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Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS )

06-15-2016 , 12:15 AM
I think my biggers problems are more basic FPS skills like map awareness, accuracy, and reflex.

I am also just charging the bow and moving slowly too much.

TLDR: I really suck at FPS.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-15-2016 , 12:45 AM
Will anyone play this with me even though I'll be obviously awful? I don't really want to buy it and not have anyone to play with.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-15-2016 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by jmakin
how did you revive twice

yea mercy's fly mechanic is fun til it sends you careening off a cliff because it has a weird habit of locking on to your last target regardless of if you're still looking at them
You can change it so that you can heal one guy and glide to another.

Originally Posted by killer_kill
Will anyone play this with me even though I'll be obviously awful? I don't really want to buy it and not have anyone to play with.
It's normally pretty fun to play with new players because it reduces your average MMS, which means I'm playing against worse players than usual.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-15-2016 , 01:24 AM
My new favorite thing to do for the lulz in pubby games.

Bastion defending point B on Volskaya. Get on one of those moving platforms in the air and set up as a turret. Float past the offense trickling in and mow down as many as you see each lap around the map. Bastion drive-bys!
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-15-2016 , 06:58 AM
As a Mercy player, I really enjoyed this play of the game:
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-15-2016 , 07:23 AM
I don't get the hate at all. Reinhart is fun as hell to play, the key is stacking all of his abilities + ult.

Charge their tank, ultimate, swing 2x, then use his ranged attack, and then back up with your shield. Usually always good for 2-3 kills and possibly more.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-15-2016 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
Bastion defending point B on Volskaya. Get on one of those moving platforms in the air and set up as a turret. Float past the offense trickling in and mow down as many as you see each lap around the map. Bastion drive-bys!
This tactic has completely rekt my pub teams whenever i've faced it.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-15-2016 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
My new favorite thing to do for the lulz in pubby games.

Bastion defending point B on Volskaya. Get on one of those moving platforms in the air and set up as a turret. Float past the offense trickling in and mow down as many as you see each lap around the map. Bastion drive-bys!
This is hilarious can't wait to try it
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-15-2016 , 09:08 AM
lol yes
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-15-2016 , 09:08 AM
People have done that tactic with multiple offensive Torbjorns. Once they get their ult it gets ridiculous
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-15-2016 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by killer_kill
Will anyone play this with me even though I'll be obviously awful? I don't really want to buy it and not have anyone to play with.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-15-2016 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
My new favorite thing to do for the lulz in pubby games.

Bastion defending point B on Volskaya. Get on one of those moving platforms in the air and set up as a turret. Float past the offense trickling in and mow down as many as you see each lap around the map. Bastion drive-bys!
I had that done to me on day 1. I was not thrilled.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-15-2016 , 01:31 PM
my favorite pub derp strategy thing for a stretch was posting up with multiple bastions and reinhardts on the right side of the bridge defending the A point on Anubis. It ruins people. helps to have a mercy and a DPS to cover flanks
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-15-2016 , 03:10 PM
Sample size of maybe a dozen games now, have played both sides, but have yet to see a six man Torbjorn defending team lose.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-15-2016 , 03:32 PM
If opposition goes 1 sniper or 1 reinhardt, it'd lose. Though I admit it's fun to try.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-15-2016 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by Clayton
added u both
Originally Posted by ryguy2fly
umm whos playing on PC and has teamspeak? The game is fun but not that fun playing solo... better than cs tho ~_~

add me rgdts#1662
Originally Posted by jmakin
I do jmakin#1264
added you both as well. My battletag is TheReckoner#1681.

Last edited by Aves2; 06-15-2016 at 09:38 PM.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-16-2016 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by _dave_
Sorry, I'll if I get it it'll be for PC.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-16-2016 , 06:43 AM
Ah, PS4 here but seems there are quite a few PC players in here sharing screen names. any of these people with #1234 at the end of their name are on PC.

My guess it's probably the harshest platform to solo on, though. Also PC players have to deal with regions? no idea, but I see it mentioned.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-16-2016 , 06:55 AM
Yeh, we have regions. I'm Sciolist#2376 in EU if anyone doesn't have me.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-16-2016 , 08:01 AM
Is the game a tiny bit slower paced on Console? I think I am going to play on console if that's the case. Seeing people twitching 180 in air is driving me nuts. I could do that 20 years ago with my hunter but now... lol. I'd never hit anything.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-16-2016 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
If opposition goes 1 sniper or 1 reinhardt, it'd lose. Though I admit it's fun to try.
I have to disagree. People have tried to counter with Junkrats, Reinhardt's, snipers, Pharahs. In theory these things are counters but I think six well placed turrets crushes. Limited experience but it seems incredibly hard to beat.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-16-2016 , 03:26 PM
Snipers work because they outrange the turret. Reinhardt works if he moves in slowly because the turret doesn't have enough dps to stop the soldier behind him.

I have been drinking so I want to be careful about annoying you. But 6 Torb is fairly similar to bastion being a problem. Or bastion on the platforms on Volskaya. It's just a thing you get comfortable beating.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-16-2016 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by grizy
Is the game a tiny bit slower paced on Console? I think I am going to play on console if that's the case. Seeing people twitching 180 in air is driving me nuts. I could do that 20 years ago with my hunter but now... lol. I'd never hit anything.
yea i would say from what i have seen it is.

it is a lot more forgiving, but did get to the point where i tuned genji's controls up because striking through you always need to 180 and doing it faster is much better

every other character is still default
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-17-2016 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by WildBobAA
you must not play with Karak much
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-17-2016 , 01:28 AM
cant even imagine trying to play this game with a controller
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
