Originally Posted by DannyOcean_
so, tonight's TUF:
Perfect example of how over-trained the TUF athletes are. Tito has his team doing conditioning all the freaking time, it's basically all they show with Tito. And surprise, his guy wins the first round but gasses out in the second and third and loses the fight. Doing any sort of conditioning with your fighters on TUF is beyond ******ed. The best guys will be cutting weight and fighting 4 times in six weeks, which will sap your energy like crazy. They should NOT be conditioning every day, they should be honing skills and not overly exerting themselves. Tito is crazy, and it looks like Kasey is actually gonna call him out on it next week. Should be interesting.
Yea, I totally agree with this. Fighting four times in 6 weeks is a huge strain on the body and staying healthy is probably the single biggest factor for making it to the finals.
My memory is fuzzy but I think there was some mini drama on the comeback season where a bunch of the vets just said screw it, we're taking more rest days.