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50th year PRs 50th year PRs

08-10-2021 , 05:15 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
first interval session in 3 weeks and my first time doing this one for 6 weeks.

250m 1.39.4
500m 1.40.3
750m 1.41.5
1000m 1.43.0
750m 1.41.9
500m 1.39.7
250m 1.36.0

Overall 13.28.9 at 1.41.1 an improvement of 0.5secs per 500m

really happy with this...I was actually pretty nervous about it. I 100% believe that it's the interval sessions that make me 'fitter' and so I was prepared to have stalled a little given my recent lack of this type of training.

I rowed it at a drag of 118 and the lack of interval training and the higher drag made me think there was a good chance I might bonk in the second half of the session.

I could definitely feel the extra drag in my legs (I'd warmed up at 125 and that felt really heavy, so I dropped it down a little before I started) and the jury's still out, but it was without a doubt easier to keep my speed in the final two intervals.

we'll see. either way, happy to get this out of the way and get back on the horse
did the Power Pyramid for my mid length interval session this week.

overall 13.20.3 at 1.40.0/500, an improvement of 1.1 seconds per 500m...8.5 seconds overall on my previous fastest time

250m (90r) 1.36.2/500 sr 32
500m (180r) 1.38.7/500 sr 30 hr 157
750m (270r) 1.40.2/500 sr 30 hr 164
1000m (360r) 1.42.7/700 sr 29 hr 167
750m (270r) 1.41.2/500 sr 30 hr 167
500m (180r) 1.39.4/500 sr 30 hr 164
250m 1.33.0/500 sr 34 hr 155

extremely happy with this today. went out a little faster than planned with my early splits and got a little nervous half way through the first 750 that I wasn't going to be able to hold out, but I relaxed a little in the 1k leg and lengthened my stroke a little and that helped keep the heart rate in check

felt really fresh for the final two legs and was happy to see my heart rate stay lower.

I've had a great 4 weeks of training and can feel improvement in both my engine and the strength of my stroke. I'm really getting used to the higher drag now (125 for this) and think it's definitely a keeper

I'm tempted to try a PR in the next week or two, but I'm gonna hold out - I've entered a competition in 4 weeks time and I think I'll aim to peak for that...albeit I might do a semi 10k PR attempt for my 'hard distance' session on the weekend - won't go balls out but my go RPE 9.5
50th year PRs Quote
08-11-2021 , 07:09 AM
4x6 Bench 90kg
4x8 Bent over Row 75kg
4x6 DB Press 22.5kg
3x8/8/12 22.5kg DB Flye/Press, 12.5kg Hammer Curl

Not a great session tbh training wise, but fun life wise - my 10year old son wanted to train, so I was teaching him the lifts in between sets (with my wife’s pump class 18kg set)

The boy did

Bent over row

Seemed to enjoy it. Deadlift wasn’t easy for him but the rest were fairly simple. Will teach him to squat a little bit down the line but didn’t want to take the time today
50th year PRs Quote
08-11-2021 , 11:03 AM
Make sure he curls daily
50th year PRs Quote
08-13-2021 , 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
Make sure he curls daily

should probably buy him a Bosu ball too?
50th year PRs Quote
08-13-2021 , 04:52 AM
had an unscheduled day off yesterday as I was feeling really fatigued and a little achy.

didn't want to train hard today either as the symptoms are persisting a little but needed to do something, so I did a super easy 30 mins

30 mins 7067m at 2.07.3, stroke rate 18, heart rate ave 134

hoping I can put in a couple of harder sessions over the weekend if I'm feeling back to normal

also...we bought a puppy last weekend and the little ****er is really messing with my sleep
50th year PRs Quote
08-13-2021 , 06:44 AM
Congrats on the dog! Pics, name, breed?
50th year PRs Quote
08-13-2021 , 06:51 AM

Cocker Spaniel. Sonny
50th year PRs Quote
08-13-2021 , 07:09 AM
50th year PRs Quote
08-13-2021 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath

Hung like his new pops!
50th year PRs Quote
08-13-2021 , 08:49 AM
He’s pissed on the floor more than me already
50th year PRs Quote
08-14-2021 , 03:50 AM
Long hill walk this morning and then 90 mins digging in the garden.

Was pretty tired after this and only 5 hours sleep for puppy reasons but heroically did 75% of a lifting session

4x4 bench 95kg
3x8 Bench 80kg
3x7 Bent over row 80kg
3x7 Barbell Curl 45kg

getting pretty bored of training at home with limited equipment but it’s looking like two more months of this lockdown til we can get enough people vaccinated and get things opened up again
50th year PRs Quote
08-15-2021 , 03:46 AM
40 mins steady distance

9485m at 2.06.5, sr 19, hr 132 ave

Another day with both a hangover and a lot of heavy work in the garden, so took it pretty easy tonight

Gonna do a fast 10k tomorrow as long as I get a decent sleep
50th year PRs Quote
08-16-2021 , 07:57 AM

The plan was to go for a really fast (for me) 10k . I haven’t ever really gone for one before, but figured 39mins would be a decent goal for a very fast time without going to redline.

Went out pretty well but just felt an overall fatigue and I didn’t have a huge amount of energy left in my body after half way. I realised I was gonna have to really go to redline to finish it off and I decided to pull the pin at 7k.

7008m in 27.14 at 1.56.6/500m sr 23. HR ace 162, 166 when I stopped
50th year PRs Quote
08-16-2021 , 08:03 AM
I think 39 minutes is closer to a 100% effort than you think. IIRC, your 5k was just below 18:30. Let's say it is 18:20 now after some further gains. Paul's Law says the equivalent 10k is 38:20. You are much faster in shorter distances and your training hardly goes above 10k. 39 minutes sounds about right for a 100% effort. My guess - 38:53, because you have heart.
50th year PRs Quote
08-16-2021 , 10:10 AM
Arjun is correcthorse.gif. i would eat my shorts if you could do sub38:50. Aerobic drift relative to your 2k time cannot be overcome by heart alone. In fact its your heart telling you, you running out of gas for that distance.

Still a good workout and very telling heart rate data. 5k race you will probably average 167ish. 10k probably 163ish. And lactate threshold a hair below that.

What that means is, anytime you start seeing mid 160s you running out of time bro. You gonna start redlining soon. Here you had 12 minutes to go and you were already at 166. Yeah you can probably hold 170 for a 2k, but thats 7 minutes of pain and agony.

We have the same exact heart rate data. I am 6 years younger than you so that means the 220-age formula is a little off for you. But not as much as montecore or arjun.
50th year PRs Quote
08-16-2021 , 06:52 PM
yeah, hard to know for sure whether I overestimated my pace a little, if it was just a bad day...or both, but this is the first time I've had to quit a workout all year.

Coming into it, I'd assumed my PR/max effort was somewhere between 18.40 and 18.50 and so I was going for something very close to this. I think I have more fitness than this tbh, but I don't 'know' the distance yet and I think there's a knowledge/skill needed to really row/race each distance. that I haven't yet acquired. Same with the 5k still to a lesser extent

I probably should have done more of a Monte style/length warm up than I did...I only warmed up for 4 mins and then got straight into it.

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M HR

27:14.8 7,008m 1:56.6 221 1059 22 162

7:46.5 2,000m 1:56.6 221 1059 22 157

7:45.4 2,000m 1:56.3 222 1064 23 162

7:46.8 2,000m 1:56.7 220 1057 23 165

3:56.2 1,008m 1:57.1 218 1048 23 166

either way...we live to fight another day and I at least got a hard 7k row in the books which will help with the fast 2k and 1k I'm hoping to row in a few weeks time.
50th year PRs Quote
08-18-2021 , 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
8x500m, 3.30 rest

Bah - was really keen to do 8 rounds at a faster pace than last time while also keeping it at RPE

Got 5 rounds in and got the dreaded call from my daughter to pick her up. Decided to redline a 6th round to maximise the fitness impact but am annoyed because the session was going really well. You can see the extra work the faster time took me by the strike rate.

6 rounds at 1.38.0/500…a 0.8/500 improvement on last time.
8x500m 3.30r.

the past two times I've done this session I've had to stop after 6 intervals..the first time to vomit, the second one to collect my daughter. I was really keen to sustain the speed over 8 intervals this time and doubly keen to complete a good session after Monday's bad session

total time 12.58.6, which is 1.37.3/500m ave at 31 sr

an improvement of 0.7 seconds per 500 and the additional 2 intervals.

kept the drag high at 135 and I think it helped a little.


heart rate peaked at 161 for each of the final 3 intervals.

the Aussie is BACK - really happy with the session.
50th year PRs Quote
08-18-2021 , 09:50 AM
Super impressive stuff! Gives me something to shoot for as I work my way back.
50th year PRs Quote
08-18-2021 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Super impressive stuff! Gives me something to shoot for as I work my way back.
thumb. you gonna come back to Pete's Plan?
50th year PRs Quote
08-19-2021 , 05:16 AM
4x4 Bench 95kg
4x7 DB Press 22.5kg
3x8 CLose Grip Bench 80kg
3x12 DB Bent over Rows 22.5kg DB
3x9 Barbell Curl 40kg

really need to change up my lifting. so bored of it, but no end in sight for our lockdown and I have very limited options in my home gym
50th year PRs Quote
08-19-2021 , 02:58 PM
Cute pup. Great rowing!
50th year PRs Quote
08-20-2021 , 06:06 AM
Originally Posted by FloppyJ
Cute pup. Great rowing!
thanks bro!

did something different tonight and while I got unexpectedly mugged by my total lack of planning, it was really good fun

did an easy 5k with no warm up.

20.19.3, which is 2.01.9/500 at 17sm. HR ave 136

then I did a really fun sprint interval session

I didn't plan it at all and just went as hard as I could for the first few intervals, because I kind of wanted to see what my 100m time was.

Got half way through the 300 and realised I was in trouble, so the 400m and 500m weren't anywhere close to max effort and I was totally screwed by the time I got to the 500!

0:16.9 100m 1:24.5 39 106
r: 1:00

0:35.2 200m 1:27.9 36 140
r: 1:00

0:54.9 300m 1:31.4 33 153
r: 1:00

1:16.1 400m 1:35.1 32 162
r: 1:00

1:38.8 500m 1:38.8 30 164

really fun workout and I'll do it again in a few weeks when 1. I won't do a 5k first and 2, I'll plan my effort a little more carefully
50th year PRs Quote
08-20-2021 , 06:39 AM
Max effort 100m efforts on the rower is so much fun! Most people on the C2 forum are so against it because of "risk of injury" but most of them don't lift and so I guess yanking as hard as possible might not be the best idea.

I did 16.7, which was 80th percentile. Max drag factor, foot strap to the lowest number (the unmarked one below 1), and get really aggressive on the recovery to get more strokes in. My spm was 54. You can easily break 16 if you want to (and didn't have the other intervals coming up)
50th year PRs Quote
08-20-2021 , 06:48 AM
Yeah lots of fun

I was trying to work out how fast I could get to. I had drag at 135 and I slipped a little on the first pull but I’d reckon probably in the high 15s with a higher drag and a better start

I might look for a workout that just does 100s and 200s although I think this one and maybe a 100-500-100 pyramid may be better for improving my 500 time
50th year PRs Quote
08-22-2021 , 03:12 AM
easy distance for me today

12004m in 50:15.3 at 2.05.5/500m stroke rate 17,

ave heart rate 140, max heart rate 155. drag factor 129

50:15.3 12,004m 2:05.5 17 140

5:00.0 1,149m 2:10.5 19 114
5:00.0 1,180m 2:07.1 18 128
5:00.0 1,197m 2:05.3 18 133
5:00.0 1,199m 2:05.1 18 139
5:00.0 1,204m 2:04.5 18 144
5:00.0 1,201m 2:04.8 18 144
5:00.0 1,187m 2:06.3 17 141
5:00.0 1,215m 2:03.4 18 151
5:00.0 1,205m 2:04.4 18 153
5:00.0 1,210m 2:03.9 18 155

nice easy negative split that included a couple of 15 second stops, long easy strokes.
50th year PRs Quote
