Originally Posted by mashxx
question: how does one actually decide about bandit rewards? I'm having problems with assessing it myself and not taking it from a guide from someone smarter than me.
I'm thinking I should:
normal: save kraityn (and oak?)
cruel: save all (?)
merciless: kill all I guess, I have no plans for implementing frenzy/endu/power stuff
Normal: If life-based build, help Oak for 40 life. Otherwise kill them all. You can easily make up the resists from kraityn with gear later in the game, and the mana from Alira isn't great.
Cruel: If you're a pure physical damage based build I prefer to help Oak. Kraityn's attack speed bonus is good too, especially if you are not pure physical damage. Again, Alira's bonus isn't great so I'd prob take the passive point over it.
Merciless: Kill them all unless you plan on using F/E/P charges.