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Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Beeschnuts Strength Training Log

02-23-2019 , 02:23 AM
Kinda doubt monte is as high as 18%. Also kind of doubt this lifter is over 25%. I'd also like to see some data that being an active low 20s percent body fat human is unhealthy or less healthy than being 15-17%. He doesn't list his weight but in videos he doesn't look like a prediabetic.
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
02-23-2019 , 09:34 AM

My training volume is actually pretty high right now!


He's including head fat. 12-14% as the normal lifting population measures it seems about right.
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
02-23-2019 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Awesome PRs; double at 295 for 2 count is super strong.

What day are you testing maxes?
liking you more and more monte. next week im doing openers Monday, going thru warmups Wednesday and testing squat Friday, bench the following Monday and DL the following Wednesday. might also test OHP that following friday

Originally Posted by loco
I can't take this log seriously without bodyweight attached.

I benched 280 at 169, do you have a lower wilks at bench than I do? I hope not, that would be loltastic.

Bodyweight manipulation to set PRs needs to end. We start with this log.

My man montecore is aged 39 195 18% bodyfat. And he was recommended to bulk by several meatheads. Would his wilks increase, by gaining 20 pounds?

Lol. That's debatable and if it did increase, it would be peanuts unless he started training with more considerable volume.

Health and fitness are independent. Both pretty much ignored by this lifter.
I don't know who has a higher bench wilks nor do I care. I do know if I hit my lifts next week i'll total 1365 at around 224-226 bw. this would put my wilks at 375. Have you ever had a wilks score that high?

bodyweight manipulation to hit PRs? I'm doing bulking/cutting cycles like just about everyone else who lifts seriously. I try to maximize strength gains while bulking and maintain strength when cutting. Over the last two years I have added like 300 pounds to my total while adding 12-15 lbs to my bodyweight. When I finish this cycle i'll be cutting. I might lose a little strength but I will be MUCH stronger when I am back down to 210 than I was when I started this log. That is progress.

I mentioned my bw in monte's log. When i started this log I was 212. When I totaled 1315 I was around 218-220. As of yesterday I was 224. Gaining 12 pounds to add 300 to my total seems worth it. see you.

Originally Posted by Renton555
Kinda doubt monte is as high as 18%. Also kind of doubt this lifter is over 25%. I'd also like to see some data that being an active low 20s percent body fat human is unhealthy or less healthy than being 15-17%. He doesn't list his weight but in videos he doesn't look like a prediabetic.
I don't list my weight every workout to keep loco wunderin'
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
02-25-2019 , 07:57 AM
Feb 25: openers

Squat: 435x1
Bench: 295x1
Sumo DL: 500x1

Everything moved decent. Hips a little tight for squats
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
02-27-2019 , 08:21 AM
Feb 27:
Went thru warmups for each lift
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-01-2019 , 08:39 AM
March 1: max squat
475x1 PR +20

Had a friend video the last attempt but he took it at a weird angle or too close and the plates block a good view of my hips at the bottom. I think the depth was fine, it didn't feel any higher or lower than any of my other squats. After squatting, did some light bench up to 265.

it was slow but not super grindy, prob had a bit more in the tank
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-01-2019 , 09:28 AM
Sick PR! Looked like 485 was definitely there, and possibly 495. 5 plates after your next cycle seems like it's in play for sure.
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-01-2019 , 01:22 PM
Def some more in the tank. Especially if you don't misgroove it, as the bar gets a little forward on you.
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-01-2019 , 04:41 PM
More there for sure. Nicely done.
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-01-2019 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Sick PR! Looked like 485 was definitely there, and possibly 495. 5 plates after your next cycle seems like it's in play for sure.
Thanks monte. I could prob hit 500 if I continued to bulk with one more training cycle but that's not the plan. Gonna cut for a couple months and then prob run a hypertrophy block before going heavy again. My wife is also due in a couple weeks so my training schedule and sleep will be all screwed up (or non existent)

Originally Posted by kidcolin
Def some more in the tank. Especially if you don't misgroove it, as the bar gets a little forward on you.
Yea, I def got pulled forward a bit at the bottom. I didn't realize it at the time but saw it on the video after. I have a hard time remembering much about the rep, sometimes I feel like I sorta black out/zone out when doing a max and my memory of the rep is always foggy. I should try to take more videos.

Originally Posted by Gorilla4Sale
More there for sure. Nicely done.
Thanks, I am prob too conservative with my squat attempts. I think I would be more willing to go to failure if I had proper spotters
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-04-2019 , 11:43 AM
Mar 4: max bench

325x1 PR +10
Was a slow grind. Prob would have failed 330

Incline DB:

DL on Wednesday
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-06-2019 , 12:50 PM
Mar 6: max DL

sumo DL:
565xf stalled at the knees
565x1 PR +20

Have some videos, I’ll post in a bit
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-06-2019 , 01:48 PM
How do you just hit the 565 after a miss?
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-06-2019 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
How do you just hit the 565 after a miss?
I've actually done that now three straight times when testing DL. At 525 and 545 I also failed my 3rd attempt and got it on the 2nd try. Both those times though I failed at the bottom of the lift and just wasn't patient enough of the floor. This time I thought I screwed myself because not only did I fail but I stuck with it for so long, that it took a lot out of me. I debated dropping down to 555 for another attempt but my buddy who was filming talked me into staying with 565.
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-06-2019 , 03:37 PM
on PRs!
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-07-2019 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by downtown
on PRs!
Thanks DT
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-07-2019 , 10:27 AM
Decided to go back and look at my wilks at various points in my log since I started it and even before. Before starting the log, when we moved to Germany in Nov 2016 my best lifts were 375/280/405 for a 1,060 total at about 207 BW and 300 wilks. Shortly after starting my log in March 2017, I totaled 1150 (405/290/455) at 212 for a wilks of 322 after finishing the candito intermediate program. After that I ran the conjugate method for a little but never tested all my lifts at once. In spring of 2018, after running an RPE program for the first time, I totaled 1260 (440/305/515) at 215 for a score of 351. In nov 2018, after finishing RPElf, I totaled 1315 (455/315/545) at 219 for a wilks of 364. And after this last program, totaled 1365 (475/325/565) at 223 for a wilks of 375. So that BW has been steadily going up but it looks like the total is going up at a faster rate with my wilks continuing to increase. I do test my lifts on different days but that has held constant for each of these to track progress.

cliffs: BW/total/wilks

pre-log: 207/1060/300

mar 2017: 212/1150/322

spring 2018: 215/1260/351

Nov 2018: 219/1315/364

march 2019: 223/1365/375
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-07-2019 , 11:31 AM
Sweet PR, and very nice progress wrt Wilks.
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-08-2019 , 07:46 AM
Mar 8: max OHP, shoulders/back


Meh, thought 200 might be there with bench and BW going up. Not that disappointed tho, OHP wasn’t a priority this program and more of an accessory lift. I felt weak getting any power at the bottom of the lift, I think I need to press reps from a dead stop in the future

Seated DB press:

Wanted to up to 75 for last set but right tricep was feeling wonky. It’s been sore all week since the heavy bench on Monday

3p x8
3.5p x8
4p x8

unilateral kneeling landmine press:

Meadows row:

Lateral raise:

Neutral grip pull downs:


Just trying to hit stuff that was kinda neglected on the RPE program
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-11-2019 , 01:57 PM
Finally became a dad over the weekend! Our baby girl was born 10 days early on March 9th at 11:59 pm. My wife went all natural like a boss. Both her and the baby are doing great. Such an incredible and overwhelming experience.
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-12-2019 , 03:26 AM
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-12-2019 , 09:17 AM
Another PR. Savage.
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-12-2019 , 02:48 PM
Congrats! Get ready for some serious sleep deprivation for the next couple of months. Do you still plan to lift?
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
03-12-2019 , 04:39 PM
Thanks bros!

I plan to continue lifting, just not sure when I will start up again. First couple nights have been rough with us trying to figure out a schedule and the baby adjusting. We are both barely sleeping a couple hours but my wife’s mom gets in tomorrow so that will def help. I work at a gym, so once I start working again, I will be lifting again
Beeschnuts Strength Training Log Quote
