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EDF MMA/fighting G'Day Hot Chicks Thread EDF MMA/fighting G'Day Hot Chicks Thread
View Poll Results: Who wins
40 70.18%
8 14.04%
15 26.32%
23 40.35%
28 49.12%
3 5.26%
10 17.54%
23 40.35%
13 22.81%
26 45.61%

03-28-2012 , 02:04 AM
I personally wouldn't cut Mo, but I don't know how you can say that calling a female commissioner a "racist bitch" isn't worse than an offensive joke.
03-28-2012 , 02:22 AM
Rape is an actual act that emotionally ruins a reasonable % of women in the US and the world. Calling a woman a bitch is just a pretty standard insult. Yes it's rude but not much more than that. Rape inspires great hurt in many people so a popular figure joking about it can cause a huge uproar. Calling a woman a bitch might stir a few feminist tards, but no one takes them seriously. Everyone takes rape seriously.

Rape has a huge potential to be bad PR for the UFC. An athlete calling a woman who clearly insults him a racist bitch is harsh, but not that huge of a deal.

I think if you play out the events on ESPN most people would probably side with King Mo just like they are on the internet. The woman was being a complete, condescending bitch and deserved to be called out.

Obviously I don't think King Mo should of worded it the way he did and probably should of been made to apologize, but firing him his ludicrous.

Last edited by StimAbuser; 03-28-2012 at 02:31 AM.
03-28-2012 , 02:31 AM
Also for the record I don't think I ever implied that I thought the Torres thing wasn't as bad. Simply stating that the public opinion seems to be extremely one sided even more so than the torres incident.
03-28-2012 , 03:43 AM
King Mo wasn't cut for just calling someone a bitch, he was cut for first getting busted taking PEDs and then calling someone a bitch.
03-28-2012 , 05:08 AM
zuffa had lots of reasons for not wanting to be in business with King mo, and this cut is highly expected. they treat people unfairly? hell yeah, but that's the case with most businesses. If you make people money they will treat you different than if you cost them money.

I'm a King mo fan, i love the way he fights and think he has a lot of potential. but he's an arrogant insulting ******* towards the fans (which i don't mind, i tend to root for the heels) despite not being a draw at all.
He gets busted for cheating, he's plagued with injuries, he gets a long suspension at the age of 31 and now the "racist bitch" thing.
He's also really expensive. I think he made 80k for his last fight (+15k win bonus = 95). Condit made 55+55 for beating Nick Diaz as comparison.

Hopefully he plays his cards right and eventually gets signed with UFC, but i can't really fault zuffa for cutting him at this point.

Last edited by kingofcool; 03-28-2012 at 05:10 AM. Reason: the ************** is not the n-word lol
03-28-2012 , 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by Hume
King Mo wasn't cut for just calling someone a bitch, he was cut for first getting busted taking PEDs and then calling someone a bitch.
Mo was asked the questions because his answers were contradicatory. It was much more of a smartass comment on the lack of consistency in Mo's defense. You are responsible for what is in your system. Tainted supplements are a excuse to fail the test, but not a reason accepted by the commission. Mo seemed adamant that his internet research was enough to get him off. I tend to agree with cc that he looked for tainted supplements, which could be blamed, after he was caught. Mo was juicing to get back faster from an injury, but it is juicing regardless.
03-28-2012 , 09:28 AM

It's not just the insult (you conveniently are ignoring the "racist" part of it), but who it was directed at. Torres, by my memory, was quoting an It's Always Sunny... episode, which goes to show just how serious EVERYONE takes the topic. (That is, plenty of people make jokes involving rape. It's not as taboo a subject as you're making it out to be.)

If we're ignoring context and judging in a vacuum, sure, you could make a case that what Torres tweeted was worse. But we aren't in a vacuum. Torres made a boneheaded joke on Twitter right after a couple other similar "scandals" and was made the scapegoat. Mo, and this wasn't the first time he attacked the commission, attacked a commissioner as a "racist bitch" because she was kind of a dick to him.

Last edited by MikeyPatriot; 03-28-2012 at 09:39 AM.
03-28-2012 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
Meh for some reason I feel like it most likely wasn't really a surprise and that most of the guys had a heads up going into it.

I doubt the UFC nor the NSAC would jeopardize an entire event that will bring both of them lots of money. Most likely Dana knew ahead of time and thus the guys knew ahead of time and it more so worked out like a publicity stunt to make everyone look good. My guess is no one pops, or MAYBE 1 person pops at worst and it was a case of having too much in their system to clean out before the conference.
I don't think the UFC had anything to do with this. This has the potential to cost them millions of dollars. If the guys are getting tipped off, it would need to be weeks in advance.

My guess is at least 2 guys get popped, maybe more.
03-28-2012 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by MikeyPatriot

It's not just the insult (you conveniently are ignoring the "racist" part of it), but who it was directed at. Torres, by my memory, was quoting an It's Always Sunny... episode, which goes to show just how serious EVERYONE takes the topic. (That is, plenty of people make jokes involving rape. It's not as taboo a subject as you're making it out to be.)

If we're ignoring context and judging in a vacuum, sure, you could make a case that what Torres tweeted was worse. But we aren't in a vacuum. Torres made a boneheaded joke on Twitter right after a couple other similar "scandals" and was made the scapegoat. Mo, and this wasn't the first time he attacked the commission, attacked a commissioner as a "racist bitch" because she was kind of a dick to him.
In your vacuum I agree that the fact Mo's comment was directed at the commission makes it much worse. Outside the vacuum though Dana has on numerous occasions called the NSAC incompetent morons. Joe Rogan has as well.

So when one of his fighters is completely disrespected by the commission and he also lashes out at them it seems pretty weak to fire him.

I'm aware incompetent moron=/=racist bitch. Still an example was set that apparently it was ok to talk trash to the commission.

Mo didn't attack a commissioner because she was kind of a dick to him. She was being a bitch and he called her a bitch. While it obviously can't be proven, you can't really blame him for feeling it was racial either. I don't like Mo and I'm a middle class white guy who is pretty relaxed on everything. When a white woman starts asking a black male if he understands English, and if he can read English my racist alarm bells go off immediately.

Think of it this way, does she ever say that to a white male? The answer is almost certainly no which makes there at least an underlining of racism.

Last edited by StimAbuser; 03-28-2012 at 01:37 PM.
03-28-2012 , 01:35 PM

Chavez Jr - Martinez apparently signed for Sep 15. Going to be a massive fight, possibly even PPV.
03-28-2012 , 01:55 PM
How is Mo cut and Paul Daley is still in Strikeforce?
03-28-2012 , 03:12 PM

I am positive she wouldn't ask that question to Rashad, Jones,or Davis and would be a good chance she would ask a white fighter because females gonna female. If it had been a guy I would give Mo's side more weight. And if she did ask any of those three they would find a way to respond on the spot to make her seem like a bitch without actually saying it.
03-28-2012 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by yowhatsup

I am positive she wouldn't ask that question to Rashad, Jones,or Davis and would be a good chance she would ask a white fighter because females gonna female. If it had been a guy I would give Mo's side more weight. And if she did ask any of those three they would find a way to respond on the spot to make her seem like a bitch without actually saying it.
Of course she wouldn't ask Jones or Davis...

They're white males.

She'd probably ask Rashad though.

Also Mo has a heavy accent because he's from the deep south. So implying he doesn't understand English nor can he read it due to his dirty south linguistics is still racist.
03-28-2012 , 05:27 PM
Not reasonable to say its racist. But to me Mo doesn't need to defend himself. People should be able to say what they want. I believe in freedom. She was a condescending **** to a public figure at at a public hearing and was called out as such afterwards. It was only her position at the hearing and the stigma of political correctness which allowed her to speak to King Mo with disrespect as such without being called out at that very moment. Standard bitch in power move, shouldn't be immune to the recipient of said bitch talk calling it like it is after the fact. Everyone knows Zuffa fired Mo for monetary reasons in one form or another. An unpopular dickhead who does drugs and requires real $$$ generally isn't good business
03-28-2012 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
In your vacuum I agree that the fact Mo's comment was directed at the commission makes it much worse. Outside the vacuum though Dana has on numerous occasions called the NSAC incompetent morons. Joe Rogan has as well.

So when one of his fighters is completely disrespected by the commission and he also lashes out at them it seems pretty weak to fire him.

I'm aware incompetent moron=/=racist bitch. Still an example was set that apparently it was ok to talk trash to the commission.

Mo didn't attack a commissioner because she was kind of a dick to him. She was being a bitch and he called her a bitch. While it obviously can't be proven, you can't really blame him for feeling it was racial either. I don't like Mo and I'm a middle class white guy who is pretty relaxed on everything. When a white woman starts asking a black male if he understands English, and if he can read English my racist alarm bells go off immediately.

Think of it this way, does she ever say that to a white male? The answer is almost certainly no which makes there at least an underlining of racism.
I see it more as an attempt to insult a liar than a racist comment. Mo's defense was as weak as Sonnen's minus the goofy, hippy doctor. The commission has legal authority and doesn't appreciate being lied to.

I also think the randon tests of fighters at the press conference was Kizer finally saying i am in charge. Basically the commission is attempting to clean up the game(or at least make the impression of cleaning up the game).
03-28-2012 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by ActionJeff
Not reasonable to say its racist. But to me Mo doesn't need to defend himself. People should be able to say what they want. I believe in freedom. She was a condescending **** to a public figure at at a public hearing and was called out as such afterwards. It was only her position at the hearing and the stigma of political correctness which allowed her to speak to King Mo with disrespect as such without being called out at that very moment. Standard bitch in power move, shouldn't be immune to the recipient of said bitch talk calling it like it is after the fact. Everyone knows Zuffa fired Mo for monetary reasons in one form or another. An unpopular dickhead who does drugs and requires real $$$ generally isn't good business
While I agree with most of what you say, if Mo had a consistent story which actually falls within the rules then he should not be suspended. However he is in charge of what supplements he consumes and the one he was popped for had been known to be dirty for awhile. Yeah it was a bitch power move but don't juice and then lie to the commission repeatedly and this is a nonissue.

Mo is playing the racecard to downplay the fact he was caught cheating. After the recent randoms Zuffa doesn't need to throw any more rocks at the NSAC bees nest. Dana's comments about Diaz and weed are also being used to placate the commission IMO.
03-28-2012 , 11:00 PM
I have no problem with Mo being cut. The commission is a body of authority. You cannot publically call a commissioner a racist bitch and expect to keep your job. It wouldn't fly in any other industry.
03-28-2012 , 11:01 PM

Yeah I agree completely. I wouldn't even have a problem with automatic release following the drug test. I'd just like some consistency; it annoys me that Zuffa pretends they are doing things because they are outraged at Torres or Mo or whoever for being un-PC, and not because of their bottom line. I believe Mo is a smart man and knows exactly what he's putting in his body. He and Cyborg are so completely FOS its almost endearing
03-28-2012 , 11:12 PM
I'm drifting into a esoteric philosphical discussion here, but Mo's comment is only public because he signed with Zuffa and his twitter and personal life is public, because his job and success has made him a celebrity. I dont agree that he shouldn't be allowed to say things about her. It's just how this political aspect of the world works. That doesn't make it just and I won't support it. Boo hoo bitch is a mean word. Its also mean to be rude and condescending to people, especially when they can't respond back freely, and in this way a minor abuse of power. I'm not saying she was really inappropriate in her comments or should even be sorry or not do it again or anything like that. I'm saying she was a bitch.

**** industry. Freedom
03-29-2012 , 01:20 AM
Mark Hunt +104!
03-29-2012 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by ActionJeff
I'm drifting into a esoteric philosphical discussion here, but Mo's comment is only public because he signed with Zuffa and his twitter and personal life is public, because his job and success has made him a celebrity. I dont agree that he shouldn't be allowed to say things about her. It's just how this political aspect of the world works. That doesn't make it just and I won't support it. Boo hoo bitch is a mean word. Its also mean to be rude and condescending to people, especially when they can't respond back freely, and in this way a minor abuse of power. I'm not saying she was really inappropriate in her comments or should even be sorry or not do it again or anything like that. I'm saying she was a bitch.

**** industry. Freedom
For me the bigger issue is the failed test and ridiculous excuse. I see the race issue as a distraction which could of been avoided by more professional conduct from the NSAC. Regardless Lawal was positive and his supplement excuse makes doesn't make it any more legal.
03-29-2012 , 03:29 AM
Just stumbled across this picture. Seemed like people in this thread might smirk at it.

03-29-2012 , 03:46 AM
Hmm I expected c_c to be a lot older than the girl in his class.
03-29-2012 , 04:07 AM
As you can see, she is a yellow/white belt, while I am only a yellow, almost a full rank ahead of me, and I have been told I am VERY mature for my age.
03-29-2012 , 04:49 AM
Should I feel bad I can not identify the age or species of the creature in black?

I suspect the one in white may be foreign to our planet, though I am not sure.
