I hate Star Wars. Did watch it in x30 version just to see what it was. Star wars to me is maybe the worst movie ever been made. To me this movie is ridiculous.
I know it's an awesome movie for most people, and I do respect that. But I just hacen't been able to watch it more than 10 minutes without changing channel. sorry about that
Jaws, odfathers ???? instant classics even tho jaws is seriously bad and godfather is very good
how the ffff am I supposed to recognize movies from the 60's and 70's ???????
Originally Posted by elbuennico
I hate Star Wars. Did watch it in x30 version just to see what it was. Star wars to me is maybe the worst movie ever been made. To me this movie is ridiculous.
I know it's an awesome movie for most people, and I do respect that. But I just hacen't been able to watch it more than 10 minutes without changing channel. sorry about that
Jaws, odfathers ???? instant classics even tho jaws is seriously bad and godfather is very good
You would think that someone who starts a thread like this is a film fan...