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10-29-2009 , 05:04 AM
Finally won a zend draft. g/w allies. blademaster is sick.
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10-29-2009 , 08:24 AM
Speaking of Blademaster, I wonder how many pieces of Art Wizards has just lying around waiting for Cards. Petty sure the Blademaster picture says 07 on it.
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10-29-2009 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by Freakin
Finally won a zend draft. g/w allies. blademaster is sick.
yeah he's been responsible for like half of my zendikar losses lol, if he gets to 3/3 he just owns the field its so annoying
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
10-29-2009 , 11:28 AM

How did I do? I wasn't sure if I should use goblin bushwhacker or not or if I should use 0, 1 or 2 magma rifts? I could neglect red altogether and just splash white for the pitfall trap and use the bog tatters/grim discovery or vampire's bite?
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
10-29-2009 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by w0RthLeSs

How did I do? I wasn't sure if I should use goblin bushwhacker or not or if I should use 0, 1 or 2 magma rifts? I could neglect red altogether and just splash white for the pitfall trap and use the bog tatters/grim discovery or vampire's bite?
Youre build is good and it is correct not to play the wackers as double red is tough and waters down your mindsludge/rippers and chances to hit hideous end early. I really dont like your alternatives to a red splash.

Im not sure why you are playing 18 land really. 17 is plenty with that many 1 drops and id go to 16 if, you had a couple more playables and it wasnt for really wanting to hit sorin or activate ripper. Consider cutting a mt or swmp for vampires bite or bog tatters. Tatters is surprisingly good w/ the amount of black drafted.

Consider siding in nimbus wings/pitfall trap/bog tatters package vs anyone nonblue. Turn 1 lacerator, t2 wings or even later for the win is such a beating. I originally thought wings was pretty bad but it has won me quite a few matches in nonblue aggro mirrors. I don't maindeck it often but I side it in a lot. It is a blowout vs bg and often good in other matches.

Windborne charge is my favorite XW aggro card and I will pick it over almost anything if im in that archetype. Luckily it doesnt come up often in the same pack w/ blademaster and shephard.

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10-29-2009 , 04:47 PM
Lived the dream in sealed:

On the play, opponent missed two drop.
T1 kor duelist, t2 adv gear equip, t3 teetering peeks take 10.

He killed my duelist w/ a turn 3 hideous end but i was ready for a t4 windborn charge.

Magic: The gathering Online Quote
10-29-2009 , 08:24 PM

thoughts on this, the last couple spots are pretty tricky, I think outfitter>cliff game1 but cliff is easier on the mana
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
10-29-2009 , 08:25 PM
Sorry, another noobish question. How easy is it to trade/sell cards or tickets? I have a couple I would like to sell, do i just post in the classifieds? Or is that mainly for bots and I need to find someone to trade with elsewhere?

Also is there any actual benefit to foil cards other than some people think they are worth more because they look cool?
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10-29-2009 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by bottomset

thoughts on this, the last couple spots are pretty tricky, I think outfitter>cliff game1 but cliff is easier on the mana
Decent build. i like cliffthreader>outfitter by a decent margin. I would most likely play both cut a land. I would then cut the skyruin drake for a bold escape or most likely an ox. With 2 tsunamis you are going to stick at 4 land a lot w/o scope. Keep your curve low and aggressive. With 2 tsunamis and 2 skyfishers you wont need the 18 lands to trigger the only 3 landfall effects as much. Also, the two tsunamis will prevent you from ever kicking conquerers pledge.

There is something to be said for cutting 4 5 drops and a land for like cliffthreader, nimbus wings, 2 escapes, and an owl. This might be a better config vs a lot of the br, bw, monored, monoblack aggro decks. Whiplash trap is better vs the field prob tho as it deals w/ big fat green guys and blocking flyers best.

Edit: wish you had picked up a windborne charge or at the very least a bold defense goes a long way in decks of 2/2s.

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10-29-2009 , 10:37 PM
yeah I ended up cutting a land, since tsunami locks me at 4 a lot for another 2drop, I kept drake in as it shuts down so many attackers

deck performed great tsunami is such beats and a got to 5 lands often enough for whiplash to be gamebreaking
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10-29-2009 , 10:53 PM
I think you just need to try and wait until 5 lands for tsunami especially when you have other decent 4 drops whenever you can.
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10-29-2009 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by Kevin8423
I think you just need to try and wait until 5 lands for tsunami especially when you have other decent 4 drops whenever you can.
idk, he's so much better than the other 4drops and hard to deal with, I think t4 eel t5 tsunami is ok but t4 tsunami, t5 eel is pretty similar and harder to handle

if you play the eel t4 and it gets disfigured its such a kick in the nuts
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
10-30-2009 , 12:41 AM
I've just played a bunch of games where I play tsunami turn 4 and if I don't win quickly then I generally lost because I was stuck on 4 land while my opponent wasn't. So sure, turn 4 tsunami unanswered is amazing, but I think the downside is far worse than what you get for waiting for the 5th land.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
10-30-2009 , 01:43 AM
what do you guys think about this, from GP Tampa, its top4 conley plays a mold shambler only tapping 5mana, without announcing kicker, then quick taps the forest

when he puts the shambler in play he only has 5mana tapped, opponent gets a judge ruling who allows the shambler to be kicked based on intent to kick

6min mark in that video

Conley goes onto win 2-0 with his opponent heavily flooded both games, and refuses the handshake lol

I guess it seems nuts to allow intent plays at the pro level, is requiring rock solid technical play too much to ask for?
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10-30-2009 , 01:46 AM
I mean he tapped 5, its half between 4 and 6.

I guess if he tapped 4 thats one thing, 5 iunno.
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10-30-2009 , 02:00 AM
Lol which player refused the handshake?
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10-30-2009 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by Kevin8423
I've just played a bunch of games where I play tsunami turn 4 and if I don't win quickly then I generally lost because I was stuck on 4 land while my opponent wasn't. So sure, turn 4 tsunami unanswered is amazing, but I think the downside is far worse than what you get for waiting for the 5th land.
Yeah I've almost always regretted t4 tsunami and generally I am not as protective of it as I should be.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
10-30-2009 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by bottomset
what do you guys think about this, from GP Tampa, its top4 conley plays a mold shambler only tapping 5mana, without announcing kicker, then quick taps the forest

when he puts the shambler in play he only has 5mana tapped, opponent gets a judge ruling who allows the shambler to be kicked based on intent to kick

I guess it seems nuts to allow intent plays at the pro level, is requiring rock solid technical play too much to ask for?
Man that would never have flown back in the old days. If you didn't announce you were paying the kicker, it wasn't kicked, even if you had tapped six lands... I don't see why that should have been changed.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
10-30-2009 , 11:49 AM
Here's his side of the story:


The semis brought about some drama. Going into the game I was all smiles and jokes, as I typically am. I mean, we are in Tampa in the top 8 of a Grand Prix playing a game we love, whats not to be happy about? Regardless, I lead with a turn 2 Survivalist into turn 3 Greenweaver Druid to John Mays’ Umara Raptor. On my turn 4, I tap my lands and Greenweaver Druid to play a Mold Shambler with kicker, pointing at his lone island. It is at this time that I realize one of my Forests didn’t tap for some reason, or spun around 270 degrees etc, so I go back to tap it. John quickly points at the land I just tapped and claims “You didn’t play it with kicker.” He calls the judge who is sitting right next to him as we have 2 judges pretty intently watching our match. I am quick to point out that I grabbed the Forest and tapped it and even pointed at his Island. My opponent says I never announced kicker at this point, despite acknowledging that I pointed at his land. The judge obviously rules in my favor as no sane person would pay 5 for a Mold Shambler and even point at an Island.

While I don’t agree with what John has done at this point, as I would never do that to an opponent, I obviously understand what he is trying to do at this point and it involved one of two things. He is either fishing for a penalty and possibly a game loss, or trying to put me on tilt, or both. So I ask him at this point (as I am not one to back down from these sorts of encounters), “Are you really trying to rules lawyer me in the Top 8 of a GP?” Everything up to this point is fine in my opinion, and the match would have continued on but what he said next was what put it over the top. “You need to own up to your mistakes. You made a mistake and should suffer the consequences.” I honestly can’t believe that a Top 8 opponent is digging this far down to get a ruling and decide to just focus on the game at this point and beat this guy as fast as possible. After the match, during an interview, my opponent interpreted this as me “being a jerk, and going on tilt” when in reality, all I wanted to do was beat him. Why would I continue to talk and chat with someone who is pulling backdoor techniques against me? He chose his tactics and I subsequently chose mine. I did just that, quickly beating him 2-0. He offered the handshake at this point, to which I replied “No thank you.”
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
10-30-2009 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by bottomset
thoughts on this decision its pack 3 pick 6

disfigure vs tuktuk grunts

I have 2burst lightnings, and a lot of early creatures, for allies I have 2 highland beserkers, a sell sword, 2tuktuk, 1kazuul warlord and a pyromancer

you take tuktuk there right? I mean you never see disfigure 6th so it was weird
I played my first Zendikar draft last night. I got shipped a pick 7 disfigure in one of the packs. As far as I recall there had not been a black signal up to that point. I didn't end up taking it because I wasn't in black at all, but I don't understand how these are going so late.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
10-30-2009 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Pyromantha
Man that would never have flown back in the old days. If you didn't announce you were paying the kicker, it wasn't kicked, even if you had tapped six lands... I don't see why that should have been changed.
I think pointing to a target is a pretty clear intention of kickering it. Conley is clearly in the right here.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
10-30-2009 , 01:54 PM
Conley is very obviously right, right down to refusing the handshake. It was obvious that he intended to kick it and tapped more than the regular casting cost to do so. His opponent was a huge douchebag about it.

Under the "new" rules (changed a few years ago), you announce the total casting cost and all abilities and THEN pay for the spell. Since Conley clearly announced "Mold Shambler with kicker targeting your Island," the fact that he tapped five lands is irrelevant.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
10-30-2009 , 01:57 PM
ty kyle, i thought i was going crazy reading some of the replies
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
10-30-2009 , 02:10 PM
I mean, he could have been a bigger man and shook the guy's hand. That would have been the "right" thing to do. But **** that. I wouldn't have.
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10-30-2009 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by kyleb
Conley is very obviously right, right down to refusing the handshake. It was obvious that he intended to kick it and tapped more than the regular casting cost to do so. His opponent was a huge douchebag about it.

Under the "new" rules (changed a few years ago), you announce the total casting cost and all abilities and THEN pay for the spell. Since Conley clearly announced "Mold Shambler with kicker targeting your Island," the fact that he tapped five lands is irrelevant.
yeah I was def wrong here, after checking up on the rules and seeing they allow a lot more leeway

I guess I'm used to the poker world where you don't get away with that, oops bet 55 instead of 5.5 tough luck, I like that, rewards stronger technical play and awareness
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