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50th year PRs 50th year PRs

Yesterday , 04:29 AM
Were there any arguements over who got to keep the dog?
50th year PRs Quote
Yesterday , 04:38 AM
Originally Posted by arjun13
Were there any arguements over who got to keep the dog?

We haven’t got into full negotiations yet - we put it off given all the stuff we’re doing with the house. But she’ll get the dog and I’ll get the cat. She works from home full time so it makes sense for her to have the dog and the cat hates her

Tbh I’m ok with it. I’m gonna be doing 80%+ of the parenting and I don’t need the extra jobs/hassle. Plus if she has the dog then maybe the kids will go and see her more often which I want selfishly but also for the kids.
50th year PRs Quote
Yesterday , 08:00 PM
neutral grip pull downs medium width 4x13-67
seated chest supported close grip rows 4x11-120kg
pull ups 10,9,10
barbell curl 3x9-35kg ss with
hammer curl 3x8-15kg
chins 1x8

all fine. my bad knee swelled up and was very sore after my sprints the other day so I was rolling out the key muscles around it after every set. I have my touch rugby comp tonight, which will involve probably 10x the running plus changes of direction, so I'm gonna be super sore the next few days. I think my plan is to cut down on the leg weights while I'm playing in this comp - use one of the two weekly leg days to do mobility, stretching, foam rolling type work to get my knee through it and....if I'm feeling it, maybe do a sprint training session on the other weekly leg day. My son is keen to do some sprints with me, now that he's in his offseason. He's also lifting 3-4x per week now. I had originally wanted him to learn how to do the core barbell lifts properly but I actually think it's a better strat to get him using machines that are easier to learn and give him more confidence to go hard and then down the track, once he has some kind of connection between lifts and his muscles and more co-ordination & knowledge, we can get him doing barbell type stuff.

we'll see. Most importantly for now...just hoping my knee gets through tonight and the next few months
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