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50th year PRs 50th year PRs

03-28-2021 , 10:19 AM
It's defintely closer to optimal if the time constraints are real. Does he really only have 4 sessions in him, and none of them can be more than 45 minutes?

If that's real, then yes optimal is going to be tough training. But what I have tried to make clear to the newbs is that that type of training is flash in the pan, not sustainable.

Sure I have done it for 6-8 week periods but it's not as enjoyable as something closer to 80/20. You start associating exercise with too much pain. Which is no big deal if you understand what is happening, because you can always switch to easier training.

But newbs don't understand that and quit exercise forever. And I am not calling feel wrath a newb here, just some of the other guys who have had issues being obese and not exercising consistently. Gotta train smart to make it for life and not act hard for 4 weeks in january with a new resolution.

So yeah, feel wrath trains hard. Most folks would cry uncle real quick. I train 99% enjoyable and I am hoping to eventually get competitive at the national level. My 5:06 expected mile time from 2020 was only competitive at the state level, so I got a ways to go. May fáil but It's my thesis I can run sub5 and enjoy all my workouts.

My buddy who ran cross country laughed real hard when I told him my theory.
50th year PRs Quote
03-29-2021 , 05:27 AM
not sure if there is a UT3 but if there is, that's what tonight's row was

10k 46.23.7 2.18.9/500

drag factor was 90, stroke rate was 16, heart rate at the end was 125

really just wanted to take it easy and get some metres in - pushed the screen back so I couldn't see it and just concentrated on easy, long strokes and listening to a really fun podcast
50th year PRs Quote
03-29-2021 , 05:30 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Re: shoulder pain, that's not something I ever experienced.

Re: rowing programming, I'd be interested to see what you've read on the subject; my guess is that you should be able to recover from what you describe, but I have no idea whether or not it's optimal. You also may want to mix in some TR work too.
this is the one I'm gonna pull my programming from...I'll be interested to hear your pov on it - whether you've come across it and...if you get through it all..what you think of it.

I went through all the British rowing team stuff first but I couldn't find a program which fitted my summary of my own fitness and goals there - it was either too hard core or too easy
50th year PRs Quote
03-29-2021 , 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by beeschnuts
Sounds like a shoulder impingement, which I’ve had before. It is irritating and feels like a pinch but not painful enough to prevent you from lifting.

I looked back at your last few workouts. Are you only doing push exercises and no pulling? I know you do rowing for cardio but I think you need to balance your strength training so you aren’t just doing push exercises. I would add things like facepulls, rows, pull-ups/pull downs, rear delt flyes and build up your upper back. Aside from adding pull exercises I would try to stretch/release your pecs often and make sure your shoulder blades are pulled back and down when benching or pressing
yes, I think you're right and I'm embarrassed I didn't think about it myself. I guess I'd assumed that the rowing would have been enough pulls to offset the pressing, but it's not the same when there's no weight.

To be honest, I've always been more of a puller than a presser over my 30 years in a gym, but I've been so focused on hitting these PRs in the pressing lifts and with getting enough rowing sessions in, that I've left both my lower body and my pulling lifts behind.

I was already planning on re-starting my deadlifting, bent over rows and some pull ups, but I'm gonna start doing it asap

thanks for the input
50th year PRs Quote
03-29-2021 , 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by loco
It's defintely closer to optimal if the time constraints are real. Does he really only have 4 sessions in him, and none of them can be more than 45 minutes?

If that's real, then yes optimal is going to be tough training. But what I have tried to make clear to the newbs is that that type of training is flash in the pan, not sustainable.

Sure I have done it for 6-8 week periods but it's not as enjoyable as something closer to 80/20. You start associating exercise with too much pain. Which is no big deal if you understand what is happening, because you can always switch to easier training.

But newbs don't understand that and quit exercise forever. And I am not calling feel wrath a newb here, just some of the other guys who have had issues being obese and not exercising consistently. Gotta train smart to make it for life and not act hard for 4 weeks in january with a new resolution.

So yeah, feel wrath trains hard. Most folks would cry uncle real quick. I train 99% enjoyable and I am hoping to eventually get competitive at the national level. My 5:06 expected mile time from 2020 was only competitive at the state level, so I got a ways to go. May fáil but It's my thesis I can run sub5 and enjoy all my workouts.

My buddy who ran cross country laughed real hard when I told him my theory.

I do definitely train for enjoyment and I enjoy training hard, but I enjoy training hard in things I enjoy. And aimlesly grinding through the metres doesn't really appeal to me - I'd much rather train more intensely for less time if possible.

It's partially helpful that I walk for 40-60 mins each day every day as well around the hills and beaches near where i live. I'd say 50% of the time it qualifies as a power walk and then the other days, when I'm walking with my wife, it's a fast walk, but i would think it helps a little to build some of the base that I would get with the UT2 rows - generally my heart rate is between 105-115 on these walks

so 4 good rowing sessions plus 3-4 weights sessions and walking every day will be pretty damn good in my 50th year. And I reckon it'll be enough to get me into the 95th percentile on my age group on the C2 rankings and potentially to do ok in a competition or two later in the year.

I'm not training for the world championships, just to be fit, strong and capable of most things while also looking decent on the beach
50th year PRs Quote
03-30-2021 , 02:47 AM
Bench 5x6-87.5kg
Close Grip Bench 3x10-70
Bent Over Row 3x6-70kg

not a great session by any stretch, but after a brutal sleep last night, I was sleepwalking all day and basically just walking round on auto pilot, there was no chance I was gonna be able to attack a workout or push hard, so I'm just happy to get something done

lack of sleep is so ****ing hard to push hard at work too, which is pretty important for me right now, as I'm busy and have a deal at a critical stage. it shouldn't make matters worse but it wife got 11 hours sleep last night. She needs a lot of sleep and complains when she gets less than 8 hours but she fell asleep at 8.15pm and didn't wake up til after 7.15. I've literally never slept that long in my adult life.

also went out for a walk just now, so I'm happy to make the best of a shitty day
50th year PRs Quote
04-01-2021 , 01:47 AM
5x3 Press - 60kg
5x8 Seated Hammer high row - 100kg
3x8 Barbell curl 40kg

really frustrating week. terrible sleeps, a small bug and busy with work. after being sick last week, I don't feel like I've done a tough rowing session in ages.

4 hours sleep twice in the past 3 nights and just so hard to do any kind of good training. I was up at 4 today, so at least went for a long walk to get some decent steps in and then happy to get to the gym this pm

am gonna smoke a spliff tonight and get a good sleep and then do a tough session on the erg tomorrow and hopefully get 4 really good sessions in over the long weekend

one thing I'm happy with is the decision to introduce some pulling into each of my last two weights sessions. nothing ground breaking but my back and shoulders feel like they'r in better position already
50th year PRs Quote
04-02-2021 , 02:34 AM
finally got a good rowing session in after a spliff induced half decent sleep last night. the world is such a better place and life is so much easier when you've slept

Row - 9k total

2k warm up 2.12/500/ heart rate 115

5k training UT1: 19.08.4 - 1.54.8/500. Heart rate at end 165.

Kept it steady at the target pace of 1.55/500, although I made it harder for myself when I stopped for 10+ seconds at half way to change a track on my playlist that was really annoying me. I'm still learning what a UT1 and UT2 session is meant to feel like but this was 'almost difficult' without being truly challenging.

2k warm down 2.10.3/500

also got out for a 45 min walk and had an hour in the ocean.

a really good day and very happy to get a decent cardio session in. I'm hoping to get two weeks of hard grind in now. on Monday I'm going to go through the document I linked a few days ago and work through an 8 week plan
50th year PRs Quote
04-02-2021 , 10:15 AM
Goals for March

Train at least 22 times
10k steps at least 25 times

Rowing - I'd like to break my PRs in every time trial I do. The plan is to do a 1,2 and 5k tt again this that order but I'll only do them if I've slept well and my body feels good, so they might not happen every week. I feel confident I can take a second or two off the 1k, slightly less so with the 2k and I feel hopeful with the 5k

I'm going to add a little more volume to my rowing metres this month too - basically do a longer interval session in terms of metres per interval and also attempt two other 20min+ slow rows

Assault Bike - if I can fit one in, I want to attempt a faster 50cal time

Lifting - just continue with what I'm doing...ensure I bench or press at least 3x per week and continue making gains...completing the rep structures as per my strat and moving up. My plan is to 'taper' in early April and attempt PRs/max efforts next month.

Alcohol. 18 alcohol free days minimum

Sleep. hoping the reduced alcohol will help this.

How did you do on these?
50th year PRs Quote
04-03-2021 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
How did you do on these?

As per usual for me...the training goals were achieved but the self control ones weren’t.

25 training days and 28 days of 10k steps or more

I did 3 lifetime PRs this month - I improved my 1k and 2k PRs and I did a lifetime strict press PR

I didn’t attempt the 5k pr because I was sick last week and then had a shitty week this week but I’m confident it’s ‘there’ when I attempt it

Ive been dreadful with alcohol this month - only 8 alcohol free days including 0 the past two weeks. Surprise sleep had Beene dreadful. I’m so fed up with shitty sleeps and it needs to change. reaching for a wine or beer at 7pm has become a deeply ingrained habit.

I have a big family party tomorrow and a dinner booked for next weekend but apart from these, I need to pull my head in

Training plan is to continue to put more distance sessions together on the rower, add more pulling and lower body to the lifting and just grind through a good consistent month. I’ll be attempting a bench PR over the next week or two and will also finally go for a 5k
50th year PRs Quote
04-03-2021 , 02:54 AM

Bench 5x3 -92.5kg
DB flye/bench super set 3x7/7 22.5kg
Seated hammer curl 3x15-12.5kg DB

Also took the kids to a water park and am over 20k steps

Only 4 hours sleep last night and trained at 6.30am before the water park, so happy to get something done but the weight on the bench was 5kg less than it should have been
50th year PRs Quote
04-03-2021 , 06:56 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Ive been dreadful with alcohol this month - only 8 alcohol free days including 0 the past two weeks. Surprise sleep had Beene dreadful. I’m so fed up with shitty sleeps and it needs to change. reaching for a wine or beer at 7pm has become a deeply ingrained habit.
You could try starting your drinking earlier in the day. A nap after a boozy lunch would increase your total amount of sleep, which reduces the need for sleep quality.
50th year PRs Quote
04-03-2021 , 07:11 AM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
You could try starting your drinking earlier in the day. A nap after a boozy lunch would increase your total amount of sleep, which reduces the need for sleep quality.

50th year PRs Quote
04-03-2021 , 09:27 PM

30 mins at 20 stroke rate average

7569m at 1.58.9/500

did it as a UT1 and actually really enjoyed it - got into a decent rhythm, had some good tunes to listen to and it felt good. heart rate was 161 at the finish

managed an ok sleep with no drinking last night. was woken up too early but slept heavier. am hosting a big family party today so boozing is inevitable but after today, I'm hopeful I can dredge up some willpower and live clean for the next month or two
50th year PRs Quote
04-04-2021 , 04:40 PM

Thoughts on row technique? This was taken about 20 minutes into yesterday’s session
50th year PRs Quote
04-04-2021 , 04:49 PM
Feet too loose. Not Spyu approved. No row.
50th year PRs Quote
04-04-2021 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath

Thoughts on row technique? This was taken about 20 minutes into yesterday’s session

Big Cock Energy
50th year PRs Quote
04-04-2021 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
Feet too loose. Not Spyu approved. No row.

yeah, I don’t know how to fix this. Basically every few minutes I need to tighten each strap. Always have done.

Not sure if I need to maybe put my foot setting on a different number? I use 4 but maybe I need to try it on 5.
50th year PRs Quote
04-04-2021 , 06:24 PM
Nice UT1! Fwiw, Gardner recommends UT1 to ramp from 22 to 24 spm over the piece, so you definitely have room to rate up if you want - he also says that everything after UT2 should get "tappier" at the catch, so your power per stroke will go down a bit.

Outside of the slightest bit of overcompression at the catch, the stroke looks decent. Partially stopping yourself with your toes at the finish probably means you're not as connected with the machine as you could be - maybe mix in some feet out work at low spm? Regarding the strap issue, I've read that binder clips will hold everything in place. Foot plate looks fine at 4, but seeing how 5 feels can't hurt.
50th year PRs Quote
04-05-2021 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Does anyone else get soreness in their shoulder joint while pressing? it feels like it's right in the joint...almost on the bone. I get it in both shoulders, almost all the time. I also get it when I bench and also when doing dips...albeit not quite as bad

it's painful, but not enough to stop training and I don't think it impacts my long as I have my head into my training session and am focused and aggressive. it doesn't seem to get worse and it doesn't impact my life....but it's really annoying.

I feel like I've had it for ages..definitely 6 months and maybe more
Post videos of yourself pressing.

Also post a picture of you standing normally taken from the side.

As beeschnuts says, more pulling stuff. A good general guideline for a lot of people is try to do at least 2 to 3 pulling reps for every pushing rep you do training. Since you are already having shoulder problems, I suggest 3 or more pulls for every press.

If you want your pressing numbers to increase and all you're doing is pushing, you are setting yourself up for shoulder problems and weaker pressing - both.

You need a very strong back to be good at pressing and you need to get all your mid and upper back and rotator cuff muscles firing if you want to avoid shoulder problems.
50th year PRs Quote
04-05-2021 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
Post videos of yourself pressing.

Also post a picture of you standing normally taken from the side.

As beeschnuts says, more pulling stuff. A good general guideline for a lot of people is try to do at least 2 to 3 pulling reps for every pushing rep you do training. Since you are already having shoulder problems, I suggest 3 or more pulls for every press.

If you want your pressing numbers to increase and all you're doing is pushing, you are setting yourself up for shoulder problems and weaker pressing - both.

You need a very strong back to be good at pressing and you need to get all your mid and upper back and rotator cuff muscles firing if you want to avoid shoulder problems.

I filmed this the other day. Cant remember the exact weight - think probably 62.5 or 65kg with my max now at 75kg
50th year PRs Quote
04-05-2021 , 06:51 PM
First thing I see right away is that the barbell is sitting deep in your hands and your wrists are bent way back. Losing a lot of power that way.

Should be stacked on top of your wrist so that they are straighter even with suicide grip.

Also work on bringing your head through much earlier. Like right after the bar clears your forehead you should be thinking to drive back through.

Can't tell much else from that angle.
50th year PRs Quote
04-05-2021 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
First thing I see right away is that the barbell is sitting deep in your hands and your wrists are bent way back. Losing a lot of power that way.

Should be stacked on top of your wrist so that they are straighter even with suicide grip.

Also work on bringing your head through much earlier. Like right after the bar clears your forehead you should be thinking to drive back through.

Can't tell much else from that angle.

I have the same habit with my bench press. Not sure why but I can never seem to get my hands comfortable with the wrists straighter.

Maybe that’s why I can’t lift much??
50th year PRs Quote
04-05-2021 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
I have the same habit with my bench press. Not sure why but I can never seem to get my hands comfortable with the wrists straighter.

Maybe that’s why I can’t lift much??
Yeah your wrist should be pretty straight like you are punching the ceiling. Both in the Press and Bench.
50th year PRs Quote
04-05-2021 , 08:01 PM
+1 to spy
50th year PRs Quote
