving back to Virginia for a couple years
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-29-2022 , 09:58 PM
Mar 28

Didn’t get in my ME lower session yesterday bc the movers had packed most of my lifting stuff by yesterday time I was able to lift. There was an adjustable db still left and a couple other things so just did a quick leg workout.

DB Bulgarian split squat
Back ext
Weighted plank
Posterior plank with March
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-30-2022 , 10:59 PM
Mar 30: hotel push workout

DB incline press
Db chest press
Cable fly
Db tri rollbacks
Cable side lateral

One of the better hotel gyms I’ve seen. DBs up to 75 and a cable tower
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
04-17-2022 , 10:24 AM
Back to logging after a 2-3 week break. Did a couple hotel workouts and then a stomach virus hit our whole family and took a few days off. It was pretty terrible especially with all of us in a hotel. After that spent a couple days on the road and arrived in VA last weekend. Did some push/pull/leg workouts this past week to get back in the swing of things and was pretty weak from traveling, being sick and not sleeping well. Decided to go back to conjugate training today and working out at my dads gym temporarily.

April 17: ME upper

Bench press w/ 70 lb chains:
205 + chains x3
225 + chains x3
245 + chains x2

Thought the whole time the chains were 60lb total like the set I have, but found out after that they are 70 total at this gym so made sense why the last set was so hard

Chest supported row
Incline db press
HS high row
Machine skullcrushers
Lat pulldown
Preacher curl
Cable pressdowns
Cable hammer curl
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
04-18-2022 , 01:53 PM
April 18: ME lower

Sumo block pulls:

Had a bit more in the tank but tweaked my back on the 545 set so decided to move on

SSB split squat
Reverse hyper
Hack squat
Leg curl
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
04-22-2022 , 08:15 PM
April 20: DE upper

Speed bench w/red bands:

One arm db row
HS incline press
Chest supported machine row
Push jerk
Rope pressdowns
Rope curls
Loaded carries

April 22: DE lower

Speed box squats w/ purple bands

Speed DL w/ red bands:
275x1x4 conv
315x1x4 sumo

Belt squat
Plate loaded hip thrust
Nordic leg curl
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
04-23-2022 , 11:32 AM
April 23: ME upper

Floor press w/ red bands:
275 + bands x1
295 + bands x1
305 + bands x technical fail

Got 305 up but was pretty much doing a glute bridge by the end so not counting it. Made it harder than it needed to be bc my right elbow somehow hit the floor first and threw me off balance a little.

Bent over T-bar row
Low incline db press (up to 95x8)
Chest supported row
HS shoulder press
Lat pulldown
Preacher curl
Elbows out tri ext
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
04-25-2022 , 10:17 AM
April 25: ME lower

Pin squat:

First time squatting heavy with a regular BB in a long time.

Single leg DB RDL
hack squat
Plate loaded hip ext
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
04-27-2022 , 06:55 PM
April 27: DE upper

Speed bench w/ red bands:
175x3x10 (5 sets normal grip, 5 close grip)

Pendlay rows
HS incline
Cable row
Push jerk
Hammer curls
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
04-30-2022 , 08:57 AM
April 29: DE lower

Trap bar jumps

Speed box squat w/ purple bands:

Speed DL w/ red bands:
275x1x4 conv
315x1x4 sumo

Banded back ext

Didn’t have time for any more accessories
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
04-30-2022 , 02:53 PM
Apr 30: ME upper

Pin press:

Meadows row
Low incline db press(up to 100x8)
Cable row
Plate loaded shoulder press
Reverse grip pressdowns
Hammer curls
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
05-04-2022 , 08:27 PM
Haven’t logged the past few days bc I tested positive for Covid and so did my wife and we assume our kids have it too. I have been asymptomatic, my wife was very achy and tired and our kids have had fevers but seem to be getting better with Tylenol/ibuprofen. As far as workouts, I did a short run Monday and today did a upper workout on my dads old bow flex. Will hopefully get back in the gym this weekend.

In better news, got hired as a personal trainer at a place called the st James in Springfield VA. It’s a 450,000 sq Ft athletic complex and prob the most impressive facility I have ever seen
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
05-06-2022 , 08:09 PM
May 6:

Another quarantine workout

Bulgarian split squats
SL hip bridge
Around the world plank
Forward to reverse lunge
Banded good morning
Hollow body rocks
Spanish squat
Banded leg curl
Side plank
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
05-08-2022 , 11:55 AM
May 8: ME upper

Finally done with quarantine, never got any symptoms.

Low incline BB press:

Chest supported tbar row
DB chest press (up to 105x7)
One arm db row
HS shoulder press
Lat pulldown
Machine tri ext
Preacher curl
Lateral raise
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
05-09-2022 , 11:43 AM
May 9: ME lower

Reverse hyper to wu

Rack pull, from knees:

SSB reverse lunge
Nordic leg curl
Belt squat
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
05-11-2022 , 08:14 PM
May 11: DE upper


Speed bench w/ doubled over red band:

Chest supported hammer row
TRX tri ext
TRX row
Machine curl
Farmers carry
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
05-13-2022 , 07:12 PM
May 12: 20 min interval run

May 13: DE lower

SSB Speed box squat w/purple bands:

Speed conv DL w red bands:

Bulgarian split squats
Sled work
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
05-14-2022 , 04:18 PM
May 14: ME upper

Bench press w/ doubled over red bands:

Bent over landmine row
Low incline db press
Chest supported db row
Half kneeling landmine press
Lat pulldown
TRX bicep curls
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
