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50th year PRs 50th year PRs

09-18-2021 , 12:14 AM
3x6 Bench - 90kg
3x8/8 DB FLye/Bench - 22.5kg
3x6 Press/3x12 DB Row 45kg/22.5kg DB
3x8 Close Grip bench/3x12 Hammer Curl 75kg/12.5kg DB

meh, fine.
50th year PRs Quote
09-19-2021 , 12:33 AM
4x2000m, 5r

not sure I've ever done this one before. Pete's Plan said half a second slower than 5k pace which would mean 1.50/500 but the first interval felt a little easy, so I added a little starch to the final 3, without ever really going super hard.

drag was 123 which..tbh I would have had a little higher but I forgot about moving it up after playing around with a few things after my long row on Fri

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M HR
28:57.5 8,000m 1:48.5 273 1240 26 165

7:17.6 2,000m 1:49.4 267 1219 26 159
7:14.7 2,000m 1:48.6 273 1238 26 164
7:12.9 2,000m 1:48.2 276 1250 27 170
7:12.4 2,000m 1:48.1 277 1253 27 170

Actually pretty proud with this session, because I had huge amounts of negative mental talk going into it with several reasons ty take it easy or just do a steady distance or take the day off.... my wife and 2 of my kids are very sick and I keep imagining I'm getting it, I had my second vax early this morning and supposedly this one (Pfizer) has negative side effects after the second one and then it was also 6th training day in a row

so...happy to start and finish the session and from a helicopter view, also happy that the longer rows continue to get easier to complete physically and less traumatic mentally

rest day tomorrow, which is quite well timed, in case I do suffer some minor side effects from the jab.
50th year PRs Quote
09-19-2021 , 01:36 AM
The whole week, every workout you hit 95% of max heart rate (except the long steady one). Thats real hard. Definitely got a whacked sense of RPE.
50th year PRs Quote
09-19-2021 , 01:47 AM
yeah, definitely an intense week, a little more so than usual as I did the 5k time trial. But I like training with intensity.

If I had more days to row, I’d be doing another two steady distance type rows but it’s important for me to keep doing the weights. And i generally average 14k steps a day from a walk and other general life stuff so I figure a get a little ut3 type stuff from that.

I’ve got 3 weeks til my comp. I’m going to do one more week with volume and intensity, albeit I won’t be doing another time trial. And then I’ll be reducing the volume in the two weeks preceding the comp
50th year PRs Quote
09-21-2021 , 05:26 AM
didn't attempt my speed interval session today as I've been feeling terrible post my 2nd vaccination on Sunday. No flu type symptoms but just felt like I've had 2 hours sleep after a 3 day drinking spree. Yesterday was terrible...a little better today but decided just to do an easy, steady distance piece

40 mins 9533m at 2.05.8/500, sr 18, hr 137, drag 125

forgot to switch on erg data but did a small negative split with the first 8 mins at 2.08.0 and the final one at 2.03,7/500

happy to get through it and hoping to feel better tomorrow. will need to rejig my training week but tbh, the easy session today probably isn't the worst thing after a lot of big sessions last week
50th year PRs Quote
09-22-2021 , 01:02 AM
3x5 Bench - 90kg
3x9 Bent over Row - 75kg
3x6 seated (backless) DB press - 22.5kg
3x9 Close Grip Bench 75kg
3x10 Hammer Curl 12.5kg

meh...just ticking along. I'm hoping the gyms will be opening up to double vaxxed members by mid October and I'm really looking forward to getting some more variety into my routine.
50th year PRs Quote
09-22-2021 , 03:11 AM
did an extra little 5k paddle...more than anything else because work was shitting me and I wanted to clear my head

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M HR
21:34.0 5,006m 2:09.2 162 857 16 134

5:00.0 1,157m 2:09.6 161 852 17 125
5:00.0 1,160m 2:09.3 162 857 17 133
5:00.0 1,159m 2:09.4 161 855 17 138
5:00.0 1,174m 2:07.7 168 877 17 136
1:34.0 358m 2:11.2 155 832 15 141

not sure if I got much fitness benefit out of it at all, but it's at least another 20 mins of seat time.
50th year PRs Quote
09-23-2021 , 04:04 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
8x500m 3.30r.

the past two times I've done this session I've had to stop after 6 intervals..the first time to vomit, the second one to collect my daughter. I was really keen to sustain the speed over 8 intervals this time and doubly keen to complete a good session after Monday's bad session

total time 12.58.6, which is 1.37.3/500m ave at 31 sr

an improvement of 0.7 seconds per 500 and the additional 2 intervals.

kept the drag high at 135 and I think it helped a little.


heart rate peaked at 161 for each of the final 3 intervals.

the Aussie is BACK - really happy with the session.

speed interval day

8x500m 3.30r

12.50.6 at 1.36.3/500m which is an improvement of 8 seconds or 1.0 seconds per 500m

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M HR
12:50.6 4,000m 1:36.3 392 1647 32 162

1:35.9 500m 1:35.9 397 1665 31 156
1:36.2 500m 1:36.2 393 1653 31 159
1:36.2 500m 1:36.2 393 1653 32 162
1:36.1 500m 1:36.1 394 1657 32 163
1:36.4 500m 1:36.3 391 1644 32 163
1:36.5 500m 1:36.5 389 1640 32 165
1:36.5 500m 1:36.5 389 1640 33 165
1:36.8 500m 1:36.8 386 1628 33 166

I was weirdly disappointed at the end of the session - tbh, I didn't realise it was such a big improvement on 5 weeks ago...and I think the fact that my times slowed a little towards the end made it feel a little I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that I'd beaten the last session by so much, particularly given how happy I was last time around.

my goal going into today was to have each split under 1.37/500, which I managed by the skin of my teeth. Actually went out a little harder than I should have done and the first one being in the 1.35s wasn't planned. Paid for it a little towards the end and the final two intervals were hard work. Tell tale sign for me is that I had to stroke faster in the final two intervals because I was losing power

I had the drag at 135 which I think is overall helpful but it results in a more muscular fatigue I think. I'd have it higher if I was maxxing out a 500m time trial...probably think it's about right for a 1kand 2k time trial. idk, still experimenting.

all signs pointing towards a good PR in my 2k race in a few weeks. I've done each of my three speed intervals over the past three weeks and improved by an average 1.1/500m.
50th year PRs Quote
09-23-2021 , 01:20 PM
That is a pretty insane pace; congratulations. Feels like you're definitely set up to PR your 2k given how well you've been going at your internal pieces (although I'd suggest cutting out the booze from now until race day).
50th year PRs Quote
09-23-2021 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
That is a pretty insane pace; congratulations. Feels like you're definitely set up to PR your 2k given how well you've been going at your internal pieces (although I'd suggest cutting out the booze from now until race day).

Thanks and I’m honestly surprised (delighted too obviously) that the times keep coming down for these. I think moving up from 3 to 4 rowing sessions a week and adding a lot more metres has been a big contributor.

I’m not sure these gains are sustainable for that much longer, or also the intensity of the Pete’s Plan. I’ve got this State competition in 2 weeks and then Australian championships in about 3/4 weeks after that and I think once they’re over I might switch to more of an ‘off-season’ type program where I do more lower intensity distance and less intervals.

And yep re the booze. I’ve been pretty good recently and have cut out all the week day stuff and cut down on the weekend stuff. I might allow myself one drink this weekend but then that will be it til after the state championships. We’re due to get out of lockdown the day after that comp in 2 weeks so I’ll probably go to the pub and let loose that day and then pull my head in again after til the second comp
50th year PRs Quote
09-24-2021 , 12:01 AM
steady distance day today

3x20 mins, 3 mins rest

total 14,127m at 2.06,9/500, av sr 17, ave hr 147

20:01.3 4,748m 2:06.5 173 894 17 140

20:00.0 4,771m 2:05.7 176 905 18 153

19:46.6 4,608m 2.08.6 164 863 16 146

wasn't feeling it today and it ended up being a real grind. Got less than 5 hours sleep last night, trained in the middle of the day in the heat (not mega hot by our standards but 26C/82F) and potentially a little flat after last night's exertions

still...we got her done and live to fight another day
50th year PRs Quote
09-25-2021 , 04:41 AM
3x5 Bench - 90
3x8/8 DB Flye, DB Bench - 22.5kg DB
3x6 DB Press 22.5kg DB
3x10/12 Close Grip Bench 75kg/DB Row 22.5kg
3x10/10 Barbell Curl 40/12kg Hammer Curl
50th year PRs Quote
09-26-2021 , 01:11 AM
hard distance

2x5000m/r20 4r

Interval 1

19:20.2 5,003m 1:55.9 225 1072 19 158 (MHR 161)

Interval 2

19:17.4 5,000m 1:55.7 226 1076 20 161 (MHR 166)

this was the planned session, but I programmed 10k on the PM5 for the first interval, to give myself the chance to do a 10000r20 if I was feeling good. Felt like it would have been close to a max effort to continue so stopped and had a drink and then got back on.

Happy with the restraint tbh - 14 days til the competition and I don't need to start redlining 10ks now. Have a rest day tomorrow and am gonna plan the next two weeks training with a bit of a taper.

I have to do a 6x500m 1r as part of a monthly challenge for a club I've joined and that will be the last balls out session I do. I think my plan is about 75% of a usual week's distance next week and then 50% for the week of the competition.

One thing I'm gonna commit to though, is to do all my training for the next two weeks in the morning, to get my body used to exerting itself at that time, because the competition is at 9am and the majority of my weekday training is currently done at 6pm.
Also gonna enjoy a drink this pm. I haven't drunk all week, but I'll have a few tequilas tonight too and then embrace clean living for the next fortnight.
50th year PRs Quote
09-26-2021 , 06:27 PM
Pretty nice session; your plan moving forward sounds good!
50th year PRs Quote
09-27-2021 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Pretty nice session; your plan moving forward sounds good!

well…the tequila part of the plan was executed enthusiastically
50th year PRs Quote
09-27-2021 , 09:57 PM
6x500m 1r drag 130

had to do this for the monthly challenge in an online community I've joined. Wasn't entirely sure how to pace it given my 500m intervals have all been done with 3.30 rest.

Man, that 60 seconds goes by pretty quickly!

managed a small acceleration in the final interval as I went almost full out to equate to the final 500m of a 2k.

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M HR

9:57.8 3,000m 1:39.6 354 1517 31 165

1:39.8 500m 1:39.8 352 1511 31 154
1:40.1 500m 1:40.1 349 1500 31 161
1:40.1 500m 1:40.1 349 1500 31 165
1:39.8 500m 1:39.8 352 1511 31 168
1:39.5 500m 1:39.5 355 1522 31 170
1:38.5 500m 1:38.5 366 1560 31 172

also, 2k warm up 2.08.3/500m. 2k warm down, 2.13.4/500m

Last edited by feel wrath; 09-27-2021 at 10:07 PM.
50th year PRs Quote
09-27-2021 , 11:45 PM
as an addendum to today's session...this was the first time I've done an intense session in the morning, as part of my prep for competing at 9am.

I'm not sure how much difference there was in my performance but it's certainly had a negative impact on my work productivity. It's more than 2 hours later and I've hardly managed to focus on anything. Takes me back to the days of my 6.30am Crossfit class when we were going balls out every morning and I'd just get to my desk and stare at my computer til midday

I'm hoping the UT2 type sessions won't have such an impact.

I've also entered a second competition at the end of October. So I've got State Championships on 10th October and then the Australian Championships on 30th October.

Both are the same format...a 2k, followed 60-90 mins later by a 1k, followed 60-90 mins later with a 500m. All are separate events. I've entered all 3 events in both competitions, but I'm barely interested at all in the 500m and I'm a long shot to hit the starting line. I haven't done a 500m time trial all year, the thought of attempting one so soon after a 2k and 1k holds basically no appeal (I'm already terrified about doing a 1k 90 mins after a 2k) and it's the event I'll be relatively the worst at given my size disadvantage on all the giants who enter it. Many of the 500m entrants don't enter the 2k and 1k by a quick scan of last year's results.

once I get to the end of October, I'll be re-setting my training plan to focus more on distance with a goal to get sub 18 for the 5k before the end of the year.
50th year PRs Quote
09-28-2021 , 12:26 AM
No, no, no.

2k is totally different vs 500, mostly aerobic vs anaerobic. Thats why some 500m monsters will stay away from a 2000m like its a different sport.

Can you be a monster at all three races? Its not common, but yes. And it wont affect you much if you do all three. I know several masters who race 400m, 800m. 1600m in the same day or weekend. No big deal. Its racing a 5k+ that destroys you for a while.
50th year PRs Quote
09-28-2021 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by loco
No, no, no.

2k is totally different vs 500, mostly aerobic vs anaerobic. Thats why some 500m monsters will stay away from a 2000m like its a different sport.

Can you be a monster at all three races? Its not common, but yes. And it wont affect you much if you do all three. I know several masters who race 400m, 800m. 1600m in the same day or weekend. No big deal. Its racing a 5k+ that destroys you for a while.
what are you no, no, no-ing to?
50th year PRs Quote
09-28-2021 , 03:35 AM
What's the online community you joined? I remember nearly joining the CTC. I just found it so cool that they've been doing a monthly competition since 2005! So much history and stats and all that fun stuff.

Is there a category for best overall performance in all 3 events?
50th year PRs Quote
09-28-2021 , 05:50 AM
Originally Posted by arjun13
What's the online community you joined? I remember nearly joining the CTC. I just found it so cool that they've been doing a monthly competition since 2005! So much history and stats and all that fun stuff.

Is there a category for best overall performance in all 3 events?
Concept 2 Monthly Challenge Group is the Facebook Page. Is that the same as the CTC?

A friend of mine (I mentioned him up thread - a speed skier) seems to run it and asked me to join a few weeks ago. I've hardly been on the page to be honest or looked into it as I have the notifications off. So I'm not sure if it's official or unofficial, although the FB page has 2600 members.

It's definitely a supportive community and I'm really enjoying the C2 forum site and boards.

re the, there's no overall performance award - they're all separate events. I'm really happy that they're ordered the way they are with the one I value first, then the one I value next most second. I'm aiming for a big PR in the 2k and then I'm hoping I can recover enough to get close to my existing PR for the 1k, which I think is probably a few seconds out of date now. After those, there's really not much incentive to do the one I'm least interested in/suited to so soon after two hard events, but we'll see how I'm feeling.
50th year PRs Quote
09-28-2021 , 06:19 AM

The website definitely looks like it is from 2005. Some of the top guys do it as well. I think they have a thread on C2 forum somewhere.
50th year PRs Quote
09-28-2021 , 07:57 AM
Ok thanks and yep, that’s different and also yep, I’ve seen people posting their times for it.

Probably too late for me to do that this month but I’ll start doing it next month

50th year PRs Quote
09-28-2021 , 08:39 AM
That 6x500m is really good; what are you targeting for your 2k? Feels like 6:30 is potentially on the table.
50th year PRs Quote
09-28-2021 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
That 6x500m is really good; what are you targeting for your 2k? Feels like 6:30 is potentially on the table.

Thanks - have you ever done it? Different challenge to the 8x500 3.30r.

I don’t think I’m close to 6.30. My pr is still 6.50.2 from July, although at the time I thought that wasn’t a good run.

I’d been thinking about something in the low 6.40s before yesterday. Apparently the split from the 6x500r is a very good indicator of a 2k split, so that gets me to 6.40 or just under which I would be delighted with.

My plan had been to do the first half in 1.41/500 and then see what I had left and that’s probably still the plan although I might aim at 1.40.5/500. I’m planning to do a 1300m at race pace on Sunday to mentally prepare myself for the point where the pain really gets intense to (hopefully) give myself some confidence for the following week.
50th year PRs Quote
