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50th year PRs 50th year PRs

06-03-2024 , 04:42 AM
had to train at peak time which I basically hate.

Wide Grip pull downs 5x10-67
Close Grip pull downs 4x12-70
Hammer seated wide grip row 4x10-130
DB Shrug 3x17-30kg
Preacher Curl 3x6-50 ss with Hammer Curl 3x7-17.5kg DBs
then 12 Preacher 40kg ss with 16 Hammer Curl 12.5kg
then 1xdrop set on meh Preacher machine thing 18 reps total
50th year PRs Quote
06-03-2024 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
I've known for a while that my left leg is weaker than the right - two ACL reconstructions on that leg and it's never fully recovered. It's why I've had to stop back squatting as the imbalance twists my spine slightly.

either way, the individual leg curls really highlighted how much weaker my left hamstring and glutes are. even with a light weight it was a huge struggle to do the left legs. i've always noticed it a little with single leg extensions but haven't really noticed much with my kettlebell RDLs.

either way...need to do single leg curls every session now
Even though I started doing it mostly because olds/lack of WIM, the single leg stuff I've been doing has helped balance me out. I've had similar issues with my left side, and even though it's still a work in progress, I feel much less unilateral soreness (though it's not totally gone).

Congrats on the recomp/weight loss, btw!
50th year PRs Quote
06-05-2024 , 06:33 AM
Rest day yesterday and did a 12 hour work day which meant no walk either and was hardly outside. Didn’t enjoy that at all and it made me consider going back to 6 days and 1 rest vs 3 on 1 off

Flip side is that I did feel fresh today

DB Bench 4x11-30
Incline Bench 3x10-25
Hammer Bench machine 3x11-80
Flye 3x9-22.5
Skullcrusher/close grip bench with ez curl bar 3x6/18-45kg
Barbell Preas 4x8-40
Machine seated Preas 3x10-40

I had even less strength left for my shoulders than normal as I did triceps after chest. They were so swollen already it was hard to move them
50th year PRs Quote
06-05-2024 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Even though I started doing it mostly because olds/lack of WIM, the single leg stuff I've been doing has helped balance me out. I've had similar issues with my left side, and even though it's still a work in progress, I feel much less unilateral soreness (though it's not totally gone).

Congrats on the recomp/weight loss, btw!
thanks and yep, I'd like to do more single leg stuff. I can't lunge or Bulgarian for knee reasons unfortunately because they would both be ideal
50th year PRs Quote
06-06-2024 , 05:46 PM
leg extension 4x10-45 each leg individually
prone leg curl 3x10-17.5 each leg individually
hack squat 5x10-130kg
leg press 4x10-220kg
barbell RDL 3x10-75kg

meh, all ok but not great. 5 hours sleep last night. lowest weight since I started this diet phase 81.5kg/179.3lbs
50th year PRs Quote
06-07-2024 , 08:14 PM
early Sat am session with my son

DB Bench, 10,11,11,10-30kg
Hammer Bench machine 9,10,10,11-80kg
Incline DB Bench 8,8,10-25kg
Seated DB Press 3x11-20kg
seated Machine Press 3x12-38kg
Tricep Push Down/Extension ss 3x10/12-35/24kg
50th year PRs Quote
06-08-2024 , 09:52 PM
hungover and neck a little sore from 6 hours of painting yesterday

Wide grip pull downs 4x10-67
Medium width, neutral grip rows 4x14-67
Close Grip rows 4x12-67
Barbell Shrug ss with hammer curls 3x18-80/3x12-15

had to rush through a little so didn't do as much biceps as I'd like but forearms were totally fried anyway
50th year PRs Quote
06-10-2024 , 01:56 AM
painting really sucks balls

leg extension 4x10-40kg each leg alternating
leg curl 4x8-15kg each leg alternating. left hamstring so much smaller and weaker
hack squat 3x8-130kg
leg press 5x10-240kg
RDL 3x10-75kg

tired throughout after 5 hours painting this morning and not my best effort. dived into the ocean pool afterwards and did a few laps. getting borderline too cold for me now... I think it's about 17 C, although it's colder out of the water than in. Always an awesome feeling though and I'm about 3 months away from being in the ocean every week of the year. the coldest 3 months to go though!

also, a pod of dolphins were about 100 yards out. migration season has begun and apparently there were whales this weekend too.
50th year PRs Quote
06-11-2024 , 06:24 PM
rest day yesterday, although I did sneak into the gym for 30 mins on the stationary bike which was mainly to clear some cobwebs as it was too cold and wet to go for an evening walk

10,11,11,10,8-DB Incline Bench -28kg
3x7/4-DB Flye/Bench - 24kg
4x12-seated DB Press 20kg
3x7/18 ez Bar Skullcrusher/Close Grip Press - 45kg
1x18 Pec Flye machine - 40kg

somehow it all took longer than I wanted this morning. Tired, too much on phone between sets, IDK. I'm switching to Incline for a month as my first lift to see if it makes a difference. I did notice a far bigger pump around my pec area afterwards, although that may have been the flye machine finisher? IDK
50th year PRs Quote
06-12-2024 , 06:19 PM
wide grip pull downs 4x10-67
neutral grip medium width row 3x10-70
close grip seated row 3x11-67
barbell shrug 3x16-90
hammer curl 3x10-16
preacher curl 3x8-45
50th year PRs Quote
06-14-2024 , 06:57 AM
Prone leg curls 4x8-15 each leg individually
Leg extensions 4x12-40 each leg individually
Hack squat 4x8-140kg
Leg Press 4x8-240kg
Single leg RDL-40kg

Bad knee causing me problems. Particularly on leg press. I think it’s because the ITB is tight right now.

Either way, knee is swollen, pain incoming.
50th year PRs Quote
06-14-2024 , 10:03 PM
Sat am with slight hangover. I simply cannot drink these days - 4 months of mainly sobriety and it hits me way way harder than it used to.

Incline DB Bench 4x11-27.5kg
Hammer Bench thing 3x9-80
DB Flyes 3x12-22.5kg
Prone Front raises 4x8-7.5
Cable Lat raise 3x10-7.5
Tricep Push Down/Extension 3x12/12-35/24
Press Complex 3x2 Strict Press, 4 Push Press, 4 Push Jerk, 2 Split Jerk - 50kg

trialled the prine and lat raises for the first time. Not bad tbh although it's humbling how little weight I needed. Felt eager still at the end of the session, so I did a little overhead complex at the end for the lols. My push jerks are truly ugly

weighed in at 80.8kg yesterday which is the lightest I've been since I started tracking my weight 18 years ago. iirc I ran my marathon at 82kg and I played rugby at 84-85kg so this might be the lightest since I travelled round the world in 94 and lost a ton of weight
50th year PRs Quote
06-15-2024 , 12:16 AM
Too much metric ITT
50th year PRs Quote
06-15-2024 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by bip!
Too much metric ITT
what's 80.8kg in fl oz?
50th year PRs Quote
06-15-2024 , 04:16 AM
The only reasonable response would be to do another marathon then. You can't let this weight go to waste
50th year PRs Quote
06-15-2024 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by arjun13
The only reasonable response would be to do another marathon then. You can't let this weight go to waste

My knee doesn’t allow it. I used to love running. I’d still be doing it if I could.

I’ve been asked to play in a state level Masters touch rugby competition in the Aus Spring. A few ex internationals and former Super Rugby players in the team. It’s over 40s so I’ll be an oldie but I hope I’ve still got some pace at this weight so I might start doing a sprint/sprint endurance session a week and see if the knee can handle that. And if it does I might ramp that up a little.
50th year PRs Quote
06-15-2024 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by bip!
Too much metric ITT
you can find the conversion at
50th year PRs Quote
Today , 07:18 AM
wide grip pull downs 3x10-70kg
close grip rows 3x12-70kg
medium width neutral grip pull downs 3x11-67kg
seated hammer wide grip row 3x12-120kg
barbell curl 3x12-35kg
preacher curl 3x10-32.5kg

hungover today. really annoyed with myself for drinking last night. got a **** sleep and was really unproductive at work and ate terrible food most of the day.
50th year PRs Quote
