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50th year PRs 50th year PRs

11-20-2024 , 01:35 AM
leg extensions 4x12-47kg (single leg alternating)
hack squat 4x10-120kg
deadlift 3x8-140kg
hip thrust machine 2x20-130kg
ez bar skullcrusher 3x15-40kg ss with
ez bar close grip press 3x20-40kg
50th year PRs Quote
11-20-2024 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
correct - absolutely fine today. quite a releif
50th year PRs Quote
11-20-2024 , 07:15 PM
bad sleep last night and sleepwalked through my early am gym

wide grip pull downs 3x12-70kg
neutral grip pull downs 3x13-70
chest supported isometric close grip row 3x10-140kg
chins 8,9,8
preacher curl 3x10-45kg

so I did the pull downs on a new cable machine where the handle on the bar has two holes and connects to two cables rather than one. and there's definitely a better feel - you feel both sides of the lats working equally.

chins, pull ups and curls are a problem right now as I have sharp pain in both elbows. I haven't included them in my posting but twice a week I've been greasing the groove...doing 3-4 pull ups in between sets 12-15 times per session as 'training' to prep my body for what I hoped was a heavy pull up block and an attempt at the elusive 20 dead hang lifetime PR. I've never done more than 18 but I think it's possible to get to 20 at the weight I'm at now. But any increased volume of them seems to get elbow tendonitis flaring up. Maybe I should just retire my pr at 18?
50th year PRs Quote
11-21-2024 , 05:16 PM
Incline DB Bench 3x10-30kg
Isometric Bench Press 3x10-80kg pause
DB Flyes 3x13-20kg
seated DB Press 3x12-22.5kg
lat raise machine 1xdrop set approx 35 reps

need a break from everything and at least one rest day. am going through the motions everywhere right now. I honestly reckon I only got an hour's work done yesterday

marriage separation one is coming along. house sold, financial agreement mainly done and have found a nice place to rent via a personal contact that means it's a lot below market rate. so all good in that regard and am also doing pretty well on the dating scene tbh. I reckon possibly I've been driven by adrenalin most of the year and now that I am through a lot of the dramas, perhaps the adrenalin is wearing off and it's catching up with me.

IDK, maybe I just need to eat more and rest more
50th year PRs Quote
11-24-2024 , 08:14 AM
Single Leg alternating

Leg extensions 3x12-47kg
Leg Press 3x8 -130kg
Hip thrust 3x14-170kg
Skill crusher 3x12-42.5kg ss with
Close grip press 3x20-42.5

all fairly meh. Lots of ocean swimming today too after the standard traumatic exit late on day 1 of a. 2.5k mtt yesterday. AA ever super tilting watching other people achieve God mode
50th year PRs Quote
11-24-2024 , 09:06 PM
quick hungover lunchtime session before I head in for more mtt heartache

wide grip pull downs 3x14-70
isometric chest supported close grip row 3x11-140kg
chins 3x8 ss with
back extensions 3x10-15
preacher curl 3x10-45kg ss with
hammer curl 3x8-15kg
50th year PRs Quote
11-25-2024 , 04:11 PM
I wish you the best with the personal situation issues you mentioned.
50th year PRs Quote
11-25-2024 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Rich Muny
I wish you the best with the personal situation issues you mentioned.
thanks Rich. It's been a real grind this year but progress has been made. I'm very lucky that I haven't doubted the need for the separation for a second. Going through all the **** I've been through and feeling heart broken/resentful about the split would have been exponentially more difficult. As a PSA to anyone reading who has friends going through it...regular check ins/invitations to catch up are really well received - I've got a different POV on a few of my good friends from how they have acted towards me this year.

If I can just lock in a few more things over the next week or two, I'm hopeful that a clean start can be made in Jan
50th year PRs Quote
11-25-2024 , 06:04 PM
brutal sleep last night - no idea why. And as a result, not peak performance at the gym this morning albeit...I still got there

DB Bench 10,8,8,8-32.5kg
DB Incline 4x13-25kg
seated DB Press 3x13-22.5kg

all ok, but the minimum was done. had a swim in the ocean afterwards and will go back down again later
50th year PRs Quote
11-27-2024 , 12:29 AM
all single leg alternating

leg extensions 4x12-52.5kg
leg curl 3x10-20kg (first time doing this since issue a few weeks back and no dramas)
glute extension 3x11-72.5kg
leg press 3x9-120kg

tricep push downs 3x12-35kg ss with tricep extensions 3x12-24kg
dips 20,16
50th year PRs Quote
11-28-2024 , 03:29 AM
couldn't train this am and barely ate all day so unsurprisingly, training was a little lacklustre tonight

neutral grip pull downs 3x12-72.5kg
seated close grip cable rows 3x13-72.5
barbell shrugs 3x12-120kg
barbell curl 3x13-35kg
50th year PRs Quote
11-28-2024 , 05:53 PM
isometric bench press machine 3x11-80 paused reps
incline db bench 3x11-27.5kg
flye machine 3x14-52kg
barbell press 5x9-40kg
cable lat raise 3x11
50th year PRs Quote
11-29-2024 , 10:22 PM
had a very long lunch yesterday (went til 10) but actually got a decent sleep and didn't feel too shady this am. So did a light session this morning

single leg alternating

leg extensions 3x12-49kg
leg curl 3x11-20kg. had to cut short the final set as my left hamstring was starting to cramp again
deadlift 4x7-130kg
tricep extensions 3x11-42.5kg ss with
close grip tricep press 3x22-42.5kg

another big drink tonight so tomorrow will be my rest day
50th year PRs Quote
12-01-2024 , 07:29 PM
3 consecutive days boozing was good for the soul but not for the body. Heroically got to the gym this morning

wide grip pull downs 3x12-70kg
neutral grip medium width pull downs 3x13-72
seated close grip row 3x13-70kg
barbell shrug 3x20-100kg
preacher curl 3x11-42.5kg ss with
hammer curl 3x9-15kg db

next weekend is supposed to be a boys trip to the cricket in Adelaide but I think I'm going to pull the pin. Just don't want to do that to my body again as well as do a load of chems and it'll end up being a 2k weekend. just need to work out how to extricate myself from it
50th year PRs Quote
12-02-2024 , 05:59 PM
cripplingly bad sleep last night - up since 2.50. so much stuff going on in my mind still - transferring a large amount of money from UK to Aus, finalising divorce settlement, working through cash splits etc. then a huge amount of admin still ie....who gets what furniture...trying to sell stuff we don't need/want to take with us, liaising with the new buyer. seems endless. compound that with a simply terrible recruitment market right now.

cancelled my trip next week and very relieved to do so - don't feel like the excess and don't need to waste the $$

DB Bench 4x11-30kg
seated isometric press machine 3x11-80kg
incline flyes 3x13-20kg
seated DB Press 4x11-22.5kg

all fine
50th year PRs Quote
12-04-2024 , 02:18 AM
500m row warm up
one legged leg press 4x8-120kg
hack squat 4x9-120kg
deadlift 3x7-120kg
dips 22,18,20

slept well last night with the aid of a sleeping pill but have been groggy all day.

Last edited by feel wrath; 12-04-2024 at 02:28 AM.
50th year PRs Quote
12-04-2024 , 05:57 PM
wide grip pull downs 3x13-70kg
neutral grip medium width pull downs 3x13-72kg
chest supported isometric close grip row 3x11-140kg
preacher curl 3x10-45kg ss with
hammer curl 3x8-15kg

all fine. just going through the motions
50th year PRs Quote
12-05-2024 , 05:46 PM
DB Bench 3x8-32.5kg, 3x13-27.5kg
Machine Flye 3x13-61kg
seated DB Press 4x11-22.5kg
Flye machine 2xdrop set
50th year PRs Quote
12-06-2024 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
thanks Rich. It's been a real grind this year but progress has been made. I'm very lucky that I haven't doubted the need for the separation for a second. Going through all the **** I've been through and feeling heart broken/resentful about the split would have been exponentially more difficult. As a PSA to anyone reading who has friends going through it...regular check ins/invitations to catch up are really well received - I've got a different POV on a few of my good friends from how they have acted towards me this year.

If I can just lock in a few more things over the next week or two, I'm hopeful that a clean start can be made in Jan
That all makes sense. Wishing you the best!
50th year PRs Quote
12-06-2024 , 08:17 PM
Thanks Rich

Leg extensions - singles 4x11-47kg
Leg Press 5x9-260kg
Hack Squat 3x8-120kg
Hip thrust machine 3x16 -150kg
Dips for triceps 23,20,20,17,17

Enjoyed the session. Back felt a little tight and I felt something tweak ever so slightly on the first working set of deadlifts so immediately stopped and switched to heavy leg press instead. Very happy with the decision - finally getting a little wiser about this kind of thing at age 53
50th year PRs Quote
12-08-2024 , 06:54 PM
chest supported isometric wide grip rows 3x12-130kg
neutral grip pull downs 4x13-72kg
close grip cable row 3x11-70kg
barbell curl 3x10-35kg ss with
hammer curl 3x7-15kg
machine preacher curl 3x12-41kg
50th year PRs Quote
12-09-2024 , 06:26 PM
DB Bench 3x6-35kg, 3x13-27.5kg
Incline Flye 3x9-22.5kg
Seated DB Press 4x12-22.5kg
Lat Raise machine 3x13

really enjoyed the split of going a little heavier initially for bench and then dropping down and doing more reps at a lighter weight and might adopt that for a month

on the flip side, my one problem with Push, Pull, Legs & Triceps is that I don't feel I train my shoulders enough. I used to love shoulder work but I just don't have much left doing it this way...particularly trained fasted at 6.30am

I'll probably train later in the day over the Christmas/NY break when I'll take at least 2 weeks off, so maybe I'll force myself to do more
50th year PRs Quote
12-10-2024 , 05:45 PM
500m row warm up
leg press 5x8-270kg
hack squat 3x8-120kg
hip thrust 3x14-170kg
leg curl single leg alternating 3x8-15kg
leg extension single leg alternating 2x11-47kg
dips for triceps 25,17,16

didn't do enough triceps but was rooted after the leg session. I haven't gone heavy on leg press for a while and it wiped me out
50th year PRs Quote
12-11-2024 , 05:31 PM
wide grip pull downs 4x12-70kg
isometric chest supported close grip rows 3x11-140kg
seated cable row 3x11-70
chins 3x8
barbell curl 3x11-35
50th year PRs Quote
12-14-2024 , 03:41 AM
took a sleeping pill last night and slept 10 hours. Felt ****ing zonked at the gym

leg extensions 4x11-47kg single leg alternating
leg curl 3x11-20kg single leg alternating
leg press 4x10-260kg
skullcrushers 4x11-42.5kg ss with
close grip press 4x24-42.5kg
50th year PRs Quote
