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50th year PRs 50th year PRs

05-31-2021 , 05:27 AM
wow...really hungover this morning. When will i learn? Sunday drinking is my kryptonite

heroically got to the gym anyway

Press 5x3 - 60kg
Press drop set 3x5/5/5 - 50/40/30kg
Bent Over Row 3x8-70kg
Close Grip Hammer high pull 3x10-90kg
50th year PRs Quote
05-31-2021 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Monthly review

3 lifetime PRs - Bench press, 100 calories assault bike and 5k row. Very happy with them all, particularly the 5k row, which I always thought was going to be the toughest one to break.

April was my most consistent month

25 training days
I hit 10k + steps all 30 days
21 alcohol free days

I've now broken all the PRs I set out to break at least once. The lifting progress has stalled - I'd like to think I can get another 2.5kg on bench but my main focus the next month is going to be rowing and lifestyle.

I'm planning on doubling day on the cleaner lifestyle and I think I'm in a groove with this now. 20+ alcohol free days is the goal. THis should help me drop a couple of kgs too - I have an outline plan of doing a DEXA in early to mid June and while it isn't my key focus, I'd like a decent results.

I'm planning at least 2 rowing PR attempts in the 1k and 2k and I might also attempt a 5k at the end of the month. In between, I'll be adding a little more volume and focus on the working sessions.

At some point between now and my birthday, I'll attempt a 500m time trial too, albeit I feel it's a little counter productive, because the fast 500s tend to take a huge toll on me and might impact my training for a few days after. I have another 50cal assault bike attempt in me too - I reckon I can take a few seconds out of my time.
Monthly review - May

consistently good month.

24 training days
20 alcohol free days
4 lifetime in each of my 3 core rowing events plus a 50cal assault bike
27 days of 10k steps or more
lifting has been fine - I've lost my mojo a little but have consolidated at the weights I've been at.

happy with the progress, particularly as I've been dodging illness for most of the month...never quite getting sick but feeling like there was something in my body a few times.

Plan for the month

get back to rowing 4 times per week. the plan is one interval session, one UT1 type session, 1 longer slower row getting to 50 or 60 mins and then one time trial (or if no time trial, then another UT1 type)

keep it up with the reduced drinking: 20 days alcohol free is the goal again

get some longer walks in - I've been crazy busy with work and haven't had the chance to get out for 45-60 min walks like I used to. I really enjoy doing it so need to create the time.
50th year PRs Quote
06-01-2021 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
first time doing the Pyramid interval session in 6 weeks. I learned from last time and kept the pacing on the first 3 intervals a little easier than last time, which allowed for a more controlled pace in the 1k and second 750 and still allowed for a decent PR

250m 1.41.8/500 ave 90 secs rest
500m 1.42.3/500 ave 3 mins rest
750m 1.42.7/500 ave 4 mins 30 rest
1000m 1.44.4/500 ave 6 mins rest
750m 1.43.2/500 ave 4 mins 30 rest
500m 1.40.8/500 ave 3 mins rest
250m 1.38.6/500 ave

overall 13 mins 41 secs at an average of 1.42.6/500 for a 0.7/500 improvement on the previous time.

was done at an RPE of 9 as well. the only accurate heart rate I took at after the 1k when fitbit showed 178bpm

felt good this morning. 7 nights sober sleep now and the resting heart beat is down 6bpm from 8 days ago
a little over 6 weeks since I did the Pyramid Interval of Death session

250m 1.40.4/500 ave 90 secs rest
500m 1.41.2/500 ave 3 mins rest
750m 1.41.9/500 ave 4 mins 30 rest
1000m 1.43.5/500 ave 6 mins rest
750m 1.42.4/500 ave 4 mins 30 rest
500m 1.39.7/500 ave 3 mins rest
250m 1.37.4/500 ave

Overall 13.33.5 at 1.41.6/500m ave an improvement of 1 sec/500m

very happy with this...particularly as I've lapsed into bad habits and drunk the past two nights.

all in all, I'm pleased and slightly surprised by the continued gradual improvement in my times. I don't feel like I've been rowing quite as much as I'd like to the past month and I certainly haven't been getting as much distance as I'd have liked, but what I'm doing still seems to be working and I'm glad the improvement curve doesn't seem to be flattening out too much
50th year PRs Quote
06-02-2021 , 02:14 AM
Training today

5x4 Bench - 92.5
3xBench dropset 5/5/10-80/70/50kg
Preacher Curl 3x8-40kg
Hammer curl 3x7-16kg
10 mins slow row

weirdly, after all the tough talk the past few days in loco's thread about training hard and not deloading, I've felt really fatigued today. Metallic taste in my mouth too, which is apparently often a sign of heavy fatigue (though it's one of many things it's a symptom of). Potentially the tough interval session only 48 hours after a 5k PR, with 2 nights of boozing in between?

IDK...probably nothing. Will aim for a good night's sleep and see how we feel tomorrow. Not a super tough next two days and then a rest day on Sat.
50th year PRs Quote
06-03-2021 , 01:58 AM
was shoulder day today...saw a workout in Arjun's thread that I used to enjoy and had a last minute decision to change and do that

Press 5x1-60,62.5,65,67.5,70
Push Press 5x3 - 70,70,70,70,70
Push Jerk 5x5 -72.5,72.5,72.5,72.5,72.5

started fine but the push jerks were difficult and ugly...who'd have thought that not doing a technical/explosive movement for 7 or 8 years would make them harder to do. The sets got easier and with better technique by the end, but not to the extent that I wanted to put any more weight on
50th year PRs Quote
06-04-2021 , 12:56 AM
training today, slow row

2x20mins, 1 min rest

4530m 2.12.9/500m, 17s/m
4627m 2.09.7/500m, 17s/m

meh, boring but fine. 4 hours sleep, 6th day in a row...didn't have the minerals to do what I had scheduled, but happy to get on the machine and get a sweat on

probs not gonna do a 1k on Sunday. Don't feel like I've 'earned' it. will see how I sleep/wake up tomorrow and work through my plan from there.

supposed to fly north on a 3 night boys weekend from next Thurs, but not sure my life will allow it, which is a real shame because I really ****ing need a break...ironically from the things that probably won't allow it!

I'll make a decision on that trip on the weekend and plan the week's training accordingly
50th year PRs Quote
06-05-2021 , 09:51 PM
not sure there’s anyone left in here but me but I’m thinking about buying a new erg.

No real reason other than to have a nice shiny new thing plus the ability to sync things a little easier. Plus it’s something I’m using a lot and maybe buying a new one now will ensure that I’ve got something that can last at least another 10 years .

But I guess I’m looking to give myself permission - I can prob sell mine for 7-800 and a new one costs 1600 (kangaroo dollars)

Has anyone upgraded from an old to a new erg and noticed any benefit??
50th year PRs Quote
06-05-2021 , 11:23 PM
5x3 Bench Press 97.5kg
3x8/8 superset DB Flyes, DB Bench 24kg
3x8/8 superset Barbell Curl/Hammer Curl 40kg/16kgDB
3x10/10 superset Close Grip bench/Bar Dip 70kg
50th year PRs Quote
06-06-2021 , 05:46 AM
Needed to clear my head this afternoon so did a bonus 20 min 5k. No warm up etc, just jumped on
50th year PRs Quote
06-06-2021 , 08:22 AM
Another option would be to a get a new monitor for your older concept2. You won't have your shiny new toy though!
50th year PRs Quote
06-06-2021 , 08:37 AM
Agreed on just buying a new monitor being a possibility, but if you're dead set on a new erg, given the resale value of the old one, it seems reasonable enough.

Nice 5k, by the way; I should be getting back to it for real after today (giant party for the boys' first communion, so a ton of family in town).
50th year PRs Quote
06-07-2021 , 02:27 AM
very busy day, so only had 35 mins...thank God for a home gym

6x6 seated DB Press 22.5kg (sitting on a backless bench which seems to make it tougher)
3x12/12 superset Lat raise, Front Raise 12.5kd DB
4x14 DB Bent over row 22.5kg DB
50th year PRs Quote
06-07-2021 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Agreed on just buying a new monitor being a possibility, but if you're dead set on a new erg, given the resale value of the old one, it seems reasonable enough.

Nice 5k, by the way; I should be getting back to it for real after today (giant party for the boys' first communion, so a ton of family in town).

yeah, I think the shiny black erg is too exciting to turn down...just need to talk myself into it

well done on weaning your way back in. def the smart way to do it after a week of excess
50th year PRs Quote
06-07-2021 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Agreed on just buying a new monitor being a possibility, but if you're dead set on a new erg, given the resale value of the old one, it seems reasonable enough.

Nice 5k, by the way; I should be getting back to it for real after today (giant party for the boys' first communion, so a ton of family in town).
Feelers replacing a monitor on his erg is something I would watch on stream
50th year PRs Quote
06-08-2021 , 04:03 AM
30 min slow row was about all I was good for (& had time for) today after a shitty night's sleep and a busy day of work.

6851m at 2.11.3 in 19 s/m

no warm up and so unsurprisingly, it was a negative split...1st 6 mins was 2.15.6/500 final 6 mins was 2.08.9/500. not sure I get much of a training benefit from a session this soft, but it makes me feel better to do it over doing nothing.

I'm heading up the coast for a boys weekend on Thursday morning and will be indulging in several vices til Sun. Which means this will be my last erg session for a week.

I'll do some 'glamour' lifts tomorrow...chest, biceps and ensure I'm looking my best for the boys and then I'll ensure I continue my streak of 10k steps every day but's gonna be 5 or 6 days away from training. Probably for the best as I've averaged 5.7 training sessions per week since 1/1. tbh, I don't feel particularly tired physically but I've had a really stressful last few months and I think a total break from family and training and mainly from work...will be extremely refreshing
50th year PRs Quote
06-09-2021 , 02:22 AM
5x5 Bench 90kg
1x17 (max) Bench 70kg
3x12/10 superset Close Grip Bench 70kg/Bar Dips
5x8/8 superset Preacher CUrl 40kg/Hammer Curl 16kg DBs
50th year PRs Quote
06-12-2021 , 11:57 PM
Back (almost intact) from a 3 day boys weekend. Resting heart rate up 7bpm since Thursday

I invested in almost all of my vices. Very bad trip for the body but good for the soul

Back training tomorrow with some weights and will do a light row on Tues
50th year PRs Quote
06-13-2021 , 12:15 AM
Back (almost intact) from a 3 day boys weekend. Resting heart rate up 7bpm since Thursday

I invested in almost all of my vices. Very bad trip for the body but good for the soul

Back training tomorrow with some weights and will do a light row on Tues
50th year PRs Quote
06-13-2021 , 05:01 PM

gl sir
50th year PRs Quote
06-14-2021 , 12:43 AM
thank you and welcome
50th year PRs Quote
06-14-2021 , 12:44 AM
in other news...feel turrible today and will not be risking the gym. sober night's sleep ahead and usual service will resume tomorrow.

I am too old for that ****
50th year PRs Quote
06-15-2021 , 04:17 AM
we are BACK!

partially. probably the softest session I've done all year but I only had 35 mins and it was important to get something in the bank after the excess of the past 5 days

5x5 Bench - 90kg
1x17 (max) - 75kg

heart rate has dropped 5 bpm since Sunday. didn't drink last night. still feel awful but that is partially due to a lack of sleep caused by ongoing teenage daughter drama.

planning on a 30-40 min slow row tomorrow and then ramping the training up, to be going full bore (or close to it) by the weekend
50th year PRs Quote
06-16-2021 , 05:31 AM
first time on the erg since last Weds

walked 15 mins to the gym, rowed 35 mins and then walked 15 mins back from the gym

deliberately took it really easy and pushed the screen back so that I wouldn't alpha myself into rowing hard.

35 mins 7487m at 2.20/500m and 14 spm

happy to get back on the machine and really looking forward to some clean living and hard training over the next month. a month ish to my birthday and I'd love to register a better time or two in the 40-49 year old category before I move up
50th year PRs Quote
06-17-2021 , 05:45 AM
didn't have time to get to the gym today for the planned weights session.

coached soccer for 75 mins including reffing a 30 min practice game and then jumped on the rower for a very quick session at 7pm. so great to be able to train at home and to have a machine like the rower that allows for a half decent session in 15 mins.

4x3mins, 1 min rest

3217m at 1.51.9/500 stroke rate 24

not a long session but nice to get the heart rate up a little and move a little quicker.
50th year PRs Quote
06-17-2021 , 05:59 AM
Nice work squeezing it in! The concept2 website has a short/medium/long workout everyday that I've done on occasion when I wanted something short and quick.
50th year PRs Quote
