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Any suggestions? Any suggestions?

10-14-2008 , 06:51 PM


Any suggestions? Quote
10-14-2008 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by shemp
What are you going to do after you get there (wherever there is)? And are you sure you aren't already there? Are the boys in OOT calling you a heiffer? You weren't to begin with, and you aren't now. I'm rambling, but is it a number on the scale you are after, or reduced bodyfat or what-- and what then?
It's not the boys was growing up.

I was a figure skater, and always on the heavy side

I know I'll never be a twig, but I don't like it when my legs rub together when I walk either....

I guess "there" will be a size 6......when I can wear shorts and not worry about my inner thighs jiggling....
Any suggestions? Quote
10-14-2008 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by anklebreaker
You might be cutting fat too much. Enjoy your fats, while still adhering to your total caloric intake. Fats provide energy, maintain hormonal balance, and promote satiety. Arguably a good balance of fats polyun, monoun, saturated can promote lipolysis.

Good sources: fish oil (epa/dha, blah blah), olive oil, peanut butter, flax seed animal protein.

Your pics show solid progress, btw.

ya there are certainly sometimes when I have fats......

home made cookies, wing nights, all that stuff that is part of life. I just try not to make it a habit.
Any suggestions? Quote
10-14-2008 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by shemp
How about this version of crossfit's annie:

150 fast singles (aim for singles at between 120-180 per minute).
50 situps
120 singles
40 situps
90 singles
30 situps
60 singles
20 situps
30 singles
10 situps

for time (try to make this time decrese).

Maybe substitute pushups for sit-ups.

Maybe do double under instead of singles reduce by /3 to 50-40-30-20-10

Build up to 5 or even 10 minutes of fast singles.

pull-ups? dumbbell swings? other stuff?

Make the jump rope part of a 4 exercise circuit you do 3-5 times, or part of a 8-10 exercise circuit you do 1-2x.

That enough to get you started?
ya that's great...thanks!!

In my gym there are 2, 5, 10 lb dumbells.....a ball, and that's about it. So I try and do things like squats while holding both 10 lbs, push ups, sit ups on the ball or floor, ad and ab leg lifts, and different arm exercises with the 10 lb ya if I could do the skipping and then one of those, skip again, with 6 different exercises and repeat it 3 times or something, that might be pretty efficient.

This will only be when I don't make it to the real gym........I do other weights and stuff there.....but the skipping is for my home gym.
Any suggestions? Quote
10-14-2008 , 06:58 PM
I ask because I run into folks occasionally who were pretty damn close to perfect about four years ago, and some of them will break out a photo to prove how in shape they used to be. Sounds like you are on the right track, the pictures show a leaner you, and someone here will have good advice to make you wear a 6. So good luck. I like success stories.

eta: reading your other post. A kettlebell might be fun. I've been threatening to get one for about 2 years now.

eta2: you can also do a version of back extensions, supermans.
Any suggestions? Quote
10-14-2008 , 07:09 PM
I do back and side extensions at the real gym with a 10 lb weight.........

and dead lifts.....and some machine for the back...
Any suggestions? Quote
10-14-2008 , 07:21 PM
This thread makes me happy.
Any suggestions? Quote
10-14-2008 , 07:27 PM
glad to be of service...
Any suggestions? Quote
10-14-2008 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by OrangeRake
I am F, 26, and about 5'6.

Last January I weighed 164 lbs and decided that I needed to do something about that as I was starting to look pretty thick.

My usual weight if I don't eat horribly or work out is between 150-155 usually......and when i work out and eat normal about 145.

So I've been trying to do both eat healthy and exercise, and I am now at 136.6!!!

I am just finding that I have sort of leveled off, however, I still have thick thighs that I'd like to see shrink, as well as a bit more body fat everywhere else.

I have tried to cut out all fast food, try and eat small things every few hours, read nutritional info, cut down on fats and carbs, eat more fruits, veggies, ect, and work out 4-5 times/week.

I usually do cardio for 20-60 mins (longer for things like walking and biking, shorter for jogging and more intense things) and a few strength exercises each time.......push ups, sit ups, weights, lots of sqats, lunges, power jumps ect.....

I guess I just want to know if i am on the right track, what are more advanced things I can start adding in, how much weight should I aim to loose, will i have to keep this diet/exercise regime up for the rest of my life, ect.

I can provide more info if needed.

You went from 164 to 136.6, so you are doing something right.

How low you need to go, I cant say, since its about where you are happy with your weight, and this probably isnt a specific number, but when you look in the mirror and are satisfied, then you are where you need to be.

Post everything you ate the last 7 days, day by day, if you want some more specifics on the diet.

Do you need to diet/exercise for the rest of your life? well depends on your goals... but it is certainly healthier to exercise than it is not to, and this is a fact regardless of weight.

Is the only thing you care about with your exercising weightloss?
Any suggestions? Quote
10-14-2008 , 07:42 PM
No....clearly I want the health benefits, it makes me feel good, gives energy, ect.....

but ya the weight loss and looking good is the motivating factor
Any suggestions? Quote
10-14-2008 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by cookie
but when you look in the mirror and are satisfied, then you are where you need to be
This is really the most important aspect wrt lifting for looks.
Any suggestions? Quote
10-14-2008 , 07:52 PM
well I am a 26 yr old single yes, looks are important right now.
Any suggestions? Quote
10-14-2008 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by OrangeRake
well I am a 26 yr old single yes, looks are important right now.
Ah yes. The old bait and switch.

Any suggestions? Quote
10-14-2008 , 07:54 PM
HAHAHAHAHA well i hear babies do a real number on your it's not always our fault
Any suggestions? Quote
10-14-2008 , 08:08 PM
I have a theory, and it is probably false. I think it is based on empirical observation, but that is probably self-deception.

I see a lot of people who train for body-building (or their received notion of it), and some of them look damn good.

I see some people who train for fitness, and nearly all of them look good.

My theory is that both groups of people are identical in the extent of their vanity. The body-builders aren't more obsessed by their appearance. Secondly, of those in both groups that look good, the lion's share of their success is (in my theory) due to what they do outside the gym.

That's kind of the end of my theory, but beyond noticing the hit-rate of the second group, I kind of suspect it also has better retention rates/sustainability.

Different people are wired in different ways. I respect that, and I'm getting kind of out there in your thread. So I'll stop (conveniently, I have nothing more in this vein). Again, congrats on your progress, and keep us posted.
Any suggestions? Quote
10-14-2008 , 08:41 PM
I agree with that theory shemp.

Good progress btw. Here's a few more exercises to try out, some of which I've never done myself:
Barbell squats
heavy conventional deadlifts
turkish get ups with a kettlebell
kettlebell swings
front squat + some kind of hard run, repeat for a few sets
automobile pushing/pulling
Any suggestions? Quote
10-14-2008 , 08:47 PM
Going from a less hot body to a more hot body is a very large +EU gain for most people.
Any suggestions? Quote
04-07-2013 , 09:38 PM
This thread seems pretty old (maybe I should have started a new one?) but I'm wondering if anyone could give me some beginner workout tips. I'm female, 49, & I've been tracking my calories in MFP since last fall and incorporating some of what I call "wussy workouts" starting a few months ago (my apartment building has a basic fitness center). Most days I'm within or below my calorie goals for the day, I "workout" Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Since I do clerical work and have always been pretty sedentary except for the occasional walk, I started out with the treadmill. My workouts are basically an hr of walking at 3.2 mph, and some days I also use the elliptical as long as I can (I started at 5 mins and have made it up to a max. of 30 mins.).

I was getting some basic weightlifting tips from someone else on this forum but since we're no longer together I no longer have that source of information. Currently I'm unable to afford a gym membership so I need to just use what's available to me in my building. Also, I somehow hurt my right elbow a few weeks ago, while talking with a coworker they suggested that it sounded like tendonitis so apparently "somehow" after weeks of doing the exact same exercises with the same amount of weight, I managed to do it incorrectly enough to hurt myself. Even without doing any of those lifting exercises, at this point I'm still losing weight (I'm down 45 lbs so far) but as soon as my elbow is better I want to do more.

It might be weird to ask for tips from you guys but since there seem to be some really knowledgeable people on this site, it seemed like a good idea.

Last edited by HabanerOH; 04-07-2013 at 09:51 PM.
Any suggestions? Quote
