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6 pack in two weeks???? 6 pack in two weeks????

10-16-2008 , 06:17 PM
Why is this in the FAQ. Really uninformative stupid thread.
6 pack in two weeks???? Quote
10-16-2008 , 06:25 PM
Here's Chuck Liddell. I don't think he has a six-pack.
99% of people couldn't ever get a six-pack no matter
how much they train.

6 pack in two weeks???? Quote
10-16-2008 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by jogsxyz
Here's Chuck Liddell. I don't think he has a six-pack.
99% of people couldn't ever get a six-pack no matter
how much they train.
You post garbage on a daily basis. But this is probably near the peak of this.

Next you're going to post super heavyweight O-lifters and power lifters and talk about their BF% and try to extrapolate some sort of inane conclusion. You're going to couple it with "I run like a weirdo" and "I eat 8000 calories a day" and then format it in some absurd way.
6 pack in two weeks???? Quote
10-16-2008 , 06:38 PM
99%? That's BS. Your friend Chuck just needs to drop a little more bodyfat. Not that such a thing would be advantageous in any way for his sport.

OP is pretty lol. Two weeks heh. I want to be in lean shape for the same trip to the Carribean this year. The difference is, instead of waiting till 2 weeks beforehand, I'm eating meat and nuts for breakfast 3 months ahead of time. By December I'll already be at my goal and be introducing frequent refeeds to make sure I don't gain excessive amounts of fat from the few weeks of vacationing between Christmas break in Florida and PCA. Then I'll "bulk" and look to put on 30+ pounds the following 14 months or so. I already have a good idea of what programs I'll be running post-January for my lifting.

Planning and commitment. That's all.
6 pack in two weeks???? Quote
10-16-2008 , 06:44 PM
I agree with you jogsx.

Yeah i think its genetics mostly for abs definition.

For you to have a clear sixpack your BF% prob has to be unnaturally low.Outwith the normal window of BF.

I mean you see pro boxers who are some of the fittest ppl around who don't have clear sixpacks just really solid midsections instead.

Sixpacks are hugely,hugely overrated imo.
Give me a solid back,shoulders or legs any day.

Check out Michael Phelps he's in the elite of elite athletes and he's still not got what you'd call a sixpack.Brad Pitt is a freak of nature!

6 pack in two weeks???? Quote
10-16-2008 , 06:57 PM
Tilt Tilt Tilt.
6 pack in two weeks???? Quote
10-16-2008 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Thremp
You post garbage on a daily basis. But this is probably near the peak of this.

Next you're going to post super heavyweight O-lifters and power lifters and talk about their BF% and try to extrapolate some sort of inane conclusion. You're going to couple it with "I run like a weirdo" and "I eat 8000 calories a day" and then format it in some absurd way.
Not a single radical diet has passed the test of time. Your Nazi food advice is total garbage.

Tour of France riders only eat 7000 cals/day while riding the tour.
6 pack in two weeks???? Quote
10-16-2008 , 07:16 PM
Jesus ****ing christ.
6 pack in two weeks???? Quote
10-16-2008 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by jogsxyz
Not a single radical diet has passed the test of time. Your Nazi food advice is total garbage.

Tour of France riders only eat 7000 cals/day while riding the tour.
Jogs, your older than me. And I'm old enough to remember when starchy foods were commonly known as fattening. Remember when women would say I can't eat those potatoes they'll go straight to my hips?

There's nothing radical or new about advocating meat, vegetables, nuts and fruits. People have been eating that for a long, long time.

Carb loading, low fat diets, bagels and pasta as health food. That's the radical new fangled stuff.

I have no idea what your reference to the tour is about.
6 pack in two weeks???? Quote
10-16-2008 , 07:39 PM
Drink a 6 pack, yeah sure.
6 pack in two weeks???? Quote
10-16-2008 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by zasterguava
Why is this in the FAQ. Really uninformative stupid thread.
It's the best I could find. There were a couple of things that may be useful.

Originally Posted by Jeff W
Bad day yesterday, hehe. The title rubbed me the wrong way.

The fastest way to lose fat while keeping muscle loss fairly low is a Protein Sparing Modified Fast. 1 g protein/lb lean mass, minimal fat(Google for the minimum) and carbohydrates only from low-calorie vegetables like broccoli, lettuce, etc. Supplement with vitamins, fish oil capsules, calcium, magnesium, etc. You will also lose a lot of water weight which will help you look more cut. The heavy protein intake inhibits muscle loss because your liver metabolizes dietary protein instead of muscle protein. Rapid Fat Loss Handbook by Lyle McDonald covers this diet extensively(including precautions, etc) and I recommend it highly.

That said, unless you're really close, you're probably not going to get a 6 pack in 2 weeks.
Originally Posted by SmileyEH
dont be a fatty in the first place, fatty.
6 pack in two weeks???? Quote
10-17-2008 , 03:12 PM
At least jogzx's text formatting has improved.
6 pack in two weeks???? Quote
10-17-2008 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by anklebreaker
At least jogzx's text formatting has improved.
I feel like in Dune when they talk about the computers training the original Mentats.

/douchey literature reference
6 pack in two weeks???? Quote
10-18-2008 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by jogsxyz
Originally Posted by jimi1999uk
These two are poor examples. Their respective sports depict their body definitions. You want a six pack? Run. I've never seen a world class sprinter not have a six-pack. When you run (even more sprinting obv) your abs tighten probably moreso than any body movement I can think of at the moment. Not to mention you'll burn calories and sweat out water weight which will lower body fat and make you look more cut respectively.

OP, I think you said you already do cardio, so I think it would make sense just to up the intensity and/or change what you do. Go to a track and run some sprints or maybe a soccer field jog a sideline, sprint a sideline, jog two, sprint two, and so forth. Anything really. Athletes that run all the time have great abs b/c they're always running, always burning calories/fat.

At your frame, I would think you have no muscle mass so doing ab workouts are a necessity for building the muscle, and definition.

This doesn't come around in two weeks, but how far away you are from it depends on your body (a pic of you would help) and yes, genetics play a factor as well.

I'm not a health and fitness expert, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night
6 pack in two weeks???? Quote
10-18-2008 , 02:05 PM
as far as how it effects bodyfat composition, sprinting is an extremely high intensity form of weight training. It doesn't build up the adominal muscles like squatting or deadlifting. But it's going to be effective at lowering your bodyfat.

Sprinters can't afford excess weight, and high level sprinters do a lot of weight training on top. That's why they are so lean. It's similar to HIIT. They also do abdominal work to build up core stability so they don't tear anything

diet is still going to be the main thing

Last edited by ActionJeff; 10-18-2008 at 02:11 PM.
6 pack in two weeks???? Quote
10-18-2008 , 02:24 PM
Try this exercise.

Use the apparatus at your gym that rests your back perpendicular to the ground while holding your legs up with your arms which are parallel. No clue what this thing's called- possibly an ab pike but whatever. Anyways, use this thing to lift your knees up into your chest with a 10-25lb medicine ball in between. Hold this for 1-2 minutes and do it 3-5 times a day. You'll honestly be amazed with the results.
6 pack in two weeks???? Quote
10-18-2008 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
These two are poor examples. Their respective sports depict their body definitions.
Many MMA fighters have great abs, just not all.
Bet they all train like mad.

Here's Chris Lytle.

6 pack in two weeks???? Quote
10-20-2008 , 03:19 PM
LOL getting back to OP, I bumped this because a question like this pops up all the time.

Answer is No way you can go from unfit to 6-pack in 2 weeks. People have been training intensely for months to get that condition.

As for your beach thing in less than 2 weeks, I recommend intense pushups and pullups with situps at the end of your workout. Throw in some curls or something. This will make your chest and arms look bigger than your gut, and probably tone it a bit in the process.

Then, get your ass on a real training program.

Edit: Oops, I'm a year too late. Therefore, I concur with shotgun method or lipo; and biggie fat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> skinny fat
6 pack in two weeks???? Quote
10-20-2008 , 04:32 PM
If you have to worry about water weight to make you look like you have a sixpack, you should give up on having a sixpack IMO, at least for walking around purposes.

BTW, deadlifts and squats done heavy enough can give you a sixpack with no ab work or cardio whatsoever. Plus they put the muscle on you to keep the higher metabolism that makes it possible to keep a six pack instead of just having one every rare so often.
6 pack in two weeks???? Quote
10-20-2008 , 06:35 PM
Front squatting will give your abs a hell of a workout. I was amazed the day after I did like 8 exercises the only thing that was sore was my abs from front squatting. Who would of guessed it?
6 pack in two weeks???? Quote
10-21-2008 , 10:45 AM
Yea front squatting rocks the trunk, it's awesome and feels great too.
6 pack in two weeks???? Quote
