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Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion

01-06-2010 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by ItalianFX
Just got done playing a long session. Had a group of 5-6 friends, most of who are pretty awesome. One guy consistently getting 20+ kills. At one point we had a 12 match win streak.

Then the group broke up, we stayed in a group, but the best guy left. We got into a match against 5 guys who were in a party and we went like 5-0 against them. They were going crazy, yelling at us calling us "*****s." (the "N" word) It was so funny. I had to mute my bluetooth so they wouldn't hear me laughing my ass off.

Anyways, I averaged maybe 7-10 kills, but I still don't feel like I'm progressing like I should be. I'm still having trouble aiming. I feel like my guy is sluggish, not moving around very well. It's probably normal, but I feel like he should move faster.

I mainly use the Scar w/ holographic sights and grenade launcher, forget the perks (maybed cold blooded and ninja). I loved the RPD, but for some reason I lost interest in it. I'm having trouble using it now. I've been using the Barrett sniper on Wasteland and doing ok.

I just don't know what to do to improve. I'm lvl 34. I want to get into the 20 kill zone consistently, using the killstreak rewards. 2 other guys we were playing with were absolutely crushing some of the games with like 60 kills when we were playing headquarters pro. My friend was saying there is an auto-aim feature, but I don't think it works for me. haha
do u play normal core mode? if so u cant really do without SP as a perk, once u learn how to shoot anyways.

lets pwn some kids
XBL - halfbked

(all my friends r off and need people who dont yell down mic to play with)
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 05:22 AM
I hate the holographic sight so that might be your aiming deal. I just find it obscures too much field of vision. If you can use the iron sights it'll free up a slot to use something more useful like extended mags, fmj, shotgun, or noob tube. If you're not using scavenger you should probably use extended mags on the scar. If you don't have them stick a noob tube on it and bomb popular camp windows.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 05:34 AM
hyakhlhafry life tilt. Wanted to play all ****ing day. We have that weird match where LML got pissed and left, then my gf calls me and is in the hospital :\ ughhh.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 05:38 AM
spent all day playing TDM with the intervention/SOH pro/SP pro/SA pro

by the end of my session i was consistently racking 14-22 kills with 6-10 deaths

except on estate

**** that map

before you say 'oh hay kkc discovered camping' i'll let you know i was getting the 'nomad' award with regularity

couple questions -

is steady aim necessary for quick scoping? i <3 ninja pro so much that i am willing to have my crosshairs a little wider in order to knife hbs campers silly.

will a true quick scope count as a hipfire kill? once i got the 'sprayer' award (most hipfire kills) and all my kills were either with the intervention or the knife i believe.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 05:40 AM
oh man setting up shop the 'villa' in the NE corner of rundown when your team spawns on the other side of the map isn't even fair
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 05:40 AM
Ctrick311-gamertag - CtRiCk311
obv. if your not playing hardcore than your not playing cod5
nothing more fun than unloading an entire clip into some1 and having them run away in a reg. core match
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by Ctrick311
Ctrick311-gamertag - CtRiCk311
obv. if your not playing hardcore than your not playing cod5
nothing more fun than unloading an entire clip into some1 and having them run away in a reg. core match
Have you even played the regular game? It takes like 3 or 4 bullets to kill someone.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 05:48 AM
3-4 headshots maybe
come on. cores no fun
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 06:01 AM
Originally Posted by Ctrick311
3-4 headshots maybe
come on. cores no fun
intervention + stopping power imo
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by SeanyJ
Have you even played the regular game? It takes like 3 or 4 bullets to kill someone.
maybe with 4 bars. a kill is like 6-8 shots for me.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 06:05 AM
hope your girl is ok rj
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by deucedeuces
maybe with 4 bars. a kill is like 6-8 shots for me.
ok agreed. but while 6-8 bullets hit, about 6-8 also sprayed elsewhere for me. maybe its something to get used to. playing core immediately after hardcore is the killer i guess.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 06:36 AM
GG KTD ratio.

Went from 1.96 to 1.88 in ~5 matches playing around with riot shield and throwing knife. I was pretty amazed how easy it is to destroy my ktd considering how hard it has been to build it up.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 06:53 AM
Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
GG KTD ratio.

Went from 1.96 to 1.88 in ~5 matches playing around with riot shield and throwing knife. I was pretty amazed how easy it is to destroy my ktd considering how hard it has been to build it up.
how many kills do you have total? must be under 5K right? i have another account that i use when i want to try out new things like that. i know it doesnt matter at all(then again, what really does) but it really annoys me when my K/D ratio drops.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by ItalianFX
I had to mute my bluetooth so they wouldn't hear me laughing my ass off.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 07:24 AM
I hate how huge my swings can be, I can run over 4-5 TD's getting 20+ kills and 5-10 deaths then the next day I start every match 0-5, cant even get a kill.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 07:26 AM
some people, pros even, wont play mw2. they cant handle the swings
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by Ctrick311
3-4 headshots maybe
come on. cores no fun
Core is for people who can use both joysticks at the same time.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by LetMeLive
some people, pros even, wont play mw2. they cant handle the swings
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 08:19 AM
Discovered the best class ever for GW
Mini Uzi, AA-12 with extended mags, scav, stop power and steady aim
40+ kills every map
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 09:11 AM
If anyone runs or wants to run some HQ send me a FR, i normally run with 4-6 always but since noone is on i dont feel like risking a 404 game win streak by myself.

xbl - USDA Blade
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 09:17 AM
i like tht first post heaps <3
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 09:20 AM
lolz dont think i had an account ever but have read for years. Bordum will cause the creation of a new account tho.
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 09:22 AM
so stealing the wtf avatar!!
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
01-06-2010 , 09:25 AM
ehh not like ill lose sleep over it. Any chance we can put some people together or am i just destined to grind 50nl right now?
Modern Warfare 2 General Discussion Quote
