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Pokemon Go Pokemon Go

07-31-2016 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
I just won't be able to monitor the neighborhood from my apartment and run out like a crazy person when something I need spawns down the street any more.
Ha ha this was LOL. I dunno, seemed like a form of cheating anyway...just like when you're able to trade pokemon.

If you "catch them all" that didn't. You gotta catch em all yourself.
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 06:37 PM
I'd care a lot more about the lack of tracking if there had been just one pokemon in the last two weeks show up on my radar that I didn't have. never used any third party cheats

Improving the move balance is far more important.
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 06:41 PM
is it though?

theres no kind of battles that actually matter or is fun in any way
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 06:42 PM
3 step never worked for me either, but from what I read it used to work. Way to snipe that Gym jmakin, Saves the work and keeps it for Valor. Plus teaches the kid Life's not fair :P
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by petesgotaces
Ha ha this was LOL. I dunno, seemed like a form of cheating anyway...just like when you're able to trade pokemon.

If you "catch them all" that didn't. You gotta catch em all yourself.
I don't see how this is cheating, I didn't drive, I ran from my apartment down the street. If the in game radar worked I'd have used that to hunt, but I couldn't. I still had to physically get off my ass and go catch the Pokemon myself.
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Wow, yeah, they are talking like the game is completely dead/ruined.
Yeah, I'm trying to keep in mind that the sub is less than a million users. It's really only a very small portion of the playerbase throwing a sky-is-falling hissy fit. Annoying, toxic, and simply short-sighted; you'd think these folks have never played a game at launch before.
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
I'd care a lot more about the lack of tracking if there had been just one pokemon in the last two weeks show up on my radar that I didn't have. never used any third party cheats

Improving the move balance is far more important.
Well, before pokevision died, I was using it to scope out various areas where I might find ones I don't have.
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 06:50 PM
whats infuriating them is the fact that instead of fixing the tracking theyre banning the apps that help track
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
I don't see how this is cheating, I didn't drive, I ran from my apartment down the street.
Yeh you got off your ass to get a guaranteed new pokemon...pretty much cheating.

It's irrelevant that the tracking system is down. You're using third party software to effortlessly find new pokemon.

Anyways, whatevs. lol
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 07:23 PM
I don't/won't use a tracker, but I'm not going to **** on the people who do. It's not like they are GPS Spoofing/Botting, actively ruining the fun. They are still outside playing the same game as us.
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 07:37 PM
This new update sucks ass.
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by nit3.runn3r
This new update sucks ass.
Yeah, it now takes 2-3 times the number of balls to catch pokemons.
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 08:06 PM
I was noticing that before this update tbh
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 08:18 PM
I feel like it's harder to catch pokemon the higher level you are, and people have been leveling a while, are higher level, and maybe blame the update over it taking more balls to catch.

Originally Posted by dgoin
I Have 10km egg, bet read somewhere that it was best to wait till you are between 18-20 to try and hatch. I haven't even seen some of the pokemon that has been posted yet,
I didn't see anyone address this, but I believe I've read that the eggs will hatch something appropriate to the level of when you got your egg, not the level you are when it hatches.
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by whatthejish
I don't/won't use a tracker, but I'm not going to **** on the people who do. It's not like they are GPS Spoofing/Botting, actively ruining the fun. They are still outside playing the same game as us.
Without Pokevision, I would have had to have spent far more time than just about anyone is willing to spend to find certain critters when there is such little guidance. Like, I'm not that far from the water right now, but it's apparently not close enough to spawn water pokemon. If I do go to the nearest water, a public trail along the Bay, that area gets literally no pokemon spawns. Looking at various other water sources, some would spawn a small number of water types, but certainly not all. As I was clicking around, there looked to be literally just one park for miles around where charmanders would have a reasonable probability of being. One park where jynxes would spawn. One park for drowzees. And one stretch along the coast that was pretty consistently rich in water pokemon that just weren't seen elsewhere. If the spawn locations are so tightly controlled geographically, how is anyone supposed to find them without an ability to track in game or to use 3rd party tools on the internet? Most people would be inclined to think that the game is dumb and that it's impossible to catch many critters in the wild without binking them in eggs.
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 08:46 PM
Lol using third party apps is clearly against the spirit of the game and certainly cheating.

I actually find the game really interesting with respect to talking to people about it. People for some reason are lying left right and center about using the apps and spending money on stuff.
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by grando1.0
Lol using third party apps is clearly against the spirit of the game and certainly cheating.

I actually find the game really interesting with respect to talking to people about it. People for some reason are lying left right and center about using the apps and spending money on stuff.
I guess, but it won't take you long to count the number of ****s I give about "cheating" to repair fundamental functionality in a broken game.
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 09:03 PM
That's fair - whatever justification you need I suppose. But lol at "fundamental functionality".
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 09:39 PM
the whole point of the game imo is finding pokemon, not knowing exactly where to go to get them
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 10:12 PM
lol people are so spoiled.

Can't have them all right now??? Whelp. Better cheat.
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
the whole point of the game imo is finding pokemon, not knowing exactly where to go to get them
Pretty sure the point of the game is make Niantic as much money as possible.

Not easily finding pokeman I'm sure has no correlation to that goal.
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 10:31 PM
I enjoy being surprised by new Pokemon when I travel. Don't care about gyms at all really, just like catching, leveling, and evolving.

I am hoping they add some more worthwhile competitive stuff, though. I'm sure they will... hopefully they do it before everyone gets bored.
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 10:33 PM
Not being a Pokemon person at all, how many overall Pokemon are there total including all versions of the game?
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 10:35 PM
And I'd be surprised with the success if there wasn't a blank check associated with quickly improving this game and including peer to peer fighting
Pokemon Go Quote
07-31-2016 , 10:39 PM
I'm hoping for some global events for teams. For example, Team Rocket enters as an NPC team that takes over every gym worldwide simultaneously. Teams take it back, adding each takeover to a global scoreboard.

I think there are a lot of possibilities for fun stuff. Apparently Ingress had quite a few events.
Pokemon Go Quote
