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11-22-2014 , 12:59 PM

Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 175x3; 195x3; 210x3
RDL: 135x8; 165x8; 195x6; 225x6
Curl: 70x5; 80x3; 90x1; 100x1; 105x1; 110x1; 115x1; 120x1; 95x8
Ab stuff

Weight: 205
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11-22-2014 , 08:48 PM
How is it like to do pendlay-rows with so few reps?
It means 90° bent-over dead-rowing, right?

I have very long legs for my torso, and think about doing them off of 2 benches. Any tips how to approach the correct technique? Maybe assisting exercises for stability, too?

Might sound stupid, but don't you like doing dips, chin-ups/pull-ups?
You would likely be very strong at dips, with all that CG BP'S and MP's. And chin-up/pull-ups would allow your back to stretch out a bit. Just resting in the low position of pull-ups often gives my lower back a nice, not uncomfortable snap.

Last edited by TooRareToDie; 11-22-2014 at 08:58 PM.
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11-24-2014 , 05:03 PM
How is it like to do pendlay-rows with so few reps?
It means 90° bent-over dead-rowing, right?
I approach it like any other high weight (for me), low rep set. It is exactly as you describe it.

I have very long legs for my torso, and think about doing them off of 2 benches. Any tips how to approach the correct technique? Maybe assisting exercises for stability, too?
I would try them from the floor first. If you can't do them from the floor then I would try raising the bar as little as possible. Use a couple of mats or some plates or whatever you have handy.

Good form:

Knees bent. Back flat. Head up. My grip is pinkies on the rings.

As for assisting exercises I do planks and side planks which hit my core. Squats and push presses help as well.

Might sound stupid, but don't you like doing dips, chin-ups/pull-ups?
You would likely be very strong at dips, with all that CG BP'S and MP's. And chin-up/pull-ups would allow your back to stretch out a bit. Just resting in the low position of pull-ups often gives my lower back a nice, not uncomfortable snap.
I used to love doing dips. I always sucked at pull ups. I have figured out after years of hurting myself what I can and cannot do. Dips are a shoulder wrecker for me. Actually, I do hang from the pull up bar occasionally just as you describe. A little decompression every now and then.


Push press: 95x5; 115x5; 135x5; 150x5
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 170x3; 185x3; 195x3
Incline BP: 115x5; 135x3; 150x1; 160x1; 170x1; 180x1; 190x1; 150x8
Ab stuff

Weight: 205
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11-26-2014 , 05:51 PM

Leg curl: 90x8; 100x8; 110x4
Leg extension: 90x8; 110x6; 130x5; 150x5
SSB: 110x5; 150x3; 170x2; 190x2; 210x2; 225x2; 240x2
Ab stuff

Weight: 206
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11-28-2014 , 04:12 PM

Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x2; 175x2; 185x2; 195x2; 205x2; 215x2
RDL: 135x8; 165x8; 195x7; 225x6
Curl: 70x5; 80x3; 90x2; 95x2; 100x2; 105x2; 110x2
Ab stuff

Weight: 206. Going to Vegas for 4 nights on Sunday so I'm taking next week off from the gym. About due for a week off anyway.
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12-08-2014 , 03:58 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x3; 145x3; 155x3; 165x3
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 175x1; 190x1; 200x1; 210x1; 170x8
Inc BP: 115x5; 135x5; 150x5; 165x5
Ab stuff

Weight: 205. Felt good after a week off.
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12-10-2014 , 05:30 PM

SSB: 110x5; 150x3; 170x3; 190x3; 210x3; 230x3
Leg curl: 70x8; 90x8; 100x7
Leg extension: 90x8; 110x7; 130x5; 150x5
Ab stuff

Weight: 205. For as good as I felt on Monday, I felt weak as hell today. Everything was tough.
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12-12-2014 , 04:52 PM

Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 175x1; 195x1; 215x1; 225xF; 175x8. Couldn't get 225.
RDL: 135x8; 165x8; 195x7; 225x6
Curl: 70x5; 80x3; 90x3; 95x3; 100x3; 105x3
Ab stuff

Weight: 205
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12-15-2014 , 04:29 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x1; 145x1; 155x1; 165x1; 175x1; 140x8
CG BP: 115x5; 140x5; 160x5; 180x5
Incline BP: 115x5; 135x5; 145x1; 155x3; 165x3
Ab stuff

Weight: 206. Tweaked my back a bit on push presses and my right shoulder sounded like a bowl of rice krispies on inclines. Just another day in the geriatric ward.
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12-17-2014 , 04:35 PM

SSB: 110x5; 150x3; 170x1; 190x1; 210x1; 230x1; 250x1; 200x8
Leg curl: 70x8; 90x8; 100x8
Leg extension: 90x8; 120x8; 140x8
Ab stuff

Weight: 206
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12-19-2014 , 04:23 PM

Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 175x3; 195x3; 210x3
RDL: 135x8; 165x8; 195x8; 225x6
Curl: 70x5; 80x3; 90x1; 100x1; 105x1; 110x1; 115x1; 120x1; 95x7
Ab stuff

Weight: 207. Fattening up for Christmas.
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12-22-2014 , 04:30 PM

CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 170x3; 185x3; 195x3
Inc BP: 115x5; 135x3; 150x1; 160x1; 170x1; 180x1; 190x1; 150x9
Push press: 95x5; 115x5; 135x5; 150x5
Ab stuff

Weight: 208. Yikes. I'll deal with this after the 1st.
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12-24-2014 , 07:30 PM

Leg curl: 70x8; 90x8; 100x8
Leg extension: 90x8; 120x8; 150x8
Front squat: 95x5; 115x5; 135x5; 155x5
Ab stuff

Weight: 207. 7 people in the gym and 1 guy taking up the squat rack where the SSB is. Pivoted to front squats in the piece of **** rack on the patio. Actually felt good to do something different so a big thank you to the **** stick tying up my rack. Merry Christmas.
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12-26-2014 , 05:40 PM

Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x2; 175x2; 185x2; 195x2; 205x2; 215x2
RDL: 135x5; 185x5; 215x5; 235x5
Curl: 70x5; 80x3; 90x2; 95x2; 100x2; 105x2; 110x2
Ab stuff

Weight: 208
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12-30-2014 , 04:05 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x3; 150x3; 160x3; 170x3
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 175x1; 195x1; 205x1; 215x1; 175x7
Incline BP: 115x5; 135x5; 155x5; 170x5
Ab stuff

Weight: 207. My shoulder felt great until the inclines. I'm doing them with my index finger about 3" from the smooth. Thinking of just doing them index finger on the smooth.
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12-31-2014 , 04:06 PM

Front squat: 95x5; 115x3; 135x3; 145x3; 155x3; 165x3
Leg curl: 70x8; 90x8; 100x8
Leg extension: 90x8; 120x8; 150x8
Ab stuff

Weight: 207. Happy New Year!
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01-02-2015 , 04:39 PM

Pendaly row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 175x1; 195x1; 205x1; 215x1; 225x1; 180x8
RDL: 135x5; 185x5; 215x5; 235x5
Curl: 70x5; 80x3; 90x3; 95x3; 100x3; 105x3
Ab stuff

Weight: 208
3x3 Quote
01-05-2015 , 04:37 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x1; 145x1; 155x1; 165x1; 175x1; 180x1; 145x8
CG Incline BP: 115x5; 135x3; 145x3; 155x3; 165x3; 175x3
CG BP: 115x5; 140x5; 165x5; 185x5
Ab stuff

Weight: 208. Decided to just go close grip on the inclines too. Didn't effect the poundage I was going to use and also didn't effect my shoulder feeling like somebody shoved a knife in it when I raised my right arm as I was walking out of the gym. ****
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01-07-2015 , 05:47 PM

SSB: 110x5; 150x3; 170x1; 190x1; 210x1; 220x1; 230x1; 240x1; 190x8
Leg curl: 70x8; 90x8; 100x8
Leg extension: 90x8; 120x8; 150x8
Ab stuff

Weight: 209. Now might be a good time to cut down on the calories.
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01-09-2015 , 04:21 PM

Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x5; 165x5; 195x5
RDL: 135x5; 185x5; 215x5; 240x5
Curl: 70x5; 80x3; 90x1; 100x1; 105x1; 110x1; 115x1; 120x1; 95x7
Ab stuff

Weight: 209. The big push starts today. It's calorie cutting time. Hope to be down to 200 in a month.
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01-12-2015 , 05:22 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x5; 135x5; 155x5
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 170x3; 185x3; 200x3
Inc BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 165x1; 175x1; 185x1; 195xF; 155x6. Had a spotter for the 195 who barely had to touch the bar. Probably could have had 194.
Ab stuff

Weight: 206. Good start on the road to 200.
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01-14-2015 , 03:25 PM

SSB: 110x5; 150x3; 170x2; 190x2; 210x2; 220x2; 230x2
Leg curl: 70x8; 90x8; 100x8
Leg extension: 90x8; 120x8; 150x8
Ab stuff

Weight: ???? Came to the realization that the scale at my gym sucks. Are you telling me I gained 5 lbs since Monday? WTF. I'm going to buy a decent scale for the house and start weighing myself in the AM when I get up. Should have been done a long time ago.
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01-16-2015 , 03:40 PM

Pendlay row: 115x5; 135x3; 155x3; 175x3; 195x3; 215x3
RDL: 135x5; 185x5; 215x5; 245x4. Lost my grip on the last rep @ 245. I've lost a lot of strength in my right hand over the last few years. Not sure if it is arthritis but
I have trouble opening bottles and jars with my right hand. Left hand, no problem. I am left handed but there was never an imbalance until recently.
Curl: 70x5; 80x5; 90x5; 95x5
Ab stuff

Weight: 210. 210 it is on my new digital scale. I knew the scale at the gym sucked. Don't know why they got rid of their digital scale about a year ago.
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01-20-2015 , 03:37 PM

Push press: 95x5; 115x3; 135x3; 150x3; 165x1. Just couldn't get my shoulder loose. Everything felt heavy.
CG BP: 115x5; 135x3; 155x1; 175x1; 195x1; 210x1; 220x1; 175x8. These felt OK.
Inc BP: 115x5; 135x5; 155x5. Barely got the last rep @ 155. So much for trying 175x5.
Ab stuff

Weight: 208. Gym was closed yesterday. Not sure if it was the extra day off or my diet but I just felt weak as hell today (except on CG's for some reason).
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01-22-2015 , 05:32 PM

SSB: 110x5; 150x3; 170x3; 190x3; 210x3; 225x3
Leg curl: 70x8; 90x8; 100x8
Leg extension: 90x8; 120x8; 150x8
Ab stuff

Weight: 207. My shoulder was killing me at work Tuesday night. I couldn't even lift my right arm over my head. Felt better yesterday and today. All lower body today so not an issue, we'll see if I can do rows tomorrow.
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