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Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS )

05-31-2016 , 08:29 PM
My favorite match so far was being part of a whole match all-Tjorbon squad that absolutely wrecked on defense. Never even got close. I can visualize the map in my head but I can't remember its name; it wasn't a payload.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
05-31-2016 , 10:39 PM
just got this game

lots of fun
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
05-31-2016 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
on a scale of terrible to must buy, how would you rank this game?
must buy.

This for PVP and Doom for PVE are a return to the golden age of FPS, pretty much.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
05-31-2016 , 11:29 PM
Is this only pvp?
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-01-2016 , 12:04 AM
Yes. You can play vs bots, in sort of a practice mode. But the game is entirely pvp really.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-01-2016 , 12:30 AM
must buy, not close.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-01-2016 , 12:58 AM
Meh I'm not enjoying it much . Thought it would be more
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-01-2016 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by wesrwood
Meh I'm not enjoying it much . Thought it would be more
...go on big fella.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-01-2016 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by karamazonk
My favorite match so far was being part of a whole match all-Tjorbon squad that absolutely wrecked on defense. Never even got close. I can visualize the map in my head but I can't remember its name; it wasn't a payload.
I've only run into one all Torbjorn team but it was insanity and I wanted to rip my dick off.

Originally Posted by Karak
just got this game

lots of fun
wtf finally

lets stomp some pubs
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-01-2016 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
I was only able to start on Sunday and I'm on 18 hours so far. I will be surprised if I don't make it to 500 hours. Right now it's close to everything I've wanted in an FPS but wasn't able to find.

The 500h club for me is Quake (1), Red Alert (1) and Starcraft (1). All that's come close is RTCW and Civ 4, and the latter hardly counts as it's single player.

I know I sound overenthusiastic, and maybe this will fade out soon, but this game is really good.

For balance: public games sometimes really suck. Oh, 3 of you have picked sniper? I guess this is going to suck. Oh, you are upset? I guess I have to read your ****. Oh, you won? I guess I have to read your ****.

It's also really weird how you are rewarded for playing in a group. You made it harder for the other guy and you get a reward?

Come to think of it, I'm at least 2,500h for SC and QW.
I also concur that so far for me the pitfall of this game is that communication is so important and it makes playing in pubs just awful sometimes. That plus bad matchmaking will make you not have a fun time. However the game is the most fun I've had in a while if you can get some pre-made 4-6 man teams and go to town.

The communication is way different than in something like LoL where you can use pings on the map, and where you can just dominate an opponent 1v1 and change the tides of the game. In Overwatch being able to voicechat is king.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-01-2016 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by karamazonk
My favorite match so far was being part of a whole match all-Tjorbon squad that absolutely wrecked on defense. Never even got close. I can visualize the map in my head but I can't remember its name; it wasn't a payload.
I had this yesterday too, then one team went all bastion, all tracer, etc. Quite interesting to try those things. The single hero team lost every time though, but only because of the max range on Torb's turrets.

Originally Posted by g-bebe
The communication is way different than in something like LoL where you can use pings on the map, and where you can just dominate an opponent 1v1 and change the tides of the game. In Overwatch being able to voicechat is king.
One of my favourite things is that you can dominate an opponent 1 on 1, if just because of the hero matchup. Though I like to think I'll win every soldier v soldier fight at this level.

Matchmaking also means that at the moment I tend to either carry my team, or we get totally crushed, which is a bit ****ty.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-01-2016 , 03:34 AM
Fortunately the group of people in my circle of online friends is steadily growing, so I haven't had to solo queue more than in a quick game before work.

Group queue with voice makes all the difference in this game's enjoyment for me.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-01-2016 , 07:43 AM
This game is awesome and even better with friends!
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-01-2016 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
Mei just looks white to me.
Well, that's the asian beauty standard anyway. Have you ever seen Chinese or Korean models? They are very pale skinned almost exclusively.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-01-2016 , 11:44 AM
We won a control match w my team yesterday playing 5 winston and 1 lucio, was very fun. They tried all pharah and then switched to reaper but it was too late.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-01-2016 , 12:22 PM
Guess some of you xboxers gonna have to ship me screen names and show me the ropes
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-01-2016 , 01:33 PM
My tag is Aceium#1708

The game is pretty fun but I would prefer to play with a couple of people I know instead of just solo queuing.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-01-2016 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Aceium
My tag is Aceium#1708

The game is pretty fun but I would prefer to play with a couple of people I know instead of just solo queuing.

Xbox or ps4?
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-01-2016 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
We won a control match w my team yesterday playing 5 winston and 1 lucio, was very fun. They tried all pharah and then switched to reaper but it was too late.
That's one of our audibles we can call out over voice.

"Ape Escape!"

Everyone goes Winston. Much lols ensue.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-01-2016 , 02:05 PM
Lol, we tried a "let's make overwatch great again" Mei wall strat but it didn't really work. Chaining our ults made me laugh really hard though.

The best all 1 hero team game I played was 6 symmetra, one of our guys kept saying "OUR TRIANGLES WILL BLOT OUT THE SUN!" and we won somehow. They tried to counter with junkrat. Next game I went against the same guys and played winston and they didn't have a chance.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-01-2016 , 05:54 PM
I've only played this game a few hours, but I've already learned that you must play with a team. I think I've only won two or three matches because you've got randoms running all over the place trying to kill and not playing the objective.

It is very frustrating and not all that fun when the team doesn't work together.

Also, I don't understand how you are put into a game. One time I waited like 30 seconds to be put in a game, and didn't even get to select a character and "DEFEAT" scrolls across the screen! WTF? Staying in a game seems hard as a random, because everyone quits when they lose and then you have to wait again to get into another game.

I'd like to stomp some pubs! Usually play around 8pm to 11pm mountain time.

Add me on PS4: Below0zero0.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-01-2016 , 05:59 PM
Gets slightly better at higher levels

I still hate solo q'ing around lvl 30
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-02-2016 , 12:03 AM
tpain streaming overwatch
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-02-2016 , 01:09 AM
The ps4 reg crew needs some new blood.
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
06-02-2016 , 02:25 PM
Attacking on anubis, enemy team went 5 widow +1 mercy

we won in under a minute
Overwatch (New Blizzard Franchise - FPS ) Quote
