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11-18-2020 , 02:10 PM
Where do you live? Have you noticed any progress after 30 weeks of this?
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11-23-2020 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by arjun13
Where do you live? Have you noticed any progress after 30 weeks of this?
San Diego.

Definitely progress on the Keg clean & press. The other exercises it is more of just trying to maintain until I can get back in the gym. At my age just maintaining is kind of a goal anyway.

11/16 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 197

11/17 DB push ups: 5x10 Weight: 197

11/18: TB DL: 247x 8,8,8,7,7 Weight: 199

11/19: Keg clean & press: 9,8,8,8,8 Weight: 198

11/20: Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 196

Didn't do rows this week. Onward.
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11-29-2020 , 09:16 PM
OLAD Week 31

11/23 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 195

11/24 DB push ups: 5x10 Weight: 195

11/25 TB DL: 247 x 8,8,8,8,7 Weight: 196

11/26 Keg clean & press: 9,9,8,8,8 Weight: 196

11/27 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 198

11/29 1 arm DB row: 5 @ 75x10 Weight: 198

So thankful to live in San Diego. One of the best things about this ridiculousness is lifting outside.
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11-29-2020 , 11:35 PM
At home or local gym?
I know that place near sports arena has outdoor workouts.
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12-07-2020 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Just another guy
At home or local gym?
I know that place near sports arena has outdoor workouts.
In my backyard. I used to go to the gym at Robb Field. It's a municipal gym so they have never reopened since the beginning of March and there is no good news on the horizon. I've thought about joining another gym but I'm content for now. Also thought about a squat rack and some plates but that's not happening any time soon.

OLAD Week 32

11/30 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 197

12/1 DB push ups 5x10 Weight: 197

12/2 TB DL: 247x 8,8,8,8,8

12/3 Keg clean & press: 9,9,9,8,8 Weight: 197

12/4 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 196

12/6 1 arm DB row: 5 @ 75x10 Weight: 196

Hard to believe it's been 9 months since my gym closed.
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12-14-2020 , 12:49 AM
OLAD Week 33

12/7 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 194

12/8 DB push ups 5x10 Weight: 195

12/9 TB DL: 247x 9,8,8,8,8

12/10 Keg clean & press: 9,9,9,9,8 Weight: 195

12/11 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 194

12/12 1 arm DB row: 5 @ 75x10 Weight: 193

Only good thing about stressing out over my business is a little weight loss.
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12-21-2020 , 12:33 PM
OLAD Week 34

12/14 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 194

12/15 DB push ups: 5x10 Weight: 194

12/16 TB DL: 247x 9,9,8,8,8 Weight: 194

12/17 Keg clean & press: 9,9,9,9,9 Weight: 194

12/18 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 192

12/20 1 arm DB row: 5 @ 75x10 Weight: 193

Another week in the books.
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12-27-2020 , 02:35 PM
OLAD Week 35

12/21 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 190

12/22 DB push ups: 5x10 Weight: 191

12/23 TB DL: 247 x 9,9,9,8,8 Weight: 191

12/24 Keg clean & press: 10,9,9,9,9 Weight: 190

12/25 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 191

12/26 1 arm DB row: 5 @75x10 Weight: 191

About to wrap up an unforgettable year that I would like to forget.
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01-05-2021 , 01:01 PM
OLAD Week 36

12/28 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 191

12/29 DB push ups: 5x10 Weight: 190

12/30 TB DL: 247 x 9,9,9,9,8 Weight: 191

12/31 Keg lean & press: 10,10,9,9,9 Weight: 192

1/1 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 192

1/2 1 arm DB row: 5 @ 75x10 Weight: 192

Happy F'ing New Year!
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01-05-2021 , 04:14 PM
Still ****ing at it. Love it. Happy New Year, mojo.
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01-10-2021 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
Still ****ing at it. Love it. Happy New Year, mojo.
Thank KC. I actually feel pretty good for an old fart. And a Happy New Year to you as well!

OLAD Week 37

1/4 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 191

1/5 DB push ups: 5x10 Weight: 192

1/6 TB DL: 247x 9,9,9,9,9 Weight: 192

1/7 Keg clean & press: 10,10,10,9,9 Weight: 191

1/8 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 192

1/10 1 Arm DB row: 5 @ 75x10 Weight: 191

Since I haven't had a vacation in over a year I haven't taken a week off from workouts in over a year either. One thing I like about this OLAD thing is that it's pretty easy on my body so I haven't felt burnt out at all. The max weights I'm dealing with help keep a lid on the stress as well.
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01-19-2021 , 01:46 PM
OLAD Week 38

1/11 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 191

1/12 DB push ups: 5x10 Weight: 191

1/13 TB DL: 247x 10,9,9,9,9 Weight: 191

1/14 Keg clean & press: 10,10,10,10,9 Weight: 192

1/15 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 190

1/16 1 Arm DB row: 5 2 75x10 Weight: 191
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01-26-2021 , 01:29 PM
OLAD Week 39

1/18 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 190

1/19 DB push ups: 5x10 Weight: 190

1/20 TB DL: 247x 10,10,9,9,9 Weight: 191

1/21 Keg clean & press: 10,10,10,10,10 Weight: 191

1/22 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 191

1/23 1 Arm DB row: 5 @ 75x10 Weight: 191

Time to add some weight to the keg.
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01-31-2021 , 11:08 PM
OLAD Week 40

1/25 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 192

1/26 DB push ups: 5x10 Weight: 192

1/27 TB DL: 247 x 10,10,10,9,9 Weight: 193

1/28 Keg clean & press: 5,5,5,5,5 Weight: 192

1/29 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 193

1/30 1 Arm DB row: 5 @ 75x10 Weight: 193

Poured a gallon of water into the keg, probably got about 80% of it to go in. If I had to guess I would say the keg is around 40% full. Probably around 65# which doesn't sound like much but I can tell it is going to be really hard for me to work up to 5x10. Time will tell.
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02-08-2021 , 02:25 PM
OLAD Week 41

2/1 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 194

2/2 DB push ups: 5x10 Weight: 192

2/3 TB DL: 247 x 10,10,10,10,9 Weight: 193

2/4 Keg clean and press: 6,5,5,5,5 Weight: 193

2/5 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 192

2/6 1 Arm DB row: 5 @ 75x10 Weight: 191
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02-15-2021 , 01:32 PM
OLAD Week 42

2/8 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 192

2/9 DB push ups: 5x10 Weight: 192

2/10 TB DL: 247 x 10,10,10,10,10 Weight: 194

2/11 Keg clean & press: 6,6,5,5,5 Weight: 192

2/12 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 194

2/13 1 Arm DB row: 5 @ 75x10 Weight: 194

Finally got to 5x10 on the TB DL's. I do these with handles down and stand on a platform so they are pretty challenging for me. I'd like to be able to add weight and back off the reps. I'll see if I can come up with something.
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02-22-2021 , 01:59 PM
OLAD Week 43

2/15 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 193

2/16 DB push ups: 5x10 Weight: 192

2/17 TB DL: 5 @ 247x10 Weight: 193

2/18 Keg clean & press: 6,6,6,5,5 Weight: 193

2/19 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 195

2/20 1 Arm DB row: 5 @ 75x10 Weight: 195

Another week in the rear view mirror. I'm starting to wonder if my gym is ever going to reopen.
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03-02-2021 , 04:31 PM
OLAD Week 44

2/22 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 194

2/23 DB push ups: 5x10 Weight: 194

2/24 TB DL: 5 @ 247x10 Weight: 194

2/25 Keg clean & press: 6,6,6,6,5 Weight: 196!

2/26 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 195

2/27: 1 arm DB row: 5 @ 75x10 Weight: 195

I was finally able to buy some Olympic weights. Paid $380 for a full set: 2x45, 2x35; 2x25; 2x10; 2x5; 2x2.5. Came out to about $1.55/lb. Didn't seem bad based on the prices per lb I was seeing in my area. Weights say Weider and are new but I noticed some small chips after I got them home. Oh well, beggars can't be choosers. Looking forward to using them on the trap bar.
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03-04-2021 , 01:42 PM

Handles up with the platform is the same range of motion I was getting before with the DB setup. I bought collars on Amazon that work great. Need to get some mats. The backyard gym is coming together.
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03-08-2021 , 12:49 AM
OLAD Week 45

3/1 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 194

3/2 DB push ups: 5x10 Weight: 193

3/3 TB DL: 190x5; 205x5; 235x5; 270x5 Weight: 194

3/4 Keg clean & press: 6,6,6,6,6 Weight: 193

3/5 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 194

3/6 1 arm DB row: 5 @ 75x10 Weight: 194

I'm going to start doing TB DL's twice a week and goblet squats once now that I can actually add weight to the bar.
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03-08-2021 , 09:55 AM
Twice weekly at that intensity should be good. You'll probably get a third plate on for reps soon.
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03-18-2021 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Rich Muny
Twice weekly at that intensity should be good. You'll probably get a third plate on for reps soon.
Yeah, I'm keeping my eye out for a couple of 45's. The most I can throw on is 295 which is fine for now but hopefully I'll be back to what I was doing before the gym closed.

OLAD Week 46

3/8 TB DL: 190x5; 225x5; 3 @ 245x5 Weight: 193

3/9 DB push ups: 5x10 Weight: 194

3/10 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 193

3/11 Keg clean & press: 7,6,6,6,6 Weight: 193

3/12 TB DL: 190x5; 205x5; 235x5; 270x5 Weight: 194

3/13 1 arm DB row: 5 @ 75x10 Weight: 194

I took my dog up to the snow for the 1st time Sunday and I totally spaced updating the thread:

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03-21-2021 , 10:06 PM
OLAD Week 47

3/15 TB DL: 190x5; 225x5; 5 @ 285x3 Weight: 192

3/16 DB push ups: 5x10 Weight: 194

3/17 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 193

3/18 Keg clean & press: 7,7,6,6,6 Weight: 193

3/19 TB DL: 190x5; 220x3; 260x3; 285x8 Weight: 194

3/20 1 arm DB row: 5 @ 75x10 Weight: 195.

Doing a version of Wendler 531 on the TB DL's. I will need some more weight soon.
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03-29-2021 , 12:46 PM
OLAD Week 48

3/22 TB DL: 190x5; 240x3; 3 @ 285x3 Weight: 196

3/23 DB push ups: 5x10 Weight: 194

3/24 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 193

3/25 Keg clean & press: 7,7,7,6,6 Weight: 194

3/26 TB DL: 190x5; 235x5; 270x3; 295x5 Weight: 193

3/27 1 arm DB row: 5 @ 75x10 Weight: 195

The last set on TB DL's the last 2 weeks was AMR.
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04-05-2021 , 01:34 PM
OLAD Week 49

3/29 TB DL: 190x5; 220x5; 3 @ 260x5 Weight: 194

3/30 DB push ups: 5x10 Weight: 194

3/31 Goblet squat: 5 @ 95x10 Weight: 192

4/1 Keg clean & press: 7,7,7,7,6 Weight: 194

4/2 TB DL: 190x5; 210x5; 240x5; 270x5 Weight: 195

4/3 1 arm DB row: 5 @ 75x10 Weight: 194

Had a really bad migraine on Tuesday. Was able to do push ups but I didn't eat for 24 hours. Felt a lot better on Wednesday.
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