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50th year PRs 50th year PRs

06-20-2024 , 05:46 PM
wide grip pull downs 3x19-67kg
medium width neutral grip pull downs 4x10-67kg
close grip rows 3x12-70kg
barbell shrug 3x20-90
barbell curl 3x0-35kg ss with hammer curl 3x7-15
preacher curl machine 3x10-48kg
50th year PRs Quote
06-21-2024 , 06:33 PM
500m row warm up (feels so weird)
3x9 alternating single leg curl 20kg
3x12 alternating single leg extension 40kg
5x9 hack squat 130kg
3x8 leg press 260kg
3x12 RDL 80kg

forgot to do hip thrust machine which is annoying. also slightly annoyed with my leg press - I've been dropping weight to add reps and enjoying it but I was working in with a far larger young dude and I trained with more weight than usual for ego reasons. almost added another 20 on either side in a ridiculous attempt to alpha him but a) I'm sure he could have lifted the extra weight too and b) totally futile
50th year PRs Quote
Yesterday , 06:18 PM
went to the gym yesterday but got three warm up sets in and my joints were sore and just didn't have the energy. Looking at my log and it had been 6 days in a row and 12 out of 13 so probably due one.

Plus I was doing some really gnarly work on the house - we're getting ready to sell it for divorce reasons and there's a storage room/cellar which is off the main lounge room but which we've ignored as it's cold and damp. It's developed a lot of mould over the past 2 months where we've had a lot of rain, so I had to vacuum the walls and then scrub them hard with an industrial level mould remover/cleaner and have then painted it. It looks a ton better but it was hard work and I had to do it in a mask and with protective gear because of the mould and it took it out of me.

either way, took two gummies last night, was in bed by 10 and got a very deep almost 7 hour sleep. Was hoping for more but felt refreshed and it gave me time to get to the gym this morning. Very cold here by Australian standards - was approx 45 degrees when I left the house at 6am which is about as cold as Sydney gets. Took a while for me to warm up in the gym

Incline DB Bench 9,11,10,9 - 28kg DB
Isometric flat bench thing 3x9-80kg
DB Flye/Bench 3x9/3-22.5
Prone Front raises on slight incline 3x9-7.5kg DB
Seated DB Press 3x10-20kg
Tricep Pushdown 3xdrop set 30/25/20- kg
50th year PRs Quote
